The EU (3)

Those arrogant, incompetent cunts just don’t get it.

They don’t get, and refuse to accept that the UK is no longer a member of the EU, and therefore has absolutely no obligation to follow their rules or laws.

Their latest act of dipshittery concerns the standards the UK has brought in regarding plant pests. Apparently, our standards on the importation of plant pests is far higher than those across the channel, and the EU is screaming foul play. This has been going on for some time, a few months ago, they gave the UK government until the 20th June to lower the standards that had been implemented, or they would sue.

The government, rightly, told the EU where to shove. Well apparently, the EU have now sent formal notice of impending legal action if the UK doesn’t water down its rules within the next two months.

What part of ‘we are no longer members of your shitty, communist club, so we don’t need have to do what you want anymore’, don’t they understand? Technically, even though we have left the EU, we’re still tied to EU rules until New Years eve, but let’s face it, by the time they actually get around to legal action, their rules will no longer have any relevance to us.

This is yet ANOTHER pathetic attempt at intimidating the UK into giving in to their demands in the farcical trade negotiations (which we should have walked away from two weeks ago, on the 15th of October). Well they can go suck a donkey’s dick. The UK is once again a sovereign nation. The EU has no longer has any influence over us. It’s time for that to fucking sink in.

The EU are shitting themselves that the UK will do well outside the EU. Because it will show other nations that they don’t actually need the EU. When they see that independent UK is doing just fine, other nations will want to leave. Italy being one of them. And do you know what? The way the likes of Barnier, Verhofstadt, Von Der Leyen, Macron and Merkel have behaved over the past four and a half years, I hope the EU crumbles to dust. They fucking deserve it.

Nominated by: Quick Draw McGraw

31 thoughts on “The EU (3)

  1. Can’t be arsed with any of it anymore.

    It’s not just the EU, it’s the whole system, including our so called Conservative government.

    The eu may be the second biggest fraud enacted upon this nation, sadly I’m now convinced Boris and his version of Brexit are the biggest scam we have ever faced.

  2. As regulars on here will know, my hatred of those cunts in Brussels is visceral, but my disgust for Quisling cunts at home also knows no bounds. Those cunts who insist that because of Covid, we should extend the ‘transition period’ for another year, to give ourselves more time to work out a deal.
    Yes, why don’t we? Why don’t we give the EU another year to hold sway over us, and give them thousands of tons more fish, and billions more in cash, for the privilege?
    Fucking cunts all.

  3. To fuck with the Forth Reich. Had a gut full of their shite
    Start warming up the Lancasters, the cunts need putting in their place again…

      • “Germany will make an interesting experiment”.
        Top lad was Granddad Arthur – that’s foreign policy I approve of! ??

      • I don’t think I had heard the whole speech before. There was no fucking about with Arthur. You can just imagine how his words stirred the hearts of the British people back in ’42.

        Thanks Ron for posting the link and another great nomination I have already sent it over to the North Carolina.

      • ‘I do not personally regard the whole of the remaining cities of Germany as worth the bones of one British grenadier’.

        Sir Arthur ‘Bomber’ Harris.
        Absolute fucking legend, stabbed in the back along with the rest of Bomber Command at the war’s end.

      • Sir Arthur is up there with Lord Nelson, one of the greatest ever Englishmen.
        Sir Arthur understood that germans were vermin and needed wiping out.

  4. The same with animal welfare. After the 2016 victory, the liberal luvvie cunts were up in arms that animals would suffer in a free UK. Ashame our regulations are stricter than the EUSSR. Mink farm breeding ground for viruses, long gone in the UK. We are all fucking doomed I tell yer.

    • It’s astonishing that there are still Mink Farms in the 21st century. Hopefully all the mink farmers will contract the Coof and we can skin those cunts.

  5. Those of you who hate Trump will soon be pining for the good old days once Biden is installed as President and his One World Foreign Policy is implemented.

    Biden supports the EU.
    Biden opposes Brexit.
    Biden supports Ireland.*
    Biden opposes a US-UK trade deal

    (*In fact Biden once referred to the IRA as “the legitimate voice of occupied Ireland.”)

    White Lives Matter
    Armed Resistance
    Never Surrender

    • Clearly, he said all that before his early on set dementia. In all the speeches I’ve seen him give over the past few months, he struggled to string a coherent sentence together. He isn’t the really the problem, he’s just the puppet of Kameltoe Harris, Pelosi, Schumer and the other Democrats. I’ll be very surprised if he’s still in the Oval office by January 2022.

