A police officer has died in Croydon, with the suspect apparently being armed inside the station as he was not searched before being arrested, something that has been a standard operating procedure for years.
I see this death as an inevitable result of the Communist hiring policies of Cressida Strap-On and Suckdick Khunt.
Taken before his time, another victim of political correctness, may he rest in peace.
Nominated by: Cunt me in
(Police Lives Don’t Matter, it would seem – DA)
Just look at that ridiculous lezza bitch. I didn’t know they gave out medals for being a useless incompetent cunt.
Freddie, these were services to the strap-on rubber dick and the love egg sex toy industry.
I reckon anyway.
Otherwise for exceptional bravery in the face of a rather hairy quim?
Can you guess who appointed Strap-on?
Yup, it was Amber Dudd, that remoaning Appeaser May clone.
“Cressida Dick is an exceptional leader, and has a clear vision for the future of the Metropolitan Police and an understanding of the diverse range of communities it serves. I am delighted Her Majesty has agreed my recommendation after a rigorous recruitment process which highlighted the quality of senior policing in this country.”
Also she was the cunt that murdered the innocent Brazilian electrician. How she can with that about sums the bitch up.
Presumably if she had instructed her men to murder a fellow lesbian, she would have resigned and hung up her helmet. But it was only a man.
I thought back in 2005, and even more now with her piss poor “leadership” there is only one possible punishment – off to the Caning Rome for 12 strokes stark bollock naked.Maximum force.
Dud’s other achievement was to propose that trannies can be whatever they like and including disturbed children.
The children bit is coming home to roost at last with a case being brought against the clinic that disfigures kids for life.
That little bastard was on Wireless 4 Today programme this morning. I don’t know is it was a girl changed to a bloke (she/he/it had a baritone voice anyway) or a boy changed to a winniz, but he/she/it is clearly mixed up, but one thing he/she/it said struck me – he/she/it said that when he/she/it was 14 it felt confused (a state most 14 year olds find themselves in for one thing or another) but “I looked on the internet….”. I wonder how many daft things have started like that. I certainly don’t think it should get compensation for it. Nobody forced it to get life changing surgery – they must have wanted it.
Nice link, Ruffers.
I especially like this little tidbit from old Suckdick:
“On behalf of all Londoners, I warmly welcome Cressida to the role and I very much look forward to working with her to keep our capital safe and protected.”
Oh, fuck me pink, my sides are splitting!
She manages to look like an ugly bloke.
She manages to act like an incompetent self serving bitch.
This is what you get when you hire according to quotas instead of competencies.
She looks like something from a dictatorship.
How come the Met only cunted twice ? It should be a daily occurrence
It’s not the Met though, it’s the people in charge. I reckon they do a decent a job. Just run by Namby Pambyies.
The Metropolitan elites owned police.
This Ceylonese chap who murdered the police officer still hasn’t been identified, haven’t seen a photo or anything, it’s the police in general, they need to start sjamboking a few kaffirs instead of just stopping them to check for contraband, it’s getting stupid, I wouldn’t want to arm them with guns though, not while trigger happy Tariqs are being recruited, utter cunts!!!
A lorry carrying incontinence pants has overturned and shed its load on the M25.
Police are warning of long delays due to rubber knickers….
Took me a few moments to get that one.
Don’t upset the Umbongos in the year of Our Lord George.
Therefore fail to search them thoroughly.
Therefore fail to ensure the security of the Police.
Therefore allow the drug dealing extremist to pull a weapon and commit murder.
Thank you Border Farce and the Home Office.
You are CUNTS.
The coppers who brought the cunt to the cop shop were probably following the latest guidance; they must feel fucking awful now the poor sods.
Even though one of their finest has been gunned down in cold blood, plod have released the statement that once again, it was the ‘elf’ what did it.
Not some drugged up illegal with an unlicensed firearm who was given the opportunity because of political correctness / BLM bullshit.
Let’s not forget Assistant Commissioner, Head of Counter Terrorism, Neil Basu…… the man who has to search a council house 4 fucking times to find a dead body! (see Tia Sharp case)
Rotten to the core.
Cressida dick, along with all Chief Constables are are fucking disgrace. Total P(issing)C (unts). I find it hard to cunt the average joe plod on the front line being abused, spat at, assaulted, stabbed and shot on a regular basis.
Off topic I’ve a new Jack Russell. It’s mainly brown and black with a little white. I’ve called it “Bradford”!!
Cressida probably realised that searching drug dealers/ terrorists in police stations would encroach on their human rights.
She knows the modern Met should reflect the values of our wonderful diverse society and not those outdated days of stopping crime.
Stopping twatter thought crime is a top priority.
And it is certain that the poor copper who was murdered will not even get a fraction of the widespread tributes that chiggin in a bucket gun toting scrote, Saint Chicken Floyd George got and is still fucking getting.
