MSM (4), Carrie Symonds and Lee Cain

So someone called Lee Cain has resigned from the jellyfish’s (thanks various IsAC contributors) administration.

Who? I hear you ask. Exactly. Some no-neck cunt has decided to spend more time with his family because he’s bored.

Let us not forget Lord Meddlesom and the Sheffield blind cunt who had to resign/were forced out of office for impropriety (i.e.being cunts).

I fucking hate the MSM for it’s doom and gloom/we are right/you are wrong horseshit.

Fuck’em all!

The cunts!

Nominated by: Dark key cunt

….and this from W. C. Boggs

A “do you want a good time, sailor?” red light cunting please for this brainless tart who, by getting old Boris into bed (not a difficult thing for a human with two tits and a cunt to do), and bearing his child (another one of several) has now taken it upon herself to meddle in politics, and has been instrumental in making Boris’ chief of Staff, Lee Cain, a dedicated Brexiteer to resign from his job:

This will no doubt come as a duckie piece of news for Kweer and his kweers in shadow cabinet, and Lord Adonis of course.

Time was, when, if you took a mistress, she would be happy to spend your money, drink your booze and wear black crotchless knickers and a sexy suspender belt, now, it seems, they need to have a say in affairs of state.

Drop the old bag Boris, and give us the Brexit wen voted for.

(More news here – DA )

..and a rather excellent one from El Cunto

Carrie Symonds The Trojan Fuck

The piggy faced “fiancée” of Boris Johnson and mother of his child has moved to undermine Brexit and engineer a sell out to Brussels at the last minute by setting his two Gauleiters Dominic Cummings and Lee Cain at each other’s throats. Johnson has never had any backbone and will pivot between the strongest voices around him, previously the double act of Cummings and Cain. Now they have had the heave ho, he only has the seductive charm of Miss Piggy to guide him and she has sole control of the key to her cunt.

Late one night recently in the bedroom above no 10 (all alleged of course, in case any lawyers are looking in -DA)

Johnson: Whooer gosh gosh (fart) I don’t ‘arf fancy a fuck old girl.

Miss Symonds turns over on her front

Johnson: Want to take it up the arse old girl? That’s usually my position wough wough puff puff

Symonds: If you want me there are consequences lover boy

Johnson: Oh you temptress I shiver with desire to lick your juices while you discipline your worthless slave. Crack your naughty whip around his bollocks. Stuff his mouth with your week old panties. Whoop whoop woo. Faugh faugh faugh. Shower his ugly unworthy face with your hot piss.

Symonds: Not those sort of consequences you wanker – and leave yourself alone. For every concession you make towards the EU you can touch me in ways that I will decide.

Johnson: Cor bloody exciting whoop whoop woo. What if I hide under the carpet when fisheries come up and the froggies get all the rights?

Symonds: You can put your finger up my cunt big boy

Johnson: Forrr worrr! And if I give all of Ireland to the EU? I would have to get stuck in the toilet to pull that one off.

Symonds: Two fingers up sweetie but you’ll have to cut your nails

Johnson: Hoot toot toot! I’ll let every smoggowoggo in the EU in if you’ll go all the way.

Symonds: How quaint you are darling. Come here and give me my kiss

She holds Johnson by the nose and gives him a big blubbery kiss

Symonds: Thank you for joining the Euro Jonny Wonny

Johnson: Eh what? Wha wha. Blimey. I’ve shot me load now. Whoorrr. It’s sticky. Blimey. What if I go the whole hog. Total capitulation, abject humiliation in front of that frog Barnier.

Symonds: You really know how to turn a girl on big boy.

She gets some KY jelly and steroids and rubs them into his flaccid old chap.

Symonds: You do that darling and it’ll be the biggest wank in history.

85 thoughts on “MSM (4), Carrie Symonds and Lee Cain

  1. MSM media is a big a enemy as the politicos.
    Dont remember Boris’s bucktooth bird being voted into power?
    Look after your brat you goofy bitch and keep your nose out.
    Had her in my Deadpool when Boris had china flu.
    Surprised his kids not deciding policy too?
    Only cunt in Westminster who doesnt is Boris!!
    What a puddle of piss he is.

      • The word is bandied about too often but he was undoubtedly….. a legend. LFCs best ever keeper and there’s been quite a few laying claim to that since Tommy Lawrence donned the gloves.

