Donald Trump’s fail-safe plan in the event of things not going his way in the election was to claim there existed a massive mail voter fraud conspiracy, yet election officials across the US, republicans and democrats alike, have refuted these allegations. Even more ridiculous is the ‘QAnon theory’, which proves there is no shortage of people eager to take advantage of the stupidity of others for personal gain. Using various forms of subterfuge as a means to seize, consolidate or hold on to power is a tactic that has been used throughout history to target the gullible, the fearful and the easily-manipulated.
In 1933 Nazi sympathizers set fire to the Reichstag in Berlin and blamed it on the communists, giving them the excuse to suspend civil liberties. In 1982 Argentina’s failing military junta attempted to restore support by reclaiming sovereignty of the ‘Malvinas’. People tend to wory less about how the economy is doing when they’re involved in a war.
If Trump hoped his inept schemes might instigate some kind of popular uprising to keep him in power, then unfortunately for him it hasn’t materialized. His moping and complaining has simply invited ridicule. Attorneys representing his campaign in the courts are withdrawing their services, he’s fallen out with Fox News and most republicans have decided that the best policy is to maintain an embarrassed silence till after he’s gone. In desperation he’s even tried to claim credit for the new coronavirus vaccines.
Vladimir Putin could teach him a thing or two about staying in power. He became prime minister of Russia in 1999, president in 2000, prime minister again in 2008 and president again in 2012. Trump must wish he’d been born a soviet citizen, it’s so much easier to re-invent oneself under their system.
Nominated by: Allan
I still believe Donald Trump would be better both for America and Britain than that little shitstain Biden. The most powerful country in the world with all the undoubted talent America possess and they end up with some incontinent old fart. Tragic.
I would be sore if I lost to a wanker like that.
(Talking of Biden, a nomination will be published here a little later in the week – DA)
I’m not so sure. I doubt if Biden would have suggested giving people disinfectant to get rid of Covid19 ?????
Be a good way to rid the US of thick cunts though.
Indeed. There’s almost 74 million of them who did vote for Trump, after all!
And even more who voted for Biden. What a strange country.
“I’m running against the single worst candidate in the history of American presidential politics and you know what that does? That puts more pressure on me. Can you imagine if you lose to a guy like this?”
(President Trump, October 13, 2020)
Like us with Boris, people vote for the leaders they deserve.
Or what they perceive as the least worst.
I didn’t vote for Boris… although I would have done if I’d thought the sitting Labour candidate in our constituency (and by extension Corbyn) had an even chance of winning.
Exactly. The American people voted against Trump, not for Biden. Trump has become a national embarrassment and they want him gone.
I find it highly amusing that even now Trump and his loony lawyer Giuliani are still claiming fraud. Giuliani keeps going on about the signed affidavits from witnesses to fraud during the election process, but all they are is a piece of paper which somebody has signed. They are not actual evidence.
And therein lies the problem for Donald and Rudy. They can throw their toys out of the pram and claim the election was stolen, but until they provide some actual proof, all they are doing is pissing in the wind. They have lost court case after court case, and are going to keep losing.
I am looking forward to seeing the Secret Service dragging Trump out of the White House on the 20th of January.
I fear you will be disappointed as he has already agreed to go.
Biden’s inauguration might still prove to be quite entertaining though…
Fuck knows why they’re inaugurating Biden, there will probably be 10 people in front of him making policy decisions and, by the looks of him, unless they have him stuffed he won’t be upright too much longer.
Yes… but what high jinks will Trump get up to?
Then again, he might act all respectful and solemn, like he did at George Dubbya’s daddy’s funeral. ?
But, Robin, Here in the UK we KNOW there is electoral fraud in certain places, Tower Hamlets in London, dusky places like Bradford. It is difficult to get tangible evidence, but since when have 35 people all been registered at one address, when that address is a small flat above a fried chiggun shop. Do they all really live cheek by jowl in that one small flat? I suspect America has it’s Tower Hamlets as well, and like us, the USA is far to easy going where postal votes are concerned. Unless you are over 90 or have documented poor health there should be no reason or excuse for PV since it encourages dishonesty.
Well, you say that you KNOW there is electoral fraud in certain places, but if anything is going to be done about it we need something called PROOF. Trump has made lots of serious allegations, but provided no proof.
I agree about postal voting though, there does seem to be far too many people using it without good reason.
Yeah, “KNOWING” something, but then actually being able to PROVE it, are two very different things!
All the more reason to ban postal voting unless there is a clear, unambiguous reason for it, age or infirmity.
On that we can definitely agree. Postal voting should only ever be for people with a genuine reason for not being able to be there on the day.
Yup. Should be banned. It is w well known fact that Imams get hundreds of postal vote forms from their flock and fill in the votes for the ‘voters’. Stuff like this goes on. Then you have the controversy over Biden suddenly getting shit loads of postal votes. Just looks a bit off.
I get that some people genuinely need a postal vote, but I;d only allow them to armed forces personnel serving abroad.
Those unable to vote would be evened out over the parties Although in theory, older voters are more likely to vote Tory or Republican.
With that it mind, you’d expect the Labour Party and the Democrats to be begging for an end to postal voting.
But for some reason, they are vehemently in favour of postal voting to the point of rage if you mention banning it. Can’t quite put my finger on this one.
Nothing to see here, move along…
Yes postal voting is a disgrace, Peterborough was a classic case in the 2019 bi election after the onasanya women was kicked out, the P Stanley cunt with previous for vote rigging was allegedly involved but as it has been said difficult to prove.
A number of postal votes were rejected because of doggy signatures.
Free and fair elections can never happen in a peaceful community, but how can you prove people didn’t vote for themselves rather than who they were told to vote for.
With the millions of postal votes in the US if there wasn’t coercion in particular communities then I am a Dutchman (now where did I leave my clogs) ?
Tango man got stitched up.
I’d be feeling pretty sore about it if I were him too.
You’re absolutely right. He was stitched up by the 80 million people who voted for Biden.
Tango man may be a cunt, but at least he’s an alpha male.
