Africa and the lies of African slavery is a cunt.
For thousands of years Africans had been enslaving Africans long before any “white’ people turned up.
The African atlantic slave trade was the enslavement of 11 million Africans enslaved by Africans before a single one got to the slave ports on the west African coast.(1 million died on the journey from the interior to the coast at the hands of Africans)
Every African put in chains was put in those chains by Africans. All the middle men and stevedores who put black people on the slave ships were Africans. 40 million were sent North on the east African slave trade.
There is no sub saharan diaspora in the middle east or Turkey(wonder why).
Thats 40 million gone.”Black history month” is a load of bollox.Slavery in Africa is endemic, its “systemic”. With 7 in every 1000 Africans living in slavery right now.
If reparations have to be paid they have to be paid by Africa.
Nominated by: Smug cunt
I’ve posted this previously, but what BLM and the woke left keep quiet about is that slavery is rife in Africa* today:
No doubt, if confronted about it, BLM would say it was all whitey’s fault.
* Other backward cuntries /cultures are also heavily involved.
Make that “is whitey’s fault”.
The bastards’ agenda is simple – get money from white folk. It is pointless blaming their fellow black people, the cunts have no money.
That’s exactly what they do. ‘Colonialism left a lack of infrastructure and it led to groups at each others throats for what resources remained, blah blah.’
That’s pretty much what one utter libtard said to me a few years back.
The fact is that Africa still has a huge wealth of natural resources. Japan has always had a poor amount of natural resources. It is a first world, low crime and high IQ society. It was also nuked for fuck’s sake. Twice. Didn’t stop them though, did it?
The excuses dark keys come out with for Africa’s lack of achievement is a fucking joke. I used to think the claim that blacks make such claims because they are jealous of white people was ridiculous. Now I believe it. And it’s why the likes of BLM hate white people and want them dead.
Cuntybollocks, you have assessed the situation succinctly. I would love to see a BLM cretin froth at the mouth whilst attempting to refute this simple truth.
Great work my old mucked!
Mucker, not mucked. It is a Hampshire term of endearment.
Absolutely. The very idea that a boat load of white ties turned up landed on Africa and enslaved a whole continent is absurd and vile to my own culture. Yes rich and powerful white men became involved in this heinous practice but here are two facts.
1 Black slave trade was started by blacks
2 Black slave trade perpetrated by whites was ended by whites.
Cunts that constantly lie about this.
It’s no use quoting historical facts to the woke communidee. They write their own history and if they change their minds they rewrite it again. If you remember “Roots” Kunte Kinte was captured by some whiteys roaming around the jungle and throwing a net over the cunt. Fuck me, it would have taken 20 years to fill a slave ship at that rate!
And they were actually after a lion and poor old Kunt Kinte got in the way.
The movie Amistad actually shows black tribes capturing villagers and selling them on to white traders in exchange for guns. The reboot of Roots also shows black slavers. Also China had a slave trade that wasnt abolished until 1901. But of course, these things dont support the argument for black reparations.
A thoroughly righteous cunting.
To be sure not only were the Jungle Bunnies enslaving their own, but the Carpet Kissers were raiding across North Africa and into East Africa long before the Portuguese sailed down the western coast. Slavery was, as they like to say today, systemic on the whole Dark Continent.
At any rate, as I always say, today’s ghetto rat should be thankful that his ancestors, sold his other ancestors, to our ancestors, who took them out of darkest Africa and brought them to a civilized land.
Of course it van be argued that we failed to civilize their heathen black asses. But hey…we can always ship them back to their homeland.
Merry Christmas to all. ?
A black living in the USA has a better life that one living in Africa. Their only worry is being knifed by another black .
Good morning General. The Formation of the “State” (Liberia) was a solution to a problem recognized very early on by Finlay. A pity that only 18000 blacks wished to return to the Dark Continent, and subsequent migrations thwarted by the cost involved. Far cheaper was the enforced migration of blacks to the Caribbean but sadly brought to a halt by those good souls (misguided ) of the Baptist Faith.
