Yo ho ho and a bottle of rum – a well deserved cunting for a septet of “asylum seekers” who were so full of self entitlement that to boost their claim – there doubtless criminal claim – to asylum they went mob handed with guns and locking the crew up, and threatening them with violence. Luckily their fucking tricks were ended by a brave group of special officers and they have been handed over to Hampshire Police, who, even now are probably giving them Bovril and sympathy:
How on earth can scum like this be allowed to remain in this country? (though I suspect they will) – if they get away with this behaviour there will be numerous copycat attacks. Think of the rubber boat bastards who even in lateOctober are invading this country, Scot free (the past week has been a record)
Being at sea in late autumn waters is no picnic, these men should be able to go about their work without violent motherfuckers like these “stowaways”, however romantic and sad it will seem to the woke cunts who will doubtless plead with the authorities to let the “plucky” little bleeders stay. They should have been dumped in Davy Jones locker, that would have taught them, and sent a severe warning to any other swine hoping to emulate them.
Nominated by: W. C. Boggs
..and seconded by: Ron Knee
A walk the plank cunting for the latest batch of gimmegrants to arrive on Blighty’s overcrowded shore.
Oil tanker ‘Nave Andromeda’ left Nigeria on 6th October bound for the UK. At about 9am on the 25th, the captain issued a ‘mayday’ alert, saying that seven ‘asylum seekers’ had been discovered, and were threatening the crew.
The good news is that after a standoff of some hours, the SBS was despatched, and the wannabe pirates were subdued in short order. The bad news is that the cunts are now enjoying board and lodging, and medical attention no doubt, courtesy of Joe and Jane Taxpayer. Any possible attempts to send them back where they came from will now be frustrated at every attempt by fat cat, ambulance chasing lawyers.
Pity the SBS didn’t just throw the cunts overboard and have done with it. Oh, and the ship was at sea for about three weeks. Isn’t it all a bit of a coincidence that the stowaways only seem to have been discovered, and the alarm raised, once the ship was well into UK waters? Yeah, right.
Hey! Are you tired of your lot? Want to get on the fast track to an all-expenses-paid life of ease and casual crime in the UK? Then become a stowaway NOW. Apply today in full confidence (enclosing proof of ability to pay $5000 transit arrangement fee) to Traffickers-R-Us, PO Box 1000, Lagos, Nigeria.
We need to set up something like this in the channel.
7 Boko Haram sleepers heading our way, claiming asylum because they are being persecuted for kidnapping Christian school girls.
The IS lot are coming out of the woodwork, Vienna under attack, coming soon to our shores
As they used to say on the cowboy films they only good injun is a dead injun.
UK terror threat just been increased from substantial to severe, so says the tagline on Sky.
In the armed forces you get charged if you shoot yourself in the foot; here you get a peerage.
I’m sure that I read in early reports that the crew had been aware of the “stowaways” for a while and that 2 European countries (France,Spain?) had refused the ship permission to dock. Apparently the “stowaways” waited until they were in British waters before they became “hijackers”.
.Get those council houses ready…we’ve been enriched again.
A late update to this disgusting story is that when the mutinous bastards appeared in court they were …….. given bail, by some nmotherfucker of a magistrate and have no doubt “integrated” into de cumoon-it-ee.
As in ‘disappeared’?
Can I hide myself in an oil tanker and gain a better life for myself?I don’t own a house.Free benefits for life.Yes please.Or don’t I qualify as I is whitey?Shoot them all.Dirty brown rats
Two words, France, Vienna
Should be evidence enough to euthanise the cunts IN the boat
The one shot in Vienna was a know IS sympathiser…. should have been shot as part of his original sentence.
These governments, including ours should be in court for aiding and abetting these cunts
Ethnic cleansing is the only solution. Islam has no place in the west.
Do you know how many cunts there are in Nigeria? 205 million, 55% of whom are peacefuls.
Think about that.
There’s an endless supply of criminals and p*nces, from all over the world, who have the wherewithal to get here. Once they are here they only have to say they are persecuted benders and the libtards, not to mention the law, says they are here to stay. A few years ago some Afghan cunts hijacked a plane and directed it to Heathrow. They are still here.
These Nigerian fuckers are out on bail, money put up by libtards. Fuck knows where they are but they won’t be going home that’s for sure.
This will all stop soon as the UK is put under martial law and residents fight for a place on a game show where the top prize is a bog roll.
Nigerians or Pakîs wouldn’t go on that game show as they shit in the street.
SBS. Unload.
Sorted. Message Sent.
I don’t think anyone in power has grasped the severity of this situation.