      • @QDM

        I don’t entirely disagree with you. But with the possible exception of Biden’s support for the IRA, the other positions won’t change as they are part of the Demonrat’s Brave New World, globalist agenda.

  6. I wonder if the new Mink Covid is more effective on BAME

    Fucking fireworks, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and now again on Sunday, cunts, my pussy isn’t happy!

  7. Boris is working out how he can fold to the EU whilst simultaneously telling us he has the best deal ever.
    We are technically still in the EU up until 01.01.2021 at which point we will half leave due to treason May hamstringing the deal which should just have been a clean break.
    And still we have the traitor cunts in the UK nearly five years after we voted to leave STILL trying everything they can to delay, obstruct and prevent our exit.
    Leave, now, no deal.

    • Id like to see Boris hang as a traitor to his country.
      Hes a albino Treason May .
      Shame coronas not all its cracked up to be.

    • I am not sure that Boris is capable of working many things out. He is being found out on a daily basis and it will not be too long before the Tory grandees decide to remove him before Labour get a sniff of power.
      Frankly, he has had plenty of chances to show some mettle.

      • Boris is a useless Jellyfish cunt who doesn’t know his arse from his tit. Biden cheating his way to the Presidency hasn’t helped but we need a clean break and kick out all the booshka booshkas and the dinghy pirates. Boris hasn’t got the backbone for any of that i’m afraid. As for replacing the cunt Raab is the only one with the bottle needed.
        Anyone but fucking Gove.

      • Blancmange Boris will use paed@ joe as an excuse to sign a deal with the reptiles over the channel.
        I agree with you Mr Frog, of all the likely candidates Dominic Raab is the only one worth a look. I think it’s unlikely he would get the job, as a sizeable number of tories are still in love with europe.

  8. It is nothing short of a fucking outrage that we voted to leave in June 2016 and we are still taking any notice of their cuntishness. That we are, is down to the slippery weasels that claim to represent us. They represent anyone other than us. If I had my way they would be hung up by the wrists from rafters in a disused WWII RAF hangar and have their shins beaten with baseball bats until the marrow dripped from the shattered bones. Then, hungry dogs would be released to to feast. Then, before they died, the cunts would be buried alive. That would fucking teach them. The fucks.

  9. All the remoaners claiming Trumps legal wrangling is a disgrace fail to remember the four years the cunts did the same. Cunts.

    • Yeah, and the fucking courts always sided with the bastards. I don’t expect The Donald to get the same “justice”. Maybe he should hire Banana Gob Miller, she’s just hanging around waiting for instructions from Soros.

  10. I would have invoked Article 50 the day after the referendum, left by the end of 2016 and only then started any negotiations for a trade deal. As it is, we’re not leaving, despite all the fucking radio adverts telling companies they need to sort their paperwork, ready for the New Year.

  11. Just announce a 200% tariff on German cars,French wine and Italian pasta.
    Then tell Barnier to fuck off.
    Takes balls to do anything really worthwhile,so we are fucked.
    A cesspit of Champagne Charlies.

  12. Garden centres purchasing huge amounts of stock from Sutch an Italian growers has been the death knoll to many British growers-family businesses that have been specialists for generations.
    Diseases imported with these plants are fucking indigenous plants.
    Well cunted, Sir?

  13. Hit the nail right on the head there quick draw, The EU is suddenly realising that
    1 we’re serious about leaving
    2 No deal is just as bad for them
    3 One of their biggest contributors won’t be around must longer leaving fewer wealthier nations to keep the cash coming in.
    4 That all the European countries that don’t have a pot to piss in or depend on tourism are gonna be cap in hand for bail outs which we won’t be paying into
    5 that the U.K. will come out of Europe and make it work showing the other on the edge nations that it can be done.
    6 All the major contributors will be looking to shut up shop and get the fuck out of the spunkbucket organisation they find themselves in leaving the poor Nations destitute.
    It’s the beginning of the end for The EU and good enough for the total shower of cunts!
    I’m no economist but Covid aside the writing’s been on the wall for the last four years, all Theresa May had to do was be determined to leave with or without a deal and they’d have quite happily licked her shitty deal off her saggy tits covered in cream.

  14. There’s only one thing that’ll fix the EU. And it involves decapitation.

  15. Now that Irish Lover Sleepy Joe is coming into power in the US It has given the EU new impetuous to up the aunty against the UK
    Biden along with Obama need to keep their noses out of Uk business regarding anything EU related we have left that insituation Biden bangs on about what the American People want ditto on UK people butt out.

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