An emergency cunting please admin for all the wokes who are currently filling up social meee-ja and WhatsApp with “funny” videos and pictures and generally being smug and self satisfied about Trump’s “defeat”
They may well be laughing on the other side of their faces in a couple of weeks.
What a bunch of smug, gloating cunts.
Enough said.
Nominated by: Cupid Stunt
Ah well.
I console myself that at least the shoe’s now on the other foot. Just think at all the shit that Biden and Harris are going to be on the receiving end of. I’m sure that the dirt diggers on the Republican side will now be redoubling their efforts.
Should at least be a few laughs as some of the crap hurled at The Don over the last four years now gets slung right back.
I don’t see it playing out that way, Ron.
It’s well known that in the face of aggro, Demoncrats circle the wagons and defend their own, while Republicans turn on each other and eat their own. There are many forces within the Repubs who didn’t like/want Trump in the first place and will now hold him accountable for ‘losing’ the presidency. I expect the mud slinging to come from all angles.
The Repubs, for the most part, try to be the ‘better person’ by not engaging in the kinds of antics which are standard procedure in the Demoncrat playbook. If they had any sense of what just happened, then they’d be laying the ground work for an impeachment, fucking up the hand over of power, slamming and defaming possible cabinet picks, etc. etc. etc. Exactly like the Demons did to Trump 4 years ago. But they won’t. They have no balls and the swamp’s against them, the courts are against them, the MSM is against them, so it’s status quo time.
The shit that’s been uncovered over the last 4 years regarding Clinton, made up Russian dossiers, illegal FISA court applications, you name it and who’s gone to jail? NO ONE! Nothing sticks and nothing bad ever seems to happen to Demoncrat politicians who break the law, undermine the constitution and act in a traitorous way towards democracy, decency and America in general. THAT’S why they continue to do it. All they’re interested in is power for themselves.
America just voted for higher taxes, open borders, defunding police departments, the continuation of mass rioting and looting with no consequences and energy policies which will decimate the economy. Really? Did it really?
Then we have Biden calling for calm and reconciliation and a coming together. After the way the Demons have behaved over the last 4 years, we’re all just supposed to turn the other cheek, kiss and make up? The sheer audacity is absolutely staggering and utterly incomprehensible.
This ain’t over!
I agree completely IY.
I think your summary is spot on. But there is a huge wild card that may turn the tables on the Demonrats. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and the Squad.
They are already putting forth the notion that the Progressive agenda won this election and must be aggressively implemented. AOC has said publicly that she wants to compile a database of Trump supporters and their Tweets, e-mails and contributions, financial or otherwise and punish them for supporting Trump.
And despite what she says publicly, Nancy Pelosi has been seriously hurt by Demonrat losses in the House.
South Bend Sword Swallower Pete Buttigieg is openly calling for legislative war with the Senate in order to enact the Progressive agenda.
There is…for the first time on a long time a serious Civil War brewing among the Demonrats.
The old hair sniffer may say publicly that he wants peace but the fire eaters want war and retribution.
Watch to see if the Old Creep has a stroke or heart attack or some other serious health issue that kills or incapacitates him. That will tell you who has won the Civil War.
White Lives Matter
Armed Resistance
Never Surrender
Well said general
I my self such as miserable northern cunt am in full support mate
Thank you Anne.
With you, Mis and others beside us we can be assured of the righteousness of our cause.
White Lives Matter
Armed Resistance
Never Surrender
TT GC@ – Eric Trump/Candace Owens are looking likely in 2024 and given the destruction the democ rats will wreak if this farce is not rerun they will be a shoe in.
I do not think they will be running for the traitor republicans – they have left Trump swinging in the wind instead of shouting from the rooftops about the electoral fraud committed so I think they will be independent and running with Trumps money and social media platforms (Parler now the most popular in the world and destroying Twitter) and Lindsey Grahams massive influence.
Laura Loomer will probably be on the same ticket – she is one to watch and takes no prisoners.
Laura Loomer is one to watch as well.
Hey Vern,
Those are interesting observations and do indeed merit watching.
Also keep an eye on Arkansas Senator Tom Cotton and South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem. At the moment they appear to be true believers in the cause of liberty.
Beware as the establishment Republicans (RINOs) try to reassert themselves. Former South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley is their likely standard bearer.
