“Prince William, 38, ‘secretly battled coronavirus in April’ – just days after his father Charles contracted it – and was left ‘struggling to breathe’ but didn’t want to ‘alarm’ the UK by revealing his illness”…..
“Alarm the nation” !!…. What a Gent….If he hadn’t kept it quiet I’d have been having sleepless nights I’d have been that “alarmed”…of course.
The brain-dead Wanker should realise that apart from the Bert and Doris Nutter types, nobody would give a flying fuck about some Cunt surrounded with servants and,no doubt,Doctors…most people are more likely to be “alarmed” at the prospect of losing their job,their savings,their home etc. to get too bothered about some entitled leech.
Another total Wanker who has rolled off The Windsor conveyor-belt of out-of-touch,grabby,stupid Fuckwits
PS…Don’t like the look of those brats of his either…already look spoiled and greedy.
Nominated by: Dick Foxchaser-Fiddler
Clearly the Spencer IQ has travelled down the bloodline.
What with this clueless slaphead and his cuckolded, ginger, half-brother, you could be forgiven for thinking that old Princess Died is looking down and having a chuckle at her spawn continuing her work of arseholery.
Wills is a giant cunt, but his missus is well worth a ride.
Alarm the nation?
Only with your elitist bullshit and taxpayer funded lifestyle.
Nowt different with this cunt to the scrubber with 8 kids on the dole.
Fuck Off.
Exactly this, Uncle. And the Spencer woman’s stupidity, crassness and promiscuity would have been the subject of very different articles in the gutter press had she not been the daughter of an earl and wife of a prince.
Dick appears to dislike the Windsor-Mountbatten clan even more than I do.
Great quote I’ve shared on my blog…
Fucking right I dislike the Windsor-Mountbattens….they’ve diddled me out of my birthright.
I’ve seen these programmes where people trace their family tree back to some illustrious ancestor…I bet if I were to do the same, I’d discover that I have a legitimate claim to the English/Scottish throne….my whole persona just screams “Royalty”….just because some long-forgotten Fiddler picked the wrong side at some ancient battle is no reason for me to be deprived of what is rightfully mine. People can tell by my selfish,arrogant attitude,love of bloodsports,disdain for social-inferiors,general stupidity and willingness to Fuck just about any ugly old Slapper that I am more Royal than The Royals.
I call on the usurpers to vacate my Palaces and vast Estates forthwith…if they refuse the Hounds and I will be raising our Standard in Hexham market-place next Thursday…after a light lunch of fish+chips we will begin the march on London…I will,of course,be at the head of the vast throng who will undoubtedly flock to my cause. If any Cunters wish to join me ( I’m sure you all will),you will know me by my regal-bearing,courtly language and the fact that I’ll be the one on the County tractor.
Morning Mike.
Morning All.
Morning Mr F.
Well, if that utter knobend Danny Dyer can claim to be related to royalty, then surely your claim is just as justified.
You could cement it further by claiming to have nailed Princess Diana.
Whilst she was dying following that car crash.
Probably be just my luck that she’d have been mid-way through giving me a gobble as the sudden stop snapped her jaws shut.
Danny Dyer considering himself Royal is a soap opera standby. Vera Duckworth has blue blood too.
Organising a march from Northumberland to London?
You are Nigel Farage and I claim my £5.00 set of commemorative “William conquered Covid AD 2020l stamps.
Count me in Dick.
I’ll rendezvous with you at Hyde Park Corner and escort you the last few miles to glory.
It would be sooner but bunions are giving me grief.
Shall we say 2100 hrs on New Years Eve?
Make sure you get some of those excellent pies off the market, m’Lud, but mind the pellets…
I have woken up several times recently, struggling to breathe; it was just a very realistic dream about Charlotte Church and her rubber knickers. A vast thong was also in evidence…
The Saxe-Coburg-Gotha clan are far more inbred!
Not a fan of all the royals. Do they honestly expect I should be? Generations of inbreeding, good living thanks to taxpaying citizens, and then wanting same to bow’n’curtsey? Turn it up. The Queen is alright. Phil the Greek’s a bit oily, but he schmoozed well. Jug ears’ claim to fame is he shagged “the people’s princess.” But didn’t Elton John as well? Nah, fuck the royals.
Did anyone see his idiot brother and his pointless missus having a ‘private’ remembrance service? So private they didn’t forget to take a ‘celebrity’ photographer with them.
For two people who crossed an ocean to get away from the media, they don’t half spend a lot of time courting publicity.
Is there nothing the Markle person will not do to get her face in the papers? And is the ginger p0nce so cuntstruck that he can’t see how bad this looks? Answers on a postcard to someone who cares.
Him and his old man are both lying cunts. How does anyone get close enough to those two freeloaders to give them a dose of the Batshit Flu? If they had it how come Baldy’s wife and kids and Charlie’s horse didn’t get it?
