Justin Welby (12)

The archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby, will take a three-month sabbatical next year for “reflection, prayer, and spiritual renewal”, Lambeth Palace has said.’

Well, it must take it out of you what with covering up child abuse, Remoaning, bishoping and living in a palace. I am sure we all wish him a relaxing holiday before he has to return to the coal face of covering up child abuse, Remoaning, bishoping and living in a palace.

Nominated by: Cuntstable Cuntbubble

44 thoughts on “Justin Welby (12)

  1. Not to mention that he has to recover from the four and half year old disaster of cunts like us voting for what we wanted.
    I wonder if anybody will notice that the cunt has fucked off for 3 months? My guess is nobody gives a fuck.

  2. Q: What’s the difference between Russell Crowe and Justin Welby?
    A: One pedalled a pile of risible old nonsense set in the time of the Roman Empire, and the other one was in ‘Gladiator’!

  3. I know we shouldn’t “judge a book by its cover” but why is the position of AoC always filled with some insipid, pencil necked weed?
    Does piety make you wither up? We’re these drips bullied at school and sought refuge in the cloth? Are they the product of an over bearing mother?
    If I ever need a preacher, which BTW, I fucking well don’t, I want a book burning, fire and brimstone fucker with wild eyes and froth gathering in the corners of their mouths, not some modern day version of softy Walter.
    Ref. Robert Runcie, Rowan Williams.
    You’re all scrawny dweebs with whiny voices and biceps like a knot in a piece of cotton, fuck off back to Sumeria and wrestle a lion or two before telling us how to live.
    Now do one before I give you a Chinese burn and nick your lunch money a la Steven Lawrence, may n’dudu bless his saintly arsehole.

  4. Just think, all the muggy cunts who put their dosh in the collection plate every Sunday ( do they still do that?…I wouldn’t know) are paying for this fucking p*nce to have a 3 month holiday. That’s the very definition of a brainwashed fucking prick surely?

  5. Inform your employer that you’ll be taking a three month sabbatical, for
    ‘ reflection and renewal ‘ ( Am I a cunt ? …… Yes ) and he’ll give you your P45 and cheerily tell you to Fuck Off.
    These fuckers are in another world.
    Good morning.

  6. “Reflection, prayer and spiritual renewal”?
    Do me a fucking favour. He’s obviously had his pathetic winkle up some child’s arse and they need to get him out of the way. Call me Mr Cynical if you like but I know a wrong’un when I see one. What a massive cunt.

  7. Looking at “Justin” I am just surprised he didn’t wait till the autumn so he could appear on the 2021 series of Strictly Come Mincing, the poofs paradise – I am sure his Argentinian Tango and quckmince would have gone down a treat – he would love the sequins and makeup and he might have got ex vicar Chris Bryant to partner him – the follow up to this years dykie boxer

    • I’m not arsed about someones faith but Justin dabbles in political matters more than religious ones .
      Effete, fey, softhanded, lefty, theres nothing I admire about this dog collared socialist,
      Look you knicker wearing little pillow biter stick to dipping in the collect plate and stop telling us how to think and vote
      We don’t tell you how to seduce a altar boy do we.

  8. You could have the reanimated corpse of Freddie Mercury as Archbishop and nobody would notice.
    Irrelevant soft cunt.

  9. These cunts are getting worse than the kaffliks, as I have over the years shaken off my belief in “magic sky daddy”, I now have nothing but seething contempt for religions, especially the more “peaceful kinds”, this rich cunt boils my piss!!!!

  10. His boss is 94, though takes plenty of shorter holidays herself still reviews and responds to cabinet papers daily as well as having to endure glad handing thousands of slimy crawling gits, especially him. Weak cunt, that’s a lot of arseholes he’s going to wreck in three months.

  11. When Justin retreats to “fight his inner demons”, I hope they replace him with that Sooty, Bishop Sentamu. His big waddimelon grin and buck teeth always reminds me of the days when Dark-keys were fun…”Oh,Lordy.Lordy…Jebus save me..catch dat mouse,Thomas”…and not the uppity moped-stealing breed that we have these days. I know that if Sentamu was to appear at my local Church I’d be in the front pew…the sight of his beaming face as he pedals a tricycle up and down the aisle,ringing the little handlebar-bell,while wearing a fez before shinning up the rope into the belfry from where he could sling his dung at everyone would surely be enough to halt the worrying decline in Church attendances.

    • Hehehe!
      You make Bishop Semtex sound a lot of fun Dick!
      Can I have my picture taken with him?
      See you in church ?

  12. You are right about Walter. Look at Robert Runcie you wouldn’t mess with him-
    During the Second World War he was commissioned as a second lieutenant into the Scots Guards on 21 November 1942, and was given the service number 251985.He served with the regiment’s 3rd (Tank) Battalion, then part of the 6th Guards Tank Brigade, as a tank commander, landing in Normandy with his unit as part of Operation Overlord in July 1944, a few weeks after the D-Day landings on 6 June, and fought with the battalion throughout the entire North West Europe Campaign until Victory in Europe Day (VE Day) in May 1945. Towards the end of the war, he earned the Military Cross (MC) for two feats of bravery in March 1945: he rescued one of his men from a crippled tank under heavy enemy fire, and the next day took his own tank into an exceptionally exposed position in order to knock out three anti-tank guns. As a result, he is unique among modern Archbishops of Canterbury in having fought for his country. In May 1945, he was among the first British soldiers to enter the Bergen-Belsen concentration camp.

