An emergency cunting please admin for all the wokes who are currently filling up social meee-ja and WhatsApp with “funny” videos and pictures and generally being smug and self satisfied about Trump’s “defeat”
They may well be laughing on the other side of their faces in a couple of weeks.
What a bunch of smug, gloating cunts.
Enough said.
Nominated by: Cupid Stunt
Tbh this could be a blessing in disguise. There’s never been a worse time to take over as president and it’s no secret the Dems have made a mess of the virus at state level.
Yes I suppose the democrats are feeling smug today, maybe just as smug as the republicans were feeling four years ago. So what can we call Joe Biden today? Bit difficult to criticize him with any conviction when he hasn’t even started the job yet. I’d mention the fact that he’s a catholic if I thought he was going to base his decisions on his religious beliefs, but I know from personal experience that most Americans are only religious when it’s convenient. He may turn out to be an effective leader who wins a second term in office, something that Donald Trump has failed to do. We’ll see.
Ah, yes, 2016 (harp music, fade to sepia) When all Trump’s supporters gathered in public places quietly to praise the restrained dignity of their scrupulously honest, humble hero and extend their sympathy and respect to the losing candidate….(harp music, back to bright orange hairpiece)
This flashback was brought to you by Novichok Productions Inc. (“messing with your mind to the end”.
Crazy nom.
All the Luvie wankers, DeNiro,Middler and such can now move back to the states after their self imposed exile, oh no they didn’t go anywhere, fuckin cunts the lot of em.!
I’m kind of hoping that the day after Sleepy Joe and Che Harris allow the Iranians to re start there Nuclear programme that Israel decides to nuke Iran by way of thanks. Should make riveting TV.
With any luck there’ll be a domino effect and Iraq, Pakistan, Libya and Syria will also be nuked out of existence.
Anyone heard from the Markles yet? I bet she’s telling the Halfwit, “ see I told you so, you know i’m always right.”
(Halfwit nods his royal head in supine compliance)
For a change she is out of the headlines, its another power crazed, self-obsessed media whore woman of colour pulling the strings of an easily manipulated idiot that everyone is talking about.
Au contraire mon ami.
As I have said before, the formally royal couple is in my news feed every day.
The latest story is about how they went to the Los Angeles Coliseum on your Remembrance Day it was important to Halfwit Harry to lay a wreath.
By the way, we don’t celebrate that here in the states. We have Veteran’s Day on November 11. That symbolizes the end of WWI…celebrated on the 11th day or the 11th month as the Armistice to end that war went into effect at the 11th hour of that day.
Mr. Markle-Hewitt’s gesture was meaningless.
This was followed by a story that he requested that a wreath be laid in his name back in the UK. This request was denied by the Palace as he is no longer a Royal and therefore, not entitled to participate in Royal ceremonies or wear the uniform.
It is said that Mr. Markle was humiliated by this “rebuke.”
There are also stories in the American press that the D-List Duchess hates the UK and will never go back…under any circumstances.
The attention whore and her pet moron are never out of the American news. But what you have no doubt seen is a decision by the major tabloid publications…as reported in the American press…that the Markles are so unpopular that they can no longer be seen on the cover of magazines as they are a detriment to sales.
White Lives Matter
Armed Resistance
Never Surrender
Lovely words General, and very well deserved for little boy inch dick and Megnog.
Keep your powder dry over there, there may be floods of Liberal tears in the next few days.
Thanks Cuntle.
I can assure you that many of us are familiar with the great line from (piece of shit) Oliver Stone’s film Platoon:
“Just keep your powder dry and your pecker hard and the world* will turn.”
White Lives Matter
Armed Resistance
Never Surrender
*Actually, I think they got that line wrong. We always said;…the worm will turn.”
That’s good news General. I’ve always thought Americans like the pomp and circumstance of Royalty but don’t want to actually pay for the freeloaders.
As a gesture of trans Atlantic co-operation you can keep the Markles permanently. No need to thank us.
You’re correct…there is no need to thank you. Thanking you for Me-ghantoinette would be like thanking the Commie Chinks for Covid.
White Lives Matter
Armed Resistance
Never surrender
General Donald Trump!! Has a ring to it General don’t you think?. Maybe it will end up like that. Are you prepared to rally to his cause? You had your Last Stand at Little Bighorn. Maybe The Donald will end holed up in Trump Tower. Trump’s Last Stand! Will you be there with him?
Is the Pope a paèdo?
Hey Miles
What part of never surrender did you not understand?
Even if Biden is declared the legal winner, I will still maintain the election was stolen and oppose the Demonrat agenda with every fiber of my being.
As for the Last Stand at the Little Big Horn:
“They died with their boots on!”
White Lives Matter
Armed Resistance
Never Surrender
Might have known those ancient hippy relics, Crosby Stills & Nash are Democrats.