I’d always support an alpha male over a kiddie sniffer.
I’m going to sit this one out. There is a rotten smell coming from this election. He got something like 10 million more votes than last time and was leading in the contested states until counting was halted and on restarting suddenly all the votes being counted were pro Biden.
Maybe Biden did win, maybe it’s not unusual for a 77 year old man that can’t string a sentence together on occasion and didn’t campaign in any meaningful way to win elections.
The office of president elect? That’s a fucking joke for a start.
I doubt the old fool needs an office – a disabled lavatory would be more appropriate with Michelle Obama on hand to wipe his arse
Funny you should mention disabled. I wrote in a previous post that Biden would not be long for this world. Sometime after the Inauguration there will be an announcement that the old hair sniffer has suffered some sort of fatal/incapacitating “natural malady” like a stroke or heart attack or seizure or some other medical condition. With that, Flatback Harris will then be coordinated and the Revolution will begin in earnest.
Perhaps the stage is being set with this as a dry run:
Merry Christmas to all. ?
This election was indeed rotten to the core. Anybody who believes that Joe Biden got 80 million legitimate votes is naive beyond belief…especially in light of all the post election revelations.
Senator Rand Paul…no friend of President Trump just recently went on the record:
Merry Christmas to all. ?
Oops. Fox Business not Fox News:
Merry Christmas to all. ?
Yet another Republican stirring the pot.
You might want to read the last two paragraphs of that Fox Business report General ?
I did read the last 2 paragraphs. The last 2 paragraphs are from Fox Business and NOT attributed to Senator Rand Paul.
Rand Paul laid out his position and Fox Business (along with the Associated Press) felt compelled to add their 2 cents.
They certainly didn’t do that when all the bogus Russian Collusion stories were going on.
Merry Christmas to all. ?
And Feliz Navidad to you sir??
Even before he took power Trump made it obvious that he is a bigot, a liar, a cheat and a crook who has no empathy with anyone but his own supporters. All this was confirmed during his presidency. He has also shown himself to be a racist, misogynist and climate change denier. He regarded the pandemic as a hoax and later suggested that people swallow bleach to fight it showing how ignorant he is. A bully at home he kowtowed to the likes of Putin. Even the economic miracle he claimed was handed over to him by Obama / Biden who fought off the credit crunch. The man is a total fraud and a nasty bit of work. Anyone who disagrees with him gets battered or binned. And the way he has conducted himself in the campaign and election and since only proves all this. He demanded that the count was stopped in the states where he was leading (but being caught) and continue where he was winning. A complete hypocrite, encouraging his fanatic followers to take to the streets to make trouble. He is by far the worst and most hateful, divisive president n history. Good riddance Donald.
Well said Lord Helpuss. Absolutely 100% spot-on.?
@Lord Helpuss
In my opinion your post is nothing more than talking points without facts or context.
Spoken like a true Progressive Leftest Operative.
Merry Christmas to all. ?
Correct General. Regardless of what you think of The Donald in general, Trump did not call the Pandemic a hoax. What he said was that Democrats’ criticism of his administration’s response to it was “their new hoax“ post the sham impeachment charade.
And ffs sake he also never told people to fucking drink or swallow bleach either!
There’s a very freely available video where he talks about using disinfectant to knock out coronavirus. When the president of the United States comes out with something like that there are plenty of morons who voted for him who will head straight down to Walmart to buy some and start drinking it.
He was reckless in the extreme.
Andrew Jackson and George Bush say hi, Helpuss.
Good. Compared to Trump they were great presidents.
He never told anybody to swallow bleach.
Total fucking bullshit comment.
He suggested bleach could be taken internally and some of his numbskull supporters might well have taken that to mean they should swallow some. So not a bullshit comment at all. Fact. But then you Trumpers don’t like those unless you invent them yourselves.
He didn’t tell people to swallow bleach though.
Bullshit comment. Fact!
Trump Derangement Syndrome.
Kiddy sniffer lover’s making shit up!
He may have got ten million more votes than last time, but don’t forget that last time Hilary Clinton got 3 million MORE votes than Trump, but look who ended up in the White House ?
Yes and he didn’t argue last time did he?
He is just incapable of being seen to be a loser. His planet-sized ego can’t take it so he has to invent voting fraud. But every allegation by him and his loony lawyer have been thrown out as false. Sore loser.
What I find really amusing in all this is that last time around the Democrats kept crying foul for years claiming Russian interference in the election.
This time the Republicans (or, more specifically, Trump and Giuliani) are claiming voter fraud.
They are exactly the same thing but with a different target to blame.
What makes Trump’s claims particularly pathetic is that he was making them even before the first vote had been made, showing that he knew he was going to lose.
A bit like the Democrats with their Russian interference and Ukrainian coercion allegations they tried to impeach Trump with isn’t it.
Not really. You might want to read up on the impeachment of Trump. It soon becomes clear that the only reason he wasn’t impeached was because the majority of Senators who voted to not impeach were Republican, they were never going to impeach their boy.
Kind of made the whole impeachment process pointless as it was never going to succeed, no matter how guilty Trump was.
I will miss The Donald when he leaves office. Non PC, said what he thought, no lover of the press and media, called out the Chinks for Covid, killed that Iranian General Cunt and Leader of ISIS, starting building a wall to keep the wetbacks out, at least attempted to negotiate with North Korea, fucked off Iran, great economy before Covid, didn’t start one war whilst in office. Viva Big Don.
And we are now facing an anti British plastic paddy, Catholic loony kid sniffer.
What a ridiculous nom!
Four more years!
Four more years!
The blind hatred of some people never ceases to amaze me.
With the death of Jeffrey Epstein…Ghislaine Maxwell in prison…Prince Andrew forced into hiding…and flight logs detailing Bill Clinton’s flight on the Lolita Express to Pedx Island…some people still ridicule the notion of an (alleged) international sex ring featuring (alleged) under aged girls.
And with the farcical Impeachment trials based on the ludicrous notion of Russian Collusion collapsing under it’s own stupidity, some people still refuse to accept the notion of a “Deep State.”
