Muslims at the Mosque

Three hundred unmasked Peaceful People crowd into their place of worship and the only reason that Police turn up is because there is some kind of a disturbance. However later in the paper is a story about 30 people caught praying together in a Church near Cardiff…they quickly get a visit from the Police to order them home for breaking Covid regulations.

Ridiculous pandering to “the enrichers”…what next?…Multiple gangs of kiddie-diddling grooming gangs allowed to operate without without the Authorities interfering for fear of inflaming racial tensions?…Nah,that could never happen in this Green and Pleasant Land.

Fuck them.

Nominated by: Dick Foxchaser-Fiddler

and seconded by Paul Maskinback:

Cunting seconded, but just look at the contrast here when the church in Wales broke the rules. The worshippers were all sent home.

In regards to the goat-worriers, these cunts just got a ticking off and the police observed that the mosque had capacity for 400 people (socially distanced), but over two floors. Oh, that was fucking convenient as it allowed the rozzers to fuck off without upsetting any of these cunts. Praying on two floors, do me a fucking favour.
I don’t know who are the biggest cunts here.

57 thoughts on “Muslims at the Mosque

  1. As highlighted in the nom, the inequality regarding foreign filth compared to the British in the UK, has caused my piss to boil off to the extent where I can go for a week without needing a urinal.
    The earliest example of laws being ignored so as not to upset a certain group that I can think of, is the allowance of goat raping ragheads to get away with riding a motorbike without a crash helmet.
    Although I’ve never read whichever comic their religion is written in, I’m fairly sure that riding a motorcycle isn’t a compulsory part of the doctrine. So turban or motorcycle, not both, unless of course they want to do us all a favour and fuck off back to the world’s toilet that is India.
    One law for all is how it should be, regardless of the fairy story you’ve been brainwashed with.
    Fuck your religion, fuck your deity, fuck you and fuck off.

    • You have all wrong Duke,think of it this way if the cunts want to ride motorbikes with no helmet let them, very rare survival rate without a lid, it give natural selection a massive advantage to cull some of these camel fuckers….

  2. Along with street parties in Brixton, BLM marches and XR demos, the bacon dodging filth are free to do whatever the fuck they like and hide behind their religion because the authorities will always put cultural sensitivities before enforcing the actual law.

    • Again i reckon let them do and go wherever they want, mosks, blm protests, socialize with each other all they like, ignore the rules till the goats come home…..
      But heres the kicker dont whine that your fucking rule dodging effnik groups are dying in a higher ratio the anyone else and that the NHS or Covid 19 are racist because you fucks cant behave, you bring it on yourselves, so please shut the fuck up and go on doing what you want, you wont be missed, much like the crash helmet argument….knock yourselves out cunts….

  3. Should make it clear that this isn”t particularly a nom. about people going to Church…it’s more about the double-standards involved when the Authorities are dealing with certain “minorities”.

  4. The Islamic Society (all three of them) at Fiddler University has complained about a foul mouthed drunk in a cape offering them bacon sandwiches as they go to their prayer meetings.

    • I heard they were joining forces with the LGBTQ+ Society, African and Caribbean Society and the Socialist Students Society gathering on the croquet lawn to celebrate Biden becoming POTUS and Trumps downfall.

    • Morning Mike.
      Due to Johnson’s actions I have decided to decamp from this Green and Pleasant Land. I am currently loading a small portion of my vast wealth into a small rowing-boat that I use for fishing on my private lake. I plan,rather like a bonnier (and considerably wealthier) Prince Charlie to make a bolt for it.
      I have decided to relocate to Australia (don’t know why…judging by the Australian cricket team and certain Oz-based posters on this site,the people seem truly appalling). I estimate my rowing time at a couple of weeks…please provide your address,prepare The State Room and brace yourself for a visit…my stay will be short (hopefully) before I move on to something more suitable for a Gentleman of my standing.

      Just think!!….my visit will finally bring culture to Australia after all these years.

