Accusations of “Trolling”

It seems that whenever there is a particularly divisive subject, we get the accusation of “trolling”. I can’t see that it is “trolling” to have a viewpoint and be willing to express it.
It seems to me that sometimes people just can’t accept or even live with the fact that not everyone agrees with them…endless reams of justification of their point with the odd little dig thrown in to try and elicit a response…what comes if they still don’t brow-beat their “foe” into submission…a “Cunt’s Corner” style meltdown perhaps?

I admit that I sometimes post a reply with the intention of stirring things up a bit…and maybe occasionally getting people to consider that there maybe is another side to the argument that may be worth considering. Maybe I’m the “troll” rather than someone who just puts an alternative view without particularly looking to stir things up?

Worrying about someone getting too many “tickies” indeed…Ffs.

Nominated by Dick Fiddler

..and this follow up from our old friend Dioclese who’s an expert on trolls on this site –

From my point of view the difference is that debate is fine but baiting is trolling. You can make a point without name calling and insults…


133 thoughts on “Accusations of “Trolling”

  1. Trollin’ Trollin’ Trollin’….

    He jus’ keep trollin’ along…

    A walking talking living troll…

  2. How do you catch a fish ? without bait.?
    Opinions make the world go round that said deliberately going on to a site or forum where you clearly have a completely different view point just to fuck people off makes you a bit of a cunt.
    A Fucking cold ? on this morning hope I don’t shit the bed ? because I ain’t going to the throne room till the radiators are piping hot

    • How do you catch a fish ? without bait

      Try rotenone. Better known to gardeners as liquid derris, it is an incredibly powerful piscicide. Although this method has actually been used by Indonesian fisherman, I wouldn’t eat the fish thus caught/killed, due to toxicity issues (in particular, the risk of Parkinsonism.)

      Less obscure techniques for catching fish without bait might include:
      ?use of nets, eg deep-sea trawlers
      ?penning and draining, eg fishponds
      ?harpooning, for larger fish
      ?use of highly brisant explosives (sledgehammer technique like rotenone without the toxicity issues)

      • Stop trolling TT.?
        I actually knew that about the Indonesian fishermen,
        Amazonian tribes have something similar.
        See, Your as smart as me!!?

  3. Trolls are cunts but most ‘trolls’ are called such, simply because their point of view differs from somebody else’s, you’re correct.

    They do exist though. If I went to the Guardian’s website just with the intent of winding lefties up, that would be trolling.

    There are some funny trolls. Tatiana Magrath on Twitter was fucking hilarious (had extreme lefty, feminist views but was a wind up). Some sail a bit too close to the wind and will probably end up getting arrested. I recently came across something called ‘Groypers’ who do stuff like ring up David Lammy on his radio show and ask him if he’s a ‘jogger’. Risky stuff.

    Some talk a load of nonsensical bollocks. Some do come armed with voter bots (40 or 50 upticks within seconds for a first ever post is a sign).

    Trolls are mostly cunts. Most trolls are not actually trolls though.

    • I’d suggest it’s any sane persons civic duty to troll the Grauniad and any other leftist site. There’s nothing so fine as watching libtards go into a screaming tailspin time and again.
      The cunts.

  4. It is usually the leftwaffe who accuse anyone who has just soundly thrashed them in a reasonable debate of being a troll.

    They hate it when you come at them with a well researched fact based argument, using common sense and logic.

    Really messes with their heads.

  5. Social media and the internet are a platform for every person with access to actually have an opinion. Nobody on this site for example should know eachother, therefore if I don’t agree with Mr Fiddler I can virtually – within reason – argue my point until I am satisfied that I am right and he is wrong, and never have to worry about him standing on my doorstep with the hounds and a loaded shooter with the engine still running on the Hilux holding up traffic in my road. What I’m trying to say really is we are all able (now,more than ever before) to spout what we like, and feel pretty good about having our say with no threat of getting grief for speaking our mind. Most on this site know where the line is and if they don’t then admin sorts it. Charles Hawtrey could sit at a computer with a pseudonym and pretend to be Charles Bronson and we wouldn’t know. Charles Hawtrey could be in a pub (if they were open) and try to be Charles Bronson and it would be totally different. In fact my example of those two people in this case probably isn’t far from the truth in how people grow in stature when online but shrink in stature in a REAL face to face situation. Trolls are cunts and people lacking in something in real life. If you you don’t agree with something that’s fine, but it’s your opinion and not everyone’s, don’t hide behind a computer and be a cunt, go out there and do something about it or shut your mouth and move on.

