It now seems that having the wrong political opinions can have you, as Orwell would put it, ‘unpersoned’.
I recently saw a video in which two right wing activists (who do not promote violence at all) have had their UK bank accounts closed (Laura Tower and Mark Collett are their names, btw). Now, their views are very a little on the ‘savoury’ end of the spectrum, but they are against violence (but want to make sure white Brits are a large majority in their own country).
Personally, I disagree with some of the things they say, but seeing banks close their accounts because they don’t like their political opinions is scary. ‘But the banks are private companies. It’s up to them who they serve.’
Well…no. That should not be the case in a sane society. With the Rona we are being pushed towards a cashless society. Imagine trying to survive with no bank account in a cashless society?
You could also argue that the gas and electric companies could also refuse your custom on the same basis. Imagine coming home from work to your family to find your bank account closed and your gas and electric cut off for good. And all because the companies don’t like the way you vote?
Where does it end? I’ll tell you. Once the woke cunts get total control (and they’re close) you might be unpersoned yourself because you don’t believe men are women, for example. Or for the bollocks we all post on here.
Companies, particularly ones like banks, should not be permitted to refuse custom based on political persuasion.
Thin end of the fucking wedge, as they say.
Nominated by: Cuntybollocks
They are sending you a message. It reads……conform, keep your mouth shut, we tell you what to think, what to say, what to do. “It’s a free country” we used to say when I was a kid.
Not any more.
Odd when you consider a bakery can’t refuse to bake a cake celebrating LBGT weddings etc. It’s clear that we must face adversity and stand up to tyranny or we are all lost.
Human nature and the majority wish to remain silent and invisible leads to tyrants and intolerance. For evil to rule all it requires is for good men to do nothing.
I was thinking of the bakery when reading the nom. Either all companies should be able to refuse a person’s business, for whatever reason, or none of them.
Couldn’t they just make some shit up?
‘Freedom Of Speech’?
‘As long as we agree with what you’re saying’.
It’s just more of the ‘shutting down’ of anything to the right of Dame Kweer, the left of the Labour Party are already giving him a bit of a kicking for not being left enough.
I haven’t seen anything by Mark Collet but watched a few of Laura Towlers videos, yes she is on the right but nothing worse than ISAC and mostly quite tame compared to ISAC.
Closing bank accounts for not having wokeness is ridiculous, money laundering and terrorism are grounds for that sort of action but just saying that Lammy is a cunt and why the fuck do we have all these potential terrorist peacefuls running around definitely isn’t.
More and more people are becoming wise to the media and their left bias and about fucking time.
Believe me, by the end of this fucking pandemic, when poncy cunts like Burnham and Suckdick have bled the Treasury dry and there will be virtually no spare money anywhere, all the hoity-toity banks and businesses who find views “unacceptable” now will be so desperate for custom, they will back down.
When business falls off they would deal with anybody. I can just see HSBC, the wokest of the banks sending advertising material to David Starkey and everyone else they look down on now.
I changed banks recently, first time ever. My only stipulation was “not those HSBC cunts”. We are an island and you’re not getting my cash to stick up Toksvig’s hairy snatch.
I’d LOVE to be able to “get into” a tv advert. I bank with HSBC, and I’d kick the shit-brown man in the shit-brown suit’s arse so thoroughly it would look like steak tartare.
E I Addio, you are a cunt; just fuck off and die.
Great nom – and to think we all missed ‘world menopause day’ – cunts the lot of them
I think we should have ‘World Prostate Day’, drawing attention to the problems that this little bastard can cause.
It’s a bloke thing tho, so I’m not holding my breath.
There’s a European Prostate Cancer Awareness Day, if that’s any use to you Ron…
There should be an ‘Anal Prolapse’ day.
Then my ex-wives wouldn’t be able to say I never give them anything.
And in La Belle France, a certain demographic with do more than cancel you!
Once again I suspect I’ll find myself in a minority of one here. But I also suspect that a few others have secretly thought this. A terrible thing to happen to him of course. But did he have to show the children the satirical cartoons? He must have known there were Muslims in his class. Wasn’t it deliberately provocative? Couldn’t he have had the discussion without showing the cartoons?
Say if it was an offensive depiction of the Virgin Mary. Or offensive caricatures of Jews. Would that be an acceptable way of discussing free speech?
It goes without saying what happened to him is inexcusable.
I saw a report which said he told the class what he would be doing and if anyone would be offended they could be excused.
But it’s typical of these fucking savages, one parent had an issue and went online and the cunt who murdered the teacher had nothing to do with the the school or anyone there.
Fuck religion, they are all fucking cunts, just some are bigger cunts than others!!
The Frogs should erect a statue in that teacher’s honour.
And use the point as a wall to shoot all the radicalised cunts they have rounded up.
Plinth …. not sure how point got in there ?
I don’t agree with you there, Miles, because it is panbdering to a religous group – or like the IRA bastards gives them an excuse to feel offended.