The Nave Andromeda was due to be loaded with refined petrochemical products.
Had the stowaways been Boko Harem, Al kebab, ISIS or Al queda armed with a backpack full of C4, there would now be a smoking crater where Portsmouth and half of Hampshire used to be.
Shame they didn’t resist and the SBS would have had an excuse to fill them full of lead.
When is Priti Patel going to grow a pair and fast track these fuckers back to where they came from?
I would have emptied three rounds into each of them whether they resisted or not.
That seems rather profligate in these austere times. What’s wrong with several sharp thwacks behind the ears with a pipe wrench?
A. Not as satisfying, really.
B. Gets the pipe wrench dirty
C. Nigerian skulls are solid bone: could be exhausting.
That’s disgusting, what a waste of ammo, one bullet to head would do the job and then dump them overboard.
Food for the fish
I would make the fkers stand in a line and use an SLR – much better for the job than the 5.56MM popgun SA80!
No need for wasting rounds now! ??☠
Priti Patel is a fucking Parki herself.
Hope that answers your question?
When the inevitable happens and one of these launches an attack within the U.K. you can bet that no one who had the power to prevent these cunts entering the country will put their hand up and say ‘ I am to blame’.
That’s OK though, after all “lessons have been learned”.
I thought that lessons were learnt last time and the time before that and the time …..
By contrast I was reading an article in yesterday’s Telegraph regarding a perfectly decent English couple facing financial hardship with the current lockdown.
They have a business in tourism, which has been hit hard by the lockdown. However, because they are self-employed they found they do not qualify for the furlough scheme, or the Self-Employed Income Support Scheme because their business wasn’t showing a profit in order to qualify!
And this despite paying their fair share of taxes and NICs over the years, they get fuck all back because they fall between the cracks. Instead they’ve have to rely on remortgaging and “bounce back loans” in order to pay staff, and refund deposits to customers after having to cancel bookings because of the lockdown.
They get sweet fuck all even though they’re British, paid their dues and been good model citizens
Compare and contrast to the shit that’s entering our country and the libtards bending over backwards to make sure they’re well taken care of over all else!
Three million (myself included) in the same position Techno.
Nothing for us but the sand rats get everything.
Although it’s simply a pipe dream I do cheer myself up by imagining a great deal of maritime disasters in the near future.
It involves sinking every last one of the cunts and leaving the savages to drown.
Rule Brittania my arse.
We are fucked.
It’s been such a shit year all round that I find myself sitting in cemeteries to cheer myself up. The cunts come thick and fast. I can’t move for cunts. I need a holiday – respite from all the cunts. But apart from Antarctica (and it’s only a question of time) cunts cover the planet in a layer of cuntishness hundreds of metres deep.
Maybe it’s time to visit the Nigerian Pentecostal Blessing Church of Give the Reverend All Your Cash for Jesus and praise de lawd for cultural diversity? Aaaagh. I bite, gentlemen. Yibble.
We need gun turrets and archers on the white cliffs of Dover to repel the invasion.
Any government seriously entertaining the notion that they are genuine requires removal and with immediate effect. The ship should be seized as “complicit” in this pantomime production, and the Captain “Rogered” by Seaman Staines and followed by “Master Bates”.
Nigerians are some of the effluent washed up these days to a less than discerning campaign group that in itself requires enucleation.
Sub. Torpedo. The Unkle Terry solution.
There’s an area in Peckham known as “Little Lagos.” That’s where you’ll find these cunts. They probably came in on the same boat that brought all the shitty Africunt food on sale in the High Street.
I miss the days when black stowaways would of worn frilly shirts and carried maracas,
“Come mr tally man,
Tally me bananas,
Dayli come an we wonna go home”
A nice calypso beat.
These cunts didn’t even bring any bananas by all accounts. Or they ate them en route while ‘hiding out’ on board.
Always thought that was `come mister taliban…`
No bananas Ron-but all have the fucking latest “Apple”.
Fucking effluent.
Yeah funny that CG.
All the Roma ‘homeless and 8 hungry kids to support’ begging around our way have them hidden in their hoodies.
Presumably needed to keep in touch with gang master.
“How on earth can scum like this be allowed to remain in this country?”
Would anyone notice anymore?
Sadly I am very close to wishing that the whole of humanity is wiped off the face of the planet. Too many cunts to be cunted and not enough time to cunt.
I reckon cats should be the next cunts to make a go of it, they’d take no shit, just need those opposable thumbs sorted. ?
Cats smell a hell of a lot sweeter than Rastus or Tariq.
They have better toilet habits, and actually reduce the rodent population on this Isle, rather than add to it???