    • ” Mr Fiddler….never have to worry about him standing on my doorstep with the hounds and a loaded shooter with the engine still running on the Hilux holding up traffic in my road”….

      Only because the Hounds get carsick if we go too far.

      🙂 .

      Good Morning,Mr.Knott
      Good Morning,All

  6. “From my point of view the difference is that debate is fine but baiting is trolling. You can make a point without name calling and insults…”

    Quite agree but if someone puts in a sly’s then no good acting all innocent and yammering for Admin when that dig is answered.

    I’m aware that I’m probably the last person on this site who should get involved in this subject but at least I don’t try and act the innocent when I get the reaction I deserve and I certainly don’t run to Admin.

    • I should add that this Nom. is about ACCUSATIONS of trolling…saying that someone is a “troll” just because they disagree with you.

    • Ive occasionally been known to provoke a angry response from others,get into arguments,
      But usually theyve come on and attacked me and ive responded.
      Wouldn’t consider myself a troll,
      Im still not sure what one is,
      CS is always accused of being a troll but his only crime seems to be being a bit cryptic?
      Using ‘bots’ to give yourself ‘tickies’ is a very odd thing,
      And if its annoying cunters admin should stop it,
      Its obvious who it is.
      Seems a bit ducky darling.

  7. I claim a point of personal privilege. I took this nomination personally.

    As I counter cunt this published nomination let me start with what we might call in the states…A truth in advertising disclaimer:

    Some time ago, in my previous life here at IsaC, I transgressed one of Dick Fiddler’s unwritten laws. We haven’t spoken or openly commented on each other’s posts since then. With his memory for slight (real or imagined) and his penchant for vengeance greater than that of even the most ardent Finian, it wasn’t surprising for me to see him seize on an issue I’ve recently advocated.

    In effect, despite the prohibition against cunting the cunter, I’ve been cunted by inference rather than by name…unfairly and incorrectly in my opinion.

    I come to IsaC to express my unvarnished opinion on issues great and small. I don’t usually hide how I feel and I’m prepared to vigorously defend my positions. If some consider that brow beating, it’s because their arguments can’t stand up to the rigors of logic, fact and reason.

    I don’t mind a robust debate and not unlike Fiddler and others I’m not above posting a not so subtle jab in the heat of the moment. But I don’t call people trolls simply because they disagree with me. Case in point, Ruff Tuff Creampuff.

    My relationship with Ruff has always been cordial and I put great value on it. Recently we had a disagreement about this very issue in the Kamala Harris thread.
    Ruff referred to some of my assertions as ridiculous. He then cited his reasoning. I laid out my case. He refuted it. I still wasn’t convinced and told him why. No insults no name calling.

    Another case in point is Komodo. I often refer to Komodo as our “distinguished reptilian colleague.” I read his posts with great interest and inevitably I disagree with his opinions. But as I said in another thread, he is a well reasoned and fact based poster and while I disagree with him, I respect his positions and recognize that he makes valid points.

    In both cases the aforementioned posters rely on fact based rhetoric to make their points and even if their opinions are unpopular they have the courage to post and defend them.

    But that’s not what we’re talking about here. We’re talking here about posters who result to games and tricks to bolster their opinions that are not fact based and/or well reasoned. They use games and tricks to provoke and bait other posters and to give their own posts the appearance of over whelming support.

    My opposition to their use of “tickies” has been cited and belittled. I submit to you that the “tickies” are but one symptom of their behavior and as such are indicative of the problem and not the problem itself. They are simply one of the tools used in their “Game of Trolls.”

    There’s a lot of great discourse here. There’s wit and wisdom…genius and idiocy…poetry and prose…humor and sorrow…unvarnished truth and unadulterated bullshit. I hate to see it diminished by the frivolous acts of a few.

    As for my long winded posts being viewed by some as “endless reams of justification,” there’s a simple solution for that. Don’t read what I write.

    And if you want to call me out for my thoughts. Have the courage to call me out by name rather than hiding behind the pseudo-intellectual front of objecting to an issue.

    If you want to support the trolls…stand up and support the trolls. If you want to call me a cunt…stand up and call me a cunt.

    White Lives Matter
    Armed Resistance
    Never Surrender

    • That’s uncommon prolix of you Lt Colonel. That was your final rank, was it not.

