Politicians, Activists and Misogyny Law

Politicians and activists are my latest nomination. Apparently, there are plans afoot to make it illegal. And I’m talking about something that is so heinous, it poses a direct threat not to just to the UK. It’s simply a treat to civilisation. It’s a real and genuine threat to the planet Earth itself. What is this heinous, life threatening thing? Misogyny.

Yes. Their are plans to make misogyny a hate crime. Even though there’s so little of it about it now that it’s fucking pointless to even discuss it. What there is quite a lot of in current era, is misandry, the outright hatred of men. And those who are misandrists don’t bother to hide. Like Rayner. The current crop of so called feminists, are nothing of the sort. They despise men, to the point that some have actually called for men to be killed. That makes them misandrists, the opposite of a misogynist. They’re not interested in equality for women, because as I said in my previous nomination, they got it years ago. As it stands though, there are no plans to make misandry a hate crime. Is that in itself not inherently sexist?

In the UK, we’re supposed to something called freedom of speech. Unfortunately, it has been under relentless attack for about the past thirty years, by a small, yet very vocal minority of bigots and ignoramuses, who falsely consider themselves to be the arbiters of free speech. And they’ve been allowed to get away with it by successive governments, particularly the present one. They have a majority larger than any since 1935, and could easily put this shit to bed, along with all the other woke bullshit. But they have no intention of doing so. So, politicians are cunts.

Nominated by: Quick Draw McGraw

50 thoughts on “Politicians, Activists and Misogyny Law

  1. Let’s make misandry a crime as well – Bulldyke Phillips and her labour wimmin friends would all be appearing in the caning room for six strokes across their bare buttocks under “Boggs Law”. Maximum force.

  2. If they ever do pass misogyny laws one unintended effect will have a positive impact on society. Hundreds, if not thousands of melanin enhanced “rap stars” will be arrested for lyrics like “Dat beyotch be my ho.”

    That should put quite a kink in the BLM movement.

    Yo! Bitch Lives Matter y’all

    • Im not a misogynist.
      Honestly! I love wimmen!
      Theyre capable, smart, equals.
      Not very strong though.
      And no spatial awareness.
      And cant drive, jesus! Terrible drivers.
      But they do clean up, bake, and give birth to healthy strapping sons!
      Well done luv!?

    • Bloody hell Dick, you don’t imagine this law would apply to anybody but white males, do you?

  3. We already have a law protecting the ladies.
    The rule of Thumb. You can’t beat you wife with a stick thicker than your Thumb.

  4. Fucking stupid tarts..it’be The Lezzas behind it…they need a man to cock-slap some sense into them.

    • Thus spake Northumbria’s silver-tongued cavalier.

      I assume Nietzsche is your favourite philosopher, Dick?

      • My favourite philosopher ? I’m more of a Kant man,tbh….his thinking revolving around metaphysics is fascinating. “Critique of Pure Reason” which examines the limits and scope of metaphysics while combining reason with experience is an unputdownable read, I find.

        His argument that we can only have knowledge of things that are possible to experience is riveting stuff that the Hounds and I enjoy debating on a long winter evening… I find their Paul Nelson viewpoint rather disconcerting tbh. but how can you argue with an opponent prepared to shit in your cloth cap if challenged ?

        Morning All.

      • You are Stephen Fry and I claim my five pounds.

        The second part was a throwaway line after I wrote ‘spake.’ Didn’t know you were into philosophy, Dick. Is that how you woe the lovely Gemma?

        More a Socrates man myself – ‘the only thing I know is that I know nothing.’ Or words to that effect.

      • Woo the delightful Gemma with philosophy?…Nah,I just lob my cock out.

        My love of philosophy was born in the midst of a particularly challenging wank… my mind wandered to The Eternal Problem Of Theodicy…How could an omnibenevolent God create a mind capable of imagining Jo Brand’s pulsating, squirting clitoris?…Was it my mind that was wicked or Jo’s love-gusher?…surely it could be neither ?