Even though it is early, the jockeying for position is well under way.
White Lives Matter
Armed Resistance
Never Surrender
Republicans are invertebrates for the most part.
Look on the bright side. At least WE will have a few gaffes to look forward to. “I mean, that’s my wife…..Listen…..What I’m saying is my legs are hairier than poor people’s but that doesn’t mean blacks can’t stack shelves….Wait! Where am I?….”
Must be some good shit…
Who cares? Trump lost, this creepy cunt won….nothing will change.
Her comes the new, just as big a cunt as the old. I know nothing about this Biden cunt but Trump was just plain start raving insane.
Stark raving insane hmm so was hitler allegedly.The show aint over yet anyroad for a start if he does go hes taking all his people out the whitehouse /demoting them etc one last good fuck you /i can only hope if that day ever comes that trump himself upends any plant pots shits in them puts the plant back in and urinates ecerywhere oh and plus a big fat festering turd in his desk mind you biden wont notice the smell of excrement and urine itd be no different to him than the carehome they dragged this fucking walking corpse out of.
Talk about stark raving insane: Rudy Giuliani is more bonkers than Hitler and Trump combined!
Top lawyer former district attorney for n y state /jailed all five main mob familys circa mid late 90s infamous wars on drugs i think youll find his legal credentials are impeccable
Don’t forget 3 strikes and you’re banged up, clearing up derelict buildings and cutting petty crime.
Doesn’t sound mad to me, a Liberal might think otherwise though…….?
Do you mean “Liberal” as in the English meaning of the term, i.e. someone who values the freedom of individuals, including the freedom of religion, speech, press, assembly, and markets, as well as limited government?
Or “Liberal” as in the recent American bastardisation of the term?
My dear friend Ruff,
I’ve noticed a change in your attitude lately. Did that nurse with the big rack spike your meds? Is she giving you your meds? Do you want some of my meds?
? ? ?
White Lives Matter
Armed Resistance
Never Surrender
I think personslly he has a good legal team assembled they(the media etc)keep saying wheres the evidence but trumps not biting as it would be ridiculed in one sense or another and the democunts would try and change the law/rules etc to prohibit it yet the media are crooked^corrupt and arseholes
Evening General.
Change in my attitude? I don’t think so. Anything specific?
I remain politically centre-right, a libertarian at heart.
I am not a number, I am a free Creampuff!
All meds gratefully received… ?
OK Ruff,
Perhaps it’s my attitude that has changed…my meds haven’t…maybe they need to.
Oops again:
White Lives Matter
Armed Resistance
Never Surrender
It won’t make any difference if a landslide for trump does get exposed. These bedwetters will just kick off in a petulant tantrum, riot, burn stuff before complaining about the mess and waiting for an adult to clear it all up .
They have ‘anxiety’ issues you see.
Addendum :
Liberal as in progressive, as in libtard, as in ‘join hands around the campfire singing ? we are the world ? type limp wrist shite.
As in comfortably well off enough to be delusional and far removed from the reality of the fucking mess we’re in.
That Liberal.
Hope this clears things up in the bakery. ?
Are you not aware that Americanisms are verboten here on ISAC? Unless you happen to be a Yank….
I couldnt give a fuck.
Sorry, meant rats ass.
All the right on Clintonite libfucks, social media mongs and woke celebricunts slobbering over Uncle Joe’s Mintballs. Didn’t he openly oppose gay marriage a while back? Surely that goes against the woke liberal charter? But let’s not mention it, eh? Typical selective when it suits us hypocrisy from the leftist scum. Had Big Don said one word about doughnut punchers, he’d be hauled over the coals and back again. The stench of double standards is unbearable.
And that thing in the picture? I would rather eat a dog turd than go within a mile of it. I passionately despise all hippies. Every last one.
I’ve spent most of my adult life with long hair, a Jesus beard and scruffy clothes.
But I ain’t no hippy…
It ain’t me
It ain’t me
I ain’t no LIBERAL son, yeah!
Cheers Creedence Clearwater Revival, you hippy wankers…
Im wearing flares, tie dyed tshirt of the Grateful Dead, beads, sandals, patchouli oil and had my face painted groovy,
But im not a hippy either!
Im a member of parliament.
