This will make me popular…
Nomination: Right-wing cancel culture.
Back in 2016, I wrote a nomination for the Perpetually Offended…
You know the type – upper-class, wealthy, immensely privileged, time-rich individuals who spend all day online looking for stuff to pretend to be upset about in order to score lots of right-on points. Twitter is ground zero for these cunts. ‘Cancel culture’ is the deeply sinister idea that someone who offends against the pseudo-left groupthink of the day should not just be criticised but denied a platform or given deprived of their livelihood.
Mentalist German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche wrote “He who fights too long against dragons becomes a dragon himself; and if you gaze too long into the abyss, the abyss will gaze into you.” Some on the right seem determined to ape the pseudo-left ‘Woke’ arseholes and are developing a cancel culture all their own.
Ofcom apparently received 25,000 complaints about a dance troupe called Diversity on one of those crap ‘talent’ shows. But only about 1,000 of those complaints were received in the immediate aftermath of the broadcast. The rest appear to have been the result of an online campaign. You can’t complain about Woke cunts and their humourless moaning if your response is to do exactly the same to something you don’t like. Don’t turn into Mary fucking Whitehouse. Turn the fucker off! Companies like ITV will soon change their tune if their profits dip. Look what happened to Gillette and Nike, they soon forgot about being Woke when they started losing money.
Other people complained about some no-Mark comedienne called Sophie Duker making a joke on a Frankie Boyle show. I used to quite like Boyle when he was deliberately provocative and said things designed to piss people off. But now he just seems another bland BBC automaton. The biggest problem with Duker’s joke is that it simply wasn’t funny. The problem with most ‘comedy’ on the BBC is exactly this – it’s not funny. And just because I don’t like Nish Kumar means I must like Jim Davidson? Fuck off. Both Kumar and Davidson are desperately unfunny cunts. Whatever happened to Jerry Sadowitz?
If I may anticipate an objection to this nomination? The BBC is different because we have to pay whether we like it or not. I have some sympathy with this point of view but again, hit the cunts in the wallet. Don’t pay the BBC poll tax. Refuse entry to the Capita goons. Contact one of the many websites that show you how to avoid paying. Money. That’s what matters. Take money from the BBC and it will either change or die. Same with shit like Britains’s Got Talent. Less viewers means less advertising revenue. And remember, just because you don’t like something, doesn’t mean other people can’t watch it.
Free speech is for everyone from mad Maoists to Hitler-worshiping saddos. And everyone in between. As drunken, dissolute aristocrat Winston Churchill once said, “Everyone is in favour of free speech. Hardly a day passes without its being extolled. But some people’s idea of it is that they like, but if anyone else says anything back, that is an outrage,”
I do think that there are signs of a backlash against the humourless pedantry of the Woke. I’ve heard some kids at school use the phrase ‘did you just assume gender?’ in an ironic way. And some them use the word ‘Greta’ in much the same way that my friends and I used to say ‘Joey Deacon’ back in the early 80s.
What we need is more free speech not less. Except for the SNP of course. They are cunts.
Nominated by: Cunt’s Mate Cunt
A timely reminder….occasionally guilty, Your Honour, and I will do my best to remember the power of the wallet when objecting to the woke. I’m looking forward to reading the responses.
There isn’t any free speech in Scotland. Nothing gets pass the Sturgstapo, all the press is under control.
Don’t you mean the Scottish national socialist wankers partie.
I think this has come about from the leftie woke brigade being such non stop cunts over the last 5-10 years that the right have started playing them at their own game.
Spot on with the “turn it off” option. I’m finding I’ve got a lot more time on my hands recently.
Not that I give a salted shit but I thought the issue was the BLM thing was a political message and that those aren’t allowed on BGT/BBC?
Definitely turn it off. TV is a total waste of time.
Good points, well made. Dont watch talent shows so am only aware of the Diversity cunts through reports.
However. This sick parody of the death of an American criminal is added to all the other woke. BLM bullshit we have to accept every day. Everyfucking where. Legitimate criticism is howled down. Any opposing viewpoint is racist. So for once I am with the orchestrated complaints. And let’s remember. Nothing was cancelled.
Children’s wizard books are not being attacked. Blacks are still more likely to be violent criminals than the rest.
So, enacting a nasty incident through the medium of ‘Darnce’ remains objectionable to the majority.