Had mass migration succeeded, then America would be a far nicer and safer place to live today, and the Harridan that is Harris, would not be on the cusp of her Presidency.
Merry Xmas General
Funny how the Barbary pirates who where enslaving whites from southern Europe never get a mention.
According to and Dr. Henry Louis Gates, between 1525 and 1866, in the entire history of the slave trade to the New World, according to the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade Database, 12.5 million Africans were shipped to the New World. Only about 388,000 were shipped to North America. That’s right: a tiny percentage.
Today in Africa there are an estimated 9.2 million people living in modern day slavery.
If Democrats and Republicans were serious about eliminating the blight of slavery they may want to focus on modern day Africa.
Also don’t mention Shaka Zulu to any imported Ooga-Doogas or lefty whiteys. That whole part of history never happened, okay.
Moan, moan, bleeding moan.
Never happy are they?
Free cruise, guaranteed employment, novelty of wearing trousers, they never had it so good!
Should of ran faster, if not keen.
The Romans had them as slaves,
Called them ‘nubians’ bet they were whining then?
Lets face facts, theyve a liking for it, thousands of years and they start moaning now?
Fuck off!
Slavery?… You bloody loved it!!
Free travel, cultural enriching, id number etched onto them. Ungrateful cunts.
Ah, Shaka. We now have an airport named after the murderous cunt. Responsible for the Mfecane which resulted a million+ black deaths.
A role model for the ghettos.
Exactly. If “The United States is built on slavery” then why isnt South America, where 80% of the slaves were shipped ,richer than North America.
Fuck Africa.
It’s no surprise they knocked Fuck out of one another and sold the defeated into slavery.
It’s been going on worldwide since the dawn of time.
Only the Tar Babies keep whinging about how hard done to they are.
Next time there is Blek Lies Mither peaceful riot just shoot the cunts.
To commemorate the Anus Horriblis that was 2020, TR film productions together with IsAC moving pictures, announce the new blockbuster for the millennial generation:
The story of one man’s (George Flloyd) struggle to find equality in a world designed to keep da black-man-down.
-Gasp at the injustice of him being incarcerated, merely for using an automatic pistol, in the ancient celebrated African method of “sexing” an unborn child, whilst his friends were trying to find their pet mouse “Sidney Poitier”, who they had seen scampering under her door, necessitating ransacking her house.
-Cheer at George’s transition, post prison, into saint like “commun-e-dee leader”, as he takes the young to task over ungodly ways and puts them on the road to salvation.
-Applaud George as he goes one one final crusade to rid his neighbourhood of illegal substances-by imbibing then all, thus saving an entire generation from the evils of narcotics.
-Howl as the racist, corrupt, entirely far right, white police force take it in turns to kneel on George’s neck, leading to him being taken from us, long before his time.
-Rejoice as he rises up to take his place at God’s right hand, the saviour of us all.
-Finally, witness the inspired, peaceful protests in his name, street parties and BBQ’s on every corner, whilst peaceful protesters assist shops with disposing of old, unsaleable stock, enhance entire streets with traditional, colourful street art and teach white people how to dance, using sticks, bricks, fists and boots.
Coming to a neighbourhood near you soon.
Idris Alba as George Flloyd
John Boyega as Chippy
Lenny Henry as Uncle Tom
Diane Abbott as Oprah Whingey
Oprah Whingey as Dianne Flabbott
Anthony Joshua as Nig
David lammy as Nog
Lewis Hamilton as “Wagon” wheels
Barrack Obumma as Himself
Michael Obumma as Himself
HRH Meghan Sparkle-tits as God
and introducing, pickle Owen Jones as Sidney Poitier, the mouse.
…with special guest star Donald Trump as Satan.
And featuring Harry Markle-Spencer-Hewitt as Red Rover, the Wonder Dog.
Merry Christmas to all. ?