And with Antifa, BLM and other Progressive Leftists running rampant in the streets breaking windows and burning businesses, some people ignore their mob like behavior and call Trump a Nazi.
So it should be no surprise that these same Trump haters are so blinded by hate that they refuse to admit the election was stolen even though it happened it happened right in front of their eyes.
I wonder what they’ll make of Biden’s own words:
Merry Christmas to all. ?
Those people shall be the downfall of Humanity. There is no hope ever for those cunts to be wakened.
Either they are too dumb or too fucking scared to admit it themselves.
I work along side one of these types. Believes everything that the Media tells them and i have to suffer listening to the shit because there’s no point in having a real discussion with them about anything.
A fine summary if I may say so!
There is clearly tampering of the votes by techno soyboy lefties and a legion of Diane Abbot vote counters. You’re having a laugh if you think a demented old fool could get more votes than Obama could with his charisma and great campaign.
Look at the current interference by tech companies in the so-called pandemic, censoring information that doesn’t fit the narrative. No doubt colluding with the intelligence agencies too and ensuring this scam keeps nicely rolling along.
All I want for Christmas is a last minute Trump victory, just to see the colossal leftie meltdown in 4K high def. That would make my year.
Biden got so many votes because the USA wanted him O U T !!!
Afternoon General, hope this finds you in rude health.
Trump is hardly whiter than white when it comes to cunts friendly with Epstein, Maxwell, et al. Recently commenting on Ghislaine’s case, he said: “I just wish her well, frankly.” For once I actually believe him.
No doubt you’ll dismiss this link as “fake news”, but for those who don’t necessarily I may as well post it anyway.
Good morning Ruff,
My health is well enough thank you. However, reading Bovine Scatological nominations always makes me more than a bit rude.
Sorry to piss in your porridge this morning, but I don’t dismiss this as fake news. Although to be fair I don’t consider Town and Country magazine a legitimate hard news source. Like Vanity Fair and the Atlantic and several other rags they just tout the Liberal line.
Trumps remarks about Maxwell were well covered here in the states. But Trump long ago distanced himself from Epstein. Despite this he still doesn’t get a fair shake in the MSM. contrast the tone of the coverage:
Merry Christmas to all. ?
A lot of “hard news sources” have also covered Trump’s links with degenerates, but I thought the T&C article summed up the connections rather neatly.
Bit early for me, but a Merry Christmas to you too! ??
Hey Ruff,
As the Progressive Left is trying to bring down Western Civilization by eliminating our heritage and traditions I’m taking up the banner.
Merry Christmas…Happy Hanukkah…a Joyous Yuletide…whatever it is, I support it.
Except fucking Kwanza!
Merry Christmas to all. ?
Anyone who thinks the rich and powerful aren’t shagging who they want where the want when they want is deluded.
Epstein isn’t unique, he just got targeted and fucked over, the difference with the Epstein types is they did it within a social environment.
I am not condoning Epstein or Randy Andy but there are millions of sex slaves all over the world and you can bet there are thousands who are under age.
Trump reminds me in some ways of the guy I worked for in the US, a WASP who was a hard nose business man but also very generous. (I can’t comment on Trumps generosity but my old boss had his mannerisms).
Nah, I think it’s clear there were some dodgy shenanigans going on, but hey…nothing to see here.
Still, the libtards will be giving Biden a free pass when he bombs the shit of dark people in the middle east (which he definitely will). Of course, nothing to do with creating mass numbers of ‘refugees’ that will infest western nations, including the USA. .
I obviously just need a tin foil hat when I think that the reason for doing this is to create a slave consumer class under globalism.
But let’s see if I’m right in few years, eh?
Nearly eight billion on the planet but the only cunt alive who can’t see a dead man walking is old Joe Bedridden himself.
When the wife is away on a fact finding mission at the Seattle Lesbian Alliance blue hair/comfortable shoes combo workshop, one of the spooks will stick a needle in his neck when their putting him to bed.
Consuela the cleaner will find him dead. It’s all very sad and a time to heal and come together.
Or he’ll step down real early due to health reasons….
My money is on some cunt ‘finding’ (they’ll have it ready now) a video of him in the 1970s saying something a bit ‘waycist’ in an off guarded moment.
His party will advise him to resign ‘for the good of the party’.
Shame, he’s obviously the most popular president of all-time in terms of votes, by some distance. It must have been his energy, enthusiasm funny but intelligent personality that won 20% more votes than Obama? Couldn’t find more than a few dozen to come to his rallies in a car park, but still….nothing to see here.
Yeah and we all know who is waiting in the wings once Biden has been forced out.
The nign0gs of BLM will be taking over ‘Da Black House’ as it will be renamed.
Public executions of the honkees on the lawn and all honkees to gibs dem all dey stuff as reparations. The executions will come once the honkees have nothing left to give. It won’t be enough so it’ll be time for the rope.
Pity Trump didn’t step down early due to mental issues. He didn’t drain the swamp. He filled it with crooks and conman including his big bloated fat self.
Roll on January 20th. When Biden moves into the White House, and the biggest rat in it has gone, they will have finally drained the swamp.
I just wanted to see leftards howling at the sky again when they lost. ?
The only way to really resolve this is to run the election again, with no postal voting and hand counting of physical ballot papers witnessed by representatives from both sides.
Obviously not going to happen, but as big Don said ‘they’re not after me, they’re after you. I’m just standing in their way’.
Anyhoo, I’m sure the USA will welcome their new communist overlords, along with the sky high taxes, relinquishing of all personal property, mass uncontrolled illegal immigration, complete defunding of the police and Kamala Harris made president for life.
Civil war 2.0 coming to a United States near you soon.
To see Trump as any sort of saviour shows the degree of delusion evident.
The same could be said of Harris.
The armed uprising when she threatens to take away everyone’s guns and install martial law for Trump voters is going to be epic.
Yeah that would terrible wouldn’t it?
