What the fuck, a vaccine from these dodgy cunts.
Has the world forgotten that they had to pay almost a billion $s in just one case.
A number of kiddies died or were mutated in Africa.
Paying Dr’s to favour their products that didn’t do the job.
Plus other under-the-counter dealings.
You would seriously be better off getting a sharpie pen, drawing a comical Groucho muzzie and glasses on your face then try and clean it off with a brillo pad and vim. Because you’ll feel such a cunt you won’t want to go out and stand a minute chance of catching something rather than trusting this shower of shite.
Nominated by: Halloween Cunthook
(For the purposes of corroboration we have included sources for the allegations in this nomination – DA https://abcnews.go.com/Business/pfizer-fined-23-billion-illegal-marketing-off-label/story?id=8477617
https://www.theguardian.com/world/2011/aug/11/pfizer-nigeria-meningitis-drug-compensation )
Good nom HC!
The big pharma equivalent of Arthur Daley,
And everyone’s treating their Corona vaccine like its the saviour of life on earth.
I wouldn’t rush to get it.
Genuine discussion happening at the moment how to quash anything seen as “anti-vaccs’
Talk of making it illegal to question a drug thats not had much time to be trialled!!
Question everything,
Thalidomides might not rush to take it, once bitten etc
Hope it works and no side effects, people deserve a vaccine,
But Im not taking it,
They can get fucked.
Thalidomides have nothing to worry about…it’s quite ‘armless.
@Sir Fidler:
Well cunted Sir?
A cunt after my own heart ???
Morning Miserable.
Point of order:
Thalidomide is not a vaccine. It is a drug.
My point Ruff is that the drug caused terrible physical deformity, all drugs can have side effects, and any drug used for medical use should be trialled intensively,
Big Pharma is big business
And dont always act exemplary!
As long as the trials are in Nigeria.
Not to worry.
It wasn’t Pfizer that developed the vaccine, it was a German company called BioNTech.
Pfizer merely funded the work.
That’s a relief
And let’s not forget Pzifer chief executive Albert Bourla, who sold a shitload of shares the day the company announced the new vaccine, thus earning him a nice $5.6m little earner!
All above board, of course, but it is rather sickening to see cunts like him taking advantage of a global catastrophe
https://www.telegraph.co.uk/business/2020/11/11/pfizer-chief-sold-stock-worth-56m-day-vaccine-announcement/ (Paywall probably, but you get the idea)
You really couldn’t make that up. The words “insider” and “trading” spring to mind.
Pfizer to the rescue by Christmas. Fucking bollocks.
If all reports are to be believed, then they already had the vaccine ready to be produced back in October last year.
I believe it’s no coincidence that the vaccine “breakthrough” miraculously arrived almost to the day that Biden’s rigged victory was attempted to be engineered.
I would be interested to read those reports, bearing in mind that Covid 19 didn’t break out in China until December last year.
Makes a claim that they had a vaccine for something that hadn’t done any harm to the human population at that point seem a bit suspicious………..
Did Gaddafi actually say this?
No, he didn’t.
Still, makes a good story, doesn’t it!!
Ever had the feeling you’re pissing in the wind, Robin?
Err…. not quite sure what point you’re making?
I mean, don’t you sometimes think you’re wasting your time responding to all these conspiracy theorists?
PS: Good to see you doing it though.
Hell no! There’s nothing I find more entertaining than a conspiracy theorist. The Internet is full of the lunatics. They will believe anything as long as it fits with their anti-government views, despite every bit of real, actual, provable evidence to the contrary.
I just find them hysterical.
Having said that, it is a bit like trying to reason with a drunk, you just keep going round and round in circles.
Oh fuck it! You’re right. I’ll give up!
Well that’s why I asked. I have no idea if he said it or not!
Have a quick search of the internet (I know you have access to it?). I did. Took me all of two minutes.
