The purblind “working from home” crew are total cunts.
All I ever read these days is “working from home has changed my life” or “I’ll never go back into the office again I can tell you”
Listen you stupid cunts, whatever you think, if you’ve been happily working from your hovel for the last few months plans are in progress to replace you with either Ntebeb, Survinder or Pavel working in some far flung shit hole.
If you really think your company is going to pay you to sit at home and eat junk food, become alcohol dependent and watch shite TV when your job can be done at a fraction of the cost by the swarm of third world rodents you’re deluded.
I’ve never been so productive you may say?…rubbish, you just think that while the sun is shining and the real misery from this fake pandemic hasn’t kicked in yet. Just wait until Mid-November when it’s dark by three thirty, people at your company are being laid off left and right and you’re sitting there shitting yourself because of off all the money you owe on rubbish like new cars, holidays and TV sets.
I’ve been self-employed for years, I know lean times come along and have planned for it long before Bruce Lee Fever became fashionable but the rest of you work from home sheep need to start picking your own park bench.
Fuck all you can do about it either.
Nominated by: Spanky Mc Spank
The bullshit these arseholes come out with to try and justify their holiday continuance is quite amusing.
An IT bloke at my place was monitoring the activity of these “workers”. Some were registering a mere 1 1/2 hours per day, for full pay.
I can’t wait to hear the excuses why they shouldn’t be sacked for embezzlement.
“I can’t wait to hear the excuses why they shouldn’t be sacked for embezzlement.”
Because they’re still doing far more work than management?
Oh, yes! A palpable hit there. Our management is mostly interfering from home, too.
Nope, all the management are in, most of the office are “working” from home.
Where does ‘being in the office’ mean ‘doing lots of work’? Without workers in attendance management don’t even need to look busy.
The cunts I work for are bloated with management types who spend all day nattering on skype and twiddling excel cells, and not much else.
Meanwhile I get paid half their salary and get fucking carpal tunnel. Cunts!
To clarify; where I work the minority actually hired to do practical stuff requiring hand-eye coordination is in, albeit on a limited basis and looking over their shoulders nervously. Any cunt described as (eg) Diversity Facilities Outreach Lead is at home masturbating over its latest Excel spreadsheet prior to emailing it to everyone for completion and/or chattering to its overpaid colleagues on Teams ™ (utter cunt). Including the serpentine self-promoting cow who started off looking after the keys but now has an enhanced income and secretary of her own….and whose only visible function is still looking after the keys. A fundamental problem when you need a key….
I bet most of those cunts are public sector cunts, and an hour and a half is probably a raise in productivity.
Top cunting SMS,
Your right these Muppets thinking they are gonna sit at home working and wanking whilst their greedy ‘must save and make more money’ companies will carry on paying them are deluded.
These companies are not only realising the money they can save by having an office 25% of their current size and saving loads in rent (especially in London) they also as you say are simply going to outsource it to another country like they did with call centres all those years ago. This the new world order happening, some dark and skint times ahead for lots of people.
Have you actually worked with our compadres from the third world? I mean they could probably replace grey haired Dorris who struggles to manipulate PDFs, but beyond that they’re still a generation behind, or more, in terms of technical ability and competence.
It probably costs more in the end because they make so many errors due to ‘cultural barriers’, the time zone difference, etc.
If you can be replaced by them then you have a non-job and/or you’re just rubbish.
That’s our MP’s fucked then.
Lot of truth to your nom Spanky.
Although Im sympathetic to them.
The fuckwit goverment started this, firms are quite happy to have staff paid by the goverment on furlough, and tell staff to work from home knowing full well theyll never be coming back.
The office will shut, why pay rent?
I take no joy in people losing their employment,
Some hard times ahead.
Some have seen this as a holiday, but not all by any means.
Theyre about to get a very nasty surprise!
Tighten your belts and get down the pawn shop times.
