Yup, yet again the cunts have been at it. ‘Over what?’ I hear you ask?
Ruth Bader-Ginsburg, a feminist, full on lefty with a severe case of Trump derangement syndrome has passed away age 87 after being at death’s door for about 5 years.
While I take no pleasure in that, it seems the BBC are calling her a ‘champion of human rights’; ‘trailblazer’ and generally kissing her arse. Added to that, their sinister tones when stating that Trump is ‘demanding’ that she is replaced ‘immediately’ with his own pick. The message is simple. While her dead body is still warm and the children are still crying, Trump is laughing wickedly as he clears out her desk and installs a Nazi in her place.
Let’s have it right. The woman was a commie cunt out to destroy the USA. The USA voted for Trump but this fucker was blocking him from doing the bidding of the nation at every opportunity.
But this hasn’t stopped the BBC from reporting on her death as though the world is mourning the passing of a communist supreme court judge. Just because she’s died shouldn’t create such a false narrative about her.
They’ll be saying that next, the orange man will take a dump on her grave and dig up her rotting corpse.
Abolish the BBC (I don’t pay for it btw). The cunts have been taking the piss for far too long now.
Nominated by: Cuntybollocks
(It was mentioned on the BBC’s 50th nomination that we’d had two previous BBC nominations numbered 49. Well, yes and no. When we convert nominations to actual daily posts, we search for “The BBC”. The first #49 was titled “The Impartial BBC” which didn’t come up whereas the second #49 was titled “The BBC” which did. Hence the confusion over the numbering. To make amends, we’ll skip 51 and head straight onto 52. Glad you’re paying attention. Carry on – NA)
A ‘berg, that should have been towed to the arctic and left to scupper ships of the virtuous leftard persuasion.
Rot, you wizened shitstain.
Yay! Done it.
Get stuffed.
That is the only way to get rid of it Sir, don’t pay for it.. I’ve mentioned earlier I don’t pay or watch it.
Fuck all on anyway And you get a refund from the cunts when you inform them that you don’t watch it.
Fucking great feeling taking money from cunts like lineker, Jon Sopel, Nicky Campbel, Fiona Bruce et al Cunts the fucking lot of em..
That who the BBC are mourning?
That old paki looking vampire pictured?
Fuck the BBC and fuck her.
She’ll be in hell looking for dropped coins now the old cunt.
I nearly died reading that. Pakula….fucking superb ?
Me too ….. ????
This fishy old cunt-fart wasn’t a paki Miz although the aromas may have lead some to that conjecture, I decline to mention her actual race as I’d hate to be accused of antisemitism… well I couldn’t give a fuck to be honest…
Yawn! FFS This theme has been repeated more times than the BBC repeats programs. I think it’s time to give the BBC a separate category “BBC shit”, a bit like
Coronavirus or BLM.
Nothing more to say.
This has been brought up at Admin Mansions before. Keep clicking the Up Tick to let us know how popular it would be. Carry on – NA
They had some old tart on politics live today from Britain Thinks, another bunch of cunts claiming to know the mood of the nation from some shit survey of about 2000 people.
The question is why? Aren’t the BBC big enough and ugly enough to gauge the mood of the nation, we pay the cunts enough.
Maybe they should scroll through ISAC once in a while to get a feel for the mood of the nation.
They managed to shoehorn a BAME into the program, some slitty eyed fucker from the spectator ?
She’s gone down to Hell and it’s taken her a long time to get there….maybe she’ll meet Beetlejuice?
Hades will be hard on this hook nosed old dead cunt.
Naw the old gold digger will be assistant manager in no time!
The current process to appoint her replacement with a Mk1 Human is currently proceeding despite the persistent bleating of the Left and the Dumbocrats in a manner that all must oppose…
In open and blatant accordance with the Law!
How dare Trump act totally lawfully and not appoint the deceased’s anointed successor. Apparently is was the undead harridan’s wish that the law be ignored as it meant that otherwise the Dumbocrats would not be able to act unlawfully (but it isn’t unlawful when we do it…)
Good old Auntie; national treasure etc
Regardless of whether the woman was a cunt (nil nisi bonum and that) there is a very clear reason why Trump wants the Supreme Court stuffed with his sympathisers, which he has now achieved beyond any possibility of a fair vote.
And that is because Trump knows the shit is about to hit his personal IRS fan. Either he’s a compulsive liar and fraud whose much-hyped businesses failed to make money, OR he’s a compulsive liar and tax avoider (who has paid much mor tax in other countries than this brave patriot has in the US) If his tax records are released, like those of all his presidential predecessors, the world will know which unattractive option is true – a bit like Schrodinger’s cat, in a way. Dead, it stinks, and alive it shits in your headphones.