      • ‘Boris’s bucktooth bird’

        There a lot of bucked toothed birds in politics Miserable. Arden in NZ. Our own Laura Pidcock. That Occasa woman in the States. They’re usually horse-faced as well.

        Yes that’s it- ‘The Buck -Toothed Horse-Faced Bird Party’.

        I’d vote for them.

      • Evening Miles,
        Your right a awful lot of toothy types in politics.
        Upper class types are always dentally challenged though,
        And the men have weak chins.
        Especially the royals.
        But then theyre more inbred than Appalachian hillbillies.
        You well?

      • We must not forget the original and best – Margaret “Bunny” Beckett – still going strong at 103 (or at least she looks 103). She was the original model for Bugs Bunny.

      • Not bad Miserable.

        Bertie, Mr Cunt Engine don’t much care for TT AKA CS. I think you’re on my side?
        How humiliating it is to have your grammar or spelling corrected. But I genuinely don’t think he does it to wind people up. He has one those scrupulous minds that in needs to tidy up as it were before he responds. Notice it always comes at the beginning of his posts..
        I do remember Bertie pulling me up once because I spelt buses busses. But I forgave him.

      • Im no fan of grammar nazis,
        Think its a bit prissy, bit OCD,
        As long as I get the gist of what someone is saying,
        Something a Charles Hawtrey type clerk would get offended by?
        So I’ll do it all the more if it irritates!
        Hes ok by me, never been anything but friendly,
        Know Bertie is suspicious of his intentions but hes just protective of the site.
        Called me a troublecauser when I was new!
        Im the nicest on here!!?

    • I warned you all last week about this tramp & Flip Flop the Jellyfish. She actually drove Cain & Cummings out because they hate her & her green agenda. The final straw apparently was when they started to refer to her as Princess Nut Nuts. eThat fucking cunt Flip Flop needs to resign. He’s got an unelected fuckpig making policy for the country. Its unacceptable & he needs to go for letting it happen. He is no longer fit to hold office.

  2. I probably should give a fuck, but I don’t.

    It’s them or us and when it comes to the political class they are always on the side of them.

  3. Is she with Bozza because Kermit the Frog finally got sick of her?
    Also, will it be Fozzie Bear or The Great Gonzo who will be the best man at the wedding?

  4. Cummings is said to have called Boris’s bit of fanny ‘Princess Nut Nuts’ behind her back and he blew his top and fired Cummings. Decisive and swift action over a bit of playground name calling now just a repeat for all the other shit you have been hiding behind the sofa and avoiding.

  5. Symonds. ! See Target, Aquire Target. Load Tubes. Fire. Conception Achieved.

    A devious little rag who wanted the seed of Mr Blobby and therefore took no precautions to avoid a pregnancy.

    I see her as the imovable object from No 10, far more resistant to a house move than even the Donald

    • I can see Boris gone within the next three months and either Gove or Rishi step in.

      • Ye God’s …! What an awful choice….

        Agree that Johnson is toast….but who? Who is there in the Tory Party, and with what Policy?

        Rishi is doomed as the pea brain yes man super toadie to Johnson.

  6. “Time was, when, if you took a mistress, she would be happy to spend your money, drink your booze and wear black crotchless knickers and a sexy suspender belt, now, it seems, they need to have a say in affairs of state.”

    Spot on, Boggsey. The role of hussy has suddenly been elevated a few notches, hasn’t it. Like a footballer’s wife suddenly deciding she can pick the squad, this bimbo thinks she has a say merely because she has shat out Johnson ankle-biter #6.

    Most wives/birds/side birds of PMs have been pretty wretched. The best, ironically, was Cameron’s ball & chain who definitely would’ve received a magnanimous pounding, the dirty posh minx.

      • Perhaps Norma can feel relief that she wasn’t the ugliest person into whom Major shoved his general erection.

      • People always say that Major was a useless, grey, insipid twat but he was a braver man than you or I, LL. Imagine the state of Edwina Currie’s fanny even when she was young. It would resemble a black bear that had been hit by a train.
        Maybe that’s what he got the knighthood for?

      • I think you are right Mr Cunt Engine. When her Majesty was bestowing the knighthood on Major there must have been a moment when he reflected on Liz putting up with Phil’s wrinkled and withered old knackers for the good of the country and continuation of the royal bloodline.