P.S. Cuntologist – apologies for inferring that you are a conspiracy theorist, it wasn’t my intention to refer to you that way.
My fault. I meant to post my “conspiracy theorists” comment in the thread where 9/11 and WTC7 were mentioned.
Not interested at all.I will forsake my vaccination Jellyfish Johnson.You can’t force people to take the damn jab Bozza.Test the jab on the Westminster rats first.Lets see if they start growing extra heads.Piss off!!!!!!!!
I think they will make everyone take by the simple expedients of not allowing travel, entry to theatres, cinemas or sports events etc., unless you can show some sort of proof of having had the vaccine. They will probably also use it as a way of introducing id cards with biometric shit on it. I’m sure there will be a way of faking it – fucking hope so as I am also not going to take it.
Although it is clearly too soon to predict any side effects of this vaccine, if it does turn out to be properly effective, wouldn’t you prefer to be surrounded by people who had had the vaccine, and therefore weren’t in a position to contract the chinese flu and thus pass it on to you and your family?
We’ll get this or Bill’s digital tat.
Can I borrow your phone mate?!
Maybe we can get some of those for the fish – according to Irish politician Simon Coveney they haven’t actually got any!!!
How long until companies have a ‘no jab – no job’ policy for new applicants….
It’s already BBC policy, however the jab is in one the natural holes in the body ?
I hope they give me one of those boiled sweets that come in a tin after I’ve been injected. I like them.
Ill still take the sweet, but im donating my jab to a coloured.
Theyre more effected by bat flu.
See, they call me a nazi and ive already saved a bongobongo life!!
Morning Dick
Morning All.
You won’t need donate it to a Sooty…they’ll be getting first crack o’ the whip anyhow.
10 minutes after you’ve been injected:
You should have kept the ‘tache.
How did you manage to get hold of my passport photograph?
The main problem with vaccines is that they save millions of lives worldwide and reduce untold suffering.
I’ve said it before: what we need in this country is a cull.
20 million would be a good start.
The main problem, Ruff, is that it is complete and utter bollocks. It’s actually the other way around.. vaccines cause disease and suffering. They always have done.
Every disease vaccines supposedly cured was already in decline long before. It’s sanitation, water and food quality that cause/solve disease. Or in the case of Polio, not spraying toxic chemicals on all the bloody food.
I never bothered to look into it until last week, but it’s so fucking obvious. Ask them to give you pure isolate of coronavirus, HIV, any virus, from a patient.. they can’t fucking do it because it’s all trickery with biomedical techniques.
It’s a trillion dollar enterprise built on psuedoscience.
“I never bothered to look into it until last week, ”
I think that just about says it all.
If you’re not going to offer anything except a snide quip then politely I ask go fuck yourself mate.
You need help pal. You wont find it on QAnon.
This has nothing to do with QAnon or conspiracy theory. Go look at the historical data itself.
If you can’t read a statistical graph or understand a timeline of events then I’d probably just stick to believing whatever the government tells you though. Surely they wouldn’t lie ?
Do you have to work at these theories or does it just come easily to you? Komodo is probably one of the best read cunters on this site. You certainly couldn’t dismiss him for being narrow minded.
That depends on whether he’s read widely or enough, Bertie. Has he gone back over the history, the data, the literature? I doubt it. If he had and he’s as smart as you feel he is, then he’d know what I’d said is true.
I suggest looking at the Smallpox. There is good data there. Or perhaps read through Alfred Russel Wallace’s “Vaccination a delusion” which he sent to Parliament, that is about smallpox – he was the co-discoverer of natural selection.
Or HIV. Plenty of data there that shows HIV isn’t the cause AIDS, and that it is the medication that actually kills these people (assuming they stop bummin or taking a shit load of illict drugs).
Yeah, I don’t think there are many people on the planet who would consider Covid 19 to be “In decline”. Perhaps it might be if people take the vaccine?
You need to pay more attention. What we have now is a case-demic, not a pandemic, because of more testing.. testing that is wholly unreliable.