Norman, I knew a girl (no, not like that?) back in 89/90-looked exactly like the slag in the nom.
She married an illegal immigrant from Columbia. She is now a well established LIb Dem councillor.
At least you dodged that particular bullet, CG. She probably works for Bury Council.
On other news a bloke was shot dead at a biden rally to congratulate the FAKE presedent biden.Could this be the start of the new revolution would be intrigued to know if said assailant was a trump supporter
Sounds an interesting start Anne.
My favourite was CNN and ABC News stating on Saturday, “In London, fireworks were set off celebrating Biden’s historic win!”
Journalistic intelligence.
With 70 million plus who voted for trump it would seem so.however angry people are tho it shouldnt come to that all it needs is two bullets one in bidens empty head the otber in kamelas job done back to 4 more years of the TRUE president
Also, a third bullet for Kilary, just to make sure and be rid of the bitch once and for all.
The smug self centred bastards wont find it very funny when And if the new regime comes into play
They won’t be laughing when America turns into Venezuela 2.0 under the Harris administration
Massive tax hikes, mass uncontrolled immigration by the peacefuls and Mexican cartels, mass unemployment due to manufacturing jobs sent back south of the border, huge welfare dependency, green bullshit removing any industrial edge, China pulling the purse strings, sucking the EU’s collective cocks, suppprting the IRA.
Thats just the good bits. It will get much darker when Harris has her strings pulled by arms manufacturers, big tech and big pharma who fund the Demonrats and starts a few foreign wars.
Enjoy you compulsory tracking chips, enjoy defunding the police when you are the victim of your illegal immigrant pet’s crimes, enjoy paying overly inflated gasoline prices, enjoy being doxxed because you didn’t support the ‘right’ kind of socialism.
America. You are going to enjoy Communism, good and hard.
It’s what you voted for.
The smugness of the new american mental /traitor /halfwit
Yep deserve all they get
Hitler had the right idea all traitors to the state should be shot
Which reminds me even the jellyfish has told biden to bollocks still pursuing this clause with the eu trade aint important it seems unless its with donnie tango
Just been watching a load of democunts prattling on about healing divisions etc. One sign even said “Stop hating each other because you disagree”.
Short fucking memories or what?
Yep. The basket of deplorables the Clinton witch called them, and they all laughed. Then he won, and they stopped laughing.
I’ve seen some of the shit music purveyors in America saying they don’t want Trump voters listening to their music. I think it was Lady Gag-Reflex and some rap Trollop Azalea Banks or something. Sounds like they are ready to forgive and forget.
I like Azealia¹ Banks. Her lips remind me of my girlfriend’s.
¹ although she may be a marginally-talented 212 ho, she is not an ericaceous plant
Doe those acid loving plants thrive on shit then
Good nom, Cupid. These cunts voted for their own doom. They just don’t know it yet. When they have had seven shades of shit blown out of them by the terrorists that will roam freely among them under Biden and then Harris, they will no doubt expect sympathy. Well they won’t be getting any from me.
The Dems spent the last 4 years denying Trump was president with their bullshit impeachments and Russia gate. If they think 70 million Americans are just going to roll over and “come together” they are going to get a rude awokening. Trumpism is here to stay and the Dems and the Tory party here can go fuck themselves.
Fuck yeah it will never happen
The simpering little shit weasels can get to fuck.
Always chattering away on Facecunt and Twatter.
Laughable weaklings.
Oven unkle terry have we got one big enough
A mass incineration would be better
Or carpet bombing…
I’m looking forward to the trial. Should be interesting at the very least.
Trumpy isn’t going to agree to step down imo.
That would be funny as fuck. Go Don!
The thing is these idiots are refusing to even look at the possibility of election fraud because they hate Trump.
“As long as he goes, who gives a fuck?”
Well, it means democracy may have ended in the USA for good, you fucking morons. Laugh it up on the way to the gulags, you fucking retards.
Step back and take a look at what we’re dealing with here.
These snowflake libtards are actually vicious little cunts, they believe in shutting down free speech, they openly state conservatives are sub humans, they will back any censorship, imprisonment or any other extreme moves the Biden administration makes.
You think nothings going to change? Enjoy the opportunity to think because thinking is dangerous and you may find yourself censoring your own thoughts before too long.