      Yesterday, when I posted that link to George H W Bush’s († 30 Nov 2018) funeral, tou failed to see the humour in my satire, but instead were clever enough to have “taken the temperature” of isac. You therefore effectively shut down any further discussion. One definition of trolling is whipping up a fight by throwing counterpunches. I am not a troll, so I didn’t reply.

      There now follow two possible replies I might have made. BUT I BIT MY LIP as I didn’t wish to wind you up (any further).

    • Morning General,

      Despite my recent piss taking I wouldn’t call you a cunt. Just someone whose opinion I disagreed with, that’s all.

      We both got a (tiny little) bit personal, but it was just silliness rather than outright offensive insults (sorry for the Joe Exotic comments).

      I enjoyed the long running debate/argument, and while my points may not have been as well researched as yours, it was obvious we both had different opinions that weren’t going to change. That fact alone does not make you a cunt. Not sure about me, though?

    • A possible reply, not made.

      Brownie points for detecting a satirical element in that contribution, Lt Colonel (was not that your final rank?) – but nul points for grokking the satirical meaning.

      Should I reply? Surely ’tis a hallmark of a Tove Janssen creation (not sure who’s trolling whom here, but the troops certainly seem to enjoy your input). However, since you ask “why… in response to my parody news story”, let me explain. I think you may already be halfway there.

      As the most recent funeral of a former POTUS, that YouTube link clearly demonstrated the almost comedic parody of pomp and circumstance at which sadly we Brits comfortably excel. Although two years ago, this video clip has featured many times (sources on demand) rather recently, in the context of your latest elections. For some (me), the entertainment value, whereby Mr Trump revels in this ersatz, mawkish and faintly embarrassing fake reverence is quite cringe-worthy.

      Mutatis mutandis and as a Trump connoisseur, I thought you might derive a warm interior joy at the rich pageantry there displayed. Evidently not, but it all depends on one’s point of view, I suppose. (Mine is a UK-centric one, in case you’re struggling again there).

      As you yourself quite correctly said recently, there exists no absolute requirement to watch/read posts, still less to reply. Touché? Oh, the irony!

      Keep em ‘n’ Cummings!

    • A second possible reply

      Oh wait. You’re a Troll. Duh.

      Gosh, you are rude Lt Col! But since you ask “why… in response to my parody news story”, allow me to enlighten you.

      I imagined that if my (UK-centric and luke-warm) interpretation of that clip¹ was that of a cringe-worthy and embarrassingly fake display of mawkish solemnity by your favourite ex-CiC, then for you, mutatis mutandis, it would warm the cockles. Glad you picked up on the satire, though.

      It’s not a requirement for everyone to agree with you is it, by any chance? [paradox alert ⚠ ] As you yourself said, don’t bother reading/watching and certainly don’t bother replying!

      ¹ the clip has featured in exactly this context plenty in recent months (links on demand). Although two years ago, it is the most recent funeral of a (& in my opinion rather more capable) former POTUS, and as such it was supposed to be an unparalleled photo-op for Trump. That very much depends on your POV

    • “Some time ago, in my previous life here at IsaC, I transgressed one of Dick Fiddler’s unwritten laws. We haven’t spoken or openly commented on each other’s posts since then. With his memory for slight (real or imagined) and his penchant for vengeance greater than that of even the most ardent Finian, it wasn’t surprising for me to see him seize on an issue I’ve recently advocated”……

      Sorry to burst your bubble but I genuinely didn’t even consider our previous disagreement…I have disagreed with far more memorable opponents than you and the fact that I didn’t involve myself with any of your recent posts was more down to the fact that I didn’t really care enough to become involved.

      “But I don’t call people trolls simply because they disagree with me.”……

      but you did just that. When someone continued to disagree with your thoughts you,as you admit, put in a sly dig or two in the hopes that it would be answered and you could accuse them of “trolling”…who’s really doing the “trolling” there?

      Your fascination with “tickies” I find genuinely bizarre…who the fuck cares?…but I see you again use it to make accusations of “trolling” is it trolling when it is quite obviously so trivial and easily seen?

      ” Have the courage to call me out by name rather than hiding behind the pseudo-intellectual front of objecting to an issue.”….but wouldn’t you then accuse me of “trolling” you and making a personal attack?…undoubtedly followed by an appeal to Admin to look at it.

