The first one left hundreds of thousands out of work and homeless, created a huge looming mental health crisis, killed cancer patients thanks to them having their treatments stopped and didn’t even stop the virus from spreading in the long run.
And yet despite all that we’re having a second one?
Fuck off.
Nominated by: General Tso’s Chiggun
I suspect we will have a third one in January – the daft cunts will run out to the shops on December 2nd, the stoodents will be home from “uni”, people will think the virus will let them off for Xmas, and then, come the second week of January……
We haven’t really got a second lockdown though, have we? I reckon 80% are still working, at school etc. It’s just the hospitality industry and some shops that are shut, oh and probably all civil service offices.
It’s a carry on working but you’re not allowed to enjoy yourself lockdown. We are becoming like the USSR, being told what to do and losing personal freedom and choices.
Of course the numbers will come down as who the fuck can trust them anyway.
The BBC gleefully reported that U.K. Chinky Flu deaths went past 50,000 earlier this week ‘the highest in Europe’ but people are cottoning on that there is so much vested interest and spin in operation that comparisons are odious.
I think the BBC make it very plain they enjoy reporting all these deaths, just as much as they enjoy reporting Trump’s downfall and the problems in getting Brexit done. They almost wank themselves in air.
The BBC are indeed cunts.
50,000 dead WITH chinky flu, not OF chinky flu.
The art of spin.
That’s exactly it, we are mostly left with the shit bits of life.
I see that the government will be intruducing the ‘freedom pass’ in January.
For a mere £5 you can get a fast track covid test, which if the result is negative allows you to go to a gig or sports event that day.
Well, isn’t that nice of them.
I’m just wondering when for a mere £50, you can have a barcode tattooed on your forehead that allows you to go to work.
It’s definitely coming.
Indeed. And not long until you’ll need to show your pass to buy your groceries either, OB…right around the time physical money ceases to be legal tender…
You have to show proof of address to get on our local ‘ waste reception centre ‘. Which is infested with cameras, including ANPR.
The staff on there are loving it, strutting round like little Hitlers.
Morning Jack,
at the local tip im classed as ‘trade waste’ and go on a weighbridge where I have to declare what im carrying.
A young girl works there and she always asks about my dad who she knows, shes a nice kid.
Anyway, talking to her the other day and she points down at a sign
“all conversations are recorded”
George Orwell territory indeed
Hello, MNC. George Orwell would be horrified, if he could see what was happening.
The best days have gone.
Fuck them.
I bet you wish you hadn’t asked her to get her tits out ! :o))))))
Naughty boy.
I’m with you on the physical money front, Thomas. They can’t wait to get rid of it. When it goes, freedom goes.
That started with that control freak cunt Gordon Brown. I am pleased to see he is still on the wall, we should never forget what an absolute shit he is.
Yorkshire Ripper dead. Attributed to Covid.
It’s a Dead Pool Friday.
Good morning.
Got me thinking Jack, if he’d been hunting around parts of Yorkshire now (Bradford) he may have been working his way through the postbox women instead.
Difficult to find in the dark, follow the scent, or night vision goggles.
The Fiddler swears by them.
For once the BBC caught the mood of the nation on Wireless 4 .They announcement of Sutcliffe’s death was preceded by “now for some good news” .
The person who did that will get some shit.
It’s good news for, I had the cunt in the deadpool. Happy Friday everyone!
Well Done!!! 🙂 I long to win Dead Pool.
Seriously good news but his 40 years in clink would not have been pleasant.
In case there’s no afterlife his sentence should have been contrived to be the most painful traumatic eternal version of living hell.
And Covid was the easy way out he should have caught gangrenous rectal cancer then shiver miserably to death alone in a pool of his own offal. Cunt
It must have been a blow to his family.
I wonder how much truth there is in the allegations that Boris is basically doing what he is told by his missus? Nobody voted for that plummy harpie, so what the fuck?