And Boris Johnson as the cruel and wicked overseer, known as “The Jellyfish”.
Look this happened before the British got involved so it is fake news. Sorry but it is an irrelevance to the fact that this Britain is totally evil. The Portuguese, Dutch and Spanish had no involvement in the vile practice. The Royal Navy needs to be disbanded and HMS Victory unceremoniously burnt.
BLM and there chums, what a bunch of ignorant, arrogant fascist cunts.
Slavery is a bit like the holocaust, it’s only applied to one race yet in reality it had many victims that are never mentioned. The main difference being the Holocaust wasn’t self inflicted.
Man, I’m all for having history told right and the history of slavery is one that is grossly distorted by the left to frame the west. It’s all part of their post-modernist Marxist gaslighting of undermining traditional structures to win power. We know this. Its gaslighting. But the liberal use of racial epithets here in some comments goes beyond mere humoured irreverence.
‘Tar baby’, and ‘jungle bunnies’ and similar phrases just aren’t funny.
And I despise censorship. I despise ‘concern trolling’ and desperate attempts by anyone to place themselves above others as morally superior. I even find racist jokes funny sometimes, with the knowledge that the moral repugnance is built in.
But, I know we have a laugh on here but there’s a line of decency.
Africa is a blighted continent for many complex reasons. But, there’s an reductionist undercurrent in some comments here that it’s colour that makes it so ie racism, (as if Africans are subhuman). I know that you’re trying to say Africa is a violent place, that is heavily r/selected. It has tribal conflict and corruption around every corner. Yada yada. Great. But, I’m not into some of this language.
Not telling anyone what to say, but I’m just distancing myself from it.
My rule: Attack people’s mutable characteristics, not the things they cannot change.
Hey Flappy,
As someone who uses a variety of epithets I feel obliged to respond.
I have no problem with anyone’s race, creed, color, gender, ethnicity, religious affiliation or any other subdivision the modern left feels compelled to apply in order to divide us.
In my life I treat everyone with respect until they prove to me they don’t deserve it.
When someone starts using race (or any other category) to make me feel guilty about things I had nothing to do with…or tries to blame me or others for their own shortcomings and failures…or tries to tell me they can say Black lives matter but I can’t say all lives matter…or tries any other Progressive Left/Neo Marxist tactic of division…then any semblance of respect goes out the window.
Any person of character…of moral fiber…who knows right from wrong…who has a work ethic…and respects Western Civilization and it’s traditions…is welcome in the Cuntster household anytime.
Race baiters, Communists, Brave New World types, Far Left Progressives, Defenders of the Caliphate, Degenerate “Groomers” and anyone else masquerading as a reformer…can fuck off. I’ll give it right back to them…in spades! (Pun intended.)
Merry Christmas to all. ?
Agree with every word you said 100% Cuntster.
And thanks for clarifying. Its not that I’m crusading here. Just sometimes you have to check what kind community you’re in. And I’m much mote inclined to move on than police people. That’s arrogant and fool-hardy, especially in the context of a humour-based website.
But, appreciate your words all the same. ?
Hey Flappy,
Sorry if I got up on my hind legs and barked a bit. These are trying times in my country and indeed the world so I’m more than a bit sensitive.
Merry Christmas to all. ?
I ignored you’re original comment as it didn’t apply to me but I am an advocate of free speech. Suppression of free speech crushes opposing opinions but it also hides people’s true character. I don’t think everyone who uses these terms understands how it reflects on them, other’s fully understand and care not.
Either way people should be themselves, cards on table, so much in life is edited beyond recognition that the truth is the real victim.
There’s many reasons why political correctness offends me. But one of the most is that fails to help those it claims to protect.
From where I stand the elephant in the room with the black community is this:
Black people are failing at high rates economically/socially wherever they go in the West. Racism is used to explain this but Asian immigrants outstrip every racial class, including the native ethnicity in almost every success outcome. They too were slaves and had no extra help getting ahead. So, racism is not the answer as to why blacks fail. If Asians can do it why can’t they (or anyone else for that matter)?