      “If you want to support the trolls…stand up and support the trolls. If you want to call me a cunt…stand up and call me a cunt.”….I won’t call you a Cunt because I don’t know enough about you..I’m sure given time and the opportunity I’d get round to it.

      General…You seem unable to accept that not everyone agrees with you and seem to become almost obsessive when in full flow. Is it something American perhaps?…I remember a certain American popping up on Cunt’s Corner who was charm unbounded until things went against him…not long then until the “shitty little Island” and “you owe America everything” ranting started.

      I’m also rather interested in your need to come on to a UK site with such dedication and vigour.

      Sorry for the rushed reply but I’ve got animals to feed so I’l get that done and be back shortly.

      • Good morning Dick,

        Am I to conclude from your remarks that you deny this nomination was aimed at me?

        White Lives Matter
        Armed Resistance
        Never Surrender

      • Morning General

        Where do I deny that it was aimed at you?

        Honestly I don’t understand you…if I’d mentioned you by name you would have been off to Admin. complaining of a personal attack but when I try to be more circumspect ,while still making my point,you seem to want me to aim it directly at you…not trying to provoke someone into “trolling” you,are you?…No,of course not…you’d never do that.

        Make of it what you will.

      • General, I should add that although I’m not very interested in your posts, I certainly understand that other people know your stuff,no doubt.

        It’s the accusations of trolling that I have a problem with.

      • Hey Dick,

        Thanks for confirming. I just wanted to be sure it was aimed at me.

        I must confess, with regard to any future action I may or may not take…I’m not real impressed with the predictive value of your precognitive abilities.

        As an aside I read that you have been suffering from some sort of injury or malady. I trust your recovery is going well.

        White Lives Matter
        Armed Resistance
        Never Surrender

      • Yep…there we go. Make yourself into a “victim” when actually you deliberately cause the “trolling”…standard example. Do you really think that I’m too stupid to see it?

        I’m really not bothered what “future action you may or not take”….you run off to Admin and let them decide.

        PS…How do I get one of these “ticky-bots”?

      • Hey Dick,

        Nice try.

        If there’s one thing I’m not it’s a victim. I don’t hide behind thinly veiled insinuations. I put it out there and then take the shots.

        Do you really think I’m trolling you? Or is that just an accusation?

        Accusations by people who disagree with you are…by your own admission…what this thread is supposed to be about.

        White Lives Matter
        Armed Resistance
        Never surrender

      • @Dick

        I want to genuinely thank you for the remark:

        “…you know your stuff.”

        Despite our little spat I consider that high praise coming from you.

      • ” I put it out there and then take the shots”…but that’s my whole point,General. You don’t take the shots….you accuse people of trolling you.

      • @Dick

        Yeah I really ran away for this thread didn’t I?

        In point of fact, you took a thinly veiled shot at me because you didn’t like what I was saying.

        You’re just embarrassed because I saw it and called you out on it.

        White Lives Matter
        Armed Resistance
        Never surrender

      • General….I didn’t accuse you of running off from the thread…I accused you of running TO Admin when something that you initially provoke,upsets you….indeed if you did occasionally just let a contrary opinion go without acting like a dog with a bone you mind find that less people “trolled” you.

        Yes, I didn’t like what you were saying…so what?…it might come as an unwelcome surprise but not everyone agrees with your every utterance…tough.

        I’m embarrassed because you saw it? Ffs…I posted it quite openly and considering that you very rarely seem to even take an hour off when you’re in full spout,it was pretty obvious that you were going to see it. Where do you suggest I should have posted it other than the

      • @Dick

        You’re right about one thing. I shouldn’t have called you a twat. I apologize for that.

        But I’m not misreading anything and I stand by my interpretation and what I’ve said.

        White Lives Matter
        Armed Resistance
        Never Surrender

      • I’m right about more than that….and the fact that you were stupid enough to call me a twat proves my point. After you realised that you were just making yourself look even more stupid with every “point” that you made, you forgot all about your “highfalutin’: ideas of what is acceptable.

        Easily triggered,aint ya?

      • Again @ Dick

        This is getting redundant. This “nomination” was a thinly veiled shot at me and we both know it. I called you out on it and you’re embarrassed.

        You accuse me of playing the victim while you whine and cry about getting caught.

        “Boo hoo and woe is me! I couldn’t mention your name because that’s against the rules and I would have gotten in trouble. Besides, It’s your fault anyway for expressing your opinion. If you didn’t call out the trolls they wouldn’t call you a cunt.”

