Not content at leaving the Country in Tiers [©T-T 2020], it seems our revered PM has at long last decided to go the whole hog.
The country has wised up this time, though. Clever people are now upping their game and will be entering this lockdown far better prepared than late March. Invoking innovative behaviours, from Panic Haircuts in Halesowen to Panic Parties in Peckham, the more savvy citizens have substantially upped their game from the mere crudity of pasta and panty-liner hoarding evidenced in Spring.
Now that Ground Control to Major Cunt has been wheeled out again, we should definitely not take our eye off the ball. As the Greatest living Yorkshireman might say “We never gave in”… and neither should we.
To be sure a veritable welter of opportunities exist for yet more unoriginal and meaningless bullshittery, which will indupitably soon be revisited. Remember, remember the fifth of November: this year we may witness the letting off of oxygen cylinders (pilfered from redundant Nightingales) in conjunction with large-scale commercial fireworks on our doorsteps at 8pm. Rather more impressive than the altogether less effective onanistic ovatory ordure we became accustomed to of a Thursday evening during the Summer.
What a shower of cuntery. Forewarned is forearmed!
Nominated by: Terry-Thomas
Terry Thomas! My favourite bounder!
Good nom!?
Took Boris some time to get his courage up for another lockdown cant say I blame him for being reluctant,
Although I blame him for everything else.?
Haven’t noticed a bit of difference this time,
Its a hopeless venture anyway with schools, colleges, open.
Boris is truly a slimey cunt and im waiting for his Brexit betrayal soon.
I’ve noticed the difference, Miserable – fucking charity shops are closed. Where am I going to get Lady Creampuff’s underwear from now? ?
And dont forget Christmas presents Ruff.
I normally get mrs M something nice from Sue Ryder, a boardgame with hardly any pieces missing
Or a pair of hardly worn wellies in a similar size to hers.
This year itll have to be a I.O.U.
RTC Provided you have an industrial size packet of Vanish heavy duty stain remover, and don’t mind using the highest setting on your washing machine, Jess Phillips and Analease Dodds might be able to help you with Mrs RTC’s Christmas present – they probably leave several pairs hanging around the countryside when they meet up for sexy time with their strap-ons at dogging sites – we just have to find out where they are. Deep pink wrist cutter bloomers will be useful if it is a cold winter. I’d recommend a little Jeyes Fluid in the final wash, just in case.
Thanks for the heads up Mr Boggs! Much appreciated.
RTC, have you considered sourcing Lady RTC’s underwear from net door’s washing line?
You are Arnold Layne and I claim my £5.
Actually that’s a great idea Guzzy. The neighbour on our right has a Japanese geisha girl cum wife who doesn’t half give me the fucking horn! In fact I’m rock hard right now at just the thought of her frilly crotchless undercrackers!
RTC – I still have some if you want it. Might need a wash.
Afternoon Miserable, the first one was a venture into the unknown but should have ditched that tortoise who’s lost his shell Whitty, his mate Vallance with their out of date Blue Peter graphs of doom.
Evening LL, that Whitty character is a odd one isnt he?
Hed be right at home sat in a basket on Elliots BMX wrapped in a blanket.
They’re both aliens who came from the Planet of the Reptiles. Whitty is a tortoise who is too slow to catch a cold let alone Covid and Vallance is a proverbial cold blooded snake.
Anyone who watches Family Guy will remember the episode when Stewie Griffin went into the future and saw himself as a grown man, it’s the spit of Chris Shitty.
I always think of him as Dame Chris Whitty. Not in a gay sort of way. Oh no.
It’ll be hidden in the Queen’s speech at Christmas. Between some boring sentences about Prince Hairy being a cunt will be “What Brexit?”.
It is with sadness that I have arrived at the conclusion that a disturbing number of the contributors to this site are in desperate need of therapy.
This site IS the therapy.
Well, that and drink obviously…
And frequent, furious bouts of frenzied masturbation.
Or is that just me?
Nobody could have fucked this up anymore than Boris. Up to The end of April he had my support but now, after fucking the economy over twice, giving his pals huge govt contracts for newly set up companies, fucking up the exams, taking away our freedoms and now probably wanting to introduce a crypto currency I want the cunt on a scaffold in Hyde Park and my good self ready (dressed in a black hood) to pull the lever. The only way it could get better is to have Hancock watch Boris’s demise while slowly realising that the pile of wood and gallon of four star is for him
no wonder she’s fucking smiling:
we’re all in it together (the trough that is).
Beautifully written Cuntsince, a true wordsmith.
Bring Back Theresa!
Just joking folks.
