Cunts in Need and The Welfare State

Yes, it’s that time of year again. There’s fuck all worth watching on tellie tonight because Pudsey is back…

Now, I know you are going to think that anyone who says that a charity appeal that raises so much for needy cheeldren should be taken off the air just because it’s a load of purile, talentless shite is a fucking miserable bastard, but frankly I don’t give a shit!

BBC Children in Need is just phase one of the charity barrage that signals the start of the Christmas onslaught in earnest. The chuggers are coming, and woe betide you if you tell them to bugger off! But this year be might just be let off the worst of it because of Covid. So it’s an ill wind that blows nobody any good isn’t it?

But let’s not forget that we have all those poor unaccompanied ‘refugee children’ like the one in the above picture lurking across the water in France. And we have to help them, don’t we? Well, actually, no we don’t.

Fuck ’em. Let them eat cake. Let them in and their families will miraculously appear to join them and bring even more extremist bomb makers to our shores.

And fuck the BBC’s Children in Need too for condoning them and forcing my grandchildren to dress up in school and be brainwashed into raising money for this load of old bollocks. That’s what really makes me angry! No wonder they grow up to be multicultural, politically correct snowflakes with no grasp of what’s really going on in the world.

I’m not tight fisted. I’m not miserable. But if standing my ground and telling them to shove their appeal up where the sun don’t shine makes a cunt, then I plead guilty…

Nominated by: Dioclese

… and kind of related. Sort of…. thanks to Cuntstable Cuntbubble

From an Ofsted report regarding lockdown.

‘A report from the education watchdog warns some young children have forgotten how to use a knife and fork or have regressed back to nappies.
Older children have lost their “stamina” for reading, say inspectors.’

Would this be the same children who were starved by the wicked Tories, I wonder? Forgotten how to use cutlery, perhaps because they live on the vilest burger/chiggun/chip takeaways?
Whose parents are so oppressed by the wicked Tories that they have to buy expensive nappies with the dinner money?
The same parents are so busy using Just Eat or whatever shit food provider that they have no time to help the kids with their reading? Are so poor that the kids are left to fend for themselves with X boxes, tablets, fireworks and fuck knows what else?

Perhaps St Marcus could take up their cause. Nappies paid for by the taxpayer. A cutlery Tsar to oversea the sink estates. Books on prescription.

We really are a fucking disgrace as a nation to get to this. And all propped up by a Conservative government.

.. and here’s one regarding everyone in fucking need, from Sick of it

The Welfare State.

Now I accept that we need a safety net for people who loose income and work through now fault if their own but it was never meant to be a way of life.
I know there are some who have been taking the piss for years but it’s going to get worse.
Universal credit was a good idea with the aim to have a one stop shop for benefits rather than having to go to several different places to get help, it also was supposed to be flexible in that getting back into work didn’t mean you loose everything if your work was low pay.
Now we have the usual cunts wanting to make the temporary uplift of £20 per week permanent, St Marcus of the Rash wanting free school meals to be all year round. The fat bloater from Skye calling for a universal income, when will it end and all this on top of charities and food banks.
The welfare state is becoming more and more a life style choice, the Slovak and Romanian gypsies are here specifically to take advantage of the endless handouts.

Sit at home, breed as many kids as you like (the more the better the benefit), everything free…. and you are fucking entitled to it, don’t feel ashamed, you are working for the government.


52 thoughts on “Cunts in Need and The Welfare State

  1. If you cant feed yourself or your children your a loser.
    Know theyll be the odd exemption, the odd poor soul where circumstances and life has them on the ropes,
    But rule of thumb?
    Your a lazy, idle, feckless, sponging cunt living of the sweat of others hard work.
    Ill give you nowt.
    Like youd give me,
    Work or starve,
    Work will set you free.

  2. Probably a lazy generalisation, but these days the measurement of poverty is lack of:-

    4K tv
    Xbox or PS4
    central heating
    double glazing
    Apple iPhone 11
    Sky subscription
    benefits of less than £1k a month

    • It’s really hard providing food for your kids when you have the expense of all those necessities. My heart bleeds for them. By the way you forgot the necessity of 40 fags and 10 pints of Stella a day.

  3. £6 million go to pay the wages of those who run it. Alex Belfield ran one of his blogs all about it. They do not tell you that do they.