I simply don’t give a fuck about anyone who complains via the usual channels,regardless of their political standpoint.
It’s just choosing a different chair at the ogre’s table.
I much prefer to drop in here and tell all of them to Fuck Off into oven.
I was furious at that dance Diversity did!!
Bloody livid!!?
Didnt actually see it,
Don’t know what they did,
Dont know who they are,
But my righteous anger is boiling!!
The problem is that the left think they are untouchable and have been stifling any form of expression that they don’t agree with under the guise of hate speech.
They have infiltrated every workplace, educational facility and broadcaster with their bullyboy tactics and incessant hand wringing. Claiming that someone, somewhere will be offended by ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING and something must be done about it RIGHT NOW. Or else.
THEY are the Nazis and Antifa are their brown shirts.
The book burning has already started. Our history is being erased and we must all repent for something that happened hundreds of years ago, otherwise their fragile little minds simply can’t rest.
The right don’t do cancel culture. They are just giving the leftards a taste of what is to come.
While I agree that if there is something you find on the shit pump that offends you, turn it over. Or better still turn it off and read a book.
Don’t cancel the left. Ignore it and it will get bored, give up and go away.
Most of the population are not political…….they think it’s “boring”. The lefties know how to get into their heads, through constant repetition using MSM, soshul meeja and the education system. Constant repetition is the key and it’s only in the last few years that the right have twigged this. Most people watching that dancing shit would have seen the original Floyd video but that’s all they know. The dancing reinforces their initial horror and that was the purpose of the routine. It wasn’t entertainment it was the repetition and reinforcement of a political point. The tv cunts knew this only too well. It’s exactly like every lefty riot being described as “mostly peaceful” while the other side are “right wing extremists.”
Right wing “cancel culture” barely exists but it is not hypocrisy…… is learning from the tactics of the left and using them to fight back. You don’t bring a baseball bat to a gun fight.
Quite right Freddie!?
You bring a nailbomb.
Gets their attention
The bunch of cunts
Exactly Freddie, if you can’t beat the cunts join them in doing the same despicable shit they do and see how they like it.
They don’t like it at all. Funny that.
Freedom is the ability to act without regard for the consequences.
The American Founding Fathers knew that. That’s why they enshrined Freedom of Speech in our constitution. Since then the American courts have systemically eroded that freedom. We cannot yell fire in a crowded theater. Why? The consequences of our act would induce panic and could cause harm to others.
If we don’t mind the consequence of innocent people being hurt…or if we don’t mind suffering the legal consequences of our act, then we can yell fire in a crowded theater. If we do mind one, another or both of those consequences, then we don’t yell fire in a crowded theater.
Your argument for free speech is a bit of a philosophical canard. On the one hand, you say we shouldn’t “cancel” those we disagree with when “they” exercise “their” right to free speech. Cancellation being an undesirable consequence of “their” free speech which results in a loss of “their” livelihood.
On the other hand we should we should withhold our dollars…or pounds as the case may be…if they exercise “their” right to free speech but, say something we don’t like. The intent here is for us to punish “them” so they either bend to our will or collapse financially…again resulting in “their” loss of livelihood.
The issue then becomes an act of degree. Create financial ruin so they collapse immediately or slowly squeeze them until they either collapse or conform.
I’m free to say whatever I want here on this “forum”…providing I don’t violate the few rules that exist and get banned. I accept that and because I hold this place in great esteem I try to follow those rules. I want to speak my mind here and I don’t want to suffer the consequence of get banishment.
I also don’t go into the hood and call some BLM groid a savage because even if I think that he is, I don’t want to suffer the consequence of getting hurt…or worse getting killed.
Our speech then is never free because there are always consequences to what we say. You encourage free speech and consequences in the same breath so I guess the issue for you is one of your judgement. It’s not a matter of free speech but rather a matter of content and degree of consequence.
It might be argued that, your drunken dissolute aristocrat Winston Churchill spoke out (quite rightly) against Adolph Hitler’s rise to power. A consequence of that was he was ignored by the British Tory powers that be. A consequence of that was Chamberlain’s weak and ineffective policy of appeasement. A consequence of that was WWII. And a consequence of that was millions of lives lost.
So it appears that in the end, left or right…they’re both the same. They’re simply a matter of direction. And the issue of free speech and it’s consequences…like any aspect of history…is quite complex indeed.