PCR testing running at 35+ cycles (I’ve heard the NHS is using 40+ which is absurd!) proves absolutely nothing. You could have a fragment of virus from 2 months ago and it will find it, despite you not being infectious or ill.
There is no second peak. They’re lying to us.
And I bet you think the American government was behind 911……
Seeing as you’re such an expert why don’t you go and share your knowledge with the government? Or maybe speak to Piers Morgan on Good Morning Britain?
I don’t know who did 9/11. But if you think the collapse of WTC7 isn’t suspicious in the slighest then you just aren’t paying enough attention to life mate.
Oh dear. I had never heard of WTC7 before. Just read up on it. Yep. As i suspected. It collapsed due to damage sustained following WTC2 being crashed into, debris from that building hitting WTC7, which resulted in several fires throughout WTC7, which eventually led to its collapse.
Still, if you want to believe in crackpot conspiracies I suppose there really is no helping you.
P.S. A man on a grassy knoll didn’t kill JFK – Lee Harvey Oswald did.
P.S. A man on a grassy knoll didn’t kill JFK – Lee Harvey Oswald did.
Not sure if that’s sarcasm?
Oh, yeah “I don’t know who did 911”. Are you for real or just trolling?
If you are being serious then I suspect that you are the only person on the planet who doesn’t know who did 911!!!!
Come on guys, keep it civil.
There’s talk of dark keys etc getting the jab in priority over the indiginous population.
Why am I not surprised!
I’m sure you must have heard its because they are considered to have Vitamin D deficiency which makes one more susceptible to a bad Covid-19 outcome.
Yes, and when its found BAMEs are dying because of the vaccine they’ll be quick to blame a whitey-conspiracy, forcing them to have the vaccine first as guinea pigs.
You can’t win with these cunts!
Hide in it Nandos and fried chicken, that will see most of them done by the end of next week.
What is worrying is that a nom like this is now probably considered anti-vax, even if it is pointing out Pfizer’s court case history. I hear the Labour party demanded ’emergency censorship’ of false information regarding vaccinations.
Allegedly in Denmark there have been 9 days of protests because Denmark want to bring in a law to make vaccination mandatory and if someone refuses they can be taken away and injected in front of the police.
History repeats itself.
I wonder if Leicester will rise up again against mandatory vaccinations? I suspect our Islamic chums will bargain for a bit more from the council this time around.
It’s going to end in violence if they try and force it on everyone.
Yes! It is very worrying. Labour want any anti-vax talk stamped out. How very Labour. Sinister cunts everywhere.
Morning Cuntologist,
Yes I saw that, scary stuff.
All debate is racist
All questions are counter revolutionary.
Comply or die.
Resistance is futile!
There’s been much talk of immunity from prosecution for bio-tech companies that do develop a ‘workable’ vaccine so parallels with Thalodomide aren’t on the table.
I’ll pass.
I have to put up some sort of defence for Big Pharma, I used to work for one.
Yes they are big business and like all big multinationals aren’t always squeaky clean when it comes to selling but they do put a lot of effort into research, development and safely. Yes things have gone wrong in the past and will in the future.
Drug trials are carried out under strict conditions and side effects are researched before any drug can go to market the regulators don’t licence a drug unless they are satisfied that it is safe.
When trails are done they cannot be on the entire population so occasionally there are people who do indeed suffer due to taking a particular drug and litigation in the states means fines are huge, the amount of money shouldn’t necessarily be seen as that the company is ‘bad’
Anyone who takes aspirin or paracetamol and reads the enclosed leaflet with see a long list of possible side effects, nothing is 100% safe.
The vaccines that are being developed will be safe in terms of as safe as possible, if something has been approved by the FDA and MHRA I am happy to take it, the risk to me from Covid is significantly higher than any vaccine.