Fucking disheveled meatbag cunt, stop thinking with your flaccid half trout and shove her in the fucking kitchen where she belongs.
Who would have thought last December,with an 80 seat majority, that things would unravel so quickly for Boris? Having said that, given his track record, perhaps we should not be surprised.
he must be taking a leaf out of the democrats in usa, notice when they are in the whitehouse the presidents wive always sticks her neb in to the presidents job. nobody voted for you shut up you cunts
50’000 deaths from flu in 2018
Con-a-virus has just surpassed 50’000 alleged deaths.
Difference between this years flu is that it isn’t as bad as 2018.
Those deaths in 2018 will have been flu related unlike half of this years.
Test positive with zero symptoms and fall out of a window or get hit by a car within 30 days and you have officially died of the 2020 flu.
Got to pad those numbers out and keep the gullible, the older folk and perpetually frightened shit houses all living in permanent fear.
While the rest of us look on in fucking horror.
Meanwhile, back in the real world, my small business has been forced to close while a national one around the corner from me, which provides exactly the same service and product as we do, remains open.
Coronavirus and the bastards who have pushed this narrative need fucking executed.
Good Morning
Sorry to hear about the business Herman. I have my own small accountancy practice, just me working from home, with the wife doing some admin bits. I’ve had 3 clients close up and can see another 3/4 not lasting much longer, mainly hospitality and small retail.
Fuck knows how many long term will be screwed, especially if they carry in with this charade. Those who rent premises are especially fucked. 80% of your profits may help towards personal living costs, but it won’t cover fixed business expenses like rent.
However, Amazon and the supermarkets are raking it in. Notice how the supermarkets limit the choice offering you smaller more expensive options. Cunts!
Thanks FM
I’ve also had to watch my daughters A level education get systematically destroyed as well due this fucking racket.
Loads of students sent home to isolate due to track and fucking trace.
Piss evaporated due to extreme temperature
Yet Sainsburys decided to axe 3,500 jobs! What a disgrace.
They waited until the end of Black History Month when they told customers who weren’t happy with the supporting Black Bullshit Month to fuck off and shop somewhere else.
Bunch of cunts
Our local Asda seems reasonably well stocked with expensive branded goods. But their own brand items are sadly lacking. They haven’t had any own brand bread flour (around 50p a bag) since March but, strangely enough, they have plenty of Allison’s at nearly £2. Their supply chain seems to be pretty shit generally.
Sorry about the job Herman. Amazon must be loving fucking lockdown.
Sorry to hear your news Herman. The bastards in charge don’t give a flying fuck for the working man. Multi millionaire out of touch wankers. Soon to be out of work myself. Having sleepless nights already, tablets for anxiety. Crossed fingers for you Herman and the hundreds of thousands (soon to be millions) in the same position.
@Herman. Sorry to hear about your business. Your story will be repeated countless times, across the country, by the time this wrecking crew have finished with the economy.
If you have a small business, you are very much on your own, regardless of what any politician might say.
Cunts all.
(While at the same time the government bails out billions to the Arts, CrossRail, HS2 and probably a shitload more large institutions that are/were significant financial donors to the party; or have former ministers on the board of directors using their influence to throw some taxpayers money their way – DA)
Morning Jack
You’re right.
Cunts…. All!
Large companies who have done well out of the situation should face a tax surcharge and funds diverted to struggling small businesses. I normally wouldn’t support such a socialist notion but when fair competition is destroyed then the unacceptable “face of Capitalism” takes over and calls for intervention.
(Taken from Bertie Blunt’s Paper – “Economic Fairness in a Changing World” given to the MILF W.I and available from all good book shops – if you can find one open or else from Amazon. ?
DA- The live events industry outside of the posh ones have had fuck all. 30,000 freelancers out of work for a year.
PS: I’m so relieved to know HS2 is forging on in these difficult times. Lessons have been learned.
I’ve learned Westminster are cunts.