If you took away Americans’ guns what would they kill each other with? Knives are so much less efficient and you can’t mow dozens down in a few seconds.
Denied yes, but refuted? Ehm, no!
The USA is totally fucked. Kid sniffing aside, Biden is a glove puppet presidential stand in for the real president in waiting, and maxist stooge, Harris. Civil war may follow as decent Americans finally wake up to the fact that they have had the metaphorical equivalent of a giant rubber dick shoved up their holes.
If we think we were conned into voting for a socialist cunt, it is nothing to what has happened in the land of the erstwhile free. God bless America. You are going to need all the help you can get.
Trump has always been a cunt. Like Boris but much more blatant. His behaviour is what we have come to expect. But, like Boris isnt Corbyn, Trump isnt the woke, lefty Trojan Horse that is Bidet.
Trump will do for me.
With his infantile delusional denial of climate climate change he might well have done for us all.
Nah, we’d have been long dead from drinking disinfectant!
Lets all reserve judgment, for a few more months.
2020-the year when fake news completely obliterated honest reporting.
Well said sir?
Who knows what might happen? Biden might prove to be an outstanding president. Or not. They might find actual evidence of voter fraud. Or not.
Who knows?
” Biden might prove to be an outstanding president.”
Seems you didn’t take the time to watch my previously posted link to “Cornpop’s Revenge” giving a breakdown of the degree of treasonable criminality that this fucking Biden crime clan are engaged in. Fer fuck’s sake do yourself a favour; it’s only 25 minutes out of your life, watch and learn.
I’ve read what you’ve written thus far Robin… and… well I’m at a loss for words. The media do not decide elections, nor do individual (paid off or blackmailed) state legislatures, SCOTUS is the final destination and arbiter and that is front loaded Republican.
…And yet you freely believe all of Trump and Giuliani’s whingeing about fraud. Which all the courts and all the election officials keep disproving with actual, provable facts.
Keep drinking the kool aid, it’s apparently working well for you?
Oh, and “paid off or blackmailed state legislatures”.
Yet more (very serious) allegations, and yet again no evidence to back them up.
You’re nor Rudy Giuliani are you?
side note: an affidavit IS evidence Robin being as how it comes with a 5yr sentence for perjury if it is discovered that it was written with the foreknowledge that it is false.
Red pills must be taken one at a time Robin, now back to Cornpop…did you watch it?
Be honest…
…you didn’t watch it did you. Go watch the fucker and come back to us.
“You’re not Rudy Giuliani are you?”
No but I am gaining the distinct impression that you reside in a 1u high rackmount module in the basement server room of MSNBC
Of course I didn’t watch it. I did read up on Ryan Dawson though, the presenter of that website. He is massively anti-israel and has serious associations with far right groups. He claims that the 9/11 attacks were actually organised and carried out by the Jews and by Mossad. He also denies many of the atrocities of the holocaust in world war 2.
He is typical of so many nutcases who sit spouting their extreme views on the internet.
He is a classic conspiracy theorist, and not worth paying attention to.
Precisely. Well said.
“Of course I didn’t watch it. I did read up on Ryan Dawson though, “
What do you mean “of course I didn’t…? Ah so that’s the level we’re at; you prefer the ad hominem path to the effort required to ascend the ladder of facts. (I really must get round to a solid cunting of Political Correction)
“serious associations with far right groups. “
Yada yada blah blah nazi…this is getting fucking old now, altogether now, you know the chorus…
Everything that I don’t like is
Literally Hitler – literally Hitler – literally Hitler (rpt ad nauseam)
In your echo chamber everything is “far right” that doesn’t accord to its group think. Unfortunately facts have no political affiliation.
“…9/11 attacks were actually organised and carried out by the Jews and by Mossad. “
So which bit of his research do you disagree with and more importantly, why?
Let’s take ’em one at a time.
Were 3 Mossad assets in fact arrested after being observed at Doric Towers across the Hudson with direct line of sight to the towers filming the first impact from the roof of an Urban Moving Systems van, dancing and hugging and flicking lighters in celebration or were they not?
When searched were they ALL (5 in total) in possession of flight tickets for immediate departure to five different dispersal destinations or were they not?
Were two of the above already on the CIA’s list of known Israeli intelligence agents or were they not? But yet they took a minimum wage ‘job’ humping furniture????
Was the ‘manager’ of Urban Moving Systems (Dominik Suter) on the CIA’s book as a confirmed Mossad operative or wasn’t he?
Was it Israeli intelligence who stovepiped fake reports of Iraqi generals handing over flasks of weaponized anthrax to Mohammed Atta in Prague or was it some other intelligence agency?
“denies many of the atrocities of the holocaust “
As have Yad Vashem!! Or are they wrong about the ‘table of shame’ soap and lampshades bollocks too?
“He is typical of so many nutcases who sit spouting their extreme views on the internet.”
Good word “extreme” isn’t it, so is “nutcase”, you can slap it in front of anything and stir an instant reaction in the mentally apathetic: doesn’t work so well now though does it and the lazy deployment of such terms as “Far Right” was rightfully cunted a few months ago. I’m afraid that spell wore off long ago and from my impression it carries little providential weight amongst the cunters on this site. As Dawson might say… “whaddever…”
But returning to Trump and your denial of fraudulent conduct of the U.S. election – if you don’t have the mental horsepower to sit through a 25 minute fact bomb I doubt you’ll have the stamina for this fucker but for those with genuine concern…
LIVE: Trump lawyers and members of Arizona State Legislature hold hearing on election integrity
…10 piss boiling hours of depositions, affidavits, (yeah them things) and EVIDENCE placed before members of the Arizona State legislature. Don’t panic it’s the Youtube link not Dawson’s so that makes it OK for you to watch. (until their bots fucking oven it as ‘fake news’ of course)
None so blind as will not see.
(Let’s all take a deep breath and relax – DA)
Cunty Chops for president.
Facts don’t matter to TDS sufferers and their Libtard drones.
It’s going supremely well now shithead’s in the Oval Office:
“I don’t even know what I’m signing”
This man has to be kept on for two years before departure which will allow Commie Kameltoe to take over for four more years.