        Compare me to a dog if you like but you’re like a spoiled little twat that got caught red handed:

        “Waaaah! I would have gotten away with it if you didn’t tell Admin.”

        Your position is indefensible.

        White Lives Matter
        Armed Resistance
        Never Surrender

      • General…calm down.

        As I said before (you seem quite keen on misreading words if you think you can make some point)…I’ve never denied that this was aimed at seem to think that I’m backing away from from my Nom…now I’m hardly liable to do that when with every post you prove my point…WAAH, something.

        Where do I “whine and cry about getting caught”?…

        You complain when I mention your name and complain when I don’t….extraordinary.

        I wasn’t comparing you to a dog.I was comparing your behaviour…talk about “victim-complex” Ffs.

        “Spoiled little twat”……it’s not long until the urbane General’s mask slips,is it?

        Far from indefensible,my position grows stronger with every post you make…

        “Armed resistance” indeed….you go for it,General…can’t wait to see you put your money where your mouth is.

    • My oh my! Look how many tics I’ve gotten. Sixteen in less than half an hour. And at 7AM GMT. I had no idea so many English cunters were up at this hour and reading IsaC, or that I was so popular with them.

      There is of course an alternative explanation. People are threatened by what I said. Rather than respond they must play their childish games. After all…a genuine show of real support would would be more than then your average Troll could bear.

      It’s better for them to cloud the issue than to face reality.

      White Lives Matter
      Armed Resistance
      Never Surrender

  8. Morning Mr Fiddler, if I knew you were on your way I’d stick the kettle on and leave the door on the latch. Baiting is ok in my book, some people just can’t let things go. The majority on this site are old school and it’s probably why we all get on. If anyone has had a sense of humour bypass then it’s definitely a site to avoid. Sorry to hear the dogs don’t travel well ! I had mate who had the same thing, he was a scarecrow, no good with cars but excellent in his field.

  9. I do find it a bit ironic that, on a site dedicated to calling other people cunts, some people on it are so sensitive they get upset about other people taking the piss. Some people have argued this is a site for adults and mature debate, but calling other people cunts isn’t really all that mature, is it? (I’m not having a dig at anyone here, just commenting on the nature of what we all do on here – it is a place to relieve stress and “get it off our chests”).

    I agree with Mr Fiddler (above) – if you have a personal dig at someone that goes beyond the original debate then you should expect to get the same thrown back at you.

    Re the bot thing with the tickies – it’s just a bit of silliness and hardly causing any real trouble. The ratings on some of the posts were so high they actually made me laugh out loud. Personally I couldn’t give a toss if I get one ticky, five,tickies or 85 tickies.

  10. The only poster I regarded as a troll here was the rather brain-fucked “tricky” Ricky Doubleday, whose every post was lovingly crafted to try and create the maximum fuss and inconvenience to others.

    There are robust opinions on here but no real trolls from I can make out. You need to have a thick skin to post on here by the very nature of the forum. If you are thin skinned then perhaps you would be better off on something more genteel, like the People’s Friend or Woman’s Own.

  11. That was my first act of actual trolling – ever. I have just taken the time (c 30 seconds) to give General Cunster a dozen vexatious tickies.

    Do you know, I quite enjoyed that. Ahhh! (satire ⚠ Lt Col) Fucking hell, I’m on fire this morning.

    now we please move on to a proper nom. This gets boring FAST.

    (Ding Dong. The next nomination (and what a right ‘orrible slippery cunt this one is), will be arriving on Platform 4 at 9am. Ding Dong – DA)

      • I knew an old lady at University called Robin Andrew. She was a Jesus College landlady in Malcolm Street – and was in fact a very interesting lady. An expert on pollen, she was regularly consulted by forensic departments of many police forces worldwide.

        Regrettably now long dead, she still owes me my deposit of £313. I referred to her subsequently as “Robin Bastard”. Small world!

    • OK Admin, ta for the heads up. That gives the real trolls another hour prior to alighting and changing trains.
      “Ding dong” was Leslie Phillip’s catchphrase, I trow, but Nice try. You’re an absolute shower.

    • Good morning DA,

      Based on your remark posted above, I’m forced to conclude that you don’t take acts of trolling or the integrity of IsaC very seriously.

      Maybe I shouldn’t either.