Get Hitler back.
He’d soon sort it.
Nowt better for morale than a flight of Stukas overhead.
The first lockdown, no one on the road, coppers patrolling everywhere,
Got followed off a police car out in Cheshire, queuing up,
No bogrolls etc.
This one?
If it wasnt for the pubs shut Id not notice it,
But theyve destroyed the economy,
And peoples livelihoods,
And done it on purpose.
Vote Boris ?
The bastard Cybermen could not have done a better job of destroying the planet than the current crop of “world leaders”. Fucking weedy, spineless cunts most of them.
Hi Twenty,
Yep, only a matter of time till he gives contracts to the Daleks to run his green jobs programme.
Hes a walking disaster area,
Everything he touches turns to shite.
Whos got Sutcliffe in the dead pool?
Well done Gutstick. I should’ve scrolled up.
Say what you want about Pete but he was a fashion icon,
The afro & beard combo was a big hit with all budding werewolves.
He was to prostitution what Boris is to small businesses.
His name’ll be added to the tally of Covid deaths…as will his victims probably.
Covid by proxy!
I had a really interesting conversation with an “acquaintance”, yesterday.
Her husband was a very senior member of the foreign office and by default, Thatchers government.
(I won’t divulge any more info).
The conversation was about lockdown and in particular, the shambles of testing and test and trace.
When Serco came up, she told me that after retirement, he had taken positions on various company boards, including Serco-In the capacity of financial dealings adviser. What he discovered horrified him and due to the intransigence of the board, to get their house in order, he resigned.
She said G4S were as bad.
Lots of palm greasing fuckwittery-alway will be☹️
The first lockdown-they scared the majority into submission, images of open trenches with bulldozers standing by, freezer lorry’s outside hospitals to aid over capacity mortuaries etc, etc
Then we had all those fucking tik-tok clips, showing NHS staff have the fucking X-factor.
Banging pots and fucking pans, let the generation x’s and millennial cunts have there “blitz” moment.
Old captain Tom, shuffling around the yard. Nice distraction, that?
I never bought into any of that shit. Yes Covid is real and yes, some of us are at more risk than others, however:
-The damage done to the economy
-The huge reduction in Liberty
-The strengthening of the nanny state
-The police force becoming totally political
-The suppression of independent media reporting
-The minority’s pushing political agendas without hindrance from police or state, whilst the indigenous population are treated like cattle
-etc, etc, etc
I call “bullshit”.
Stuck your vaccine up your arse Doris.No thanks.Micro chipped via Satan Gates?100% no.Stop start these shite lockdown and we will end up down the shutter.Vote SAGE party.?
Final nail in the coffin for many businesses from a disaster of a P.M.
Not just as PM. I suspect this wanker would be utterly useless at any job that didn’t involve getting his cock out.
His cock is the only bit of him that seems to know what it’s doing.
He treated his ex like shit, the man has absolutely no moral compass. Saying that, she is a “Uman” rights lawyer, so probably a cunt of BJ’s level.
It’s all “about me” with our “Boris”.
I bet he has loads more pug-ugly offspring, tucked away.
What are the odds in home being fucked-off by the end of January.
As stated before, what we need is a fucking protest of poll tax proportions.
I know C19 is real, people with co-morbidities are at risk-how many people are having physical and mental breakdowns as a consequence of lockdowns, job losses, etc?
Those are the real figures.
I have never been a tin hatter but the longer this continues, the more I wonder about hidden agendas…..
” never been a tin hatter but the longer this continues, the more I wonder about hidden agendas…..”
Christ almighty General, how much evidence do you need! They are no longer bothering to hide it (cough cough…Event 201 cough…)
The time to fight for freedopm is whilst you still have it, too late now to warn about the coming New Worls Order because it’s here NOW and the battles to stop this shit happening took place 15-20 years ago… no fucker turned up.
…..I turned up-anti-criminal justice bill March amongst other things?