People who are Anti Vac are quite within their right to campaign against vaccines, but having a go at big pharma as though they are something evil seems to be nonsense.
Ive heard there’s no antidote to the vaccine!
You don’t need the vaccine MNC, a quick swig of Jeyes fluid will be fine, no point in wasting money on Northerners, and it’s been approved by the Donald ?
Miserable will just have a syringe full of Bisto.
To hell with it! Just give him a yard of ale LL.
Ive the constitution of a bear Sicky!
Nowt to worry about if you live a righteous live, some chinky sniffles couldnt effect me,
Bet im like Donald, immune!
If in doubt take lemsip.??
Lemsip is a drug! Don’t do it, look at the possible side effects
Feeling sick or vomiting.
Increase in blood pressure.
Increased heart rate.
Awareness of your heartbeat (palpitations).
Men may experience difficulty passing urine.
Allergic skin reactions such as a rash.
Reduced numbers of white blood cells or platelets in the blood.
And that’s just the good stuff ?
Lemsips cheaper than jeyes fluid.
I like cheap medicines.
I don’t know, wasn’t it Pfizer that were found to be marking up life-saving drugs to the tune of something like 2000%?
Seems pretty cunty and evil if you ask me.
The price of drugs reflects the cost of development and in some instances the drug may only have a limited market so it will be very expensive.
Some companies (Astra Zeneca and Johnson & Johnson) are mooting the idea of a not-for-profit vaccine (AZ) or a one price for every nation (J&J).
I don’t know about Pfizer and the German outfit.
It’s not just this pandemic, big pharma do make drugs available at cost to the third world, as a racist cunt I am not in favour of this ?
I’m reminded of a quote from an old TV political drama called The West Wing, and it covers this very issue:-
TOBY: The pills cost ’em (Big Pharma) four cents a unit to make.
JOSH: You know that’s not true. The second pill cost ’em four cents; the first pill cost ’em $400m!
What about the poor animals they test on?!
True, you have a point but pharma is moving away from animal testing wherever possible, I will admit that outsourcing to animal testing labs doesn’t count but there is a definite move to reduce testing on animals.
There are plenty of lab rats that wouldn’t be missed at Westminster.
Matt Hancock said he would be happy to be the first person to take the vaccine but that wouldn’t be fair because it would mean him jumping the queue ?
Want a job?
Bat vaccine.
Bank account?
Bat vaccine.
Nice trip abroad?
Bat vaccine.
Etc etc forever.
The dirty cunts.
Plan: ( W.H.O.& U.N ) A Global approach to vaccination. 7.2 Billion units at $40 ( median av ) ( Covers phase 1 only )
Cost 40 @ 7.2 billion year 1 Year 2. 30 @7.2 billion
3rd world programme envisages major contributions from all Developed Nations
This much has been gleaned from the discussions at the UN and WHO so far. The discussions are minuted and are available. At the moment, heads of all developed Governments seem on board. Effectively. WE are to pay for the 3rd world.
Nice little scam coming I feel, and lots of bung up for grabs.
“WE are to pay for the 3rd world.”
How is that any different from normal?
Your generous £2 donation has now increased to, your entire life savings, comrade!
Preach on Father!
The Progressive Left’s dream of One Brave New World is moving forward at Warp Speed.
White Lives Matter
Armed Surrender
Never Surrender
Take a pinch of Sacha trying a bit too hard to be Chris Morris
stirring vigorously, admix Ben Miller nailing a Hexham brogue:
What do you get?
I’ve got the same medical credentials as Bill Gates.
Sorry about forgetting the links for ref.
Thanks ND & DA.
It has been announced today that Moderna has also developed a vaccine that is 95% effective.
This whole vaccine situation is a mess. Some people want to make the vaccine mandatory and are pushing the idea that a citizen will have to show his/her vaccination “papers” if they want to carry on even the most mundane of daily activities like travelling or entering a public building.
