A quick cunting for the above fuckwits, please.
Just seen a clip of them on the news. A thread on these power-trip Walter-Mitty’s earlier had guesses on what sort of cunt this ‘job’ would attract, and, boy, were they correct.
The cunts I saw that were strutting their funky stuff in Magnum boots, combat trousers and ‘tac vests’ with bulging pockets (of what??) like SAS trainees, (cunts would fail to get in the Kings Own Cannon Fodder Regt.), were the usual bullet-headed cunts that wouldn’t pass a DBS check for the police and spotty little cunts that would fail the traffic warden exams.
When asked if they had any powers, the answer was of course ‘No’. Well, fuck off then. I’ll bet my pension the cunts see themselves on the same professional level as the police, too.
What a waste of time and money, but, not too surprising with this shower of cunts in charge.
Nominated by: DCI Gene Cunt
Very funny set of observations DCI but absolutely accurate.
If ever I need an ambulance I hope it’s you who turns up DCI. You might not cure me but at least we would agree on things and have a laugh on the way to either the hospital or my maker.
And we could play ‘Popmaster’ on the way in, if it’s on.
Recently got to”enjoy” an ambulance ride.
I couldn’t have wished for two finer folk to help me.
Very different from would-be dictators.
Docs were great too.
For clarity, I’m in Canada
A great nom DCI. Judging by the photo, they’ll be mainly redeployed bouncers from the night clubs which have been shut down.
I wonder how long it is before a lockdown protestor is given a good kicking by one of them?
I thought the old bill already had that covered…
Only white, preferably middle aged males, patriots and with political allegiances to the centre-right.
In the words of NWA: Fuck The Police
Given my hatred of plastic “authority figures” I think it would be the other way round Bertie.
Were they on manoeuvres?
A COVID marshal is really just the equivalent of a Stasi informant, I’ve noticed members of the Volkspolizei have been hanging about to quell disloyalty, sorry I meant COVID guideline dissenters, don’t worry cunters these fat, dumb, stupid gorillas will be put under the jackboot like every other cunt soon enough!!!!!!
GCHQ to wage cyberwar against ‘anti-vax’ people online. They say it will only tackle it in foreign nations.
I guess the NSA and CIA will do it here then.
An army of fat cunts who think they are man mountains and bossy fucking failures telling people about Bat Flu?
As indicated,no doubt they think they are one step down from the SAS.
A barrel full of shitty rats.
They’re like ‘That’ first-aider that’s made a comprehensive diagnosis with a pulse-ox and a packet of Polos, who tries to give a detailed hand-over as they see themselves on the same professional level as us. And get prissy when we turn up and promptly get the patient off the floor and walk them to the ambulance. Shopping mall security guards are notorious for this. We’ve even had staff in a care home doing CPR on someone with a pulse look aghast when we’ve done a pulse check and tell them to desist. Gotta love the public.
What do you think of St. John’s DCI Gene?
I ask with interest, as have some of my own stories on them….
I did my training with St Johns CG – I thought they were pretty good.
Aah Vern, rumour has it that you are able to remove a ladies brassiere, one handed, in under 3 seconds-was this a skill picked up at your local St Johns??
That is the sort of shenanigans (and worse) that I am alluding to…
First week in Ambulance Training School!!
One of the best people I work with is in St John, and, they’re great at the basics and I have no issues with them. It’s just that they have ‘That’ reputation, quite undeserved at times, but, not others. It’s the same with CFR’s. Some are great, but, some seem to be attracted by the ‘Glamour’. They’re the one’s that wear their CFR uniform everywhere and have more stripes and logos on their motors than we do. There’s one particular one that seems to introduce himself as a paramedic, which is a protected title, but he’s not a paramedic. Walter Mitty cunt of the highest order.
Walt’s in every industry Gene-in yours though, could be the difference between life and death☹️.
Personally, I think every school kid should be taught First Aid annually as part of the national curriculum. Also a compulsory subject at GCSE for all.
Also basic vehicle maintenance.
No argument from me on that, Cuntfinder.