Cancel culture is a tip toe thing, even the oldest cunter on these hallowed pages has lived through cancel culture, from gun controls in the late 1960s, I’m sure older cunters would remember parents/grandparents with army revolvers, you’d get 5 years for having one now (unless you’re a Ceylonese gentleman with a grudge) even my early life in Pembrokeshire (first 8 years) was nowhere near as free as Smith’ Rhodesia, this wiping out history, taking away rights/privileges has been going on for at least a 100 years, it’s just intensifying now as they know the populous has been disarmed and demoralised so won’t fight back, utter cunts!!!
Im not standing for this!
Im a taxpayer!
Deidre pass me the telephone!!
Why is a football programme like MOTD and light entertainment like BGT allowed to make blatant political statements on behalf of BLM?
Would a statement about stopping illegals crossing the channel be ok then?
Nope. Only one view allowed in this country i’m afraid.
Mike-no hypocrisy mate:
This current Marxist cuntitude is the net result of 40 plus years of chiselling away at western society, particularly the White, Anglo-Saxon family and its values.
It is completely insidious and pushing back has got fuck all to do with “cancel” culture. That tactic lies firmly in the camp of the extreme left.
It could be argued that the left are getting a taste of their own medicine, I think that’s very apt.
But then I don’t have TV and wont shop in places I have a beef with:
Foreign owned.
Muzzle gestapo.
General cuntitude.
Rainbow banners.
Anything that promotes gender degeneracy.
No I will not keep calm and you can fuck off.
I have a slight issue with the nom on the grounds that the left/woke agenda is far easier to present than any, even marginally right wing one. Taking the example of BLM if you aren’t in tune with the message you are ‘Racist’ and so the left are able to mask the very disturbing Marxist and Anarchist agenda with one simple word. The right do not have this tool, the problem with BLM has to be explained, dissected and cannot be communicated in a single word.
If cancel culture is a method that has been invented or reinvented by the left then it’s fair game for the right to utilise it.
The example of Diversity is an odd one, political statements on light entertainment shouldn’t be allowed its important that there is a separation between activism and entertainment unless the agenda is published prior to viewing.
Fuck the left, put them up against a wall and shot them, how about that for cancel culture ?
“Bunnies are cuddly” vs “Rabbits are vermin”, in fact.
Mind you it has to be said that much of the Right has as much trouble with climate change as much of the Left has with immigration.
Not all of them. Just the noisy ones.
Your a very provocative man arent you?
I’ve always been a bit of a cunt myself, Mis. So I know how they feel!
I have never been a grass, in fact I fucking abhor grasses. This is the first time in my life that I feel I have no choice but to fight fire with fire. I complained about Diversity to OFCOM and knew it would be to no avail as I did it. However, enough is enough and I felt I had to be counted, if only in some small way to let the cunts know we’re on to them. I’m not a filthy grass but needs must and I will continue chipping away, as and when, in my own small way. Fucking cunts!
Just been reading the Lawrence Fox saga after his criticism of Sainsbury, some twat called Simon Blake is suing LF for calling him a p file in response to Blake calling him racist.
I hope LF wins because it’s easy to throw out racist without evidence and It carries no consequence for the person saying it and being branded as racist can have significant effects on employment and social standing so retaliation of p file has the same stigma, it may be groundless but the slur, like racist can have an the same effect.
It could be a test case and hopefully the judge, if it goes to court will see sense and the use of the word racist, without evidence will be a hate crime, that will shut the fucking left up for a while.
Elon Musk was found not guilty of libel and defamation after calling the Thai cave rescuer a “pedo guy”.
Precedent set, no case to answer for LF.
They don’t like it when their own arguments are used against them do they?
Right, back to repairing the Breitling. (a somewhat detailed and intricate job but if I can get this fixed it’s worth five grand!).
Fucking hell Vern! You must have some nerve, no inconsiderable knowledge and very tiny instruments to take on such a task. I can only dream of owning a Brietling. I have a small collection of Tag Heuers, they’re more my price point.
Ive got a sundial.
Doesnt keep time though.
Fucking hell Vern! You must have some nerve, no inconsiderable knowledge and very tiny instruments to take on such a task. I can only dream of owning a Brietling. I have a small collection of Tag Heuers, they’re more my price point.
So good I said it twice. What a cunt.