We then turn to culture. Wanna succeed then copy the Asians. Work hard, apply yourself. But this too is deemed unfair and any time a black person adopts towards a more academic future they are alienated from the tribe as ‘acting white’. Try to speak more clearly, with a less aggressive, more respectful manner, you’re a house n****er. Any attempt by people like Candace Owens to address black culture as a set of guiding ideas is shouted down. This extends to highlighting extreme fatherlessness in black homes to critique of rap culture. All this is deemed racist or applying white standards to black culture ie white washing ie colonizing black culture etc.
So, what’s left in all this? IQ. This is the whooly mammoth in the room. Knowing as we do that IQ is the most heavily correlated metric for future success outcomes it frightens us to see that blacks score lower than many ethic groups, on average, on standardised tests. We’ve tried to explain this away as a socialisation problem and I think theres a lot of merit to that. After all, poverty affects everything about you, including your bio chemistry, your cognitive development and function. But, it can’t explain everything. Even pondering the question makes us feel like we are advocating white supremacy, which no one is (unless you are, but you don’t have to to see the truth).
So, maybe blacks have fallen into a negative cultural and socioeconomic downward spiral, reinforced by Woke culture in all its previous iterations? How do they get out? One way and its rejecting the infantalisatuon of the left. It’s the only option. It’s true equality. It’s adapt or don’t survive. It’s time we stopped blaming everything on racism in my opinion. Woke culture is poisoning black culture and setting them up to be paranoid, angry agitators who believe they can’t succeed in a systemic racist structure. It’s bullshit. They can. They just need to stop being treated like children by the Left.
But, try to actually view this problem and talk about it clearly or ask the most important questions you will be called a racist. Thus the cycle continues.
Or maybe some are just lazy fuckers who enjoy living on welfare, drugs, fucking and not taking full responsibility for their actions and repercussions.
And theiving.
They like theiving, comfy shoes and a warm place to shit.
Another excellent post, Flappy. ?
I’ve been out and about almost all day or I would have responded to your excellent post earlier.
As far as I’m concerned it’s absolutely outstanding!
People on this site often talk about science as though it’s the be all end all. The problem is it…like all other modern institutions is corrupted by modern notions of sensibility.
When you talk about IQ, you are hinting at a fundamental differences in intelligence which could be related to genetics.
The truth is the sub-Saharan African had a somewhat different evolutionary path than the Europeans or Asians. One obvious difference is the lack of Neanderthal admixture.
But try discussing evolutionary differences and their impact on intelligence and you’re treated like a crazy white supremacist.
Merry Christmas to all. ?
Your post is well stated and I agree completely. With regard to using disparaging terms, I now fall into the category of not caring.
If someone is a cunt…I call them a cunt. The same goes for communists, criminals, miscreants, degenerate freaks of nature and so on.
And when they come from a society or culture that enshrines their dysfunction as “normal” then I apply it to their whole culture.
Merry Christmas to all. ?
And while I’m on a rant…
They call us racists. They call us Nazis. They call us White Supremacists. They call us homophobes. They call us Misogynists. They blame us for all that’s wrong in the world.
This is a life and death struggle. Civilization itself is at stake. We’ve played nice for too long. I for one, am through playing nice. I intend to stand up for my traditional way of life and I don’t intend to apologize for it.
If they don’t fucking like it, then they can fuck off back to whatever 3rd world shithole their ancestors slithered out of.
Merry Christmas to all. ?
Well said, FC.
Skin colour is not the problem, it’s culture. And lazy stereotyping.
Good morning Ruff,
I couldn’t agree more. When the professional victim class lazily stereotypes all white people as racist oppressors it just infuriates me!
Merry Christmas to all. ?
Afternoon General.
Lazy stereotyping is not confined to any single race, colour, creed or professional victim.
White middle class lefty wokes are no slouches when it comes to lazily stereotyping all white people as racist oppressors too.