I just wish Boris would stop indulging that motherfucker Barnier. October 15th was the final, final cut-off date for “talks”, it is now November 10th and there is talk of carrying on till next week.
They were biding their time hoping Biden would win, and he did, now Adonis and the other Labour poofters in the Lords are playing for time.
Boris should just tell the old fool to fuck off and go straight to WTO terms.
Mr Boggs you give Boris far to much credit for having any backbone.
Hes got ‘shell shock’ or something, scared of his own shadow, type that starts screaming at loud noises.
Worse since he had bat flu
To be honest itd of been a kindness if theyd held a pillow to his face,
Ended his suffering.
Id of done it!
My patriotic duty!!
Why are you so reticent about your idea of fun?
Johnson is about as fake as you can get. The games and the bluster used to conceal the man beneath, but I think everyone sees the man now for exactly what he is. A lying scheming prat! Now with no credibility and with nowhere to go, his final surrender to the EU will ensure his place at the Brussels Dinner Table. I hope some nasty person gives him a damned good kick in the Ecclisiastical’s.
Boris did some address to the nation yesterday,
I watched it and still no clearer what the fuck he was on about.
Something about the ” toodling
Of the horn” and cavalry!
Daft cunt.
Cant talk straight like a lot of liars, veers off at tangents.
I do a great Boris impersonation!
Nailed it,
Was doing it for the helper yesterday after work when a small spaniel walked into the busy road!
Swerved missing it by inches,
The idiot owner screaming,
Didnt have it on a lead near a busy road the dozy bitch.
Anyway the hours must fly by for the lad who works for me!
That’s a bit elitist MNC, he can’t help being posher than us simple Northern folk.
Anyway I voted for the cunt in the general election so I have to take some responsibility ?
Me too Sicky.☹️
I’ll say! I know I m his superior in every way,
Just by being northern we’re better.
Just because he was getting bummed at a posh school doesn’t make him any better.
He could of gone my comprehensive school and got bummed.?
Your obsession with bumming is worrying MNC ?
Not a obsession!
More a passing interest.
Last week it was midgets.
I’m working on my Joe Biden, sleep for 12 hours, wake up, sniff random woman or small child’s hair without getting reported, back to sleep.
Silly sod wasn’t singing “Stop the Cavalry”, was he? A bit early. They used to play it in Captain America’s burger joint in Naaarge.
Johnson’s hair reminds me a bit of Alison Moyet’s, when she recorded “Is this Love?”
Anotgher little soy boy cunt from Sleepy Joe’s ramshackle administration is causing problems:
Why the fuck does the old idiot think he has any right to dictate to us
coz he’s orish dantch yer noow. He luvs de old cantry he does. Dats why he fooked off ta da USofA. Begorrah and top of da morning to yaz.
It’s so black and white (or should that be black and tan) to the Yanks of Irish descent – Brits bad, Irish good. Struggling under the oppression of the dastardly English. Fuck off you cunts and come back and talk to the grown ups when yo’ve had a history lesson about Ireland.
Anyone else see those Fenian fucks in ‘Oiurland’ celebrating ‘Their Joe’ becoming President? Their ‘claim’ on him? His great great grandfather left Potatoland in 1840 to go to the USA.
Apparently, Biden’s ‘distant’ (i.e: they’ve never fucking met him) cousins in Potatloland were present at the celebrations. Fucking astonishing. These spudfuckers would attach themselves to a turd if it had ‘Oirish’ heritage. The Tinker cunts are – they say – ‘proud’ of ‘their’ Joe becoming President of the United States.
Well, they aren’t the sharpest people in the world and they’ve got nothing else to be proud of. Now ‘Their Joe’ can go in the bogtrotter hall of fame with Martin McGuinness, Bobby ‘Chicken Supper’ Sands, Sinead O’ Baldy and that Mickey Rourke bellend. To be fuckin sure, now.
The only thing worse than Irish cunts are second and third generation Irish cunts who’ve never set foot on Irish soil. If being Irish is so fucking great, why do so many of them leave at the earliest opportunity?
Wife had an oirisch great grand mam so she could and did get a green passport. Travelled on it then was astonished she had to buy a visa to get back home to Straya. ?
Laugh? I nearly shat
These Oirish pricks would do well to remember what happened the last time a President of Oirish descent passed off Americans.
Stay out of Texas and whatever you do, avoid convertibles ???????
Joe Biden is Miles Plastics uncle.
From county mayonnaise.
Miles was bragging about it the other day.
No ones claimed kinship to Donalds clan yet?
Ruff tuff creamtrump?
I’m very cross with Oliver Cromwell, for not wiping the irish bastards out, when he had the chance.
There’d be no Creepy Joe Biden, now.