It’s not Biden we need to worry about, he’s part of the same political class that’s achieved fuck all the last 5 decades, it’s Harris and what’s behind her that should scare the shit out of anyone who can apply critical thinking to her polices and statements.
Harris declared she believes in equality of outcome before the election.
The likely soon President of the US is quoting Marxism and saying it will be her policy.
The next US administration will be focused on attacking Russia whilst giving the Chinese a free pass to become the number one economy in the world, soon after china will become the dominant world military power, then all bets will be off.
That bird on the header pic looks like Louie Theroux if hed became a rasta.
Just a observation.?
She looks like a lipstick fake hippie who probably has the latest Apple Phone and watches Netflix.
She’s waiting for Mumsie to pick her up in the sparkling new Range Rover, that will never see a speck of mud except in the car park at “Glasto”
Spending the odd weekend in their back garden Yurt (weather permitting) should offset things just fine, if the Wifi signal reaches that far, to enable the posting of unbearably smug photographs on ArseBook.
Probably alternates week by week from XR to BLM, I wonder if she has Rasta pubes.
I’d rather not be in any position to find out…
Rumour is there’s going to be a book out this year.
‘Why I Wish I’d Shot Yoko’ by Mark Chapman.
Fast forward forty years, and another book will come out.
‘Why I wish I Had Shot Harris’ by A. Daftcunt.
Of course, ego maniac Trump didn’t gloat at all after he beat Clinton did he?
No he was very magnanimous and reasonable. Just like he is now.
Im thinking of starting a religion based around Donald Trump.
Thats the way forward I think for the second greatest man who ever lived.
Come on Mis!
You’re having a giraffe aren’t you?
The sycophantic adulation for Trump on here is only matched by Biden’s senility.
The Yanks, just like us in our election were not given a real choice.
It’s getting a bit like the hysteria after Lady Dies death.
Still, I look forward to hearing 10cc’s hit, Rubber Bullets over and over again.
Neither Donald The Orange nor Beijing Joe would know the meaning of magnanimous.
Slow Joe probably thinks its a hair product.
…with natural jojoba for a jojoe with olfactory pleasures.
? ?
How dare you insult the messiah!
*(Evening Bertie, as you know from time to time I enjoy winding up others, and say things tongue in cheek…)?
What are you going to use in your act of consecration, Miserable? Cyril Smith’s face and butt cheeks? ?
Don’t be so vulgar!
Your a coarse one Ruff,
Theres children reading on here!
And gentlemen, mnc.
Well sign me up as a member you had better throw in some firearms training tho miserable!
Yep he is actually and that speaks volumes .Anyone willing to consider out of the 70million plus americans who voted for trump what proportion or percentage there could be in play for the odds of biden going like jfk ?after all considered it looks to be anything is possible
Just a thought
Your thinking is correct but the method is too old fashioned for today’s Progressives.
Look for an announcement that Sleepy Joe had a serious medical emergency…out of public sight of course…and is dead or totally incapacitated.
My guess is sometime after he is inaugurated so there won’t be any questions or legal issues about “Old Flatback” assuming the Presidency.
White Lives Matter
Armed Resistance
Never Surrender
I imagine there were about 20 – 30% of voters who actually worship either leader, the rest are split into two camps, anyone but Biden, and anyone but Trump.
I loath them all, and I never vote for someone I like, I vote for someone who I’d wish the least painful ailment on.
Fuck them.
They won’t be quite so happy when the Sleepy One has to raise taxes and cut services.
He still has to deal with covid and BLM
ISIS will be reinvigorated at such a soft shite in charge once again. So expect a few more terrorist attacks over the next 4 years (not that I am wishing that of course). But at least Trump get a clean slate on bombing the shit out of other countries.
Moreover if Biden does bomb the Middle East, will he be accused of murdering women, children and blacks? That won’t go down well with the libtards in California.
I reckon as the 20th anniversary looms, there will be a 9/11 Mark II.
They’ll do it because they know Uncle Joe will do balls all, and because Che Kamala will publicly act shocked but privately not be arsed. Not unlike Suckdick Khan as Mayor of Londonistanisstababad.
Well Barack O’Barmy did for Syria, and the libmongs weren’t too upset about that. They see what they want to see, the cunts.
The so called Democrats are already showing their Stalinist side.