If he leaves before 2 years ,Kameltoe only gets to finish the term. If he hasn’t succumbed to some ailment I shouldn’t be surprised if the old laptop gets brought out of storage. The left is eating itself and the result won’t be pretty.
Still, Orange Man Bad and all that bleach bullshittery.
I think those that voted for Biden were really just voting against Trump and those who voted for Trump were just anti Biden.
I reckon a decent candidate would have wiped the floor with the pair of them!
They’re both cunts but Trump is by far the lesser of the two evils.
In summary then….
The Demoncrats lost the election in 2016, immediately called foul and launched a multi-year investigation costing 10s of millions of dollars to prove voter fraud and election manipulation by Trump colluding with the Russians. Everyone, apart from Trump’s own people, were onboard. After 3 years the Mueller Report concluded there had been no voter fraud or collusion with the Russians by Trump or his campaign.
The Repubs lose an election in 2020 under extraordinary circumstances (everything going well then counting is suddenly stopped). Trump calls foul and claims voter fraud and election manipulation by the Demoncrats. Everyone, apart from Trump’s own people, immediately dismisses those claims, announce Biden as the winner and carry on as if nothing happened.
Yep, nothing fishy here. The election management and result were perfectly safe and no one need have any concerns because everyone, apart from the sore losers, say so. The American people can rest easy and get ready to enjoy the massive shift to extreme left socialism, environmental policies which will bankrupt the economy and repealing of tax breaks so all working folks can take a big pay cut. Not forgetting the open borders policy to help increase the burden on services and the tax payer while increasing the bad actor population on American soil. That’s what they all voted for obviously, so rejoice in democracy!
Eloquently put IY.
The demonrats spent four years trying to win the 2016 election and used every dirty trick in the book to frustrate the Trump administration.
Now the shoe is on the other foot and RBG has successfully emigrated to the great gulag in the sky, the left are going to be spending a lot of their budget on legal challenges.
As luck would gave it, BLM donated $425m to the kiddy sniffer campaign purely for this reason.
Nothing to see here, no corruption.
Carry on.
When Trumps gone and the US returns to continuous war thanks to the arms lobycunts Americans might actually realise all the lies and bullshit from the cunts at the Democrat party and the bottom feeders in the MSM were just that. I doubt it though. Fuck Biden, Fuck the Dems and fuck China and the CCP who are the real winners.
Trump did not lose this election, there was widespread and premeditated fraud.
When the evidence is presented to the County and State Judges they generally reject it without subjecting it to scrutiny.
This will go to the Supreme Court and if the democrats have nothing to hide then they should welcome an investigation instead of doing everything they can to delay, dismiss and challenge the legal evidence gathered.
This was clear and obvious – Joe Biden did not win, Donald Trump won in a landslide and the democrats are trying to steal the result.
This election result cannot stand, and Trump has the legal and constitutional right to continually challenge this to run down the time until the end of his second term – there is no legislation in existence to force his removal.
You might want to clean your glasses, Vern, you don’t seem to be reading the same news as the rest of the world?????
Would this be the same lamestream media that are trying to convince us, on behalf of the government, that ceding our rights and freedom for the fucking flu is justified?
Get the fuck out of here.
Probably, but they just might be right.
Still, you seem to know better than the experts so good for you
Final warning. Stop with the baiting of other cunters – admin
Experts, along with academics and intellectuals, are perceived by many to be bought and paid for talking heads whoring themselves out to the highest bidder.
Rightly or wrongly, such is the general distrust of authority, and all who sail with them…
Trump Derangement Syndrome is still alive and well.
This despite the highly dubious election shambles and what looks like a successful Marxist power grab to remove him.
All together now –
“Russia Russia Russia”
“Orange Man Bad”
If the MSM is your God then there is no hope for you RB.
Your irrational hatred of Trump is blinding you to the truth that pretty much all the world except you saw.
If you go to a Court with credible evidence of electoral fraud and the democrat Judge refuses to allow it to be heard do you consider this acceptable?
Thousands of dead people voting for Biden, Dominion Software and Smartmatic machines rigged to flip votes, BLM and Antifa hired as vote counters, observers illegally stopped from monitoring the vote, Trump miles ahead, voting stopped and re-started an hour later with Biden suddenly ahead by an impossible amount, votes for Trump dumped by USPS all over the US, more votes than citizens, homeless people being paid to vote Biden, counters filling in stacks of empty ballot papers for Biden – this is called PROOF.
I saw ALL of this and there is fuck all wrong with my eyesight or ability to smell a rat.
Believe and preach what you want, but you are wrong and increasingly coming across as an intolerant bully.
You are Sir Philip Rutnam and I claim my £5.
Evening Vern. ?
Evening RTC – I am a dreadful Man in general!
Your right lad,
You keep posting! ???
Hey Vern,
Excellent post!
What could force Trump out is the Electoral College vote. Regardless of whether or not the states certify the election, if Biden gets a majority of votes (270) in the Electoral College then the US Constitution says he is the President.
It’s hard to imagine how that could happen if the states don’t certify the results…but we live in an era where the “establishment powers that be” want Trump out and they will (as we have seen) stop at nothing to accomplish their goal.
Merry Christmas to all. ?
Hi General –
Lest we not overlook the fact we live in times where the MSM announce and certify presidential elections. Keep up dude! 😉
Right you are IY! The MSM has appointed itself the 4th branch of government. we have a Legislature…an Executive…a Judicial…and the “Information” branch.
Merry Christmas to all. ?
PS I’m still eating turkey leftovers. ?
Hello GC – I am baffled why America, the most aggressively capitalist Country in the world would vote for communism.
Curious as to why a Country with loyalty bred into it from birth to death would vote for traitors who have no loyalty to America, who work for foreign powers who are the enemy of America and would treat freedoms won with blood with contempt.
