Shackled in Chains for being Mental

Asia, Africa and South America

Just seen this sky news report of people shackled in chains for years for having mental health issues, Utterly barbaric. One poor guy has his legs placed either side of a pole and ankles chained on the other side so he can’t move, upper body in a straight jacket. Can you imagine? you utter evil CUNTS. You backward sadistic CUNTS.

Nominated by: Sideline Sid

51 thoughts on “Shackled in Chains for being Mental

    • It happens a lot in former soviet bloc Countries as well.
      A barbaric way to treat a human being.

    • Heartbreaking, perhaps the peacefuls and BLM should take note ? yeah, they haven’t quite got it that bad after all!

  1. Sounds like we need to adopt their methods in certain sectors of our own society.

  2. Russia, China and Cuba were all just elected to the UN Human rights commission so don’t look for this savage, inhumane behavior to stop any time soon.

    Africa, Asia and South America? Yet white people are the root cause of all evil in this world.

    We should’ve used the bomb when we were the only ones who had it.

  3. The head of MI5 says there are thousands upon thousands of Jihadi sympathisers in the UK presently.
    Give every one of them the nominated treatment.
    Seeing as we don’t have the guts to be done with them permanently.

      • But apparently it’s “right wing extremism” which is the biggest threat in the UK according to MI5 ?‍♂️

      • That’s probably true when you consider that anybody to the right of Lenin is considered extreme right wing. I’m hoping there will be a day of Reckoning.

  4. Can’t really see what else they’re meant to do with them,tbh. They probably can’t afford to have anyone else look after them and I expect chaining them up may well be kinder than putting them in some Govt. Institution (if such care even exists).

    I see our caring “everyone must be safe” Govt. has told care-homes that they will be expected to take Covid cases if the NHS is “swamped”….perfect way to protect the vulnerable…ship them to an OAP Home to make room for some 38 stone,38 year old slob who has probably just come back from a “Lads Trip” to Turkey.

    • Sure you could find some useful work for them, Dick.

      ‘Work hard and Squire Fiddler will give you a shiny penny every day.’

      • Probably get as much work out of them as I would out of most of the soft,lazy,entitled Cunts that seem so common in this Country. At least The Mentals wouldn’t start whining about “bullying” every time you told them what useless Cunts they were.

        Morning All.

      • Giving them a full shiny penny (each – not to share!) rather smacks of fiscal fecklessness DF! ?

      • Charge them two pennies a day keep….Philip Green looks to me for business advice.

      • 5 Pounds….Fuck that…I’ll give you a billion and a free pass to Nandos.

      • Excellent. The beers are on me at the ISAC Xmas do. All six of us.

        Can I have the billion paid into my numbered Swiss bank account please Dick/Rishi?

      • Do you honestly think that there’ll be 6 of us?…I’m convinced that a Cunt actually only has 3 contributors each with a hatful of sock-puppets.
        I know that some of the the finest arguments that I’ve had have been with myself.

      • Ok then. It’ll be me, you and Black and White Cunt. Although I suspect he’ll ditch us when a tongueable (?) arse goes by.

      • No,no…there’ll be Capt. M too…don’t think that even I could carry that character off convincingly.
        🙂 .

  5. Sorry, their country their rules. I think we’ve been reminded enough times about our terrible colonial past and that nobody needs “white saviours.”
    Fair enough, let them get on with it. They’ll soon be over here and bringing their culture with them so then we can start crying about it. In the meantime we’ve got our own problems so fuck these foreign animals.

  6. Manacles! Ooh oooh oh oh. My idea of heaven is to be allowed to be put in manacles… just for a few hours. They must think the sun shines out o’ your arse, sonny.

  7. Similar shenanigans happens in this country all the time. They are just a bit more savvy that this kind of thing is illegal, so take great strides to conceal it.

    It isn’t right, but as Dick said above, what is the alternative in these poorer countries?

  8. 3rd world standards, 3rd world results.
    Nothing new here, look to the culturally enriched areas in this cuntry for other examples of barbarity.
    Then look to University towns for our own home grown degeneracy.
    Fuck them all with a rubber gun.

    • They commonly think theyre Napoleon.
      Well surely Harry Houdini would be a more useful delusion?

      • In the worst cases they imagine that they are Govt. Ministers…trouble is, they’re correct.

  9. Our own health sector isn’t spotless when it comes to caring for those with mental health issues and retardations. There are regular horror stories of ill treatment of the mentally ill. This includes those with declining mental capacities Due to age.

    Do we remove dignity from those who have no control of their own lives, do we even put them to sleep as we would a dog?

    It’s a huge question of morality that every society must face. Should we grow vegetables or should we put them out of our misery? Whatever your views on sustaining those who could not sustain themselves all being equal I don’t believe many on here find the abuse or bullying of the incapacitated acceptable.

  10. I don’t believe this for one second. Crimes perpetuated by BAME on other BAME spakkers?
    This cannot happen, only whitey can inflict this level of pain and suffering on another human being, or so those precious CUNTS at the BBC would have you believe.

    These are the same cultures that carry out this level of savagery without batting an eye-lid yet happily rock up in this country and tell us how evil and barbaric we are/were to them.

    Vile cuntoids one and all of them.

  11. This is news? Man’s inhumanity to man is legendary. The way sick and elderly people are treated in this country is nothing to be proud of. And don’t get me started on animal cruelty. People are cunts and I hate them.

  12. Here in the States we hold our mentally ill in the highest regard. We enshrine them in the halls of government and hand them the levers of power.

  13. Some countries should have a more progressive and enlightened attitude to these poor souls and let them run large corporations, major institutions and even the fucking government like what we do.

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