  4. This years event will be the least successful.
    People haven’t got the money they used to have.
    Lenny and his comments about “white savours”.
    Lockdown stress.
    The BBC are cunts.

  5. Love the picture. Our old cleaner was Slovakian (first wave). Was a big mistake to get her started on Slovak Gipsies – fuck me, did she hate the cunts.

  6. Ironic when you consider how many kids are in need due to the parents having to fork out license tax.

  7. If only we could get Jimmy Savill back to run those children’s camps. Perfect BBC cunt to front for Pudsey.

  8. Always pisses me off when I see the thousands and thousands of pounds I pay in tax, which goes towards feckless cunts who have never bothered with an education or a job because the benefits system is so generous!

    All those years at university, all those years earning my certifications with Microsoft and Citrix, all those years of working in a datacentre learning about this that and the other. All of that means fuck all, just so long as I hand over £13k in tax every fucking year so that some lazy fat cunt can sit in his arse and watch Sky Sports while feeding his fat fucking face on junk food all day long!

    Am I embittered? Of course I fucking am

  9. Perambulating the hound a few mornings back, I noticed the Manc scroungers who had made the local Tesco car park reek of piss have now been given the Bum’s rush and relocated themselves to the doorway of the local council offices.

    Well meaning citizens have been dropping cups of coffee and food next to their sleeping heads as a nice thought for when they wake up, which appears to be around 10 am. This also seems to be the time that they roll their first spliff of the day and one of them staggers off to Tesco for their obligatory half gallon bottle of white lightning breakfast.

    Not to be outdone, I felt that I too should leave them a little surprise to wake up to.

    As the nights draw in and the temperature starts to drop, what could be more welcoming than a still steaming, half kilo bag of Rottweiler shit that can be used as an impromptu hand warmer?

    I know, I know. Probably too generous considering they have money for booze and weed, but ’tis the season for giving and sharing.

    Tomorrow, I shall not bother with the bag.


    • I have great admiration for your charitable efforts.. Good arrows.
      A can of zippo fluid and a match would aid their chilblains too, just a thought.

  10. Gimmie Gimmie Gimmie a colour satellite TV, 3 bedroomed house, with two bogs of course, a disability new car, I pad, I phone, rest bite holiday away from me own sprogs, Diazepam, stair lift cause I iz fat, new kitchen, bathroom with big bath cause I iz a fat cunt, care worker to clean, cause I iz fat and lazy.. Cunts..

  11. Just arrived from the Dark Continent?
    Can’t speak English?
    Want handouts?
    English born but a useless cunt?
    Immigration lawyer?
    Charity phone mitherer?
    I could go on but Fuck Them All.
    At Once.
    Evil fucking parasites.

  12. Good nom…. Charity was always meant to be an act of kindness. Tody, charity is a multibillion scam that puts the given money into a shakedown tree with little left at its end. It has become an industry preying upon the compassion of people and exploited by the sophistication of current marketing strategies. The Church for one needs to abandon all pretense of Charity and moderate its pious appeals for alms.

    Charity? Scamity !

  13. That poor young boy in the nomination picture with Pudsey. He must have had such a troubled life. It has aged him considerably.

    • Hes a sufferer of islamitis Spoons.
      Catch it from tainted spicy food.
      Side effects are wearing pyjamas all day, poor grooming
      And in severe cases extreme explosion.

  14. Brace yourselves, tax dodging millionaires instructing poor people to “give what you can”.
    I did a gig for this sob fest at White City studios one time, I punched Pudsey.
    True that.
    * The Pudsey in question was a doll. There wasn’t a real one in a costume at the time.

  15. Instead of giving these spongers Pudsey bear give ’em a few grizzly bears instead.
    That should sort out the waiting list for Terry’s oven.
    Scrounging cunts.

  16. One can imagine the cack that will be on 35 Year Old Libyan Filth In Need.
    Smarmy Lineker, Mrs Brown’s Cunts, Sam Smith, numerous BAME cunts, Ru Paul’s Deviant Race, the woke femstapo Doctor Who. NeverEnders musical number, and BBC newsreaders doing a crappy song and dance act for the cunteenth time. What a crock of steaming cunt,

    • Mmm, sounds like a total cuntfest Norm, make no mistake.
      Sadly the other half will want to watch it but I’m fearing that the sight of so many cunts in one place could be detrimental to my health so I shall be retiring to the study to read ‘Mein Kampf’

  17. Children? In need?
    In need of a fucking good hiding, same goes for the fucking feckless parents who all left school with grade A*+ in playing the benefits system.
    Sterilise the cunts. Problem solved???