Surprised that a Nation with the attitude of “load up, protect yourself, your Family and your Home” would vote for a movement (the democrats are no longer a political party, let’s face it) that would tax their firearms and ammunition out of existence and increasingly restrict and remove them from the people and redistribute them to the militia wings of BLM and Antifa.
And amazed that we are expected to believe that a Country with a history of electing hawks and alphas would return a senile old comedy socialist who rambled nonsense in front of crowds of ten at his absentee election “campaign”.
As they say in sunny Yorkshire “This is bollocks this is”!
I understand other posters having a different point of view and whilst not necessarily agreeing I like the fact we can debate it.
But my opinion, rightly or wrongly as future history will determine, is that I didn’t come down in the last rain and if that was a free and fair election then I’m a, ahem – Chyna Man! ?
Hey Vern,
Sorry for the late reply.
I think the short answer is…they didn’t vote for any of what you so accurately described. Biden did not win the election. His “voter fraud organization” stole it for him.
Virtually, all down ballot elections went to the Republicans. Congress…state legislatures…local officials…mostly all went Republican…even in Commiefornia.
Only in certain enclaves where Limousine Liberals and Champagne Socialists dominate and in Urban areas where the Pprofessional victim class resides did the Demonrats manage to hold on.
As for being able to discuss…I completely agree. I’m glad we are able to debate. What disturbs me is that much of the debate echos the Progressive Left’s talking points. Certainly differences in interpretation can and do occur. Legitimate disagreements are one thing but deliberate mis-statements and factual distortions are another matter altogether. They are in fact propaganda.
Merry Christmas to all. ?
Prove it Mr Fox.
No you can’t can you because it is all falsehoods generated by the Trumpers who won’t face the facts of defeat.
No other president has ever behaved like this. Trump is a disgrace.
That’s the problem Lord Helpuss,
All those claims made up by the Trump team are just a load of allegations which have been disproved once they were actually examined.
But you can’t convince some people of that because, well, you know, like, the Main Stream Media reported it, therefore it must be untrue.
The poof of fraud? Seeing it with my own eyes?
Massive evidence being presented all over the US, Twitter and Facebook trying to rig elections, massive amounts of money paid to Dominion Software by the CCP – there is so much evidence it is unreal, and to be accused of believing the MSM bullshit by RB is just ludicrous – just read a few of my previous posts. You appear to think my posts are a defence of Donald Trump – they are not – they are a defence of FREEDOM but I think your left wing hatred of everything Trump blinds you to this.
I am sick and tired of this malicious sour offensive bullshit and I do not want to be on a site which a minority seem determined to drag down to the level of Facebook or cunts corner.
Were you actually there, at all the disputed elections, in the US of A, actually witnessing all this so called fraud with your very own eyes? Because that is what you seem to be suggesting.
Or were you watching it unfold on telly and then listening to the allegations by Trump and Giuliani?
All the “evidence” has been systematically disproved by closer examination, and virtually all the court cases by the Trump team have failed.
And to suggest any of my opinions are left-wing, just because I don’t like Trump, is absurd.
I genuinely don’t understand what is “malicious sour offensive bullshit” about disagreeing with you, and requiring actual, incontrovertible proof to substantiate such serious allegations. Perhaps you could enlighten me.
You are perfectly entitled to your opinions Vernon, and I am equally entitled to disagree with them.
I completely agree with you about the sour and offensive tone of the determined minority and their goals.
And while I think it’s a battle worth fighting, I’m not sure it’s a battle that can be won. I tried and ending up shooting myself in the dick.
The only advice I can offer is simply don’t take the bait. (Or as they used to say…don’t feed the Trolls*.)
Merry Christmas to all. ?
*I know many posters disagree with the use of this word as the proper noun for these agitators but I don’t know of a better word to describe them or their behavior…noun or adjective.
I am confused. Please can you explain how requiring proof, to back up serious allegations, makes me sour, offensive, or a troll?
Several allegations have been made by you, Vernon and others, but no proof has been provided. You keep referring to Biden’s party as the “demonrats”, you keep calling Kamala Harris “Flatback”. That is a fair amount of vitriol coming from you, sir.
To seek the truth does not make me a troll.
P.S. To Admin – I promise I am not baiting anyone here. I genuinely want to know why it is acceptable for some people to make serious allegations, and yet when I request proof of them I am called a troll. That’s all.
I will be posting a detailed response to you (and others) in a Nomination I am currently working on. Part of it will focus on the distinction between de facto and de jure.
A short preview of it goes something like this:
You have alleged that my referring to Kamala Harris as “Old Flatback” is vitriolic. I would quarrel with the word vitriolic, but to be sure it is certainly demeaning.
The distinction being that the issue of Harris using her relationship with a powerful politician to benefit herself financially and advance her political career is factual and a matter of record.
It has been detailed in great length by many but completely ignored as a campaign issue by the MSM.
For a review please see:
The fact that the MSM pretends it doesn’t exist does not in fact mean that it doesn’t exist. A quid pro quo clearly existed. Her relationship with Willie Brown and all subsequent benefits have been acknowledged by her and are real.
Therefore, de facto.
However, Harris has not been charged with the crime of prostitution or even soliciting. As such the facts in evidence have not been adjudicated in a court of law (and probably shouldn’t be) so therefore, they are not de jure.
With regard to assertion that you are not a troll. I did not (in this thread) call you a troll. I did however, respond in support of someone opposed to you in this thread so a reasonable person might conclude I was including you with the “others.”
My implication is based on the following:
1. On the BLM page Dioclese noted that you “stooped” to personal insults. Personal insults are troll like behavior.
2. On at least on occasion Admin has warned you to stop baiting other posters. Baiting is troll like behavior.
These are fact based instances of troll like behavior. i.e. de facto.
However, as you have not been banned and are still able to post here it is not a de jure distinction.
Look for the Nomination later today (tonight in the UK) or possibly tomorrow.
Merry Christmas to all. ?
I wanted Big Don to win to boil leftie piss and make Emily Maitlis explode and go up in a million pieces live on air.