      • State Room? You fucking aristos are all the same.

        You can sleep in the outside toilet with the redbacks.

      • Mike@
        Morning Mike,Morning all,
        Your mention of redbacks?
        Yesterday after work I removed a old fence panel covered in ivy,
        Ive been making new ones slowly replacing them,
        Anyway, smashing up the old one full of spiders ive been bitten on the hand by a spider!
        Two little vampire marks on my hand!!
        The cunt.
        Hoping I get special abilities as I’ve long been a admirer of the work of a certain Peter Parker.
        With great power comes great responsibility.

      • Hopefully it was your wanking hand…that’ll finish yer “sex-life” in one fell swoop.

        Just whose fence panel were you removing and why did you need access to their garden?….sounds to me like the spider has saved the lady of the house from a rather sordid and unwelcome encounter in her shrubbery.

        Morning Miserable.
        Morning All.

      • You’ll have been counted as another Covid fatality the second you called the ambulance.

        Was our own DCI Gene on board?….I’m sure he’d have sympathised with your plight.

      • Do you know Dick hes got no bedside manner whatsoever.
        As they wheeled me on the gurney I was swooning feverishly a handkerchief scented with lavender clasped to my brow, I said
        “will I die DCI?”
        He screeched at me about wasting his time and being a burden on valuable NHS resources!
        No sympathy for someone savaged by a spider!
        He clearly samples his own drugs locker.

      • Come on down, we’re girt by sea and have boundless plains to share. Estates not hard to come by but rainfall can be disappointing. Bring some yoghurt as well, that will double the culture you deliver.

      • Perhaps you can persuade some cross-Channel dinghy rowers to join you on your intrepid voyage to Australia.

  5. I think it’s great. We’re always being told that covid disproportionately affects the BAME comoonedee, so the fuckers will get a good dose and spread it around to the rest of the chicken fuckers. Happy days

  6. It doesn’t matter how appeasing the cops are, they’ll still get beheaded, when the muslim filth go all out for control of Blighty.
    Good morning.

  7. And yet the old bill and covid marshals are quick enough to jump on war veterans from paying their respects on Remembrance Sunday, while also arresting daughters trying to bring their 97 year old mothers from care homes.

    Cunts, one and all

    • And pounce on women in Wales to check that they are only buying custard for essential purposes. The police are an instrument that is being used to oppress ordinary decent people, while terrorists roam free to kill and maim at will. Fuck the lot of them.

  8. What a farce.We are a laughing stock because of the Sage party who took over.Doris the snake is finished.Unkle Terry please fire up your oven for the traitor.

  9. The carpet fitters are exempt from UK laws,
    Same as BLM, and serving civil servants,
    That’s why Im ignoring them and doing whatever the fuck suits me.

    • Carpet fitters my arse. I had the misfortune to purchase carpets for my place 10 years ago and 3 ràgheads turned up and made a fucking mess of the east wing. Needless to say I bought my own knee kicker and had a bolster, so 2 years ago I pulled up their abortionate work and did it myself. These cunts are in all trades these days and the standards are great if you live in a mud hut. Carpet fitters ! It made laugh MNC.

      • Morning Robb,
        Youd think for someone who spends half their day with their nose pressed into the carpet theyd pay more attention to their work wouldn’t you?
        Id never have one of the fuckers in the house id set the dog on them before they were halfway up the path.
        Buy British use British tradesmen!??

  10. As well as the pc issue, our peaceful friends seem to have learned from the pikies. When the cops try to make an arrest in a muslim neighbourhood they all spill onto the street screeching aggressively. I fear it is too late to reverse the islamification of Europe so am in the process of converting to the one true faith. Have already learned why they are all circumcised, it makes it easier to get the goat shit off your cock. Allahu akbar infidel dogs!

    • The problem when they are circumcised is that they only remove the foreskin instead of the entire penis.

  11. It won’t stop until the natives here start giving it back to the pig motherfuckers. When you willingly allow yourself to be treated like second class by a mob of fat, state sponsored cowards you get what you deserve.