My MP is a fruity Starmer arselicker. They might do fuck all but they still wear out the knees of their trousers crawling after Dame Kweer
I worked for a long while in engineering design. Steadily the work has been shipped out to various third world shit holes. They start with the simple stuff, then progressively start outsourcing more and more. Yes, they are thick cunts generally, but management and clients seem happy paying half the price despite them having to do any works three times over to get it right. And I have always thought that the next logical step to a UK homeworker was a cheaper overseas one.
Reminds me, I have to send off my ‘bounce back’ loan application’ the Brothel and drugs businesses are struggling with all these skint cunts abaaaaaht. ???
You’ll just have to sell the eight bedroom pad on Bishop’s Avenue, B&WC. (‘Notting Hill’ my left knacker!)
Bishop’s Avenue? I know naffink abaaaaaht it. Notting Hill in The Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea old chap…5 minutes walk from Portobello Road. ??
I don’t begrudge people working from home but the glee that some pricks show is foul. As the nom says, wait until they’re replaced by Chang Bing Ling in a year or so.
All part of the cunning Chinky plan; send us the lurgy then import our jobs. Ah so, velly clever.
Hopefully most of these cunts are libtards who are all for equality, justice and opportunity for our foreign friends whether here or abroad. They are about to find out what the word “globalisation” means. The secret is to jump out of the way before the boot connects with your bollocks.
With applications like zoom etc (had a two day meeting with some Oxford Professor types recently using zoom, and got paid a generous consultancy fee – winner!) there is no real need for the vast majority of office workers to physically be at work, and my many years of being chained to a desk taught me that managers are there to crack the whip not manage.
So, internet connection, no office to rent/maintain, big decrease in costs and then outsourced to Countries where it can be done for half the price.
One of my relatives (Little Lord Fauntleroy the snowflake bitch as I call him) was whining about how “stressful” it was working from home – I remember thinking “wait six months and see how fkin stressful being unemployed is”.
We have some harsh times around the corner, and it’s the bottom ten per cent who will be hit the hardest.
Fuck all new there then.
Hard times are a comin’ due to our government thinking you can hold back a virus like Canute with the tide.
Hard times but not for our civil ‘servants’ mind you.
I watched a bit of the ten o clock news the other night, for my sins. On it, they had some cunt with his long pole microphone asking cunts about the prospect of more lockdowns. Most of those questioned were middle aged or retired, and they all practically welcomed another national lockdown. “I don’t mind if they close all the pubs an restaurants” said some cunt. This showed more about their shallow social life and lack of intellect than anything to do with the subject. They fail to comprehend how much revenue is gained from the hospitality industry, and once it’s gone, that’s it. Apart from the selfish attitude these lockdown lovers show, usually on activities that don’t interest them, it’s the beeb that amplifies their ill informed opinions, by only giving their side of the story. Surely they must have interviewed someone who saw things differently?
As a middle aged cunt struggling to pay a mortgage watching cunts who don’t have to worry about such trivial things is piss boiling. They probably have a spare room full of toilet paper too, the selfish cunts.
Too fucking thick to question the figures, or the method of reporting them.
43000 died of Covid says the media. What they mean to say is 43000 people died within 28 days of testing positive of Covid. I’d love to know the actual figure of people who died of Covid exclusively, with no other factors. Sadly, we will never know.
Shield the sick and the elderly, then tell the world to put its big boy pants on, and get back to work. Or it’s game over. For everyone.
I think we’ll be surprised just how many will sign up their friends and neighbours for re-education at the nearest Dachau when the Beeb and government tell them it’s in sll our best interests, for ‘elf and safety, and to stop misinformation and hate speech.
The data will be there for sure (on Covid), I saw a report a few days ago comparing Chinky flu deaths, Bog Standard flu and combined Flu/Pneumonia between January and September.
Chinky Flu ~42000
Flu/Pneumonia, ~14000
Flu, just under 400
There will be a breakdown of chinky flu and chinky flu+ , I am sure they will tell us soon ?
I do not believe the Covid19 death figures are being reported accurately or honestly.
I believe the real figure is probably a quarter to a third of what we are being told.
The data for Covid will not be there, as so many deaths that have been attributed to Covid did not have post mortems, so a confirmed cause of death is impossible if the person was cremated. Also, a registrar friend told me of a case where a care home death was initially attributed to Covid, so was recorded as such, when later it was it was confirmed that this was in error, it could not be changed to the real cause of death. And, that isn’t a unique case.