Anyone who believes Biden won this election fair and square knows fuck all about what has been going on in American politics for the last 4 years let alone what has been going on in education and the media for the last 30 or more. This election was as bent as they come and ought to be a warning for what’s going to happen over here.
You have to wonder why the polls were, without exception, predicting an easy Biden win especially after last time. Well it’s easy to predict anything when you already know the result. Proving discrepancies here and there is not the same as proving fraud on such a massive scale……it’s an impossible task as the fixers well know.
The massive pro Trump rally in DC last week and the attacks on the stragglers making their way home could be a portent of things to come.
Imagine how you would feel if the remoaners had got their way, got their “Peoples Vote” and won with an unfeasibly record turnout of voters. Think about that.
The irony of all of this is the lefties and Owen Jones utopian thinkers will be dumbfounded and moaning the instant their lives get upended by the coming changes our elite want to implement.
They seem to actually think they’re in control, a part of the club even.
All lefties, soy boys, progressive types, puffters hate Trump.
That automatically makes him appeal to me,
Hes like no-one else in politics,
He shakes them up
And for that I like him,
Hes the president of the United States.
Long may it continue.
By whatever means…
Yeah I’m glad I’m not American and not so invested in the outcome, but Trump has been amazing for sheer novelty and comedy factor.
I’d rather have a leader like him who openly admits to grabbing fanny than some shifty nonce who pretends to be moral.
It wasn’t an easy win for Biden.
Had it been a fix then the fixers would have made it even more decisive.
It is bizarre, isn’t it. To perpetrate a fraud like that which Trump is claiming within the US electoral system would have had to have been on such a massive scale that there would have been and identifiable, provable trail, and yet no such thing exists. I wonder why…..
The result is contested so we’ll just have to see what the Electoral Colleges vote when the time comes. Its not over yet despite what CNN says. I actually hope Trump kicks Biden into oblivion and shoves all the ballots from 200 year olds up his old creeking ass.
I am not looking forward to a Biden and Che Kamala pro-war, pro-lockdown, pro-migrant, pro-EU and anti-fossil fuel administration. Shudder.
Trump…the greatest leader of any country for many years. Biden is a senile old perv who has achieved very little politically in nearly 50 yrs, except lining his own pockets. This man is even despised by his future vice president. The msm will forget about his hair sniffing, senility, son’s ‘mistakes’, China links, IRA support and the smell of stale piss. Fortunately Trump will not forget. All hail TRUMP, even God looks up to him.
Yeah, watch the attack dogs of the media curl up on Uncle Joe’s lap and lick his Botox face.
Journalism?……they haven’t got a fucking clue.
Trump tried to convince the US electorate that Joe Biden is senile and not fit to be their president. Their response was ‘This may be so, but after four years of you, it’s a risk we’re willing to take.’
Republicans won’t like it any more than the remoaners liked the brexit result. But as a Brit, I for one won’t be losing any sleep over it.
Shit nom
Donny Tango has been robbed
End of chat
My mother-in-law fell down a wishing well. I was amazed; I never knew they worked.
In view of some of the repeat comments on here, I’d also like to wish everyone A Very Happy Easter. That’s Easter 2021, in case you were wondering
I’m afraid I have to disagree with the original post. This election was a stolen election. The reason Giuliani et al are looking so clumsy is that the evidence is so finicky and widespread, trying to ward it all into a compelling and digestible fast-food meal is nearly impossible. Twenty-four-hour rolling news, and modern attention spans and the fact NO ONE in the media wants to grant any reverence to these claims means it’s going to be dismissed out of hand.
Even if you can’t make a legal case for the alleged fraud, common sense tells us that fraud took place just be the sheer number of witness affidavits that have accrued. There’s no smoke without fire and absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.
But, if you pay attention to the details you are left in a high degree of fear that fraud did, in fact, take place. But, I’m aware many are over the Trump phenomenon, over the irreconcilable relationship with the media, the hyperbole, shoot-from-the-hip style, his orange face and the personality quirks that go with it.
I know I am. But, that doesn’t change the fact that Biden stole the election.
Interesting claims.
“This election was a stolen election”
“The fact that Biden stole the election”
And your PROOF to back up these claims is…….?
If you are curious, which I suspect you are not, then you’ll look for it. As I mentioned the evidence is so disjointed and hard to layout and I’m such a lazy cunt it’s not as easy as “here, what about this”. I also know that presenting evidence on a forum to someone who has already made up their mind, despite having the most powerful emporium of gathered knowledge in the form of Google ever created in the history of civilisation at their fingertips, is ultimately futile.
I believe shenanigans took place. My hunch is based on this:
1) Biden was the laziest most unconvincing, cognitively compromised, undynamic presidential candidate in generations. He barely left the house, drew house crowds tantamount to a bomb scare, had no grassroots support, no charsma and flailed under any pressure to speak without a prompter. He also wants to get rid of fracking, a move so suicidal that it would threaten to lose him 21 states in America where the oil industry is a’boomin. people want and need jobs. Add to that, America has just seen 6 months of the Left burning shit to the ground, murdering people, shitting on the culture, policing speech, censoring…you know the rest. Trump was always a cultural candidate and Biden was all about bring all that nonsense Wokery back with presidential support.
2) The statistical chance of Biden not only beating Trump so handily, but EVERY presidential candidate in history is unfathomable. Especially considering Trump got the second-most ever. This is anomalous from the get-go. Biden got more black votes than Obama in key states. Obama was universally loved when he was voted in. But, somehow Biden beat this cultural phenomenon, this black Jesus, this intellectual, smooth-talking, regal, classy, young symbol of hope in America. How? This makes no sense.
3) Trump was and still is a grassroots, cultural phenomena. I know I keep using this word (phenomena). But, that’s what Trump is. He inspires true devotion, get-up-and-vote love and this was seen over the whole course of his running. That kind of motivated base is powerful. Thousands turned up for his rallies, people waited in the cold and rain through the night to support him. Meanwhile, Biden couldn’t draw flies. His rallies looked like austere, sparsely populated funerals.