CFR – is that a first-repsonder? We have a husband and wife duo round here who wear the green fatigues and their Nissan 4×4 has everything except flashing lights. They even race around the outside of traffic and through red lights. Fair dos for them “doing their bit”, but please leave the professional stuff to the professionals.
I remember seeing a old reality cop show on the magic rectangle – they pulled a young lad who had an Astra van with lights, stripes and wearing all the gear. Sad really.
That’s the ones, M’Lord.
‘They even race around the outside of traffic and through red lights’.
Seriously, if they’re doing that, they need reporting to the police and the ambulance trust they ‘work’ for. Even I, if I was responding in my own car as a Staff Responder, wouldn’t be allowed to do that unless I had blues and sirens fitted. The sort of cunt I was referring to above that give the good ones a bad name. If they show scant regard to the rules and laws about responding, then I’ll bet they show the same regard to their Scope Of Practice. They need stopping.
I worked in patient transport for a while.
Knew and understood my role in the scheme of things and got along with paramedics and emergency techs.
Some guys I worked with liked to think of themselves as paramedics and were just cunts… and one of them wore their uniform off duty…..
It makes me chuckle how keen and quick local councils are to build in extra layers of bollocks while ignoring the basics.
An example? well, the roads round here are like the lunar surface but they still managed to deploy three, yes THREE wankers with clip boards to allow you into the public tip.
I have not seen a Covid Marshall but I can imagine they will be like the city centre officers…fining people for minor things while masturbating about it later.
I don’t understand how these various busybodies can fine you. After all, nobody in their right mind is going to provide genuine details and they are in no position to force you to hand over ID.
The ones I saw on the box, can’t. They had NO powers.
These pointless cunts are paid between £11.05 and £12.50 an hour, maybe more in Londonstabistan. They are recruited and “trained” by private companies who, no doubt, are making a tidy little profit. Once again, taxpayers money being hoovered up by rich bastards and all a complete waste of fucking time. If you need one of these cunts to tell you the rules then you have no intention of following them in the first place.
What a fucking Liberty.
SERCO is the name that springs to mind. They police council tips, too. The Rembrandts of the ripoff artist community.
“Please put a mask on cos otherwise I’ll be forced to ask you to put a mask on again”
What a load of old bollocks. All getting paid for with my cuntcil tax no doubt.
These cunts make PCS0s ( hobby bobbies ) look like Dirty Harry.
I have all the qualifications I need to be a Covid Marshal, high viz jacket in the boot of the car, can I claim £100 per day.
The problem with Covid Marshals is they are useless, in places where people are complying with the rules they aren’t needed, in places where people aren’t a Covid Marshal will make no fucking difference ?
It would be tough to be lectured about health matters by a fat cunt like the one illustrated.
Sad cunts.
Albanian ‘Covid marshals’ hit Preston…
Put mask on or I wash your car!
I think your pension’s safe, DCI. I’ll bet mine the police despise them. Even the real ones.
You might be lucky and get a free 1/8th bag of uncured skraggly looking cannabis.
Fucking wankers. I can’t add to that to be honest.
Judging by the picture admin chose, fat seems apt!
I have applied. I would love to strut about with a semi on persecuting pensioners out dog walking. I was born to it.
I look forward to being lectured by one of these fat cunts.
Cunty’s Tourette’s will go into overdrive.
The fat cunt in the header photo, looks like a complete Walt.
Thinks he looks like “Dawg the bounty hunter”.
The only bounty’s this porcine fucker has been hunting, are the coconut based confectionary in his mummy’s cubboards, the salad dodging twat.
There’s no point in giving advice to cunts if they don’t understand what you are saying. Given the number of non English speaking immos in our multi cultural society I assume they are recruiting people with the necessary language skills. If not why not?
I don’t suppose any lazy cunt journalist has bothered to ask any equally lazy cunt politician that question.
Fat cunts pocketing “on the spot” fines. Excellent example of private enterprise.
Many local cuntcils will profusely cream their Y fronts at the prospect of employing Covid Marshalls and swelling their already bloated ranks with more non jobs.