Hey Ruff,
Guilty, self loathing woke types are indeed among the worst offenders. I would argue that they are part of the Professional victim class.
Merry Christmas to all. ?
TT GC@ – as soon as they stop calling me honky, cracker, ghostface, nazi, fascist and racist I will stop calling them n*gger.
Pretty sick of being portrayed as the bad guy because of my colour, but being annoyed about it draws criticism..
Ditto Vern.
They can’t call me names and villainize me then expect me to not fight back.
Merry Christmas to all. ?
Nothing against Africa, as long as the cunts stay there and don’t fuck up my country
Slavery is still going on right now in DR Congo where child slaves are being sent down the country’s mines to mine for Cobalt. Why aren’t BLM and all the other Woke tosser groups addressing this fucking massive issue??
Because they are vain, attention seeking, self-indulgent twats who love playing victim and don’t give a fuck about real suffering that’s why.
Ps great cunting btw
You can lump Extinction Rebellion, opportunistic celebs and parasite politicians jumping on the eco bandwagon TC, as the mining of cobalt is primarily done by children in the DRC for the batteries in electric cars, they are indirectly supporting modern slavery. And since every cunt is supposed to going electric in 10/15 years time, the demand and therefore exploitation will only grow.
Yes sad but very true Mr Liquidator
Is it bekuz I is blick,,,,, sick of it and yet another thing I no longer give a fuck about, there are your blacks who live up to the hype, then there are the constantly outraged due to any single thing they can misconstrue into racism, these are the cunts who ruin it for the third group who instead of carry the is it cuz I is black chip on their shoulder, they don’t worry about it, get on with life, are excellent people who are not blabbing on about how the white man has ruined their lives and their ancestry, the people are great as for the rest I’m bored of hearing their winning, same as the sausage jockeys, dykes, trannies all fucking jokers in my book who I no longer give a flying fuck about…. Cunts
Its all one sided as a narrative.
The British slavers were prone to illness and long periods away at sea,
Check out the case of the slave ship ‘zong’ they ran low on drinking water off the coast of Jamaica, and had to throw 142 slaves overboard into the sea,
Losing valuable cargo!
Dont hear any talk of compensation for them?
Sometimes you just have to be pragmatic.
Shame it wasn’t 147-a maximum nreak?
Shame it wasn’t 147-a maximum break?
Fucking hell as for the above post of mine, I have just looked at the previous 4 or 5 nominations at it perfectly illustrated my point all winning is it cuz I is black cunts…
They`ll just deny it all.
Race/Colour?creed, and in fact any differences ( including social and educational ) are part of human kinds selection process’s. It is hard wired and is congruent with our survival instinct. For a better understanding, The Late Desmond Moriss’s Book “The Naked Ape ” ( now redacted , even banned ) explains why horses mate with horses, and not with Elephants.
Good reading, and helps people with an understanding that racial cuntishness is not the evil that is purported to be. Ask any traditional Indian why they only marry within.
I have often wondered if an African whose ancestors can be traced back for centuries and all were pure African do the have more Ape DNA than the average European white man.
Some of them look more “ape like” than apes?
The environmental differences as described by Darwin. And you both make an excellent point.
The world was populated ( fact ) in 40000 years, neither the Aborigine, nor the African made any significant contribution to Global Advancement. During the same timescale, the European contributed significantly to what are today. The argument ( re intellect and sociological ) is that had the European never set foot in Australia or Africa, neither nation would have advanced beyond sticks and stones.
Are Europeans ( whitey ) superior. I will let you answer that .
Please forgive the piss poor construct. Keyboard is now firked !
Do white horses mate with black horses?
Of course they don’t.
Case closed.
Have you seen the size of those black cocks, enough to make your eyes water ?
Black cock mad you are.
I won’t say what I really think of that post but it’s a meaningless and nonsensical post.
You talking to me?
No,I was addressing RTC.