  7. They are all useless in Westminster.No backbone possessed.Oo er let’s stay in the mighty Euroland.Lord help us all

  8. I did not vote for wimminz champion, friend of Hillary Clinton and all round snakeflake Carrie Symonds.
    Then again I did not vote for Cummings or Cain.
    Or any political party at the last shitfest – I just could not bring myself to vote for any of them.
    This is groundwork for the inevitable EU sellout and the people finally snapping.
    This will get unpleasant very fast.

  9. The only concession to the Frog fishermen should be allowing them to fish out the channel surfers after their rubber rings have been torpedoed by Her Majesties Navy

    • Don’t the dårkie invaders have more and better boats than the royal navy? Surprising they’ve not been forced to share with the RNLI.

  10. A winning Trifecta of tremendously condign cuntings. Unable to find fault, other a minor quibble at:

    … two Gauleiters¹…”

    Very much in agreement. I’ve never had the misfortune of meeting Cummings, but did know the late Norman Stone (Dom’s Oxford DOS) far better than wished. A long story, which I believe I may have expounded elsewhere on here, but briefly Prof Stone was a contrarian cunt who courted controversy – but he also instilled in his charges a lifelong self-belief of “effortless superiority” [originally said of Balliol men, although Stone was Worcester]. No doubt Stone’s influence lives on in many other also.

    ¹ the plural of Gauleiter (in German) is Gauleiter. It is an “Eleanor” noun (©my old German teacher) ie a noun ending -el, -en, or -er. Appropriately enough this directed to El Cuntio. Eleanor nouns modify the preceding vowel where possible (eg Tochter / Töchter) otherwise they remain unchanged in the plural.
    In English the word is “gauleiter” and the plural is usually “gauleiters”. So, either no capital G and an s on the end or capital G and no s. Otherwise absolutely spot on.

    • You just can’t help yourself CS can you? Do you get off, trolling?
      I suggest you return home to Daddy in Slough and build another business.

      • It was a compliment, Bertie. My input on here is not trolling by any yardstick, but you seem to be doing your best in that direction. I wonder why?
        Why Slough? Daddy? I thought they made Mars bars there, not brown sauce. You’re a cryptic one!

      • For the parrot’s benefit. It was a compliment, because the fact that the only “fault” I could find in the nom was an arcane German spelling mistake implies the rest of the nom is entirely accurate.

        Some might understand the humour in that, although I admit that bathos is not to everyone’s tastes. Evidently you didn’t, Bertrando. Trolling it ‘aint, however.

      • You’re not as bright as you think you are.
        You never change your MO. It starts off slow with a little disguised dig and then builds. Mark my words it will end the same way as it usually does in tears.
        ? ?

      • I don’t have an MO Bertie. I’m simply not a troll. It appears to me that for you (and a few others who remain nameless!) that it has become an “article of faith” that I am, in fact, a troll.

        I don’t mean to be rude, and doubtless you’ll think that I lack self-awareness/gl as houses/stones &c but rather seriously Bertie Blunt (your emails @ cunt): you need to get over yourself.

        This is a bit of fun for me. If it’s more than that for you (and you and you and you , as the lyric for “Jim ‘ll Fix It” went, iirc) I’d give it a miss. Seriously when the Gauleiter come a-knocking you’ll be grateful you can prove it’s all a lark and not hate speech.

        (Jim ‘ll Fix it for you and you and you… It’s my day job!)

        I don’t “get off” on trolling – this is literally the only Web activity of this type I indulge in. It is a bit entertaining though when jockeys of all stripe kick off. Funny. Let’s keep it light, eh?

      • TT@
        Please don’t wind up Bertie?
        As a personal favour to me?
        Dont think singing ‘jimll fixit”
        Will help matters either!
        ISACs at its best when we all stick together,have a laugh.?

        Fuckin jinxed myself now!
        Be fighting with some knobhead on here shortly ?

      • Evening Bertie,
        I just had a real troll on here recently,
        He was obviously in love with me, wanted to be me, or something?
        He was very mixed up, bit simple or something.
        Anyway, CS is ok just some of his posts are a bit hard to decipher!!