Or pikeys.
Good evening, Norman, good evening, all.
Evening, Jack.
There’d be no Bonio and Geldof too.
Thin Lizzy were ace though.
Very well said. Top ‘o’ tha morning te ya…..
Or Mrs. Brown’s bogtrotting, tax dodging bastards.
Get To Fuck.
I once had a tooth knocked out at a Thin Lizzy concert.
Happy days.
Sorry about that, the older I get the more regret I feel, up to a point.
You shouldn’t have called my pint a puff though.
That pint of pink gin ?
Definitely poofy.
I wonder if he will wrap the Sacoolas woman up and post her to the UK.
Biden is a Bogtrotting, Finian cunt from the tips of his hair plugs to the bottom of his dirty potato field bare feet!
He has made frequent statements in the past about the IRA being the legitimate voice of the Irish people against the English oppressors.
Although he is from the East and I grew up in the Midwest, he epitomizes the Irish Catholic Political Mafia that I loathe and despise.
The Kennedy’s in Taxachuttes, the Daily’s in the Forbidden City of Chicago in the People’s Republic of Illinois and the fucking Bidens of Della’s Underwear. Crooked and cowardly to a man! All from the Auld Sod and all should be under the Old Sod.
Fucking Mackerel Snapping cunts!
White Lives Matter
Armed Resistance
Never Surrender
Fools rush in…
But just my thoughts….
He’s not like an old Irish Catholic at all. The names of his kids-Hunter, Beau they’re not Catholic names. They should have been named after the one of the saints. like I was all my siblings were.
He accepted gay marriage even before Obama. In fact Obama was reluctant at first.
He’s as pro-abortion as Hilary. Right up to ‘partial birth’.
He has been refused communion at times. Which is something.
I am thinking of doing a Nom on American Catholic politicians.
To think my mother put up a photograph of Kennedy on the landing. A serial adulterer.
I believe what General said that Kennedy got the presidency with vote rigging, help from the Mafia.
Ah a good old fashioned Catholic politician comes to mind. If he were only living at this hour. Also called ‘Joe’.
Now he had the country at heart. There was some play to do with him. ‘The Crucible’.
Hey Miles,
Lest my post be misunderstood:
I have no issue with anyone’s race, creed, color, gender, religion, ethnicity, sexual preference, shoe size, hair color or whether or not they are right or left handed.
I do have an issue with hypocritical cunts who use their identity to advance their own personal agenda at the expense of others.
This includes Catholic cunts be they Italian or Irish who break the laws both civil and religious and then hide behind the false sanctity of the Catholic Church.
I watched these crooked Irish politicians bilk the city of Chicago and it’s good citizens for years. You either supported them or paid the price. If you didn’t donate to the “Widows and Orphans” fund that benefited the poor widow Bridget O’Shaunessey and her infant daughter Colleen back in the Auld Sod, your garbage didn’t get picked up by city services. Your potholes didn’t get fixed. The police didn’t respond…and if they did respond you were likely to get your ass kicked by officers Timmy O’Malley and Paddy O’Herlihy when they charged you with being a public nuisance and brought you before Judge Michael Hanrahan…who fined you for disturbing the peace.
And we haven’t even touched on their alliance with the Mafia.
Yet every one of these cunts was front row at St. Casimir’s or St. Ignatious on the fucking South Side every Sunday morning taking communion.
And then Monday Morning…right back to extortion, bribery, racketeering, and baby killing in the name of women’s rights.
They are a disgrace to good and devout people everywhere. And Biden is the prototype.
Fuck him and fuck those cunts!
White Lives Matter
Armed Resistance
Never Surrender
You speak from experience General which I stinctively feel is accurate.
Take issue with ‘false sanctity’ but that’s all.
No time – but to do with a poorly educated country people transplanted to American big cities. And then acquiring power with little civic sense.
And while I’m on a rant…
There is ZERO doubt that the 1960 election was stolen from Nixon in large part due to the efforts of Irish Political Boss of Chicago, Mayor Richard J. Daley and his alliance with Chicago Mafia Boss, Sam Giancana.
Do some research but be forewarned…they say history is written by the victors. To a greater or lesser degree that is often true. But in 20th century America…beginning largely in the New Deal and it’s aftermath…history was written by the liberals.
It is accepted fact that voter fraud was rampant in Chicago both before and after the Daley Administration. It was in fact none other than Al Capone who coined the phrase, “vote early and vote often.”
In the aftermath of the 1960 Presidential election an independent prosecutor was appointed to look into charges of voter fraud in Chicago.
Fraud was so apparent and widespread that over 650 people were charged. So what happened? An appointed judge who was a political ally of Mayor Daley dismissed ALL charges against ALL defendants.