    • I used to respect the police. Now they have lost all respect from those that used to be on their side. I tell my kids not to trust them and never give them any details if they’re ever stopped. Cunts.

    • They are ‘British’ Sixdog, and therein lies the problem. I’m just off to iron my Hugo Boss suit and check the tyre pressures on the open top Mercedes.

      • Me too Sixdog, makes me want to puke every time I hear it. These cunts look down their noses at us like we shouldn’t be here. Don’t get me started. ?


    re your header pic

    not wishing to waste valuable bandwidth I’ll simply recommend a search to see where the anus is positioned prior to (the elevation activity) (clothes are invisible to Alan after all and He likes to get a good look) and where the noses of Row Two finish up during

    the camera would be about Row Four btw

    not that I’ll be engaging in any form of prayer out of respect for my convict heritage you understand but, as I say, a search is pretty easy (to see where the nose winds up in the carpet and where the anus was immediately prior)

    the streets of Paris is one location to look for, ew, imagine what it’s like at 120˚ in the shade

    this acknowledges the value of all cultures equally according to their contribution to a better world

  13. Who cares if they wear a mask? Pack those maskless, carpet kissing, sons of the desert in there like dried dates in a tin. If you’re lucky the Yellow Plague will take the lot.

  14. On a serious note, many ( most ) of the clergy no longer accept the Churches interpretation of God. We ( I included ) believe in Jesus as a good man and good example, and we should all try to be as good as he was ( but he was also not perfect )
    The Religion of ” peace” is increasingly at odds with enlightenment and truth. Their Mosques are packed with those of the Axminster habit who fervently avoid any attempt at persuasion by blowing the shit of something.

    The sooner Mosques/Churches etc are consigned to Social History the better ( IMO ) as they have served no purpose other than that of further division.
    Today is a day of memory for all who gave in all conflicts, the lack of respect given to overseas war cemetries by our “bretheren” apalls me. They are the children of the opposition.

  15. These cunts should be fined ten grand each for breaking the rules. The money can then be used to give chavey kids free lunch.

  16. The dark keys can ‘protest’ (riot) at will. The rozzers will either take a knee or run away, so that’s nice. The peacefuls can gather outside the French Embassy and protest against the French being upset about being beheaded. Lovely, isn’t it?

    But just you dare, you little honkkyy man, sit on a bench in a deserted park for more than a minute. You’ll be face down in the dirt after the helicopter is deployed.

  17. Discriminatory policing and appeasement. The law should apply to all or none.
    “An appeaser is a person who feeds a crocodile hoping it will eat him last”.
    “Islam in a Man is as dangerous as hydrophobia in a dog”.
    Winston Churchill knew the score.
    Our current politicians clearly do not and they need replacing with a more nationalistic right wing Government as soon as possible.
    Vote Farage, and his mild mannered and diplomatic armed forces minister Vernon Fox! ??

      • TT CC@ – no he isn’t – but Farage will be soon replaced by new Prime Minister Vernon Fox!
        Then the real work begins.

  18. There is no doubt that these deodorant dodging camelbuggerers all crammed like BO sardines in Mosques is not helping Covid die out.

    But will Plod intervene? Will they fuck. In case they get called ‘racist’. Is their new nickname the thin yellow line? Or maybe it’s brown?

  19. And why oh why can’t they fucking wash? I had the misfortune to be behind some peaceful types in a queue at TJ Hughes. Oh fucking hell, the stench… It was like a combination of human BO, Bombay Mix and lighter fuel. And that was just the women. Absolutely disgusting. Utter filth.

    • Evening Norm:

      I was walking around Chester Zoo a few years ago, freezing cold wind, not ideal weather for a trip to the zoo-but I get there so infrequently, nowadays ☹️
      Anyhooo: a group of peaceful teens walked past me, 10 yards away-the fucking stench was abysmal, a mixture of piss and shit☹️. Completely overpowered any animal stenches.

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