Just the other day “friends” of that loaded iold pansy Peter Mandelson tried to pretend he had been offended by anti-semitism because one of the old waxworks of a union leader (McLusky) had told him to “count his gold” Ipso-facto that was “anti-semetic” byutr surely it was just pointing out that for a “Labour” cunt Mandy is over-concerned with personal wealth – it would be the same, and he would eb the same if he were Catholic, Protestant or nion-comformist. He is a greedy bastard full stop.
Surely there are enough “Islamic” schools in the world if these little creeps are so easily offended. I know one in East London which was a former supermarket.
Fucking religious bollocks!
I had a great friend-this fellow was a highly educated, worldly sophisticate.
After the MEN arena bombing, he actually defended what happened, blaming The English “ joke” culture.
He actually said: “What do you expect? 40 plus years of jokes, is it any wonder they are pissed off?”
I couldn’t believe what I was hearing- offensive, libtard shite.
A bit like someone condemning a man being critical of the murderous behaviour of immigrants, in his country.
He showed cartoons FFS.
Fuck all Middle Eastern sky fairy nonsense.
Not showing the cartoons out of fear of retribution from Muslims shows their religion up for what it is. As pointed out in CMCs’ blog Islam cannot exist without apostasy laws, in other words subjugation.
They are all cunts, there is nothing good/useful about Islam and the cunts who are part of that religion.
The UK would be a far better place without any of these cunts.
Just had a quick look on wikipedia. Seems he has been doing this since the Charlie Hebdo massacre. Complaints and the police involved. Mmm…was he looking for trouble?
The caricature he was showing (according to Wikipedia) was of the Prophet Muhammad naked; genitals exposed. Seems pretty provocative to me.
And ‘middle school’ old are they? 11 or 12? Maybe if they were 15 or 16 it would have been more appropriate. Mature enough to have the debate I mean.
Could he be accused of ‘using’ the kids to make a political point? Was it really about ‘free speech’?
Do I believe Charlie Hebdo had the right to publish the caricatures? Yes, the ones that are on CuntsMate’s website. But one of him naked, genitals exposed? No.
Sorry Miles-sticks and stones and all that…..
Prehistoric behaviour from people following medieval fairy stories.
It’s a cartoon not an actual picture of the cunt and it depends on how it was portrayed…. the fucking peaceful cunts need to accept that WE and France don’t have blasphemy anymore…..
The reason is so fucking lunatics can’t just have people killed because they don’t like their views on religion.
I read the debate you had with the lady of faith. Fair play to you for taking her seriously. I’d have called her a silly cunt after the first response.
It’s all the fault if Capitalism. You could say it’s Capitalism and Marxism working hand in hand. BLM and the Premier League an example. The money men could see the way the wind was blowing. So they jumped in the bandwagon. Same with Saintsbury’s. Same with all the companies who have gone ‘woke’. They are not ‘kow towing’ to the woke agenda. On the contrary they are giving it a leg up. It’s a marketing strategy.
One of the central planks of BLM is for the abolition of Capitalism which is the last thing Sainsbury’s would condone.
No, Sainsbury’s are merely virtue signalling, they couldn’t give a fuck about BLM and the other woke commie twerps out there.
Its the ‘virtue signalling’ that’s the strategy.
Morning RT.
Morning Miles.
The business of Business is business.
If Sainsbury’s and their ilk believe they can up their market share by virtue signalling, then that’s what they’ll do.
It’s not rocket science.
Just seen my first Christmas ad – 21st October.
I can beat that, saw one a few weeks ago. I nominated it for ISAC.
This is already well in progress.
Cameras track you everywhere along with your “smart” phone, number plate, IP address, credit cards, online accounts and activity and TV habits.
This is all stored in data warehouses and sold of to government, commercial and law enforcement customers.
As for any company or business that doesn’t want my money because I do not share their views? They can fuck right off then. The problem I have is that they have held those views for all of two weeks and if it meant making more profit they would abandon those half baked ideas in seconds.
Like gypos, three generations have lived on this site…..yes but only for the last two weeks.
I have a friend that is a UKIP member and does a fair bit of protesting. He is always getting his Facebook account frozen. The last time was for forwarding a meme about Black Letterboxes ffs.
I’d suggest not giving these cunts any business. Barclays lost my business a few years ago when the dodgy fuckers tried fixing the libor rate.
Wokeness, here and in the States is very nasty indeed. They are the equal of the Klan or BNP but seem to be acceptable.
Hope we all got the name: Santander. Though I think if you are actively promoting your pretty extreme views it’s more or less a given that the security services will be taking an interest and perhaps letting you know that they are.
Bear in mind that the principal perceived threat to state security here and in the West generally is not Islam ( which will not attract majority support in the UK) but “the far-right” (which can attract massive support on specific issues)
Also the establishment tends to get very sensitive around antisemitism. Collett and Tower are allegedly antisemites and promote antisemitic conspiracy theories.
