Martin Bashir and that Tart

The Princess of Hearts and the BBC con.

Bashir is accused of forgery to induce the blessed St Diana to give her tell-all interview. (‘There are 3 people in this marriage, me, jug ears and a potted geranium’)

Wow. It must have taken some subtle subterfuge to get this publicity shy, shrinking violet to talk on camera. She does a lot of work for charidee you know, but doesnt like the exposure.

Fuck the BBC but this fuss over some fucking tittle tattle from an empty headed parasite is a bit over the top dontcha know. And perhaps a little late in the day. But hey, she still sells papers to the terminally half witted.

Nominated by: Cuntstable Cuntbubble

…and seconded by: Quick Draw McGraw

Martin Bashir. I know there’s already a nomination, but I’m seconding it. Bashir stands accused of coercing the late Princess Diana into a doing an interview with him, buy showing her paycheques (which have conveniently been stolen) that had been forged by a graphic designer, to prove that staff at the Palace were selling stories about her. He also lied about the Queen being a comfort eater with a serious heart problem and that Prince Edward had terminal Aids.

The BBC have already carried out an investigation (back when Hall was director of news) and, surprise surprise, found him innocent. Now there’s going to be another one, which her Brother, Earl Spence is demanding be carried out independently. If that happens, the BBC will be well and truly fucked. They’re already widely despised by the British public, particularly licence payers. This could be the final nail in the coffin for the bunch of partisan, far left fucksickles.

The BBC was asked by several journalists to arrange an interview with Bashir so that he could explain himself, but they said he was badly ill with Flu Manchu. This was shot to pieces when Bashir was spotted out in public, buying a takeaway. Oh dear it clearly never occurred to the dumb shit that the press would be camped outside his home.

46 thoughts on “Martin Bashir and that Tart

    • However, he should be given some merit for his splendid revealing of Fiddler Jackson which might have helped push the chîld-fucker over the edge.

      Bashir: Do you sleep in the same bed as the ten-year-olds?
      Jackson: Yes, but you don’t understand. It’s about love.
      Bashir: Don’t you think some people might find that behaviour a bit odd?
      Jackson: It’s about love.

  1. Apparently the big-nosed slapper liked ‘the cock.’ She shouldn’t be lambasted for being a tart but it’s a shame that included tiddly, mûzzie cock that was festooned with dosh made by playboy mûzzie’s arms-dealing father.

      • …and ginger, army types, and pop singers, and chauffeurs…

        I’m not sure what was more astonishing about the Carling shag; opening her legs for something as slow and cro-magnom like that or a rugger-bugger who actually liked women.

      • She had fallen for George Michael until she realised he was an uphill market gardener.

        Oh, how we all fell about…

  2. Now that Basher has painted himself into a shit-corner, expect him to play the old race card!

    He had Pakistani parents – so that will probably be his opening gambit for the victim card too.

  3. I don’t feel sorry for anyone involved in the whole tawdry affair….Diana was a manipulative Slapper. Bashir a conniving journalist,Charles a thick,arrogant idiot,the BBC deceitful opportunists,William and Harry spoiled brats. I can well believe that Edward has The Aids and the Queen an eating disorder if she will insist on always having cucumber sandwiches with the crusts cut off wherever she goes….cucumber puts a path straight through me n’all…shite through the eye of a needle I can.

    Earl Spencer will just be looking for a payout…the greedy toad.

    Fuck the lot of them.

  4. I have zero interest in anything that relates to the Royals but the worst thing about any story involving Diana is when the media bring out professional parasite Paul Burrell.
    A boot polisher and bottle washer who behaves as though he was in the inner circle.
    Burrell was a butler cunt, that’s all….

  5. Paki poster boy of the beeb?
    Nothing to see here!!
    The peoples princess was lucky she didnt meet him when she was a kid, hed of given her a grooming tip!
    Innocent of all charges after a investigation by a impartial BBC.

  6. He’s bulletproof for reasons of browness.
    I do hope the whole shitty mess is blown wide open and leads to all sorts of unpleasantness.
    It couldn’t happen to a nicer group of people than the BBC.
    A barrel of squirming rats.
    Fuck Them.