About 2 years ago I was in Gibraltar and there were 4 British Bobbies patrolling Main Street giving the massed hordes of visitors a sense law and order. There was no shop lifting or muggings taking place.
Unfortunately the likes of Dick of the Yard and Mayor Khant would probably conclude in such circumstances that zero crime stats means savings on policing can be made. They’d even give themselves medals for a display of such genius
Extra training for the 20,000 new coppers….
(1) Skateboarding with tree huggers
(2) Dancing with poofs
(3) Kneeling for lefties
(4) Legging it from lefties
(5) Escorting dinghy trash off the beaches
(6) Arresting any cunt taking pictures of aforementioned trash.
Medals available for the top bottljob recruits.
Cressida, never met a Cressida.
She is obviously from a posh family?
She does the family name proud, shes a Dick through an through,
Fish breathed incompetent.
Wet, dreary, weak, a quota filler if ever there was one same as that Closeau fucker Basu.
Never these cunts stabbed is it?
The nomination picture, something looks familiar.
Does she work part time in shop that sells curtains?
I am not sure about the shop position, I am certain however, she works part time parting her partner Helen’s beef curtains.
Ask your sister Dolly to explain.
During the Viet Nam war, when American soldiers felt an officer needlessly endangered their lives they would “frag his ass.” (i.e. He would accidentally get blown up or shot by his own troops.)
Fortunately, for Cressida your Bobbies aren’t armed.
It’s not just the US, there is a strong rumour that Colonel H Jones who won a VC in the Falklands war shot ‘accidentally’ by his own men, as he led a suicidal charge against an Argie position. Not sure there’s any truth in it, but it was said he was being reckless with his men’s lives, for glory rather than tactical reasons.
I’ve heard that rumour from a good source.
Cheers Gene, I did hear it from an old salt, not someone there, but had heard it from an acquaintance.
Read a book on Goose Green and Colonel H was a gung-ho arsehole that you could have bet money on the fact he was going to get shot.
Probably too busy, with the policing governments fucked regulations.
And fining a takeaway £1000 for handing a man a takeaway at 10.04pm.
They can’t police when have bullshit to police.
Lions (mostly), led by a donkey.
I have a mate in the cops, I’ve posted about his situation before and it’s shit. (Death in Custody)
Anyway I was round at his house last week having a few beers, his situation is never far from conversation and as he’s been posted to the Police equivalent of Career Death Row, which means he’s posted to a non job at HQ he said…..
‘You know what Cunty I sit in the canteen most of the day because know ones managing me and I see these new recruits and I genuinely worry’.
‘Skinny runts and 5ft blonds that couldn’t stop a tap from leaking. The Government has fucked the pension to such an extent that anyone with any sense wouldn’t think the end game or the calling was worth it’. (Words to that effect).
When you hear it from the horses mouth, just exactly what the fucking Tory Government, yes that the Tory Government, the government that believes in law and order has done to the police its actually really quite worrying.
His words…. Policing has become politicised yet we have no mechanism to fight it (legally the Police can’t Strike) the Federation (effectively the Police union but without any teeth) are useless and staffed by ex cops who just want to supplement their pensions
The Met definitely deserves this cunting but sadly the fact is what’s going on at the Met is going on through the U.K.’s Police Forces right now.
Just a point. How does a cunt that’s been pulled for having ammunition on his person and place under arrest actually get to pull a gun in a custody suite and kill the custody sergeant?
Answer, the Politicisation of the Police because they didn’t want to carry out a full search unless it was filmed because the suspect was a known cunt that was already being represented by Human Rights Cunts.
And there you have it.
Btw way does anyone know the ‘alleged suspects name yet’
Could you imagine if it was Tommy Robinson.
Just saying.
You might not have seen the cunt on the bbc, but his picture has been in the daily Mail a couple of times, the other day they said he was working for HMRC! Apparently, according to his school yearbook, he was ‘good with weapons’
Thanks for the update Gutstick.
How depressing
Whilst i couldn’t help but think the ‘alleged suspect that was filmed shooting a police officer’ may well have been one of the boat people it really didn’t take a huge leap of faith to know that it would have been some ‘Asian’ with ‘mental health issues’.
Fucks sake. What an insult to Sgt Ratana and his family.
The fact this cunt worked for the Government and had been referred to the prevent program is beyond acceptable.
Jesus fucking Christ.
In other news no cunt is succumbing to Covid 19 but your freedoms are being eaten away….
There are no ‘Metropolitan Police’. They are simply a wing of BLM, Antifa, Soros.
I can’t wait until the dozy twatpopulace realise they won’t be able to do their greedy, grabbing Christmas this year. ‘Traffic light system’ to get into Tesco. There is going to be literal supermarket ‘wars’. I can’t wait to watch it.
Not going to be clever with this post. An Officer has died and my deepest sympathies to his family. I hope they get the full support that they deserve during an awful event in their lives. No matter how this has happened. It highlights the risks and the selfless service that is given everyday by good people on our behalf.