It’s all bollocks. Fuck the lot of them.
Prince William’s father had COVID. MeAgain Markle’s father-in-law didn’t have COVID.
Hopefully he follows his mothers example and refuses to wear a seat belt.
Beware the 13th Pillar William you spoiled little rich Cunt.
According to a source in the Northamptonshire Police the reason she had her seat belt undone was because she was blowing Dodi in the back of the Merc. Henri Paul had adjusted his rear view mirror and was watching. Apparently they found Dodi’s winkie in Diana’s gob chopped off near the root so all credit to her.
I was driving down Well Street in Hackney in the mid-’90s and there was a bit of commotion on the pavement outside a local dosshouse. I was stuck in traffic so was having a look at what was going on and Princess Di walked out. She looked up and saw me staring from about 10 feet away and flashed me a smile. I would have crawled over hot coals for her, she had a sexual magnetism beyond belief.
England’s rose, dying with a prick in her mouth-a perverse sort of irony?
Princesses Margaret and Anne were dirty bitches too-I have it on good authority that Annie liked cock,-morning, noon and night. She married Captain Philips because he had a decent sized gobstopper.
Princess Diana is an anag. of Rancid Pansies.
Just saying.
Well I never!
The anti royal sentiments on here are quite shocking!
This moulting youth will be our king one day,
A crown affixed to his slippery pate.
His mummy was the peoples princess!
The picture of him in a mask looks like my elephantine private parts stuffed into small underpants.
Feed him to the Chinese.
To be fair Dick, just imagine if it had been Bill’s half brother or Sparkletits who had caught it – it would have been front page new on every front page in the UK and US thanks to the Markle Press Agency – abnd no doubt exagerrated into the bargain. Harry would have been at deaths door for weeks
True enough Mr.Boggs but it doesn’t excuse the fact that I was deprived of my ” Good..serves the Cunt right” moment.
I feel your pain Dick. Though not quite high enough to ascend the throne, considering the acts of bravery I have been through (married to an old hag these 56 years just one example), I am still not Lord Boggs. This annoys me when I think of the fancy nancy gaylords who got the titles before me – Mandy and Adonis.
I have been polite and patient up to now, but if another of Starmer’s prize poofs, like Bendover Bradshaw or Russell-Moyle attain this honour before I do, there will be hell to pay.
I must employ a genealogist to see if I had a taste of the tarbrush in the past, or if great grandad was a bender or a trannie, then I should be fast-tracked.
You shall be created Lord Boggs,Keeper of The King’s Outdoor-Privy when I claim my birthright…not a job I’d personally relish….particularly after I splatter the pan following a swan and Guinness banquet.
Have to take issue with this cunting Dick. I have to say that I’m extremely grateful to HRH for keeping quiet about this. If I’d known, I wouldn’t have been able to sleep at night for the worry. Gawd bless ‘is Majesticness.
Fidelaire ( House of Names ) records the emergence of the name Fiddler following the Saxon defeat at Hastings. Apparently given most of Surrey by Wm Conqueror in 1067. Coat of arms for Fiddler is indeed impressive, as is their continued historic presence throughout. Part of The Old Kingdom of Northumbria was ceded to a Robert Fiddler in 1767 . Sadly History records his death at the hands of some “Reivers” . Officials representing the vast estates still search to this day for his heir.
Source The House of Names. Ancestry UK and Historic Church Records.
With his mother in the news again for being ‘duped’ by the beeb, it’s made me think that she was the blueprint for all the pointless celebrity cunts we have now.
Famous purely for shagging someone famous, then becoming even more famous than the famous cunt she shagged by shagging other famous people who were famous for shagging famous people. It’s like bacteria.
The only time ive ever empathised with the royals was when that photo of them in the 1930s as children throwing nazi salutes was released by the gutter press.
And I thought to myself
“Aww they look dead cute”
What a nice family.
“…difficulty breathing…” The mental effort being almost too great.
To be unjustifiably fair, we should offer faint thanks to the cunt ad his doctors that he did not croak. By the look of him Charlie’s about ready for a coronary, and we’d have been left with the Dowager Mare Camilla, the Dowager Golddigger Snakeeyes Kate*, the Halfwit after his inevitable divorce, expulsion from LA and tabloid redemption, and then whichever of the toxic spawn of the above wins the entitlement contest. If we have to have a monarch, though I see no reason why this should be, William V is probably the least worst option.
Still, the Royal Family desperately needs pruning, and I am sorry the plague isn’t doing a better job of this.
* I wouldn’t. Not without hiding my savings.
You have to remember Sir Fiddler, these cunts actually believe in all this “Divine Right” to rule and all the adulation bollocks.