Even so, there is no apparent legal justification for shutting their accounts down. If I were security, though, I’d be doing it – as it happened – in the knowledge that it is completely deniable, and could give some useful information too. Who do you go to when you are suddenly made destitute? Who is funding you, and your friends?
Who are you connected to?
Moral: The nail that stands up is the nail that is hammered down. Regrettable, but there are limits to democracy…and do you seriously think that can be changed?
The dark tide of Marxist behaviour.
All via your favourite mega corporation.
The ghost of Trotsky and his chums are laughing at how easy it turned out to be..
No tanks in Poland or ICBMS required.
Fucking vermin.
Just because it isn’t right doesn’t make it left, UT. Remember when Corbyn’s lot were getting absolute shit from the media for their alleged – but still unproved – institutional antisemitism?
Please check out the two heroes in the nom for their views on Jewish control of society. Unlike anyone in Labour, they come right out with it. More in common than you’d think, eh?
Laura Towler put her head above the parapet-she is a moderate lass, well educated (1st class degree) and articulate.
Santander treated her like shit-like they treat most of their customers. They had one of, if not the worst record of abusing the rights of genuine PPI claimants.
They lost a lot of custom over that.
Including mine?
All this shit is underpinned by one thing: A Cashless Society.
The moment we go cashless, the powers that lurk in the shadows will have full control as no ‘one’ individual can live outside this cashless network.
Government and whoever/whatever controls them will see and be able to track every person’s transactions and push the stop button when they want to.
In the face of this issue, the average cunt on the street will comply and put thoughts of protest or objection to the back of their minds for the sake of their kids being able to eat.
Banks will have full dominance and will be the new judge, jury and executioner regarding how socially acceptable to the government you are.
Time to thick about off grid alternatives for me……………
The largest group of Semites in the world are Arabs, ergo, when this site delivers tirades against Islam it is anti-Semitic.
Semitism refers to a language anyways, Semitic languages include Hebrew and Arabic so called as descendants of Shem,
Captain Haddock Noah’s eldest son.
How the fuck can anyone be anti language?
Its a phrase usurped for the victimhood status of a group of elitist sky pilot botherers.
Can’t call out the finance industry can you, it might be anti-Semitic.
But most folks will sleepwalk their way through life so it’s relatively plain sailing for Covid 1984 to impact on all our lives.
Anyone seen the film ‘Hot Fuzz’? The village mantra “It’s for the greater good” could have been written for these times, the amount of compliant,scared cunts walking about in fear today.
I’m glad Towler and partner have a voice, regardless of its content, at least it’s not the mainstream narra-fucking-tive that’s being parroted everywhere else.
The word Antisemitism is universally defined as: hostile actions or discrimination against Jews as a religious or ethnic group.
The term has been in common usage since the 19th Century. Not a lot of people don’t know or understand that.
Technically, you’re absolutely right, C, and perhaps if we considered all semites (in the linguistic or genetic sense) as having much in common we would be on safer ground.
As RTC says, the term which should by rights be directed at a much wider ethnic group has for a long time been claimed as the sole property of the Red Sea Jaywalkers. They are such special semites that they have to be the only semites in town.
That hijacking of a word’s meaning parallels that of “gay”….
Central Banks around the world, including ours, are actively exploring the concept of digital currencies.
There is a huge desire for a cashless society, amongst governments and large institutions.
The desire for Complete Control is insatiable.
It may work, for a while, but Chaos must surely follow. When people have nothing to lose, the shit hits the fan.
Thank fuck I’m closer to the exit, rather than the entrance.
Get To Fuck.
I’m going to write a pc fucking sci fi show called “Dr Tarpot and the Bendy Benders”
And it will come with a free colouring book, but as you can’t use the word colour it’ll just be called fill hole, and the only colour kids can use on it is black. There BBfuckingC the perfect fucking, pc, Snowflake, left wing, unadulterated, pile of festering shit.
God thats scary. Did they at least get their money from the bank?! I’d say sue but its a long labourous process of bullshit dealing with lawyers and middle management government cunts I’m guessing
I couldn’t even imagine. Does this only happen to rightwing people critical of immigration or does this happen also to jihadists or terrorists. I remember reading about some terrorist cunt still collecting welfare benefits even after he was convicted fucking unbelievable
Having watched her video, Laura eventually received 2x cheques for the balance of her 2x Santander accounts.
She also said cheques are no good to her without a bank account.
So why are we not closing the bank accounts of the rag heads who want to blow our country up, or their financiers from the East?
Elites : Welcome to our new cashless society.
Hackers : Allow us to introduce ourselves.
That both funny and scarily true.
A cashless society is a hackers heaven.
It wont stop crime, and it’ll make people pretty desperate.
Trade and barter will dominate, and criminals will use drugs and guns as currency.
Alexzander Solzhenitsyn said “When you have robbed a man of everything, he is no longer in yur power – he is free”
Too bloody right.
The revolution is coming
Big Al
Alexzander Solzhenitsyn said “When you have robbed a man of everything, he is no longer in your power – he is free”
Too bloody right.
The revolution is coming
Big Al