4) The night of the election, right up until the late evening Trump was smashing the cunt out of Biden. Next, we find out key states are stopping counting to take breaks, mail-in ballots are dropped off in the dead of night, vote harvesters in Biden vans are marshalling in thousands of boxes of unfolded ballots. And voila, Biden’s graph shows a near verticle uptick in hundreds of thousands of votes. If you also look online you can find Kyron’s on NBC (what of the alphabet stations) where Trump is winning by 200,00 votes and a second later he loses them and Biden gains them in a flash. We have video of vote watchers (a sacred institution of democratic fidelity) being hounded out of voting halls, refused entry despite written documents to permit them. I’ve seen street thugs dressed as police at the door of voting stations there to filter out Republican watchers. There is so much shit like this. Old women told they had already voted by mail-in when they hadn’t. Thousands of people registered as voting 4 times. Numerous counties with well over 100% voter turn out, where canvassers could not certify the numbers, being that they were so out of wack. We are talking about 20-40% of votes unaccounted for, according to some register records (5% being something to be worried about as per normal years). And I’m not getting into Dominion voting systems. That evidence is yet to come out but it looks fishy also.
Add all this up, and countless videos on youtube of more evidence, you get a pretty scary picture of a widespread effort to defraud Trump out of the election. Rudi et al did a frankly woeful job of selling this to the people and with how CNN et al have painted Trump as an authoritarian Hitler who won’t leave office, the stage was set to make him out to be a sore loser. This was well-played by the WHOLE Democratic apparatus, and that, of course, includes the media.
Listen, I was just as cynical and over-it as anyone on this website. I wanted to be rid of Trump, and quite frankly I wish there was someone who could pick up his mantel who doesn’t possess his obvious drawbacks. I’m tired of defending him.
That said, I had to follow my scepticism and it lead me to see a very disjointed, complicated, patchy tapestry of circumstantial red flags that are, when taken in totality, quite compelling.
I’m not saying I KNOW 100% for sure. I believe there was shenanigans and the single most important part of this is the single most important part of any legal case: motive.
The Left HAAAAATE Trump with the firey passion of a million supernovas. The globalists hate Trump, the great resetters hate Trump, Big Tech hate Trump, the media hate Trump, the academy hates Trump, the EU hates Trump, the arts hate Trump…everyone hated Trump and believed he was a threat to their very existence – because he was!!! He was an existential threat so powerful and so real they had to end him. We saw this play out over 5 years. THERE WAS NO WAY they would let him in for another 4 years.
Clear motive, clear evidence of tomfoolery and jiggery-pokery.
Now, I’m flipping sick of defending this guy. Really, I’m not even doing that. I’m just trying to state facts as I see them. But, to pass this all of as JUST sour grapes is, to me, a copout. Go look at the evidence, be curious and if you tell me you see NOTHING of any consequence in the legal case, nothing in those hundreds of written affidavits, nothing fishy about the statistical anomalies, then fine. I’m not mounting the case here. I’m trying to explain why I feel the way I do. But, whatever. It’s not up to us, is it?
Your own lines weaken your entire post:
“I believe shenanigans took place”
“I’m not saying I know 100% for sure”.
Yes, the examples you quote do appear suspicious, but pretty much all allegations have been disproven upon closer examination.
The problem is, that there are people on here who are buying what Donald and Rudy are selling, and accepting it as absolute 100% truth, when it is all disprovable.
Like I said, the absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.
Ultimately, none of us was there. You can speculate that things are disproven, then the pool of presented evidence changes and you have to reassess. It’s a constantly moving picture. I’m not a 100% this happened guy. We can get lost down the rabbit hole of epistemological truth claiming. But, we are ALLL just speculating. I’m not omnipotent or all-seeing.
So, I take back my blanket statement “Biden stole the election”. I don’t know that. I’m also aware I could be confabulating (ie rationalising my emotional assumptions, post hoc). I just don’t know.
But, I sit here and I find it curious that others find it easier to just dismiss it all as weak sauce. I think there’s a lot more to come, as well. Dominion machines are being vetted and held from being wiped. But, I think it’s all too late any shakes.
Biden is America’s next president. That’s almost certain. No one wants a civil war, or to lose face on the world stage any more than they already have.
A well reasoned post sir?
If it comes out in the wash that there WAS widespread fraud I promise that I will be the first back on here to eat humble pie and admit I was wrong. I have never had a problem with apologising when it is the right thing to do.
I would come on here with items to prove my points but I can’t be bothered doing that amount of research again. I have read up on loads of the allegations made by Trump and his team and also into the investigations which have solidly disproven their claims.
I do believe, and I stress the word “believe”, that these allegations are just bluster and hot air from Trump, especially as he started making these claims before the election had even begun. They are the Republican party’s equivalent of the Democrats’ Russia allegations.
The problem is, a fraud on this scale is a truly massive thing to cover up, and so far nobody has found any actual proof.
Still, i could be wrong. Who knows!!
Fair play to you, Robin
I sincerely hope my feelings are wrong on the issue. And, the thought that if there was such massive voter fraud was country-wide then there would be some whistleblowers etc. Once again, those affidavits are telling. Never underestimate the degree to which the Left can be organised and well-drilled. In fact, I’d say the power they possess is in their uniformity of thinking that they do not need to be drilled. The requisite anger and hate for Trump would be enough to motivate individual leftists to organise themselves. As I said, Trump is such a moral evil in their universe, such an existential threat, it would actually seem morally wrong NOT to cheat the election. That’s why I think this stuff is hard to prove.
But, there we are. As you say, who bloody knows?
All the best, fella
Interesting news this morning (01/12/20) – William Barr, the United States Attorney General (who was appointed to the position by Donald Trump) has stated that there is no evidence of widespread voter fraud in the election. Despite investigations by US Attorneys and the FBI.
This is the second time Barr has been US Attorney General, and he was also Assistant US Attorney General. Each time he was appointed by a Republican president, so he can’t be described as a Democrat in disguise.
I guess that Barr will be the next high profile man in the Trump administration to be fired by he orange dictator.