As I said, there is a massive difference between dying of Covid, and dying within 28 days of being diagnosed with Covid as it doesn’t take any other factors into account. It’s almost like saying dying within 28 days of eating a toastie being the cause of death, and not the cancer they were riddled with.
Get busy living, or get busy dying.
Assuming, as you say, the Covid death figures have been grossly exaggerated, what’s in it for the government?
How do they benefit from wrecking the economy? Are the Tories so desperate to usher in a Labour government?
Or maybe it’s all a massive distraction from the pig-fucker’s ear they’re making of Brexit.
Questions, questions, questions, flooding through the mind of the wretched old cunter at bedtime…
Never ascribe to malice what is explicable by incompetence. Occam’s Razor applies.
Mind you, Johnson must be wondering how to get our before he gets blamed for the roof falling in. Which it will, inevitably. Shades of Blair finally letting Brown in and fucking off to JP Morgan as the subprime crisis appeared on the horizon.
Goveygoveygovey! Here, boy!
Great post Gutstick. As I’ve now been made redundant, they now fill our tv screens with selfish cunts with pensions coming in, welcoming another lockdown. The selfishness of these bastards. I’m one of many hundreds of thousands soon to be millions who are worried and so fucking anxious about how the fucking bills are going to be paid. “We’ll get through together” spouts our PM. I could get through it if I had your bank balance Boris, you out of touch with reality cunt.
Oh yeh dont worry about our beloved leader he has probaly got 3-5 houses he can occupy and should things get to much rest assured he will go on holiday for a while/our intelligence is to collectivrly insulted again i hear hes going to explain how a covid traffic light system works/you know the drill point at the big map this is the country where you live etc
I invested heavily in bog roll after hearing about some new cryptocurrency.
In one respect WfH is a good thing from an environmental pov; as well as saving people a lot of time and money on commuting (although you’ll still get some cunts trying to put extra expenses through for use of home electric/gas/water and food etc)
Fewer people doing the rush hour is always a good thing.
But the downside is the knock-on effects to suppliers, such as cafes, newsagents, buses and trains, all of whom have seen a shocking drop in footfall.
The other downside is that those who WfH (or are on furlough, even though that is soon coming to an end to be replaced with something far less generous for some), will want to carry on doing so, but will object strongly if their bosses monitor their workload. They will see it as an invasion of privacy and ooman rights etc.
But as others have said, we live in a world of globalisation, and of superfast broadband, video conferencing and SaaS. This means any cunt can do your highly paid job for probably half that, as well as being far more dedicated.
It also means an employer could hire 3 cheap cunts from Vietnam, doing 8 hours shifts, thus offering 24 hour support, compared to one cunt over here earning 3 times as much but only “working” less than 8.
This will be the New Normal, and yet a lot of those twats loving WfH are in for a big fucking surprise when it finally hits home and they’re out the door
WfH is 20 years overdue – fuck office culture. If presenteeism and supporting the local Starbucks is the only thing holding our economy together then it deserves to fucking implode for being utter useless shite. Why should the average person waste hours each day and cut years off their lives by having to commute on stuffed trains and roads, just to keep this shitpile turning? That’s bullshit.
But that’s looking increasingly like the plan now. An economic implosion. The ‘Great Reset’ and ‘Build Back Better’. I think the writing is on the wall.
The good news is that with all the empty office space it can be converted into homes for the channel surfer boys.
A prestigious Canary Wharf address, nothing but the best for the poor unfortunates escaping persecution, war and famine.
great nom – i endorse it wholeheartedly
these people are, of course, part of the problem we have in getting out of lockdown and unlawful restrictions – they are being blackmailed by an unlawful regime in order to show how much the regime ‘cares about us’ – they don’t though do they, in the words of George Carlin – “they own you”
cunts the lot of them
This country was bought and paid for a long time ago says carlin of america how very true /the same could be said for over here that polictiand are just here to create an illusion of us knowing whats going on etc obvious they have their own agenda keep herding us about like sheep from one crisis to the next
I bet corporate landlords who own some of those huge office skyscrapers in the centre of London will be shitting themselves when their tenants start reducing their footfall or pulling out all together when their leases end.