      • What gives a troll away to me Mis, is that it’s not particularly the content of what they say but how they say it – usually in a supercilious way. Don’t tell me I’m being supercilious!

      • LL – Are you being facetious? Christ, I’m morphing into CS. Perhaps I am turning into a troll?

      • The initial giveaway is that he always puts his highfalutin finger-wagging shit in italics, Bertie.
        Bloomin’ weirdo.

    • Prof Stone. Very interesting Terry.

      Used to write an excellent if typically perverse column in the ST, then wound up at that famous seat of learning, Wankara University. Can only have been chasing the furry triangle?

      I enjoyed the many interesting anecdotes of his life in the Obits last year. The sort of bloke I would have loved to have known but I am thick as shit in comparison and hate history.

      • He was a twat. I knew his Sony, Nick, at college (but didn’t then know Nick was the Great Man’s son). I had significant interfacing with the Prof when he was at Bilkent and I was 1st Sec at the British Embassy in ca 2000. The guy at that stage in his life ws a car crash liability.

        A long story, but my point being he certainly did imbue in Domenic Cummings and many others a perhaps misplaced belief in their own innate and “effortless superiority”.
        As said ibid

      • Now that is genuinely interesting Norman Stone instilling a sense of superiority in Cummings.

        That explains a lot to me.

        To Bertie. See you’ve just got to be patient with him. Real nuggets of information he provides.

      • Pleased you have titrated some of the actual meaning [and apols to TTCE there] Miles. I’m not always 100% Larkin around with my contributions. Not that I give a toss (I detest hypocrisy) but mildly engruntled you grokked the salient point of my initial remarks prior to parrot handlers getting their oar in M Plasique!

      • Yeah cs that blog post by Cummings about getting ‘misfits and weidos’ into the Civil Service sounds like the contrarian influence of Stone.
        Think ouside the box stuff.

        Funny Dominic Cummings walking out of No10 yesterday with that box-like a little boy taking his toys away.

  11. On the High Road to becoming unelectable.
    Welcome back Kweer and the wonky Commies.
    House of Commons?
    Swamp of Cunts more like.
    Fuck Off.

    • Indeed, UT.
      And the brain dead masses will continue to vote for the three main parties ad infinitum, like the worthless, “I’m a celebrity” watching spastics they are.

  12. I imagine that inside No 10 is a metaphorical bear pit at the best of times but this is epic. The level of people’s anger is growing to the point it can no longer be ignored. Jellyfish , Hancock and Gove realise the whole heap of crap is going to bury them. Fuckers all three. Gove will squirm and thrash about. Hancock is in so deep that he cannot fail to see his doom approaching. Jellyfish will be dispatched by the grey men in suits. Meanwhile, a man waits at the Foreign Office…

    You couldn’t make this up!

  13. In America after the suppression of the American indians, a religious cult sprang up called “the Ghost dance”.
    The sioux used it as a form of rebellion, they danced in the hope that this would send the white man back to Europe and theyd regain their lands,
    The buffalo would return,
    And the tribes would heal.
    I know how they feel.
    Wont be long till we’re all doing the Ghost dance.
    Oh and they cut the nose of squaws to show they were too fond of cock to dishonour them.
    Half or more of parliament with a scarred nose is ok by me.

  14. Well at least Symonds and the baldies have taken the spotlight off Boris, the real villain of the peace, for a bit, allowing him just enough time to hand over the last few remaining bits of Brexit to Brussels that he hasn’t already caved in on, namely our sovereign fishing rights and ability to make our own laws on competition, state aid, etc, collectively known in the trade as ‘The Level Playing Field’, without having to ask the EU permission first.

    In a nutshell, the EU fears that an independent UK would outcompete it unless the UK agrees to abide by EU competition rules.

    But what’s the point of Brexit if we’re not free to compete as an independent nation on the world stage?

    If Boris wasn’t a such a spineless, self serving, vision free vacuum devoid of principles or ethical considerations, he would remind his unelected advisors that they’re there to advise, not to make decisions – that’s down to him and to a lesser extent his cabinet, particularly the chancellor of the exchequer.

    As for his girlfriend, unlike Cummings she’s a member of the Conservative Party and former Head of Communications, so of course she’ll have fairly strong opinions, but that doesn’t mean the Jellyfish has to go along with them.