Case closed.
But of course the fraud was well known among the populace and the press so the Daley political Machine sacrificed 3 ordinary election workers…who were not charged by the Special Prosecutor. These 3 were charged and found guilty and sentenced to jail as proof that the Daley Machine wouldn’t tolerate voter fraud.
Today if you read the historical accounts you will find historians saying, there were plenty of charges but no actual proof.
Six hundred and fifty charges and all charges dismissed. Not even tried and exonerated. Simply dismissed.
Does it make you wonder why there’s no proof? Just like today, the Demonrats of the past knew if you don’t see it you can’t prove it and if you can’t prove it, it didn’t happen.
White Lives Matter
Armed Resistance
Never Surrender
Sorry Miles. As we say in the states, I got up on my hind legs and barked a bit.
Your point is well taken. Poorly educated immigrants in a strange land are indeed subject to exploitation. However, it is especially repulsive when they are exploited by their own.
Today as in the past the “exploiter” class has a vested interest in convincing the exploited that they were and indeed still are being exploited.
It is not to say some do not have legitimate grievances. It is to say that just like the leaders of BLM the grievances are often imagined and exaggerated for the personal and political gain of the exploiters.
White Lives Matter
Armed Resistance
Never Surrender
Evening General, I see you have ceased to be deceased and resurrected to fight the good fight.
Indeed I am LL!
The Deceased tag was originally a way of marking my return to IsaC after a prolonged bit of dysfunctional personal…business.
It was also a tip of the hat to an old Monty Python routine where a viewer writes a complaint letter to the BBC and signs his name Brigadier Zoe La Rue (Deceased).
But it has served it’s purpose and as the forces of evil grip my beloved country I must join the fight and battle to the bitter end.
White Lives Matter
Armed Resistance
Never Surrender
Evening General, evening All. I’ve been asleep for six hours [it is now 21:54, Tues Nov 10 here]. This due the effects of analgesia prescribed for a shattered scapula from a horse riding accident last month. My physician is concerned¹ I may be morphing (hehe) into the late Reichsmarschall, Hermann Göring.
Pleased to see your prolixity has become reinvigorated, now that the Phibesean elixir has finally worked its magic. General. Or was it a stretch in chokey? As Donald Pleasance warned, however, you only live twice!
¹ he has a point. I was taking up to 100mg /diem Oramorph, but am cutting down nicely now. That’s about 1⅔ grains morphine sulphate. I seem to recall reading Herr Meier needed 3-4 grains just to function, so I had a way to go ?
Hey T-T
Sorry to hear about your accident but glad to hear your recovering.
Sorry to disappoint you but I was not in the slammer.
And as my familiar is a cat I am sorry to advise you that I have 9 lives not 2.
Am also sorry to hear you find me a bit prolix for your taste. There is of course a cure for that…don’t read what I write.
White Lives Matter
Armed Resistance
Never Surrender
Dart sent, and gl with your transfusion General.
Like Mr Trump time will tell (in terms of popularity). I’m currently in the ROI, but a citizen of Bavaria, a graduate of Jes Coll Cantab when most had functioning brains, and having, spent much of my life overseas, so it is easier for me to form advised and meaningful opinions.
Love your input, and may you not be meteoric as averred.
E&OE courtesy of another 50mg morphine sulphate, prior to sleep. Verdammt nochmals, wünsche ebenfalls das ich hätte jener altmalerisch Kakophanie in meiner Umgebung besser gemeint und verfüglich geschätzt.
Diese totaler Schweinhünder können mir auf dem Arsch ruhig mal jederseits küssen.
Du auch, der Herrn General. Bin eigentlich nicht genau Guter Laune momentan.
Ich spreche kein Deutsch
@Everyone else
Don’t mention the war…I mentioned it once but I think I got away with it all right.
White Lives Matter
Armed Resistance
Never Surrender
Fuck Biden & his fraudulent band of commies. He may NOT get to be elected if the Supreme Court does its job properly. There’s ocean’s of evidence to say that the cunt’s trying to steal the presidency.
Anybody heard about that person who’s having the usual family gathering at Christmas by holding a funeral for the Turkey? Absolute genius.
We will see if his balls have finally dropped, if the ‘fuck you EU clause in the Internal Market Bill’ stays in place he gets my vote (please don’t stone me to death) it also sends a message to that old Irish cunts who has one foot in White House.
As another famous blonde said Covid isn’t my fault it came from Chy-Na, the second semi lockdown was inevitable, no other politician or political party would have done anything different.
