Covid Marshalls

Hello, hello, hello, what do we have here then? – well the answer – officer – is a group of self appointed nosy parkers and curtain twitchers who “could be council employees or volunteers” who will take it upon themselves to prance and mince down the street telling us stupid common people what to do:

Yes, old Maureen from Forward Planning, or old Bert the council lavatory attendant, will be on parade, with a friendly, but firm and authoritative word to tell us about hand sanitizer or social distancing – fuck it, even Asda the low rent supermarket (part of the Walmart “fam-i-lee”) is leaping aboard the bandwagon from Monday employing their own version of the meddlers, to keep the proles in order.

Who are these self important fuckwits, who think they have the right to meddle and interfere?. Jumped up little nobodies, a bit like those obese doormen at clubs, who wanted to be a policeman, but were too fat to do so, people who want to “do good” without having to contribute anything of value. It reminds me of Tony Hancock when he became a blood donor “Do we get a badge for doing this?. Nothing pretentious – just a little enamel thing, just to show we are do-gooders, with something like “he gaveth for others, so that others might live” – that sort of thing”

If one of these motherfuckers have a friendly word for me, I will have an unfriendly one for them – CUNT.

Nominated by: W. C. Boggs

(Can we have some BLM, XR and Dinghy Marshalls please? No, thought not. – DA)

and seconded by Dick Foxchaser-Fiddler 

Little Hitlers

I went to pick up a couple of things at my local Co-op yesterday….it’s a small shop so they have to limit how many are allowed in at any one time. So I queued up and dutifully put my face-nappy on when I got to the head of the queue. The shop’s traffic-light system isn’t working (don’t think it ever has) so they had some middle-aged trout stood on the door letting people in…when a bloke came out, I assumed that it would be alright for me to go in…apparently not…the old Bag fair screamed at me “Wait until I tell you that it’s safe to enter”. I didn’t take this well…as I told the bitch,I hadn’t let anyone speak to me like that since I was a child and I’d be damned if some self-important harridan would be the one to get away with it…anyhow,to cut a long story short,I took my custom elsewhere.

I suspect that as we get more of Johnson’s snoopers and busybodies that there’ll be trouble. People are getting sick of petty little nobodies who are relishing the chance to tell people what to do. I’m certainly not advocating violence (as in yesterday’s “wear your mask” nom.),but there are a lot of people who have just about had enough of tinpot “Covid heroes” enforcing the rules of that economy-wrecking,pathetic Old Woman in No.10.

93 thoughts on “Covid Marshalls

  1. What I said above….I must be telepathic.

    (Apologies for the source, but it goes into detail and there is no sidebar of shame to distract us.)

    While many governments are trying to suppress the virus until new treatments and vaccines are found, the trio (of researchers) write that older people and others at risk should be shielded while those in the least danger should “immediately be allowed to resume life as normal”.

    The authors conceded it was harder to protect the large number of older people in the community, but suggested individuals could shield themselves. “If you’re 75, you can choose to go out as little as possible,” (David Livermore, UEA) said. Efforts to keep infections low “merely dragged matters out”, he added.

    Makes sense to me.

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