    Anyway, he’ll will be gone within six months, and hopefully the blue rinse brigade will be able to summon enough common sense to elect a leader who takes the job of Prime Minister seriously this time.

    • Evening El Ruffio

      If the diluting of Brexit isn’t too much, he might survive. It all depends to what extent the watering down will be. It’d be marvellous for The Mogg to replace him but if the Blue Rinsers are to choose, it will probably be the tanned chancellor.

      • Evening Capt. I suspect the blue rinsers would cream their bloomers at the thought of The Mogg as PM, but Sunak would be the rational choice. I suspect Mogg would go down in the wider electorate about as well as Jeremy Corbyn.

      • Not a chance of the blue rinse brigade electing Sunak with him being a heavily tanned Tony Blair, he even sounds like the old cunt!

    • “ to elect a leader who takes the job of Prime Minister seriously.”
      Do you think there’s a politician available who could even attempt this?
      There’s nobody in the cabinet who isn’t tainted with their association with Boris. There’s not even an up and coming back bencher.
      I could be “ up and coming” if the situation demanded it!
      Evening Rough One.

    • In 6 months time the UK will be bankrolling at least half of EU spending and being told what to do by whoever replaces Merkel.

      • Well, we’ve already given them £39 billion up front – the equivalent of 4 years NET membership fees – so what’s another £100 billion or so among friends?

    • Outstanding stuff there RTC. In a nutshell.

      I do believe the current Prime Ministerial bed-warmer also told the cunt-crazed idiot to put a stop sharpish to the badger cull despite it making quite a difference to the spread of TB in the pilot areas.

      I deplore the way this sort of ‘policy by pillowtalk’ completely circumvents the democratic processes of the elected House of Cunts.

      • I have recently transferred 250k into a kind-of novel quasi debenture-type investment instrument. Broadly, it tracks eBay (and other similar online services) over 5 years. I expect, largely as a result of the fuck up by Boris et al that by 2025 I may owe him a drink of his choosing just to avoid churlishness.

        Translation: the response (to both SARS II covid and Britexit) of HMG had been so woefully poor, they have – perhaps purposely – created easy-to-predict surefire investment opportunities for the cash rich.

        I’d be a fool and a liar not to admit taking advantage of this unusual but highly predictable outcome, and anyone else who saw the almost guaranteed opportunity would do same. No doubt about it though it is going to get a bit ugly. This is just the way it is – and I may be wrong, in which case I’ll lose my debs stake. Like betting on RedRum but without the risk, really.

    • I hope the spineless cunt is gone in six hours & I hope he takes that tramp Princess Nut Nuts with him. He can’t remain in office.

  15. The MSM are about as trustworthy as Dennis Neilsen at the Homeless World Cup.

    BBC were at it again today. Their headline is ‘Trump says Biden won’. I went to Twitter to check and the fuckers took it completely out of context of course.

    Here is what Trump actually said (I’ve copied and pasted it from Twitter – the original is partly in caps so I changed it to lower case as caps posts get modded here I think). Here is the what he really said, you lying BBC cunts.

    “He only won in the eyes of the fake news media. I concede nothing! We have a long way to go. This was a rigged election.”

    Hardly admitting defeat is it?

  16. What a surprise… the Jellyfish has gone into “isolation” for the next two weeks, just as the Brexit trade “negotiations” are supposedly coming to a head, he won’t want to be around to be scrutinised on that.
    Then again, he’s bottled every other Brexit deadline since becoming PM, so why not this one? Roll on an extension to the transition period….

  17. Looks like we’ve got another Sparkletits/Halfwit situation on our hands. You know when Boris said “we’ve borrowed these votes” I actually thought…..this cunt actually gets it.
    Well what a cunt I was! If he got it then he certainly doesn’t get it now. Of course I wasn’t factoring in the wanker being led by his cock by this tree hugging, EU loving, Greta arselicking piece of skirt.
    The Jellyfish should appoint me as his “special adviser”. I’d sort this country out in 5 minutes and win the next election by a landslide he could only dream about.
    Unfortunately he doesn’t want to fuck me.
    As they said to Stonewall Jackson at Bull Run…….”look to your left, you are turned.”

  18. Brilliant stand out cunting from El Cunto lost in all the shite above. Wish I had said it meself. You queenie cunts.

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