I see A White House Spokesman was doing the usual comedy act last week; blaming the Dems for stuffing the court while simultaneously stuffing the court with Reps.
They’re all cunts, but the orange cunt is the daddy.
Should have linked that, sorry.
Trump will be toast in November. No doubt Biden will grant him a Presidential Pardon.
What did you say?
How dare you!!!
Just because hes golden doesnt mean hes cooked.
How do you want your paddy ashdown?
Roasted or boiled?
The Dumbs represent the woke.
For this reason alone, Trump will win by huge margin.
…because those Biden/Harris campaign rallies are just packing them to the rafters aren’t they…
It pains me to disagree with such an esteemed cunter as yourself. However, I must take strong exception to the above characterization.
Your words echo the Demonrat propaganda here in the states and are neither correct in their assumptions nor accurate in their characterization.
And citing the liberal, Trump hating, mainstream media in support of those bogus accusations does not support their truth.
The Don will piss the election
Four more years
The Kid Sniffer sleepy Joe is a senile old Cunt
I fear we are unreconcilable on this score, General C. From where I’m standing he looks like a thoroughgoing platinum executive-class cunt, and has presided over the steepest decline in public standards, probably since Tiberius took over from Augustus. His multiple untruths and obfuscations are a matter of public record, and calling the public record, as he does, ‘fake news’ does not alter this. It is greatly to be regretted that his opponents have sunk to his level, but IMO they have not yet sunk beyond it. I have no brief for either side, incidentally. Neither satisfies my conception of a democratic option.
I am not a US citizen, and my concern is with the international fallout from your leadership; though from this standpoint trampling on the accepted standards of diplomacy and focussing on personal advantage hardly inspire confidence in the leader of the free world as some might term him. And his Scottish golf scams suck.
Despite the eulogies on the BBC, CNN etc., this woman´s passing was not universally mourned. There are plenty of videos on YouTube by people who would have danced on her grave if they had had the chance.
I hope they got at least two stakes through its heart…if they could find one. Fuckin’ bitch cow from hell.
Well at least hes gone one better than our own blubbering incompetent jellyfish.what a great idea now that old crones croaked stick one of mine in yes obviously that and every other frigging department heads things work better tails a political get out of jail free card.shame he aint dictating to the eu if he was our pm thatd be mighty interesting
Interesting indeed. Here’s how he’s doing with a bit of the UK he owns –
The other one he kicked the locals out to build in Aberdeenshire hasn’t shown a profit in seven years, and last year was over £1m down. In fact it’s a trojan horse for an unaffordable housing development, probably funded by someone else. Like Putin.
Personally, I prefer our own equally incompetent crooks.
Mind you, they all seem to be trying to outdo each other in a wank-fest of lockdowns. Wee Jimmie Krankie is going to crank the lockdowns up to 11 (thanks to Julia Hartley-Brewer for that) and now my local council (Essex) wants us all to cower under the bed.
According to the teachings of the BBC we should only grieve at the passing of lefties. For they are all knowing and have their righteous finger on the pulse of the nation.
Cunts X 52.
Our American brothers will get a shock if the Pregessives win. They have never had a far right government. As for the fucking squad all iimmos, the so called antifa Nihilists will have a field day, Seattle and Portland will be ghost towns. Welcome to Britain in the late 70s. As for the Ginsberg cunt, never heard of her till she pegged it. About as wizened as Pelosi, another fucking nutter. Good luck Yankees. Fuck em all.
I saw that this old hag had passed away and I thought “good, now Trump can replace her with someone to the right”. I don’t know her, so while her passing may be sad for her friends and family, I don’t give a fuck. The USA seem to have a problem with the judiciary interfering in politics. We are getting the same here with the likes of that UK equivalent of Ginsburg, that wisened old crone, Baroness Brenda Hale. So, the message is, judges, stick to judging and leave politics to the politicians (who are cunts enough without the judges sticking their fucking oars in).
Bader Ginsburg was a nasty old harpy who delighted in opposing every single thing the Republicans tried to do and is personally responsible for the leftist woke rats who are known as BLM and Antifa.
She was quoted as saying ” I pray I do not see a second Trump term”.
Sorted, no loss.
Wish I had a Luger.
All the years you’ve been drinking lager Miz, I thought you’d be able to spell it by now!
Evening Bertie!
Im no lager lout.
Im a bitter man. (??)
Like IPAs and mild also.
Born to be mild!
Almost forgot – the BBC are cunts for holding this rancid old millionaire champagne socialist up as some kind of champion of human and civil rights – she was the furthest thing from it and demanded that her coffin be not covered with the US flag as is the tradition when American politicians etc die.
Says everything you need to know where her loyalties lay.
You know the BBC have it wrapped around their necks when the likes of Little Miss Pointy Sparkle Tits delivered a gushing eulogy for the recently department Ms Bader Ginsberg.