Cortes is already saying Trump supporters should not be given jobs…… all 70 million of them. So much for Biden’s unity, there may be trouble ahead.
Perhaps she’ll insist that Republican sympathisers wear some kind of identifying mark.
Like supposedly “unwelcome minorities” in a certain European country had to during the 1930s…
Fucking hell fire. Not even Maggie denied Labour voters jobs. They reckon Che Kamala and her mob are commies, but it could be that they will be the closest thing to Hitler’s Germany yet. The cunts will be marking Trump supporters with coloured stickers next.
Apparently Cortes has said there should be an “Archive of ‘Trump Sycophants’ for ‘Complicity in the Future.’
She is a full on fascist.
All of the remarks in this thread are spot on. Well said Harry, Baron, Norman and Capt. Mag.
“Make no mistake about it. It’s not revenge (s)he’s after. It’s a reckoning.”
White Lives Matter
Armed Resistance
Never Surrender
The sickness and evil exhibited by Cortes and Heels in the air Harris is truly frightening – they are the 2020 nazis.
Compile lists bitch? We have dealt with your sort before, and will do so again.
If Cortes wants a reckoning she will fucking well get one – this is war now.
White Lives Matter
Armed Resistance
Never Surrender
Had to walk past the newspaper stall in Tesco this morning.
You’d think it was VE Day all over again.
The wanking in the Grauniad/Daily Mirror/New European offices must be deafening.
Like thousands of bananas being simultaneously peeled…
Ah the Democrats, the original party of the Klu Klux Klan, they don’t shout to loudly about that do they now?, utter cunts!!!!
It’s not just the Democrats – it is their arselicking luvvie supporters, and talking of arselicking I read that the Sturgeon cunt will “appeal” for help to get her 2nd referendum, and of course Kweer’s Labour party are making capital too.
President Biden will be replaced by the woke tart by this time next year., but the daft old cunt Biden will be asleep most of the time from now till then
These gloating cunts are about to get a serious dose of reality.
The White House announced yesterday that Trump intends to start holding rallies like he did during the campaign. His plan is to promote the voter fraud issue with his supporters. Among other things it is said he will read names of dead people who voted in the election.
Make no mistake the fix is in. The Demonrats, the Establishment RINO’s, the MSM and the Social Media cunts are all calling on Trump to concede. They are downplaying, ignoring, dismissing, ridiculing and pretending the issue of voter fraud doesn’t exist.
Trump will beat them over the head with it. And even if the courts rule against him…and as the fix is in I believe they will…he will amp up his supporters and trigger the snowflakes.
White Lives Matter
Armed Resistance
Never Surrender
Pity Trump can’t fire off an Executive Order saying the election was a fraud!
I don’t know much about American politics, although I do take an interest where I can. But apparently an XO is a rarity, but if all else fails can he do that, and totally fuck over Biden?
Hey Techno,
You are partially correct. Presidential XO’s are somewhat rare. Except for the Community Con Artist, Barry Obummer who used them because after his first 2 years, the Republican Congress wouldn’t pass his Brave New World, Progressive agenda.
However, XO’s only pertain to certain aspects of governmental operations.
For example…all Treaties with foreign countries must be ratified by the US Senate. The President can negotiate a Treaty but it doesn’t go into effect unless the Senate approves it.
However, Biden has said that the US will rejoin the bullshit Pars Accords. As that is not a Treaty, he can do that by XO.
I think with so many postal votes the question isn’t if there was fraud, it’s more like how widespread it was.
And that’s what the Trump team will argue in court. They must convince a court with evidence of fraud. They must show that they have X amount cases and that the existence of these cases implies an unknown Y amount of cases that altered the outcome of the election.
White Lives Matter
Armed Resistance
Never Surrender
Melania made a statement yesterday she knows he was cheated out of said election and standing by him thru all of it.The very next day
Woke msm ran with an article she was considering divorcing him what a blatant load of bollocks .What thats the best they can come up with give me fucking strength.
They want to live in an ethnic 3 rd world shithole. They’ll get their wish now!!!!!!
Ah! The smell and the sounds of the Serengeti!
I think perhaps I should be more clear about what I think Trump’s strategy is and what could happen:
1. Despite what you are told, Joe Biden is NOT the President Elect. Not de facto. Not de jure. As many states are still counting and there are a few recounts, the election is not over. And the media has no legal role in declaring the winner.