Like Harry, a completely spoiled little cunt-remember the stories of young William “threatening” classmates with: “my Father is going to be King, I could have you beheaded” and when introduced to his senior officer in the Miliatary: “Hi, I’m Prince William but you can call me Will” (to which the soldier replied something along the lines of: “I’m Captain Smith and you can call me Sir” ???)
-Royal scrounger✔️
Whilst being a 2nd division cunt, (as opposed to Champions league cunts Hewitt & Sparkle), this type of press release guarantees promotion this season?
People are fucking losing their homes, businesses and sanity, you entitled twat.
I don’t recall Lizzie whinging 39-45.
Never trust a kraut the are only good for fucking
…..and based on those German girlies I encountered in my youth, bloody good fucks, to boot?
German birds are deadly. I lived there for 18 months when I was 18/19 and then I spent six months in Italy. Both their women make the ones here look like amateurs. Both in looks and experience.
There was one in particular. She was an ice cream seller near a beach, but how fit she was. An Italian girl and, yes, I did crack it. Hello, Cinzia, wherever you are.
Affectionately remembered as “The Italian Job”??
The only decent things to come out of Europe, as far as I am concerned:
-Flair football
-Vw / Audi
-German / Austrian rifles
-Euro-minge, in variety?
With a sten gun…
Kraut fanny…. I can recommend Teresa Orlowski and Dolly Buster.
Zara Whites is even hotter although she’s Dutch so doesn’t quite qualify.
Top Kraut totty? Michaela Schaffrath, Chantal Marlen, Nadine Chanz.
I once knew a fellow with the Surname “Cakebread”- a direct descendant of a real Anglo Saxon monarch, not some fucking “Bubble”.
Yawn.Gas these wasters.Scrap the monarchy.Bunch of inbreds.
Just as an aside, the Halfwit was not among the very few socially distanced nebbies allowed to present wreaths at the Cenotaph, allegedly because HM had forbidden him to attend. However, among the deadbeats who did lay a wreath, was, as usual, The Tony Blair Institute for Global Tony Blair’s representative, Tony Blair.
However safely, the Harry Formerly Known as Prince, actually served in HM Forces. Blair got quite a lot of HM Forces killed. Am I alone in thinking there’s something fundamentally wrong with our priorities?
Harry & Sparkle laid a wreath in a Miliatary cemetery, stateside-an act that has gone down like Tommy Robinson in a Mosque.
Blair knows no shame. Zero. He probably imagines the global pandemic will lead to his new world order, with him shortlisted for leadership.
The devious cunt.
Yes, I enjoyed Hairy being selfrighteous in someone-else’s cemetery. What a cunt.
World-renowned virologist and epidemiologist Blair’s been opinionating on the Pfizer vaccine this morning. Knowing fuck-all about something always inspires him to babble about it endlessly for the media. What a cunt.
What should have happened was Blair should have been shot by all three of the senior officers present and thus given the nation a right good chuckle.
They weren’t carrying firearms, of course. They were carrying swords, which would have been even more entertaining, I think!
What a buch of cunts you lot can be. He is one if the few decent people left in this arrogant, ignorant selfish shit hole of a cuntry. The sun is blazing but still fuck off.
The clue is in the name of this site?
Wills? Well, he isn’t perfect. But admittedly he’s a saint compared to Prince Pussywhipped Ginger Bastard and Meghan Markle Lordy Mama Fucking Ono of Sussex.
And I would give Kate a monumental seeing to. Banged like a shithouse door in a Highlands gale.
Tim nice but dim. Tries to virtue signal but smacked down by the one who will be Queen (and don’t she know it, her knife cuts deep and those not on board are gone – ask Mucky Marke and cry baby).
People die all the time in the UK well before they should due to poverty and terrible living conditions – how about using some of your vast fortune to do something about that?
I contend that stopping taking taxpayers money, whining that their palaces are a bit draughty, getting a job and paying their own way might make them a bit more liked.
How sad is it when compared to your younger brother…you’ve got all the brains in the family, but you’re still an insufferable, entitled moron of limited intellectual acumen and ability?
By the way…as an Americunt…WTF is up with Wills? I get Will of Willy, but Wills? Is he binary? Plural? A multiple of…something?
White Lives Matter
Armed Resistance
Never Surrender
It’s a class thing General:
-working class Bill
-middle class William
-toff cunts. Wills
And the ‘Oirish’ use Liam.
That Lennon impersonator bluenose yob cunt is actually called William Gallagher.
Every day is a school day on IsAC?
The oirish-Americans like “Billy”.
Cowboy Prince William as: “Wills The Kid”.
Just so wrong. Gay☹️
This prick is nothing but a professional bludger.Go and get a real job you lazy cunt.
He could always follow Mama’s footsteps, working in the European automotive industry.
As a crash test dummy??