  7. In defence of Diana – she had the whole royal firm and their cohorts lined up against her.

    No wonder she didn’t know whom to trust.

    Unfortunately she trusted the wrong people – journalists who are about as scummy as they come.

    She tried to build a new life and at least she used her fame to support good causes such as demystifying aids and the removal of land mines.

    Ok she liked men and to shop – she wasn’t mother Teresa!

    As for the earl – at least he had the guts to stand up against the Windsors.

    As for Bashir – I agree he is a corrupt cheating cunt.

    • Good post, M’Lud,

      Always thought Diana was okay. Viciously fucked over by the Palace and meeja. She tried to fight back by whatever means she could, and they were limited.

      As for the BBC, their complicity in the ongoing Jimmy Savile horror show says it all. Fucking evil bastards.

  8. The only person at the BBC Diana should of listened to is Jimmy Saville

    Clunk, click, with every trip

    Oh well, no point crying over spilt milk..

  9. It would be the greatest irony if this disgusting corporations collapse, was brought about by a lying cockroach who can usually do no wrong in their eyes.
    I hope you’re right QDM and this is the final nail in their coffin.
    As for dirty Di, she was no better than a tu’ppence ha’penny slag.

  10. Don’t worry, the spin, bullshit and propaganda that will be coming will put Joseph Goebbels to shame. The bastards at the BBC walk between the raindrops. We ought to have a Salford BBC centre beer hall putsch, fucking wankers.

  11. The entire cast of this pseudo-drama are cunts. I cannot bring myself to prefer one over another. Bashir certainly seems to have been of the BBC’s Late School of Make-Up-A-Storyism (see also the Cliff Richard Affair), Earl Spencer is an arrogant shitstirring cunt of the first water, not just according to the obsequious slimeball Burrell, all the al-Fayeds are/were cunts, old Mo in particular slavering for association with the Crown, and Diana was, reading between the lines, as much a dipso as her old Mum, Frances (who memorably entertained the Oban police with her account of how she happened to be driving while mortally pissed. The records being lost before trial, obviously) which probably accounts for her decision to marry someone whose idea of a good conversationalist is an azelia.

    No heroes here. Move on.

  12. Bashir was a nobody, a pen pusher at the BBC. They chose him for their dirty deeds because he would obviously jump at the opportunity. Could you imagine Paxo, Brillo or Dimblebore getting involved in this dodgy shit?
    Naturally the big cheeses at the BBC have covered up, just like they did for their mate Savile, so now they will throw Bashir under the bus. The cunt has made a fortune in the States and recently paid £1.9 million, cash, for a house off Regents Park, so no sympathy there. In fact no sympathy for any of the cocksuckers involved. One can only hope the BBC is made to look like the bunch of corrupt cunts every decent person knows they are.

  13. I can’t feel more contempt for either corrupt institution but if it means another nail in the BBC then that’s good enough for starters.

  14. The BBC has some of the best investigative journalists in the world apparently but somehow didn’t notice a room full of p@edos just along the corridor….

  15. Yeah totally agree bashir is forgiving being a bbc journalist as he exposed that disgusting pervert of pop , cunt head jackson , filth as for Diana she counted the journalists and told them where she would be , usually in bed with another bloke , someone else’s as well

  16. Lady Diana Sloaney craved attention and she loved every second of it. She whined about her marriage and did that contrived puppy dog look, but her hooking of Charles was just as planned and as much a climbing exercise as Meghan Markle Fucking Ono’s snaring of Harry The Royal Bastard Of Hewitt was. Diana’s fellow Sloane Square cunts recalled her bragging about ‘trapping the Prince of Wales’. She did the ‘Three people in this marriage’ bit, but she was also a gold standard ‘goer’ who saw more cocks than a Kentucky chickenyard.

    That said, I hope Earl Spencercunt is successful. As I want the corrupt and anti-British ‘Beeb’ to be buried alive until this much hated corporate monster can breathe no more.