Sorry Cuntle, thought I was getting told off for teasing Sicky over his lust for penis of all shades!?
@ Cuntle.
Not as meaningless and nonsensical as stating “horses mate with horses, and not with Elephants” in reference to race.
But then, I wouldn’t expect you to pick up on that.
You both obviously have no equine experience.
Horses are horny little bastards
A stallion will mount anything.
Even elephant.
No, I dismissed it out of hand.
Some of England Rugby’s black players refuse to take the knee for many a valid reason. I take my hat off to them they are paid handsomely by whitey and respect their privileges irrespective of colour, maybe others could take note. Swing low sweet chariot. I say this as a a football fan, the black footballers doing it are stirring hatred.
Saying someone is black isn’t racist. Calling someone a nog is, too fucking bad, my words, my choice.
Etc etc etc and a few yada’s
Further to that I’ll add that as a result of constant BAME self pity along with blanket accusation of my so-called privelige of skin hue I will use the same language you see fit to use against me.
My two longest standing friends have Chinky, Gupta and Raghead ancestry for example. When they first arrived in the place I lived then, they had the piss taken because they were Scots, nothing else. But this constant whinging from cunts who are lucky enough to be living in the West, about Mother Africa and maltreatment sticks in the craw so, yes, call me racist and I’ll live down to your accusations.
Just fuck off, it’s a two edged sword, and when you’ve finished fucking off, come back and fuck off again, this time taking your virtue signalling white sistas with you.
Why stop at racial epithets? I am offended at the puerile references to wimminz genitalia, quite frankly, it’s abhorrent and all contributers are misogynist bastids (sic).
Ho Ho Ho.
Can us Brits make a claim from the Romans? We were their slaves for about 800 years. Why did the black slaves make other blacks their slaves? Because they were a bit blacker than them?
It’s true the natives would be fighting among themselves if it wasn’t for the British, Dutch and Froggies.
It’s said that history is written by the victors, but it isn’t set in stone, as it is being rewritten like a piss poor Wikipedia article by those that think they possess a higher moral authority. The pen, or mobile phone keyboard, is mightier than the sword.
Kim Jong Drakeford and his joyless band of troughers have decided that while they have everyone doing a lockdown hokey kokey, with the poorly managed Welsh NHS at breaking point and the brittle local economy crumbling around us, that now is a perfect time to have a costly review of place names and statues that might have a tenuous connection to slavery, with a purpose to to purge these and replace them with more appropriate (woke) names, and the removal of statues that transgress. It’s reported that Churchill was on the list of offenders, but this ‘needs further discussion’, no doubt at 300 quid a day plus expenses. When I was at school, there were 1100 pupils, and of that number there were no black kids, one Indian boy, a doctors son, and one Chinese girl, a takeaway owners daughter. Obviously it’s changed since 1983, but my point is it hadn’t in the previous 100 years at least.
It’s like a soft version of year zero.
Dont forget the black barbary slave traders who put whites into slavery until the early 19th century.
Slavery was never legalised in Britain. Britain almost bankrupted itself trying to end industrial slavery (which was started by Africans).
Don’t expect the BBC or your local school to ever mention that.
Like most things, it was good while it lasted…
Great rant by Smug. Yes, slavery was a black-created atrocity against other blacks. Granted the white westerners bought into it for a while, but then those white westerners stopped it. I don’t hold any black person alive today responsible for slavery. And I want the reciprocal respect of blacks not blaming me for it. Like that’s ever going to happen in my lifetime! You want racism to end — then stop blaming whitey for all your issues. Don’t be a damn cuntish victim all the time.
Couldn’t have put it better.
I’ve been an avid follower and participant of this site for a few yrs now, Best Cunting yet.! They sure know how to treat each other down there.!!
Best and most prescient cunting of the year. Take a bow.
Fuck off you cunts. The blacks and the Ottoman empire invented slavery and blacks were enslaving whites before it was the other way round.
Inconvenient truth, well then suck it up and fuck off.