      White Lives Matter
      Armed Resistance
      Never Surrender

      (We take both issues very seriously, especially the veritable tonnage of shit we have to deal with behind the scenes that you don’t get to see. We do occasionally step in when we have to, but generally only as a last resort. If we didn’t care we certainly wouldn’t have published this nomination for you all to vent on. But we believe its good to let off a little bit of steam & frankness with regards this site. Thank you all for keeping the comments here civil – DA)

      • @DA

        With respect, I suggest that you go back and read the post in question. (The one to which you responded,)

        The poster openly admits to trolling and expresses his joy at my perceived discomfort.

        The poster has made other remarks, throughout this thread that clearly aren’t germane and are designed to bait.

        I understand people blowing off steam. Given his admission and subsequent behavior, perhaps we have a different definition of who and what actually blows.

        Do you really think all the comments here have been entirely civil?

        White Lives Matter
        Armed Resistance
        Never Surrender

  12. It’s the posters that add fuck-all to any debate, no real opinion, just a few one-line posts jumping on a popular opinion, just to get ‘likes’ that irritate me. The ‘Black-Catter’. They’ve done this and that and are a walking Encyclopedia Britannica of bullshit, who, despite having absolutely fuck-all experience of what they’re arguing about, will carry on arguing. Not too many on here, but a few. They’re cunts, in my opinion.

  13. I couldn’t give a fuck (or rats ass) what people think of my posts, I throw them out there and let admin take care of any misdemeanors, that’s their job.
    Sometimes posts and noms are just a bunch of cunters nodding along with the narrative and adds nothing to the mix. A reasonable bit of banter adds spice, clearly I’ve missed the bit where our american friend locked horns with others but I’d love to read it if anyone could help.
    I like the thrust and parry of robust debate, I can honestly say that the board here are worthy contributors to the world of cunting.
    Has anybody stayed on at Cunts Corner? There’s your fragile egos if you want to troll. They’re all obsessed with some narcissist harridan due to a lack of a partner in their own lives.
    Wankers they’re called,literally. They should try ‘dogging’, they’d probably meet someone they’ve only spoken to on that site. Well well well.

    • Cuntle, to read the argument go to the kamala Harris nom,
      Its there.
      I looked at that Cunts Corner site, couldnt make fuckin head nor tail of it?

      • Cheers MNC, yes, CC is worthy of about 10, maybe 15 minutes of your life.
        It’s a prime example of threads having a couple of on topic posts before everyone starts calling the others cunts.
        Amusing the first time,tedious the rest.

    • @Cuntle

      The Kamala Harris one is relatively sedate. Go to the BLM Shit page and read the discourse between myself and Robin Bastard.

      White Lives Matter
      Armed Resistance
      Never Surrender

      • The Kamala Harris one is relatively sedate. Go to the BLM Shit page and read the discourse between myself and Robin Bastard.

        Oopsa doopsy, Lt Col! Close analysis of the exact wording there (I am, unashamedly, an expert at this stuff – it is, kind of, my “day-job”) reveals an element of pride. It also reveals a precise titration of the extent of your invective: “relatively sedate”. You are, plainly, something of an expert in all of this, I’d gainsay a veritable Internet warrior, with your less-than-concise contrarian commentariat.

        Shit-stirring notwithstanding, I should add that I find your purple prose highly entertaining, albeit a little too rich in dust with the diamonds. As said, keep ’em Cummings!

    • I’ll just take the opportunity to say that I am not and have never been a contributor to Cunt’s Corner…do read it though. It’s not to everyone’s taste but I find some of it funny.

      • Dick@
        I couldn’t make out what the fuck was going on on CC,
        Like it was designed in a dinnerbreak or something,
        Couldn’t work out what was being cunted or what the gist of the arguments were?
        They mentioned you on there,
        Your fame spreads wide!
        They might poach you!
        Offer you a contract !?

    • Morning Cuntle, morning all.
      I wandered onto Cunts Corner once, they all seemed to be cunting each other.
      Made this site look like a vicarige tea party.

  14. Both Lord Of The Rings and Lord Helpuss have recently been accused of trolling. Their only crime, as far as I could see, was to be strongly critical of Donald Trump.

    First of all, LOTR has been an esteemed and prolific cunter on ISAC for over 10 years.

    Not sure how long LH has been with us but he’s contributed 26 excellent and thought provoking nominations during that time.

    The notion that either of them are in any way trolls is ridiculous.