    • And once he’d finished buttering his CO’s toast (or arse) he laid out his paper and slippers.
      Poofter wouldn’t last 2 minutes in a grape crushing contest.

    • Only person of the clergy I have any respect for Robert Runcie MC He did his bit very bravely ??
      I don’t have any time for the mincing Justin Welby 3 months off My employer would tell me to fuck the hell off ??

  13. I shouldn’t know who this cunt is. I have no interest in his cult/ponzi scheme, and that should be the end of it. But no, this fucking weed thinks his opinion matters, like he is the social conscience of Britain. The fucking beeb broadcast his disappointment that the foreign aid budget was being cut, which made me scream at the car radio. What the fuck has it got to do with him?
    Fuck off Welby, toddle away in your little gold dress and carry on fleecing the old and the thick for roof repairs, cash which is spent keeping you and your mob in comfort and tacky costume jewellery.

  14. 3 months you say???
    In 3 months, after gender reassignment procedures, “Justine” will return as the first trans Archbishop.
    Caitlin Jenner for the God botherers.

  15. God: It’s about time Welby reported to head office.
    Jesus: Hmm. Yes, I expect it is.

    Shortly Afterwards –

    Welby sprawls terrified at the feet of God, who sits on a throne of gold with Jesus at His right hand on a smaller throne.

    God: Anything to say for yourself?
    Welby: (eyes goggling at he stares at the god he didn’t really think existed) Oh, your Holy of Holiness, how glorious is Thy name, Thy kingdom come—
    God: It’s already here. And you’re not staying. (Grasps the golden lever of expulsion)
    Welby: Oh, but your Wondrousness, I’ve served you faithfully on earth for—
    God: Cut the shite. You’re toast (laughs) or soon will be!
    Jesus: Do you think you ought, Dad? I mean—
    God: You’ve always been a bit too soft, son. This prick is an arch-abuser of power and as such must be sent to endure eternal torment in the domain of the arch-demon. Or the devil, as some call him.
    Welby: Errrrk! Good sirs, I beg of you, spare your worthless servant, spare me! (grovels on the floor of heaven) hmm … nice floor covering, gold is it? Better than we’ve got at Lambeth anyway.
    God: ‘Had’ at Lambeth. Your Lambeth days are over, sonny!
    Welby: Oh, sweet Jesu! Prithee make intercession with our Father on my behalf! Ask Him to send me back to earth to carry on your great work! I am universally loved on earth—
    Jesus: (frowns) Oh, I’m not so sure of that. Or if I can sway our Father’s decision. Once Dad decides on a certain course, it’s very hard to persuade Him off it.
    Welby: (turns his pop eyes to the Main Man) Then You, Great God! Dear Lord & Father of mankind! Forgive my foolish ways—
    God: Cut the shit. I’ve had just about enough of your kind. Bye-bye. (Pulls golden lever, Welby disappears through the trapdoor. Floor closes over the sound of screams as the ex-arch bishop descends to hell and a horde of devils pounce)
    Jesus: Hmmm. Just look at the time! Honey still for tea, Dad?
    God: I’ll have some Scotch in mine. Take away that putrid Welby taste.

  16. It’s an old one of mine, I know, but…
    Welby, what a silly old Cuntuar.
    Now go and bend over for Bliar.

  17. I bet Alan Carr could bully this feeble powder puff, you just know he’s going to spend his paid leave wanking himself off whilst he gets like minded choir boys to shove large carrots up his anus. Religion, what a load of bollock’s.!

  18. A man who does not believe in any pathway other than that of Islam, is unfitted to the position he occupies. Welby is no friend of the Church, and has some strange belief systems that quite frankly appal me.

  19. Looks like the kind of deviant who should have his hard drive examined next time his PC is in Curry’s…owing to large amounts of a suspiciously glutinous substance jamming up the fans.
    Get fucked you bender.

  20. Weebly was bitching about the aid budget being cut last week. Here’s the answer:


    Tony Blair (for whom Weebly’s son is still a consultant – K) stated that aid “…has been a great British soft power achievement. It isn’t about charity. It’s enlightened self-interest.”

    One of the few occasions on which that cunt was somewhere near the truth. He then fucked off to run three charities of his own…but I digress*…

    If Welby wants the Tories to maintain a strong foreign policy focus he should say so, and explain why this should take the form of development aid. But if he thinks it’s right for Britain to send money overseas to help poorer countries, he should have the courage to call on his flock to tithe.

    That he has not done so suggests strongly that Welby would prefer the latter, but doesn’t really believe he has enough of a flock any more for such charitable efforts to have a meaningful impact. This would imply the grim possibility that he sees no role for a modern Church of England except as yet another vehicle for that class of elite moral nodding-dogs who cheerlead for the imposition of state-sponsored liberalism on a fragmented and ambivalent civil society.

    *digress: a lady digger.

  21. Welby that useless wet lettuce should be reflecting on his saying FUCK ALL about the genocide of Christians in Crapistan, Nigeria, Egypt, China and sundry other failed states and Islamic shitholes. Not a fucking word from this cunt, none to from the Marxist Antichrist cunt called the Pope. Both were outraged for about a nanosecond at Erdogan turning the Sophia into another fucking mosque, about a million times the concern these fake Christian “leaders” have shown to what’s going on in the world’s biggest shitholes. If there is one, I hope they both go straight to hell where Satan will roger them for eternity with a cock covered in spikes. Welby is not just a cunt, he’s a 100% genuine, top grade M&S CUNT.

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