Turbo cunt and pygmy runt Dr. Anthony Fauci, has been fouling the American airwaves with his insistence that even with the vaccine, life will not return to normal, and measures like masks etc. will have to remain in effect through 2021 and into 2022.
Take the untested vaccine (with all it’s unknown risks) and the state will permit you the degree of freedom they deem appropriate. Express concern and refuse to take it and you are branded a carrier. A modern day Covid Mary.
The dawn of the Brave New World is upon us.
White Lives Matter
Armed Resistance
Never Surrender
Although they will force you to have it there will also be a waiver you must sign which means that nobody is in any way responsible if it damages or even kills you.
Fuel for thought:
And what if you refuse to sign the waiver or refuse to take the vaccine?
Isolation? Outcast? Shunned?
It’s even worse. The Progressive Left will usher in an era of “The Covid Inquisition” followed by “The Covid Witch” trials.
The manual for the Covid Marshals will be the “Malleus Covidicarum.”
White Lives Matter
Armed Resistance
Never Surrender
I hear that there is such a thing as being too young or too old for a vaccine, there’s even immuno-compromised, so surely not everyone will be able to have this vaccine, unless of course they just ride rough shod over that.
I doubt religious objection will be allowed, in England and Wales at any rate. We just had a case in England where a judge ruled that a 15 year old Jehovah’s Witness had to have a blood transfusion even though she said she didn’t want it and was prepared to die. In Denmark, they are on the brink of this awful ‘take you away to vaccinate you’ law.
I don’t see the Brits objecting very much, bar a few thousand led by Piers Corbyn.
And to your point Cuntologist, some people are saying that if you are above a certain age your “expected quality of life” has diminished to the point that the vaccine should be withheld from you and give to someone younger who has more to offer society.
Giga cunt Dr. Zeke Emanuel of Obama Care infamy is currently espousing this. The author of “Why I Hope to Die at 75” (real title of a real book) is also advocating for what he calls “equitable distribution” or “fair distribution” of the vaccine.
In addition to withholding it from the elderly, he wants to distribute it first among third world shitholes. Why?
Why the fuck do you think?
White Lives Matter
Armed Resistance
Never Surrender
Just looked up this Dr. Zeke Emanuel – came back with ‘Biden Coronavirus task force member’. Speaks volumes.
Why the fuck would anybody take a vaccination they don’t need.
The fact that this “vaccine” has been rushed through at warp speed is simply laughable.
By all means, take the shot if you are stupid enough.
However, mandatory vaccine = FUCK RIGHT OFF
How do you know you don’t need it? You might catch the chinese flu next week and be on your death bed the week after.
Still, it’s everybody else that get’s it. Ain’t that right?
That Michelle Pfizer in Scarface.
I wanted to give her a damn good shagging.
Are you saying you would have gladly injected her?
Like a shot, General (pun intended).
A snivelling little shit https://twitter.com/nypost/status/1328002131803181057
Errr… doesn’t that contradict the point of having the vaccine?
There is an agenda at play https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pF_kXE-HXSQ
Couldn’t give a fuck about the New World order. I’ll still be a cunt. If the wankers in power say that if you refuse the vaccine you can’t go anywhere that fucking suits me, I’ll just slob on my sofa until I die eating delivery pizza whilst watching Blazing Saddles on a loop. Fuck em.
The only thing I know about Pfizer is they make Viagra erection pills. I don’t know if they work or not or have side effects however I read that they don’t delay ejaculation which means it’s no good for me.
I am worried about Covid vaccines. Have they tested it on pregnant women and could it harm the baby? If it does they’ll be hit with massive law suits in the future. How long does the vaccine work for? Will those cunts at Roche/GSK/AstraZeneca make it under license?
That’s a very good point. I would imagine that in the wake of the thalidomide scandal it would be a very brave doctor/politician/pharmaceutical company who recommended any new and unproven drugs be given to pregnant women.
They’ll probably just do it anyway and to hell with the consequences.