When My V Fox gets his political party up and running I will switch but for now it’s Boris or Kweer (fucking lawyer scum bag, he even acts like a lawyer at PMQ, knee taking BLM supporting cunt).
“…no other politician or political party would have done anything different.”
Have to take a bit of an issue with that one Sicky, sure enough UKIP would have buckled at the knee, likewise the Watermelons but the Libertarians would have stuck to their metapolitical guns.
The B.N.P. would certainly have told the medical ‘profession’ to go choke on a syphy dick for several reasons not the least of which being an instinctive and empirical distrust of anything such a corporatised state controlled entity ever proposes. Also there is a definite eugenecist/Darwinian (almost paganistic) sympathy with nature that is totally absent from mainstream political thinking. Basically; a “what don’t kill you makes you stronger” mindset that I find refreshingly healthy and realist.
Modern politicians and theorists view such a mindset as “disturbing” or “discriminatory” or (so fucking help me…) “UNFAIR!!!” and would never incorporate such thinking into a manifesto and offer it to the electorate for fear of the howling cry-bullies that the media would unleash on them.
Boris is indeed a first order cunt and a z.o.g. tool, I called him out as a such when he first sought office and everyone thought he’d be our line in the sand, bully bully, chocks away and fuck the French prime minister who ‘made Britain great again”. then you think back to the moment you saw him dangling from a fucking zip-wire like a circus clown, with the harness crushing what was left of his sub-atomic bollocks and a couple of pisspot little Union flags in each little fist and you thought …THAT is a prospective leader??? yeah right… and who’s on the other end of that wire?
The cunt’s losing a lot of hair too by the look of him.
I never thought I’d say this but can we have Hameron back? At least he was somewhat competent.
Is the ISAC wall big enough for Jellyfish Johnson?Clown of the century.If he hadn’t listened to those in the SAGE party we wouldn’t be in the mess we are now.Fire up your industrial sized oven please Unkle Terry for the traitor
Boris has been on The Wall since September.
This nom should be Boris Johnson (11)
Not really, RTC, and this from the author. It was a little rant engendered by watching – albeit briefly – that hackneyed, worn-out and lame old Yorkshire Pudding “Captain Tom” being interviewed by a grotesquely sycophantic Dan Walker on BBC Breakfast at 9am last week as I drifted in and out of wakefulness.
Boris Johnson, despite holding the highest office in the Kingdom, couldn’t be of greater indifference to me. I suppose there is no higher insult than my utter pococurantism such as I feel for the current PM and his cabinet, other than Sunak. Even so, this nom was weary invective aimed primarily at:
? Capⁿ Tom (& self-aggrandising Yorkshiremen more widely)
? Dan Walker (and BBC editorial direction, ditto)
? The great British Public (& specifically their gullibility at swallowing egregious propaganda and behaving like a lot of pussy-whipped half-wits and folly-filled bellends)
? UK Government response to SARS II covid-19 (more specifically, a ridiculing of a second “lockdown” whereby schools remained open. Basically, its open season for the Five-O to throw their weight about & little else. See: Johnathon Sumption’s now famous Freshfields monologue from Madrid, Lord Kerr also AER54/31, Tim Summers Chin Uni HK op cit, et al)
So no: please do not file under “Boris Johnson”, Nᴼ6. Tnx.
I admit my linguistic abilities have been severely impaired of late & understandably – but inexcusable! I apologise. I shall strive towards greater clarity (or at least reduced opacity) in future. I better had do; I’m back at work from the end of next week!
op cit – I meant Chatham House.
Terry – it’s not me what’s filing your nom under “Boris Johnson”. If you didn’t title your nom “Boris Johnson” then it must have been Admin wot done it.
Assuming Admin leave it titled “Boris Johnson” then ergo it must be Boris Johnson (11) because the previous Boris Johnson nom (10) was posted in September. It’s not fucking rocket science.
No RTC, it’s not is it? Must be just as you say. Not too sure about the “fucking” though – steady on old bean! I usually find it a good schema to read the content, and not to “judge a book by its cover” more generally.
Apologies again for my indifferent intelligibility, and let me leave you with this, à propos not a lot:
Before our time, but curiously relevant ?
Lockdown?? Traffic horrendous here. Back in April, empty roads, no one about, sun shine, birds singing, total bliss. All bollocks, fuck em.
Is a person of colour a coloured person, it’s not black or white.
The phrase ‘outdated language’ has been prominent on the BBC
What a load of bollocks.
Everyone is coloured, otherwise they’d be invisible.
See, it’s confusing, maybe going back to very, very outdated language would clear things up
If he had said ‘footballers of colour’ he might have got away with it. But probably not, because these cunts move the goalposts every other minute.
Offended by everything. To blame for nothing.