2. Election results only become final when the individual State’s certify the results. By law (the US Constitution) this is done by the state legislation. Trump does not have to overturn the results in all 50 states. He only needs a few select states where the fraud occured. i.e. Michigan, Nevada and Pennsylvania.
3. After the states certify the election results then the state legislators instruct their individual electors of the Electoral College to vote. Only after that vote (on December 15th I believe) is there a President elect of the US.
So the Trump’s twofold becomes the following:
1. Take legal action and pursue the case in the courts and hope to overturn the fraudulent results.
2. Take his case directly to the voters. In those aforementioned states he wants to create enough public support for his case that the election was stolen, that even if he loses in court the various state legislatures will not certify the results because of fraud.
As I said, the the powers that be are against him. That’s why they are dismissing his claims of fraud and claiming Biden is the winner. They want to create the notion that it is a “done deal”…as they tried to do with the pre-election polls.
This is not done yet. I think the likelihood of him succeeding is less than an even money bet. But the feeling among Trump supporters…more that 70 million of us…that the election was stolen is strong. And if anyone can pull this off, Trump can.
If he does you will see smug snowflakes smug become triggered snowflakes.
White Lives Matter
Armed Resistance
Never Surrender
I do so enjoy the posts you make General. Informative yet entertaining.
Thank you Father.
And stand by as we may be in need of your services. You might have to lead us in a hymn:
White Lives Matter
Armed Resistance
Never Surrender
It shall be the Battle Hymn of the South.
I note for example north carolins looks very prominent for trump there is i beleive an expiry date of november 21st for postal votes needless to say they are expecting a few votes for creepy joe But they expect to dismiss most of thrm as they will be classed as late(50percent)if not recieved by said date /all the while things start to improve one can but hope
The latest MSM trick in Yankland is to show libtards crying with joy and relief as if they have been rescued from the bowels of hell. Some CNN presenter burst into tears live on air…….
“It’s a great day to be a dad. Now I can tell my children that being a good person and telling the truth has it’s reward.”
Or words to that effect. Look it up, it’s fucking hilarious. Meanwhile AOC, the commie whore, is compiling a list of “Trump sycophants”. It all smacks of yellow stars on front doors and shop windows to me.
Ist in Dachau, so to speak.
Like us Brexiteers the Trumpists have been called all the names under the sun…….thick, stupid, knuckle draggers, racists, fascists, Nazis etc.
Forgive and forget? I can’t speak for anybody else but not this fucking cunt.
Hey Freddie,
The CNN cunt you mentioned is none other than commie cunt Van Jones.
Mr. Jones is a bona fide, card carrying Communist. He was given a job by the Community Con Artist (Barry Obummer) but was immediately forced to leave when his affiliation with the Communist Party became known. CNN snapped him up and gave him a prominent position.
Another world class cunt…Donna Brazile…cried on Fox News. This cunt knows a thing or two about fixing the election as she was implicated in the 2016 Hillary Clinton primary victory over Bernie Sanders. She was on CNN then and among other things she passed “secret” information and questions to Clinton prior to her debate with Sanders.
Note the significance of both cunts being Groids. Trump more than doubled the traditional support he got among blacks. The Demonrats must corral these wayward souls and get them back on the Plantation. They think having 2 well known House Nxggers cry on TV will bring the Field Nxggers back to their “rightful” Massa.
White Lives Matter
Armed Resistance
Never Surrender
Just say vote rigging was proven General. What courses of action would be possible?
Presumably the election would be called nul and void.
Do we then go through it again with a rerun?
I should think there’s no precedent for this and it would cause a constitutional crisis?
Hey Bertie,
The election would not be called null and void. The important thing to remember is that it’s not about the popular vote nationwide. It’s about the popular vote in the individual states and that state’s Electoral college electors.
If Trump can prove fraud in 3 states…Michigan, Nevada and Pennsylvania…and those states are declared for him it would not effect the votes in other states.
It would however, change the votes in the Electoral College and would give Trump the necessary majority to become the legal President.
Each state legislature has to certify the results of the election. If Trump can prove fraud in those 3 states, or convince enough state legislators that there was fraud and they do not certify the election results then there is a Constitutional remedy.