  18. I have only applied to use the welfare state on one occasion when I got made redundant back in 1994. By the time I got accepted for JSA (3 months) I had found another job so didn’t bother for claiming the 5 weeks I was unemployed as went against the grain ( in hindsight the cash would have been nice). Anyway, for six straight months they kept sending me letters asking me to fill out the forms for claiming benefit. I told them twice to stick it as got another job but they kept on writing.
    Since then been made redundant twice and still won’t claim as can’t be arsed with the effort now. Love to know how some of these people get accepted so quickly.

  19. I grew up in the kind of poverty that would destroy a piss wet parent and snowflake brat.
    Freezing, gleaning fields for food and hedgerows and woods for fuel, hand me down clothes and shoes – and crumbs from the welfare state.
    I got by. Try it lardflakes.
    Won’t feed ’em?
    Don’t fucking breed them.

  20. Just in from Wankbury’s:

    Morbidly obese Waynetta, teenage cunt, looked like something out of deliverance, younger cunt with ADHD-unless it was a distraction robbery?
    Uncle Terry, make room in your world renowned oven, please?

  21. When Gaddafi was taken out, Libya should have been nuked.
    What makes me crease is that these ‘refugees’ aren’t from a country where there’s even a war. They are leeches and human filth. Priti Patel is a sack of shit and she will do absolutely nothing about this plague of killers, rapists, thieves, and parasites.

    As for the BBC? They are banned in Chez Norman. Nobody watches it and they can stick their woke tax up their arse. That ugly disgusting treeswinging fuckcunt, Sophie Duker and her ginger fanny BLM bumboy, Frankie Boyle and their ‘Kill Whitey’ shit was the final straw. The aerial was removed, the license permanently cancelled and the ‘Beeb’ were told in no uncertain terms to fuck right off.

  22. Most charities are now big business. Chief Executives on £400k plus a year. There shouldn’t be a need for most charities. I buy a Poppy every year but then I think to myself “Why are the Government spending billions a year on fuckers who shouldn’t be here, yet we have Veterans living on the streets?”. Government love charities because it deflects criticism from them for how fucking inept they are. And don’t get me started on Children in Need. This wankfest is the piss boiler to end all piss boilers.

  23. Fuck off Pudsey bear.

    I would love to see someone to attack you live on da Beeb set.

    Maybe they could gouge out your good eye before dousing you in a gallon of paraffin and flicking a match onto your pathetic yellow fur.

    Hopefully, the do-gooding cunt inside your sickening suit will perish too.

  24. I gave big to the poppy appeal this year because of Covid. I support our veterans and local hospis with donations but Red Nose day can fuck off along with Lammy Henry.
    As for people on long term benefits, these cunts should be dragged out to pick litter or dig ditches.
    I have a cousin who is a fucking waste of space, about 52 and probably worked about 10 years at a push. She now has an “”autistic”” fat cunt of a daughter who sits on the Internet all day looking for new illnesses and symptoms to take to the doctor so she can get signed off college and get more benefits. Benefits are obviously excessive as their house is like an Aladdins cave of shit. Drum kits, laptops, dvd’s as far as the eye can see. I’d love the Government to drag my two relatives out the fucking house for a bit of ditch digging.

    • A bloke I knew used to joke that all he had to do to get signed off on the sick for a year at a time (so the dole weren’t on his back) was to say he wants to top himself to a doctor.

      He had a privately rented house, new car and drank 8 cans of beer every night while ordering take aways and buying weed.

      Still does as far as I’m aware.

      I resent paying for shit like that.

      But peacefuls mass breeding is a much bigger problem. They grow up to not pay tax and have ten kids of their own.

      And now with the Bat flu, tax will be increasing to the point where we’ll be paying to work.

  25. Regarding the pic, you’d think they’d have taken more care of Terry Waite after being chained to an Iranian radiator for ten years. Tragic.

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