Fuck the FA and fuck BLM to fucking Hades.
Heard on Wireless 4 Extra yesterday:
“As this programme was first broadcast in 1967 it does contain outdated langauge and ATTITUDES”
All it did was refer to wimmin as “birds”
Someone will have to go.
Bloody Nazi swines how dare they broadcast anything with outdated language, what ever happened to the bleep ?
Aye, I’m noting this increasing deployment of a “Moral Health Warning” by the cunting BBC. Fuck it, I’,m up to there with this bollocks, I mean it’s funny an’ all watching these soy cocksuckers grovelling and resigning for the slightest mental ‘indescretion’ but this is fucking serious! Right, bollocks to it. It’s rare that I offer a nom I’m gonna put together a long overdue nom/rant on political correction. Watch out for Cunty’s wandering troupe of thespian stunt monkeys.
“Bring back control” Liar
“No British government could or should sign up to putting a border in the Irish Sea.” Liar
“Oven ready Brexit” Liar
“There will be no checks on goods going from GB to NI and NI to GB” Liar
“I’m perfectly happy to be interviewed by any interviewer called Andrew from the BBC” Liar
“We are getting on with a fantastic programme … 20 hospital upgrades, 40 new hospitals” Liar
“World beating track & trace system” Liar
“Of the tests conducted at the 199 testing centres, as well as the mobile centres, they’re all done within 24 hours.” Liar
And the beat goes on…
Well said.
Total bullshitter.
Treacherous, liar, no sense of commitment.
Bet he votes Labour the woke blonde cunt.
The cunt’s not called Flip Flop the Jellyfish for nothing.
I have one slight issue, the track and trace is world beating but he never actually said it was going to work properly ?
On ‘black TV’ they refer to women as ‘bitches’ init, very modern
Oops, wrong place…. move up one thread.
Fuck, distracted by Kylie on the TV.
I have it on good authority that Jeremy Hunt is laughing his cock off?
The most relieved cunt in Westminster.
I bet Boris has a little cry before bedtime, every fucking night.
The only cure to this filthy disease is Farage. Will he put his money where his mouth is?
Round Donald’s cock.
Farage is a fucking mutable, two faced traitorous cunt, and would be the solution to nothing.
For Christmas I hope my present is 3 rounds bare knuckle with this lying bullshitter.
If hungover I would settle for sherry and an opportunity to kick him right in the bollox.
Get the oven ready Terry
Boris is a great disappointment to me but I suppose I expected too much.
It’s rare for me to get exactly what I expected but with Boris I did, fuck all.
I’m thinking that the deep state removed Boris’s fucking brain when he had bat cough. He’s proving to be fucking awful, as are his arse wipe cabinet…
I agree Ivor, but the alternative?….. Dame Kweer, Lammy, Phillips, Miliband, Analease, Ashworth…. it doesn’t bare thinking about.
I heard some Labour lickspittle the other day say on wireless that Biden was “the American dream”. I agree, the dream before you wake up sweating and screaming.
Tottenham Hotspur’s trophy cabinet has more about it than Boris’s.
Whoever came up with the Jellyfish nickname deserves an award because that describes him to a T. Boris Johnson is a weak, cowardly man who is working for a shadowy group of globalist oligarchs, and remember he had no interest in Brexit until a snap decision to jump on the Leave bus. So yes, he will shaft us because doesn’t work for us and never has done.
As for Covid? No, he was just as useless before. Remember this is a man who couldn’t even face a regular press conference as London Mayor and flew out to Afghanistan (at our expense) to avoid voting on Heathrow. I’m just glad I didn’t help to put him office, but even that’s cold comfort now.
Hes the original Eton mess.
Looks like he was dressed by Colombo,
Talks some form of pidgeon English,
Hangs around with sex offender looking blokes.
And is developing a bad stammer,
Fffffffuck offfff…
I for one welcome our new invertebrate overlord
The jellyfish (in collaboration with Gove) bottled out of the Tory leadership contest in 2016, leaving it to Appeaser May to nobble Brexit which he never believed in anyway and was appalled when he realised Leave had won. Fat, self serving fraud, way out of his depth, we’re all going to suffer bigly for his inaction and lack of vision.
I had Boris Johnson’s number from the start of his London mayor stint. A self serving cunt of Richard Branson proportions.
I didn’t vote in the last election, because there wasn’t a party standing that truly believed and supported Brexit.
The likes of Boris-just as insidious as Prince Hewitt-he honestly believes the premiership is his birthright.
Entitled cunt.
That coloured bird with Creepy Joe, Caramel harris,
Looks like Bill Cosby with long hair?
He was a sex offender too.