It is just like we are living in a real life game of bullshit bingo, where every word uttered by these witless, arselicking, social-climbing cuntbubbles could be marked on a sheet of paper divided into boxes with these trite, wankwaffle words.
You could entertain yourself picking out hackneyed phrases such as woke, structural racism, BLM, emotionally, holistically, slavery, feminism, oppression, community, transgender, icon, legacy, courage, brave, blah, blah, blah, woof, woof, hairy arseholes, etc.
I really have the arsehole with these cunts today. I would love to push the collective architects of this Tower of Toss into a loose and fragrant pile of dogshit.
If the cunts at the BBCistan are singing her praises then it’s guaranteed she was a pile of simpering shite.
You can trust the BBC..
To be on the wrong side of everything.
Fucking vermin.
Good cunting but I personally couldn’t give two fucks. Those two fucks are:
1) The BBC is irrelevant and no one actually pays attention to their bullshit anymore, especially when they bash Trump. I myself, like Millions of other Brits, stopped watching & paying this shower of shit excuse for a TV broadcaster years ago.
Anyone still paying them is a Cunt and deserves to be bummed by a gang of dingy riding peacefuls for funding an establishment that has harboured Pædôs for over 60 years and hates Britain more than Corbyn.
2) I don’t actually give a fuck about America, it’s politics or whatever cunt, good or bad they vote for as their gaffer.
These cunts decided to go their own way in 1776, so let them crack on. Im not interested in Trump, Biden, Obama, Clinton or any other Obese, loud, know it all ‘septic tank’ who deep down couldn’t give a fuck about the UK and hold us in the same regard as they do an insignificant country like Moldova.
Fuck the Yankee Doodle Dandy Cunts and their shitty politics, after-all this is the country that has afflicted all this BLM bullshit upon us.
The past was erased, the erasure was forgotten, the lie became the truth.
The only person worth watching on the BBC was Andrew Neill. They have fucked him off now and they will no doubt replace him with some lefty cunt that tows the line on their agenda. Fuck em
Cliff Richard is 80 yrs old today and the BBC destroyed his life. Why? Because he’s a white Christian! I remember the BBC filming the police raiding his property and broadcasting it live on TV. Sir Cliff hadn’t even been charged, nevermind tried in a court of law, yet no one at the BBC lost their job. It’s beyond belief!
Anyone for tennis?
I have to say that Harry Webb should have been charged repeatedly for his many crimes against music. By an angry rhino, for choice.
I have pulled the aerial out and fucked the ‘Beeb’ right off. I will neither watch or pay for a corporate monster that consists of a load of anti-white, anti-male, anti-christian, tranny loving, peaceful licking, poofery encouraging, man hating, BLM sucking, n0nce endorsing fucking cunts.
I’ll give them ‘Kill Whitey’. Fucking cunts. Fuck them.
I doubt that anybody in this country had ever heard of this Bader Meinhoff bitch but that doesn’t stop the BBC weeping their libtard crocodile tears over her unfortunate demise.
The usual TDS from these fucking paedophile enablers and anti British propagandists.
Didn’t cliff sue them-and win?
Or is senility setting in?
Bollocks to them
Ruth Bader Ginsberg was an evil cunt with a cult like following. They referred to her as the “Notorious TBG.”
She paid lip service to the law by insisting all procedures were followed to the letter.
This gave her legal cover as she then ignored the law and substituted her own liberal ideals.
She was a foul, vile, and loathsome cunt who rather than be known by the moniker of a dead rap star was really the “Despicable RBG.”
It doesn’t surprise me in the slightest that the Despicable BBC would sing her praises.
Dig her up and shit in her skull.
Your nearest.??
I’d like to piss on her grave. But as she is roasting in the fires of hell I don’t want to give her relief from the flames.
Bader Ginsburg was the closest thing to satan that this earth has.
And the BBC have just announced they are doing a drama – about serial r*pist, p*edophile and fucking monster JIMMY SAVILLE!
Do these bastards enjoy spitting in our faces?
A drama on Savile?
Why don’t they just show all the decades of footage they have of him? Oh, I forgot, the BBC doesn’t show his Top Of The Pops appearances any more. Yet they will do a ‘drama’ about him. Their cuntish hypocrisy is astounding.
Kill the Beeb!
Absolutely, Norm. Fucking disgraceful hypocrisy from the cunts.
“Now then now then…”
As it ‘appens.
Oops…the should be The Notorious RBG…not TBG. Sorry.
Mind you, the shoe scrapings at the BBC also paid effusive tributes to that evil bitch, Winnie Mandela when she carked it.
And they can also stick their black momma Doctor Who up their fucking arses.
That picture… The old bitch looks like Dick Emery after he’s been in Unkle Terry’s oven.