  17. Five other reasons and times the ‘Beeb’ should have been shut down permanently.

    One. The dreadful covering up of and for Sir Jim’ll of Savile. Nobody knew, my fucking arse,

    Two. The persecution and stitching up of Cliff Richard.

    Three. That Duker bitch and that cunt Frankie Boyle encouraging racial murders with their ‘Kill Whitey’ venom.

    Four. Becoming a mouthpiece for the black version of the NF. Also known as BLM.

    Five, Disgraceful biased and unbalanced coverage of both Brexit and the US Presidential Election (Maitlis is a fucking gobshite).

    OK, Six. Turning Doctor Who into a woke box ticking misandrist lezza diversity shitshow.

    • I couldn’t believe that Frankie Boyle show with that unbelievably unfunny Duker bitch (no, me neither). All their crap about “Kill Whitey”, while conveniently ignoring the fact that the majority of these black people who got killed by police in America did so while committing a crime or actively resisting arrest really pissed me off.

      I used to quite like Frankie Boyle. Now I would be quite happy if he caught a fatal dose of Covid 19.

      • That was the final straw for me, Robin.

        These cunts actually saying that the majority of people who pay the license fee and fund the BBC should be killed. When they said ‘Kill Whitey’ I presume that means all of them? Young and old? Pensioners and children? War veterans? The handicapped and disabled? Blind and Deaf? Gay and straight? The Queen herself? Duker and Boyle’s remarks were no better than the Nazi mentality regarding Jews. Duker should be sent back to whatever mosquito ridden jungle she came from, and Boyle should be should be covered in meat paste and thrown into a bear pit.

        TV license immediately cancelled and BBC not gone near since Duker and Boyle’s hateful racist shite.

  18. BBC not fit for purpose
    Needs culling and it’s claws severely clipped
    Do we want to pay the licence fee
    Yes or No ?
    Let’s have a Referendum on the BBC Licence Fee ??

    • Fucking good idea???

      There’s only two good things about the BBC – Mock The Week and Ken Bruce. And, as much as I may like them both, I wouldn’t consider it the end of the world If I never saw or heard them again.

  19. Fkn hell she continued her dick seeking life as much thru marriage as she did pre marriage.
    Sloane ranger. Moneyed parents, hasn’t got a lot upstairs so cannot and does not need meaningful job. Sit in cafe all day long fluttering eye lashes at well hung, chinless codpieces with 3 surnames.
    Fuck the lot of them

    • When Bashir asked her if she’d been unfaithful, there’s a part of me that wishes, instead of saying ‘Yes I adored him, I was in love with him’, she’d said ‘Yes, I sucked his cock, I took it up the arse,’
      That would have made the royal family sit up.

  20. Charles was having a sexual relationship with Camilla Parker-Bowles from before she was married to up until the timely death of the Queen of Essex.
    Diana would get one of her flunkies to tip off the press about where she would be and then claim press harassment when they appeared.
    Tried to play the victim, but it didn’t work and she realised very quickly that she was a breeding machine for the future King.
    The last I saw of her was when I smacked the front of her car in my white Fiat Uno..

    • Foxy@
      I still think your driving instructor should of taken ‘nerves’ into account and passed you!?

      • Fucking hell I’m feeling old tonight. I passed my motorbike test in ’66 and my car test in ’69. A fine position to be in though. First went to the TT in 1968. Ago was good and won the Senior TT in 2 hours, 13 minutes and 39.4 seconds. In 2018, Peter Hickman won the same 6 lap Senior TT in 1 hour, 43 minutes, 08.065 seconds. I was there too, 50 years after my first visit.

  21. I agree with Norman about Frankie Boyle and the coloured hag laughing about “Kill whitey”.
    I do, however, recall Frankie Boyle when he was funny and particularly his answer to a question regarding a memorial for Princess Diana, in an episode of Mock the Week. “Why not combine her two favourite things and have a gang bang in a minefield?”
    Of course, nowadays he’s just a fat, bearded cunt, who should be given a fair trial then shot.

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