    As for ‘tickies’… during the Kamala Harris cunting, LOTR and LH’s posts both received an unfeasible amount. I suspect that whoever awarded them those ‘tickies’ was up to mischief and had one aim in mind: to undermine their credibility and cast doubt on the content of their posts – posts which in my view were wholly legitimate and well argued but strongly counter to certain Trump fanatics.

    • Good morning Ruff,

      The notion that some unknown cunter is lurking about IsaC waiting for the “Lords” to post so he can discredit them with “tickies” is fatuous.

      Most cunters here have a sharp wit and enjoy an excellent command of the Queen’s English. If they really wanted to express displeasure with either of them, I suspect they could cut through their superficial drivel faster than a French peaceful could decapitate an innocent school teacher.

      You defense of them is valiant and admirable. But in my opinion misguided. It is rather more Isandlwana than Rorke’s Drift.

      White Lives Matter
      Armed Resistance
      Never Surrender

      • Morning General.

        Even assuming you are right about the ticks, that doesn’t make them trolls.

      • Hello my friend,

        The abuse of tickies might not make them trolls but it is indicative of troll like behavior.

        The fundamental difference of opinion we have seems to be that you view them as reasoned and well thought out posters of contrarian, unpopular opinions.

        I view them as superficial, attention seekers, trying to bait others with arguments that on their face are farcical talking points one could read on Twitter.

        Be that as it may…two reasonable cunters can witness the same event and come to a different conclusion. It is perhaps, down to a matter of perspective.

        White Lives Matter
        Armed Resistance
        Never Surrender

    • Ruff@
      That tickie thing has been around for ages before the General reappeared,
      Remember the tickie fairy?
      It is indeed LOTR not some covert cunter.
      I’ve noticed it ages ago.
      Dunno why or care for that matter.

  15. Never cunt a cunter. One may disagree but one cannot cunt a cunter.

    God bless is a cunt and all who cunt in her

  16. Trolling is a fine art, the original idea of trolling was to enter a forum drop a comment sure to stir up the regulars and leave. Sometimes popping back to see what damage your verbal grenade had caused and if human nature got the better of you stir the pot a bit more.

    What passes as trolling these days is pissy attention seeking. Great trolling isn’t based on a personal vendetta against a group or individual, it’s mischievous not obnoxious.

    I’d not dignify the so called trolling occasionally seen on here with the title trolling.

    Opinions are like aresholes, we all have one, we discuss politics and religion here as a main course so some widely different opinions are going to be clashing at times. Debate is argument for or against an opinion but if it gets personal any chance of debate is lost.


    • Excellent summary Mr Sixdog?

      If I knew how, I would award you 99 more ticks than this 1, which is well deserved?

  17. Any reason my latest have not been getting through? I get a wordpress message saying something like I have exceeded the quota or im blocked. I did try a rant against Siddiq but no worse than calling him a cunt.

  18. Flare ups on here are pretty rare to be fair. That’s the real beauty of this site. The basic rule of don’t cunt the cunter is a simple but faultless idea. Call it arse licking but ISAC is the best by a country mile and is the first place I go to keep my sanity. Keep cunting for all you’re worth. The world will be a darker place without it.
    Now fuck off!

  19. Too much unnecessary shit on here now.
    Cunts posting eighty times a day.
    And weirdly, cunts who seem obsessed with Fiddler for some reason.

    Sometimes this site is unrecognisable as to what it was a few years ago, when it was a cunting site not a mumsnet chatroom.
    Sorry, but it’s true…

    • Curiously enough, when you web search ‘is a cunt’ you will get offered a mumsnet thread on some wimminz errant husband.
      Do I win £5?

  20. As I understand it, trolling has its origins in polari where it meant to wander around looking for someone to fuck with. Not seen much, if any, on here to be honest, although I am a johnny-come-lately. Any cunter who disagrees with any of my postings is most welcome to disagree, but if they are looking for a fuck they can piss off.

  21. The internet has allowed the arsehole to reach a potential they could only dream of 20 years ago.
    I’m not that successful or intellectual, or a tough guy, so why pretend? Being antagonistic just for the sake of it seems a bit pathetic to me.
    Multiple accounts, fake ticks, same.
    But, that’s my opinion, and ultimately it counts for fuck all.

  22. As sites go, this is one of the better ones.

    Trolls will come and go, but that’s just life. And as for the tickies, well good luck to them if they feel the need to big themselves up, or its been done by proxy.