These cobweb covered coke addled viagra poping antiques will no doubt forget they despise one another and ‘pull together’ with a syrup drenched ‘anthem’ for Uncle Joe, Che Kamala and a hopeful ‘New America’ and be as self important and as (only in their own minds) ‘radical’ as ever. If Neil Young has got any sense left he will stay well out of it.
I bet Bruce “always sounds like he’s having a shit” Springsteen gets in on the act as well.
The wanker…
Where is there a Jodie Foster obsessed nutjob with a gun when you need one?
John Hinckley Jnr. Where art thou?
Rashford is still up to his feed the hungry kids in Third World Britain bullshit I see Norman. Of course Boris did a U-turn but dressed it up as some other bollocks however Rashford is still not happy and wants more funding to the tune of over £600m. Corbyn may be gone but his magic money tree hasn’t.
More ‘activism’ from the Black Birtles, eh? The arrogant little cunt wants to pull his finger out on the pitch. I blame that turd Lineker for thick footballers getting all ‘political’ and gobbing off.
People in Carlingford have held a parade to celebrate the election of Joe Biden as US president.
Mr Biden has roots in County Louth, from where his great-great-grandfather emigrated to the US in the 1840s.
On Sunday the Carlingford pipe band played a special new anthem called Our Local Joe, as residents gathered in the town.
The president-elect’s distant cousins – the Finegans – live in the town and were part of the celebrations.
Fucking cunts. Fucking thick Micks.
Bog Oirish sheeites?
The way ALL the MSN say Trump’s ‘baseless’ claims of voter fraud. Or Trump’s ‘false claims’ of voter fraud.
The sudden unanimity. Feels ‘concerted’.
Wouldn’t ‘Trump’s disputed claims of voter fraud’ be more appropriate. Especially as he is going to court.
MSM I mean
Trump got 4 million more votes than in 2016. Now I know people in America move about a lot. But he must have got a lot more votes in the states that won it for him the last time. The electorate in those States cannot have changed that much since the last time.
Voter turnout was higher, that’s all.
In fact it was the highest for 120 years.
Current estimates suggest that 160 million people exercised their right to vote, with a turnout of 66.9%, the highest since 1900 when 73.7% of the electorate turned out to vote.
It’s not fucking rocket science.
Vote early.
Vote often.
Just like 1900?
PS: Thought you’d like to know that Howie Hawkins, the Green Party presidential candidate, received 320,000 votes, which was 0.2% of the turnout. So much for Extinction Rebellion and the blessed virgin Greta.
Look at the racid bitch. I could stick a jonny on the end of that and shove it through tony blairs peep hole. Im sure he would get hard over that. The little queer.
There’s an outside chance the Supreme Court intervenes and the election gets decided in Congress –in which case the Trumpster wins.
Trump’s a cunt but he’s my cunt. And he’s hated by all the best cunts…er, people.
Biden’s just a cunt, period. And Harris…I can’t think of anything nasty enough to say about her.
What I fear is that some of my friends here do not understand the extent to which the Demonrats went to steal this election.
Prior to the election:
1. They changed state voting laws and deadlines by executive action or court rulings on things like verifying signatures, voter deadlines and poll watching. The US constitution give exclusive right to the state legislatures to determine how each state shall conduct the election. These clear violations have not been adjudicated by the Nation’s highest court.
2. In some states they sent out ballots to every one in the state regardless of whether they were legally eligible to vote. These ballots were then harvested by Demonrat operatives who filled them out and turned them in. Regardless of whether or not the “real” voter voted in person or by absentee.
3. Dead people were registered and in many cases voted. There have already been conviction in 2 states…Florida and New York…for voter fraud of this type.
4. Software was installed to count votes that was flawed or faulty. In one Michigan county 6000 Trump votes went to Biden. At least 47 of Michigan’s over 80 counties use this software. Presumably, if there is a flaw in one there is a flaw in all and this software was used in over 30 states.
5. Potential Trump votes were discarded or disqualified. In Arizona there are allegation that Trump votes were overridden and in Pennsylvania military ballots were discarded in a ditch.
And just to be clear…in some major cities…Detroit and Philadelphia for example…there is a demonstrated and proven record of voter fraud with conviction for public officials and jail time. Need I explain that these officials are Demonrats?
And consider this…the Demonrats mounted an all out effort to ignore voter ID laws and signature verification laws. Why do you think they did that?
The length and breadth of the fraud is unprecedented. That’s why the Demonrats and MSM want Trump to concede. They want no questions. Just believe what we tell you.
White Lives Matter
Armed Resistance
Never Surrender
Trump won. It is a sad day to see blatant rigging and dead people voting, ffs. I hope to fuck Trump wins his legal case and is still President in January. God bless America. #MAGA
Interesting to see how this vaccine has suddenly emerged just recently too.
We can’t have Don associated with it now can we?