Why pay hundreds of thousands of pounds in business rent & rates when it would be far more economical to downsize with the majority of your workforce sacked or wfh.
I bet all the Labour cunts working at home get a daily missive from Dame Kweer:
Incompetent/get A Grip/Incompetent/Get a gripincompetent ad naseum – that is all the old motherfucker seems capable of saying
I work in a warehouse I am unable to “work from my home”Doris.Utter twat.
I used to work in a call centre, shit job, but that soon got shifted to Bombay (not Fucking Mumbai.). So expect outsourcing very soon. But WFH cunts will soon realise during the winter you will start to be living at work.
Employers will expect more and more from you and monitor your every move. Also as you have all increased your productivity by 100% that means by simple match half of you ain’t going to be needed to do the same job.
You will all soon be unemployed, then self employed and then you will all chasing the same bit of work and undercutting each other to do so and the bosses who you used to suck upto or at least could get on with Won’t give a fuck about you as they will be battling to keep their own head above water.
WFH cunts it is coming – a superb nomination
My neighbour is supposedly working from home but all he does is sit in his garden smoking weed and strangely always has two spliffs on the go at the same time….double jointed.
Does anyone know the Swedish for “Let me in”.
Wish I could work from home, or at least from the station.
‘Take a couple of paracetamol, get a grip and fuck off’
can be done from home for shit-loads of cunts that call us. And leave us to deal with people that actually NEED us.
Cuntalugs junior is working from home, unfortunatley my home.
He moved to a bleak tower block flat to be near his work, Mrs C insisted he come home for the duration but his bosses decided to shut up the office.
They must be quids in. His expensive PC kit ( he is a games developer), the use of one of my licensed programmes, leccy and broadband and he is thoroughly pissed off by it, as he has no interaction with colleagues just two old farts in the house.
So it’s not so great for some.
When Furlough ends and the mass lay-offs start is when the WfH cunts will feel the pain.
Many have mortgages they can just about afford. Couple this with lots of household debts for all of the frivolous spending on new TV’s, Amazon Junk & other gadgets that are totally on Credit will mean that without income these mounting debts will make folk homeless very quickly. (Sadly)
I do pity them but with their heads in the clouds, living beyond their means and ‘it will never happen to me’ attitude most cunts are gonna find out the very hard way what the word ‘Globalisation’ really entails……….
Think of all those lovely empty houses that our government can fill with dinghy dwellers. I’m sure that Boris can bankrupt the country by the end of his tenure as prime knobhead.
We are risking our lives on the front line at work earning 20% less and paying travel costs. Down 40% in total. Meanwhile our managers and office staff are working from home on 100% of wages.. Cunts.
Keep the fuckers at home I say.
I’m enjoying the congestion-free roads.
It’s nice to be able to leave home at a set time and arrive at work on time.
I don’t understand for the life of me what happens in these offices. People tapping away on boxes, and then putting things in imaginary boxes on a fucking screen.
How will they all cope without the obligatory ‘office Christmas party’ this year?
Anyone would think manual workers never have a party.
Hope they all go to hell in a handcart.
I hate working from home and only did it before Covid if I wanted to knock off early and catch a train into town for a pub crawl.
I’m presently going into the office twice a week and can get much more done as the Internet and systems generally work twice as fast. Arrange it with a few mates for a beer at lunchtime, as we used to do, but employers still want us to work from home if we can.
With 5 people in an office that used to have 60 in it, doesn’t make sense. Surely at least 20-30 could safely go back?
I shall now REFUSE to work from home, as my digs are far too dingy a d depressing. At HMRC, every bloody minute is monitored. Except for the three bloody pointless meetings per week. Can’t wait to get some sparky mate’s work, I am NOT an office person, and the amount of emphasis on wokeness, The Gayness, alphabetti- spaghetti &c. is puke-inducing…