    Bottom line I suppose, if people don’t like this site for one reason or another, they have options.

    • How dare you tell me I have options you trolling cunt. Just because you now live in the la de fucking da Lake District does not entitle you to come out with blatant Welshism. I am reporting you to the Grand Wizard (Day Admin) who will ban you as soon as he has had his morning wank.
      And as for the semi dead General Cunster. He is a cad, a bounder and an Americunt.

      • I see what you did there.

        Did you get out of the wrong side of some tart’s bed this morning, Cunstable?

        Your language is terrible.

      • Hello Cuntstable,

        “…a cad, a bounder and an Americunt.”

        I’ve been called worse…by better.

        White Lives Matter
        Armed Resistance
        Never Surrender

      • This is the problem General – you take everything so personally. Why not try to just “roll with it” (as they say in Americaland) and not give a toss?

        If someone is clearly being deliberately offensive then you are right to be pissed off, but Cuntsable Cuntbubble was obviously just taking the piss. He was just having a laugh but you chose to take offence. Why?

      • @Robin

        So you put your 2 cents in and got change back. Now what?

        Roll with it.

        White Lives Matter
        Armed Resistance
        Never Surrender

      • Is this because Donald lost and they found no evidence of widespread fraud in Georgia? Is that why you are a bit testy this morning?

      • That is a very un-insightful and non-germane comment Robin.

        Typical of you and your contributions.

        White Lives Matter
        Armed Resistance
        Never Surrender

        (Actually, giving back in kind really is fun. Non-productive…but fun)

      • Actually, old friend…we’ve had our disagreements in the distant past…but on that sentiment we both agree.

        White Lives Matter
        Armed Resistance
        Never Surrender

      • That’s because you didn’t get any at the last election and lost your job, you evil anti-semite Jeremy?

  23. I was accused of trolling once, because I called someone a Southern Baptist, ie in the form of a question – ‘Southern Baptist?’. He was an ex-French foreign legionnaire (allegedly) from Georgia who’d killed a lot of people (allegedly) but apparently went to church on Sundays and lived here in the UK. He was coming to the rescue of a friend of his (a saintly woman who was also a God-botherer) who took issue with me for something I said to her, can’t remember what. I was thrown off the site.

    The site later disintegrated to nothing. Revenge of the Lady, again.

  24. I would sooner have a troll than a boring cunt. A boring troll is a definite no no though. Other than that through off the shackles of your insecurity and rather than scream troll grow a thicker skin. The majority of people I encounter on the interweb wouldn’t know a real troll if it climbed up their arse and fell out of their mouth into their soup.

    Fuck off.

    • Kind of ironic isn’t it? You’d think the kind of people who come on this site would have incredibly thick skins, but apparently not.

      Having said that, we’d need really, really thick skins to protect us from the weapons in the good General’s armoury that he’s saving up for his armed resistance.

      • Hey Robin,

        If I want any shit from you I’ll squeeze your head.

        White Lives Matter
        Armed Resistance
        Never Surrender

        (My but this is fun isn’t it?)

      • Wow. You need to take a chill pill General. You are taking this way too seriously.

        I mean, really, go and have a lie down in a dark room, have a glass of wine, take your socks off, and relaxxxxxxxxxxx……………

      • C’mon Robin

        It’s all in good fun. Roll with it.

        White Lives Matter
        Armed Resistance
        Never Surrender

      • Oh I agree.

        The trouble is, you really don’t seem like you are having fun (see your interactions with Dick fiddler for an example).

        Seriously. Try to lighten up and accept that people on here are not trying to upset you, just having a bit of fun.

      • He won’t have time for any “armed resistance” He will be far too busy here, importantly replying to every single, potentially fatal, perceived slight, with gusto.

  25. This thread looks like it’s heading for a record number of posts, nice one admin.

    Perhaps a special page for DF, The General and TT would be a next step to knock seven bells out of each other ?

    This is a joke, before anyone jumps all over it

    • Well I thought it was amusing. I actually suggested the same kind of idea last night when I saw this in the Nominations queue. I also averred that a putative “Trolls’ Corner” compartment would not be my own “go-to” part of isac.

      Like you, my tongue was indeed clearly firmly in my cheek, but I am heartened to observe that “Cunt Music” has now been expunged (in my response last evening to DF’s nom, I referred to the “Cunt Music” compartment as “largely redundant”)

      Not that I give a fk, but credit where credit is due: nice one, Admin

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