The Constitution provides for a “tie” but I’m not sure what it says about a dispute. In the case of a tie the US House decides who the President is and the US Senates decides who the Vice President is.
But is isn’t a simple vote. In the House it’s a vote by state delegation. After that is decided the the state’s vote.
Example: California has 54 House votes (Maybe 52…I’m not quite sure). A majority of the are Democrats. Assuming that the Democrats win then the State of California votes as a whole for (presumably) Joe Biden. One state. One vote.
Alabama has 9 votes in the House. The majority are Republican. Assuming the Republicans win then the state of Alabama votes as a whole for (presumably) Donald Trump. Again One state. One Vote.
That means 1 vote for Trump from Alabama and 1 vote for Biden from California. This process includes all 50 states until there is a winner.
The Senate then votes as a whole…each Senator regardless of state has 1 vote and a simple majority of Senators, not states choose the Vice President.
Look to the US election of 1824 and the so-called “corrupt bargain” for precedent.
There is also a provision in the event the election is not decided. The Speaker of the House becomes (what I think amounts to an interim) President. In this case…President Pelosi.
Lots to digest as we enter what isn’t exactly uncharted waters. Not unlike the medieval maps of the world we may know the general shape of the oceans but to be sure there are monsters lurking on the borders.
White Lives Matter
Armed Resistance
Never Surrender
Thanks General. Very clearly explained.
For your pleasure:
…and it’s easier for Van Jones to be a cunt.
White Lives Matter
Armed Resistance
Never Surrender
That was a pure cracker and an absolute treat RTC – many, many thanks. Nobody does BS like a Yankee Doodle Dandy; after all, they invented the concept.
By and large I desist from watching such shite, indeed pretty much all TV. I do sporadically “dip in”, partly due to a fallacious feeling of duty to “keep abreast” of the Zeitgeist, partly due to frankly poor sleep hygiene… but the inevitable surfeit of “dust with the diamonds” becomes swiftly intolerable – often within seconds.
Thanks again for that gem, RTC. I can see my old-fashioned beliefs that there must be something worth watching is not quite yet 100% ill-founded. I nearly shat myself with unbridled mirth.
What a cunt. Do you reckon he’ll win an Oscar for that performance?
More likely a “Razzie”
On the matter of Harris. Blacks have achieved very little in terms of progress and development over the last 40 thousand years. They remained static in terms of all social,cultural and industrial development for the duration until the European arrived on the scene. Even today, Politicians in the Banana States have a miserable record of non achievement.
Once Biden has taken his warm milk, served one evening on the terrace of the White House, he will slip into an eternal sleep that allows Americaz ( not typo ) first Non White Female President to step up within the 10 minutes it takes to certify Bidens passing. Hilary will rush to her side established as the “noo” Vice President.
Ladies and Gentlemen, the entertainment is shortly to begin, sit back, fetch the drinks in, and enjoy the show.
There is a place where the dark keys live and have not been touched by the honkeee man’s influence. North Sentinel Island.
I keep hearing claims that Africa would’ve invented all the stuff the honkeeee did, had they not been ‘robbed’ by the evil white devils.
Well, we have that very example. Nobody can enter their land as they have no immunity from the shite modern humanity carry in their systems. So they’re left alone, and have been for centuries.
So what have the cunts built? Skyscrapers? Flying cars?
Well, they live in mudhuts and walk around butt naked throwing spears at any boats (and passing aircraft) that come too close to their shores.
Of course, they may have hoverboards in their mudhuts…
….also known as Wakonda?
Why are all celebrity bimbos and slags Democrat groupies? You name ’em: Miley Cyrus, Skanklett Johansscunt, Kunty Perry, Ladyboy Gaga, Ariana Grande, all them Jenner and Kardashian slappers, Evan Rachel-Cunt, Natalie Portmouth, Jennifer Lawrence, Titless Taylor Swift, Rihanna (not even American), Beyonce.
I know the average American bird is as dizzy as fuck and low on IQ, but are they all that thick? All I can say is they must love the taste of Uncle Joe’s Mintballs. Clueless fluff brained shagbags.
More like they are all Femstapo cunts (when it serves them, that is) and all acolytes of Kilary and Che Kamala.
Oh, and every single one of them is a serial cockmuncher and a total slapper. Coincidence? Nah!