Evening MNC. While we’re on about offensive sex. How did it go with you and Chrissie / Jordan / Vivienne ?
And the midget ?
Bet you did her and all, Dirty boy.
Fuck me Jack-you have just described a deviant freak show to rival the cover of The Doors album “Strange Days”
Actually “People are Strange / when your a cunter”, could be our unofficial anthem ?
I always found that album cover a little odd.
Bit dark, the Doors.
Evening General.
CG, im a massive Doors fan.
Love strange days?
Listening to LA woman album in van today.
When pissed up and wistful in the boozer sing ‘summers almost gone’
My party piece!?
I’m a massive doors fan too Mis?
The Doors were great at their best, and their Elektra labelmates, Love were also brilliant. Got ‘Forever Changes’ in mono recently. A masterpiece.
I could be in love with almost anyone.
I think that people are
The greatest cunts.
We used to run through Riders on the Storm as a warm up for our singer, he could do a fucking stunning Jimbo impersonation, made yer hair stand on end.
Evening Jack!
I did all of them!
Viagras truly a miracle drug,
But the funny thing is Jack the midget was the best!!!?
Forget the stumpy limbs
Forget the overinflated head,
Theyre demons in the sack.
Im totally converted,
Its midgets all the way from here on,
Gonna carry on in my workbag to be on the safe side.
I’ll get you one, a white one!
Only the best for you!??
Can’t wait. I hope you’ve not really gone totally midget, as I have been conducting negotiations over the last week or so, they have finally borne fruit.
They made the initial approach, had a chat with Debbie, then I had a word. We’ll need plenty of Champagne ( the good stuff ) and NO Monster Munch salad ( sorry ).
They’ve worked out an entertainment routine that both you and I will enjoy.
Hehe, pans people!
My dad loved them, and Hot Gossip!?
Yeah only the best for them,
Champagne, little butties,
Sausage rolls and that posh fish egg stuff.
Fiddler gave me some Brut aftershave for mucking out the stables so ill douse my beard in that!
Show them the high life alright ill bring some ferrero rocha so they think im a diplomat or something!??
I’m not supposed to have Viagra, with my medication.
Fuck it. Let’s invite DCI Gene Cunt along, just in case.
There’s plenty to go round.
You can lend him your midget.
DCIs a midget aficionado too Jack, do anything for a sniff of one!
If we put our backs out he’ll sort it, heart attack pending?
He’ll sort it!
Perfect partner in crime,
Hes sleeping in his ambulance at the moment so he’ll be glad to spend some time indoors.
Proper women Norman.
Bit of class.
Good times.
Legs & Co. were tasty.
I wonder ………….
They certainly were, Jack. I’d certainly have a go at the lot, or die trying…
See above.
I forgot to ask. Did Chrissie have a strange but alluring odour ?
Or was it just shit ?
Chrissie smelt like a boat I once went on in Fleetwood?
And had a few barnacles on the hull too.
Itd of been off putting but the gimp mask filtered it a bit.
I’m glad I passed. Fleetwood trawlers are notorious for their pong.
You deserve a medal.
I bet Kate hosed you down in the back yard, before letting you in.
Morning, MNC.
Morning mate!???
Roald Dahl would be proud of you Mis?
A new “Chocolate” factory in Stockport, manned entirely by Women under 4’6”.
Ooompa loompa
I’ve got a genuine
Puzzle for you
If you are smart
You’ll listen to this
The story of Pervy
Northerner Mis
If you see him
In his massive white van
Driving like a twat
On his way to a ban
Watch how he parks
In a disabled space
Outside the shops
He’s a fucking disgrace
Won’t wear a mask
As he likes to feel free
Won’t follow the rules
He’s such a naughty bastaaaarrd
Ooompa looooompa
I’ve got another puzzle for you
Ooompa looooompa
The rest of this song
Is no fucking lie
What should you do
If you see Mis about
Walking the hills
With his ample cock out
Looking for ladies
Of diminutive height
To spin on oh manhood
Night after night
If you see him
In his red MAGA hat
You really should hide
From this gigantic twat
He’s such a diiirrty baaaastard
Oooompa looompa
Listen to this
Always run from
Northerner Mis
Oooopa loooompa
Cause if he grabs you
He’ll fuck you like the
Nesting a problem here, so this to Norman exclusively, please
Sounds right up my street, Norman. Can I ask you to send me a rip off that? I’m a collector of such rarities, so I could alternately make you an offer for the original vinyl (assuming you’ve ripped it yourself for your own enjoyment).
I’m currently using a homebrew setup to play LPs: a really old Sugden motor board and bearing within a concrete Plinth, and a rather valuable SME V arm and AN Audio Technica ART-9 cartridge into an RIAA stage made by YT.