It all helps when there is the inevitable cull – statistically where there are more employees, you stand a better chance of escaping the cuts.
Some on here have no respect for authority!
(Im looking at you mr Fox)
These covid marshmallows represent Boris’s authority and as such I’ll be treating them with the respect they deserve!
“Let me through im a covid marshall!”
Sir Fiddler made me write it MNC – then stole my new Covid marshall uniform!
The Man is a cad and a knave Sir! ?
Apologies for going off nom but Joe Biden has had President Elect status removed – this is huge.
Can’t find this anywhere on the Net, VF?
TT PM@ On Parler on Dan Bongino news, the MSM are making no mention of it.
Apparently the police have dubbed them “Covid Wombles”.
Now that sums it up nicely.
Judging by the picture at the top I’d have thought Covid Weebles would be more appropriate.
I said about these to BWC,
Matter of days till one gets filled in.
I loved my Weebles, they wobbled but they didn’t fall down. ?
Like the Highways Agency Traffic Wombles! Another bunch of power-hungry Walter Mittys.
“Step aside – by the power “vested” in me by this hi-viz”..
Saw one sauntering towards Holland park yesterday on high street Ken.
Hi viz with ‘COVID MARSHALL’ on the back, body armour, tactical trousers, Magnum boots. Really looked the part.
Shame he almost shat himself when the hound went to give him a friendly sniff.
Every ego wanking power tripping mummy issues likes to give orders jumped up know all wannabe Mussolini will be applying for this position. You know the sort, the snotty school prefect or scout patrol leader who loved to give orders to other kids and relished their ‘power’, and said they were going to be something big and important when they grew up. But they ended up as the resident Little Hitler at the local NCP or supermarket.
We’ve all met’em.
Aye Norm-and fucking detest them, too.
Where is Spoonington?
Has he been arrested for breaking lockdowm, walking through a built up area munching one of sister Dolly’s cakes?
I can just picture Starmer and Adonis as Covid marshalls, hi viz jackets, strutting with self importance and with a strong desire to do good and go to heaven.
A compendium of cunts, no matter Covid Marshalls:
A panoply of salutary tales.
I was up in old London town last week, pre-lockdown. Mighty depressing, but that’s another tale. I saw several of these marshals at Green Park underground. The scary thing was that they all had collar tabs, radios and look quasi-official. I laughed at one of them and took his picture to send to my mates. Lady C told me off and I told her that people with her attitude were the problem – “covid marshals” means nothing. They have no power and authority and deserve to be laughed at.
And pelted with rotten fruit and dog shit…
They kind of sum up this whole panic really…a vapid over reaction.
Ohhhh they say, if you’d seen the “front line” or if you’d been directly affected blah blah blah
For me, the front line is something like the Russian Front with dead, dying and dismemberment all round…not a fucking hospital with the machine that goes ping.
I know people who have watched too much Casualty will tell me horror stories of the Covid Wards….big fucking deal. I’m sure there’s just as much misery on the cancer wards, the heart wards, the old smokers hacking their last wards etc etc
I for one want to conk out on the people dying from terminal flatulence ward and then you can bury me face down so all the covid cunts can kiss my white arse.
Seen some of these cunts in my area.
“Move on, nothing to see here” is all I mainly hear.
Not true all I see is a fat cunt who thinks he’s important.
It’s the female, lezzer feminist ones you gotta watch out for – they think they be like Dog the Bounty Hunter (if anyone’s ever been bored enough to watch that crap on TV)…
Dead right, Cuntus.
The femstapo covid marshalls. Oh, they are going to love that and there will be scores of applications. One can see the promotions campaign now…
Had a row with the old man? Next door neighbour has nicer tits? I’m A Celebrity been cancelled? Adele CD jumping? That time of the month? want to be ‘taken seriously’? Or simply just not getting your way? Put on a high vis jacket and go on a covid Blitzkrieg.
Covid Wombles ha ha.They are.Run them over driving a bus.Extra Stazi.We are turning into a nation of informers