T CG@ – a protest of poll tax proportions – it is on the way, being arranged and long before time.
These plastic nazis are in for a fucking frightening shock.
His tart is the latest to be dictating policy to him apparently…she’ll have to winkle his lugs out of The Doom -Brother Eggheads’ arseholes first if she wants him to hear her instructions properly.
Dominic Cu’mmings must feel like a used spunk-rag….tossed aside so very cruelly.
Bye bye Dominic spunk trumpet.A disgrace.I will not lose sleep over him.Twat.
No good blaming Boris for the lockdown, if he didn’t that blimey cunt Smarmer would be jumping up and down, Boris is killing people for not locking down. He is a cunt for doing it and a cunt for not. I frankly do not give a shit, my job as gone fuck em all.
SLIMEY!! not blimey.
What fucking lockdown?
Ok so pubs etc are closed but it seems the government doesn’t give a shit about a large sector of businesses….live events, trade shows, pubs, clubs etc etc
During the last lockdown I got all my jobs finished and signed off by 13.00 latest, it was a joy to be on the road by myself sometimes….no tailgating cunts in VWs or Audis, no old fossils out for a ride or to get that all essential bread and milk at 5.30am, no braindead mums in cars far too large for them with one ugly cunt offspring in it…sheer joy.
Now? the fucking roads are rammed…old cunts out bumbling around to garden centres and shops, the school run in full flow, the dickless German car brigade is back belching black smoke from worn engines into the air and I can bet on being tailgated within five mins of my house.
Meanwhile, all the big shops are selling shitey Christmas stuff and putting all the small shops to the sword because they cannot open.
For all the damage they have done and continue to do to our country I would willingly strangle all the government cunts and all the fake cod boffins too.
I wish them all the clap.
For some reason, I keep hearing Eddie Grant.
‘We got a Lockdown Two. Electric Avenue’.
Fuck me-that takes me back-got that single somewhere?
Thing is, it’s meaningless. I went (masked up) to get a prescription for Mrs Norman yesterday and there were loads of shitty schoolkids all over the gaff. Shouting, causing trouble, no social distancing and no masks. Daft (again, maskless) bitches picking them up in their Range Rovers and doing fuck all to control them doesn’t help either. A lockdown? What, with scum like that running amuck? Don’t make me fucking laugh, Boris, you odious cunt.
Either lockdown everything or nothing. Half measures achieve the sum total of nothing.
I read an earlier link detailing the PPE contracts awards to Conservative party owned companies-a total fucking disgrace and absolutely unsurprising ☹️
It’s fucking bollox.
A pointless exercise in control, to show us – the little nobody people – who rules us.
They have a very serious shock coming coming if they try and extend this non existent lockdown in December.
I like watching auditing videos on YouTube-I know half of them have a chip about authority, the police in particular but they do turn up some gems.
I have just watched one of the best ones yet-Auditing Britain has just uploaded a video titled “Jobsworths”.
He is lawfully filming in public, in Basingstoke, when he is accosted by three aggressive mongs (community safety officers), who then display some ineptitude of Olympian proportions.
It had me laughing and my piss boiling, simultaneously.
I apologise for no link (poorly pc/ shit phone).
Please do watch it, it is comedy fucking gold???
Please watch and describe how you would have reacted.
I would not have been as polite as AB.
The three fugly goons have the most slappable faces on youtube?
CG, I watched that video ‘Jobsworths’
I felt that he was sort of annoying them, winding them up.
Many thanks for posting the link spoons?
Filming in public and publicly accessible places IS NOT a crime.
They barrelled down that side street (literally the fat cunts), they are cunts of limited IQ, throwing their weight (snigger) around?
Many thanks for posting the link spoons?
Filming in public and publicly accessible places IS NOT a crime.
They barrelled down that side street (literally the fat cunts), they are cunts of limited IQ, throwing their weight (sni.gger) around?