So, maybe you could send me the mono cut, I’ll rip it, and send it back. Consideration/compensation available for the impudence, Norman. I think Forever Changes was their best album too, and would “love” to get my mits on that record.
[Contact via my Chambers preferred, details avail from Admin address. Or whatever, I don’t want to frighten the cattle. I’ll get in touch with you, alternately.]
The Jellyfish is among the first of the world leaders (God help us) to phone Ballot Rigger Biden and congratulate the decripit cunt on his “victory”. The BBC thoroughly approves. It ain’t over yet shithead but thanks for , once again, showing what a weak little arse rimmer you really are. Saint Marcus Rashford must be missing your warm tongue up his bumhole today.
Glad I’ve been voting UKIP / Brexit Party, for the last seven years or so.
Still in the same shit pot as everyone else.
Ho hum.
Get To Fuck.
Farrage reporting that up to 300 boaters have washed up in Dover today. Aided and abetted by the Boarder Farce. Fucking great as we are in ‘lockdown’
Meanwhile Doris has a 20 minute chat with the unelected leader of. Foreign power’s opposition party.
Me thinks this blonde sack of shite masquerading as Prime Minister needs to get his house in order and pretty bloody quick. The cunt.
That’s great news……more doctors, nurses, scientists, architects and climatologists to help us out.
The MSM don’t even bother to report this shit anymore. Hope there’s a few Imams among the huddled masses.
The MSM did turn up ONCE to the PETT level disembarkation dock but that’s only because Border Force radio’d ahead that they were bringing in a rare photogenic boatload that had a few wimmin and ickle children on board. They swarmed en masse and spent a whole five minutes filming the poor ickle children for the 6 o’cock News then fucked off never to be seen again and not a word about the 2000+ sand n!ggers who’d beached the week before or subsequently. they’d got their sympathy shots and that’s all that mattered.
They nicked Active Patriot again, yesterday. That man deserves a fucking knighthood for services to “shining police boots in the back of a van”.
The BBC are more interested in some fucking peaceful with five brats and only one iPad, ffs, she cant afford to buy another tablet but was quite happy firing the little bastards out of her greasy minge.
The BBC must think we are all stupid, 5 little bastards, perhaps the question should have been ‘if you had have kept your legs closed one tablet would have been sufficient’
It doesn’t matter how many cross the channel, the ones already here are breeding faster than shit house rats.
There’s the rub. We don’t just have to stop them coming. We have to get rid of the cunts that are already here too.
Chances of that ?
easy any immigrants should be sterilised upon landing on ~UK shores
On pyrolitic for a few hours should do….
Or shoot them all
Boris Johnson is affectionately known as the invertebrates invertebrate.
And his bird is a munter as well, the fat useless cunt.
Brought up at Eton? More likely he was eaten and then brought up.
Eton Mess………….
Calling Boris a jellyfish is disrespectful to jellyfish.
Is it true that if a jellyfish stings you, you wee on it?
Jellyfish, to me, don’t look like jelly. They look more like those little plastic bags that are used in the supermarket to carry fruit and vegetables after weighing them.
Jellyfish are colourless, ergo invisible..
Bozo is not only visible (blond blimp) but audible.
The only thing that should be put in a ballot box is a petrol bomb.
Sorry for any lack of plain ness and again apologies General.
Sometimes, when the opium kicks in, one assumes (wrongly,of course) that everyone else speaks your own language. The itching and general numbness is neither pleasurable nor desirable. I have on order a large bag of Blueberry Cheese, an F1 hybrid with an unusually high content of THC. That’ll shut me up
A sad but salutory tale, General Custer,which I know you will be familiar with. I thank you for your kind words of encouragement. Meantime here in Kilkenny, my scalp is itching, my mind shutting down and my ability to make sense even of the taps (or should that be faucets?) when using the heads in my dwelling place are becoming monstrously invasive and hard.
I’ve fortunately got a nice fish pie in the oven, with plenty of smoked haddock and bits of brown crab meat (made it in Summer) which will straighten me out prior to opioid oblivion around 03:00GMT. Like most sentient beings I like order and predictability.
I must admit that, despite a vasty zone of easily-argued (and won!) disagreements with your non-too-shy political assertions available for scrutiny on isac, I very much approve of and enjoy your feistiness and the forthrightness of your beliefs.
My eyes are now on stalks of itching mayhem, I need rest. I take issue with your false equivalence /specious invokation of cat ownership and Donald Pleasance. You actually only live once, in my extensive experience.
Crabs and morphine?
Your Nancy Spungen and I claim my £5.