        After wiping myself and my copy of The Radio Times down, I left the Pulpit and a clearly entranced congregation to mull over my typically challenging sermon.

  5. Is that Vivienne Westwood with a black eye? Perhaps Julian Assange knows something he shouldn’t?

  6. I knew it was a mistake to give women the vote, they are ok for fucking but the rest of the time just stay in the kitchen.

    Just watched the Marr show and straight after was the London Marathon, they announced that there would be 45000 taking part, I thought what are they thinking but it is a ‘virtual’ marathon only the elite athletes will be in London, other idiots will running 26 miles all over the country….. Why ?

    ‘I just ran the London marathon In Merthyr Tydfil’ the world has gone mad!

    • The non-elites 99.8% will still have to pay full entry fee. So mainly amateur white blokes will be paying for the big purses to be split half half between the 20 elite blokes and four elite splitarses

    • Is that the same London Marathon that has scores of salt of the earth John Johns from the dark continent nicking all the bottles of water? Even without any runners (these ‘virtual’ bellends don’t count. The insane cunts), I bet those buana-boat cunts still turn up, in case there’s anything there worth nicking.

  7. A woman will never be my equal until she can beat me in a fucking arm wrestle. I guarantee, no matter how beefed up, their isn’t a bitch on the planet who could. Fucking daft cunts! Just nosh cock and fucking shadap!

    • Hahaha! ?
      Made me laugh that Westy!?
      Hope that wasnt your wedding vows?!!?

  8. What will happen when they have to speak to the Mudslime friends or even the Chews? They’re as Misogynistic as you can get – like Bernard Manning on steroids. Their women have to sit in a different bit of the mosque and synagogue. They can’t have it both ways. Equality on one hand, criminalise Misogyny on another.

    People are protected from things like GBH and domestic abuse already so enforcing this law is impossible. Would a comedian actually be prosecuted for telling a mother-in-law joke?

    • Cyclists are cunts. Full stop. A whole different, worthy cunting. It should be made a Hate Crime to ride a fucking bike.

      • I second that without reservation. The cycle lobby is looking for an automatic assumption of fault on the part of drivers in the event of an incident involving a cyclist and a motor vehicle.
        Given the attitude and actions of many of the cunts when they’re out and about, the arrogance of this position is utterly astounding.

    • I looked at the article ; never have I read such a load of bollocks. Mind you the report was put together by the University of Westminster formerly some shit hole college of something or other. The problem is that whilst anyone with half a brain laughs at such claptrap some people ,notably politicians, take such ‘research ‘ seriously.

    • We are clearly living in some bizarro universe. Abuse towards and attacks on cyclists should be considered a civic duty/public service, not a “hate” crime.

  9. Which pea-bollocked MPs is it that want this exactly? If they could meet to some of my ex birds tehy’d soon change their mind. Women nutters adore me like I give off the odour of Proscecco or something.

  10. If misogyny were compulsory there would be a lot fewer ill-advised marriages.

    Cock: Phwoar, that’s a hot looking bit of stuff. Chat it up and let’s get on with it!
    Brain: It is female and therefore insane. The long term consequences don’t bear thinking about. STFU and I’ll give you a pull when we get home.

  11. If misogyny is so rife, how come it is now ‘wrong’ for Doctor Who to be a man any more, they now have an imbecilic proto-lezza woke misandrist glove puppet tart as the Doctor, and the series has anti-male ‘jokes’ and put downs in it every episode?

    Also, how come those slimy shits at the FA spunk millions of pounds on women’s football and those ‘Lionesses’ tarts, yet scores of long standing football clubs, and boy’s clubs get fuck all out of them? Also, how come those BBC wankers now give the women’s results priority over the scores from the three divisions below the Premiership?

    Misogyny, my arse. This country is both cucked and fucked.

    • They have to broadcast the scores of Wimminz sports because no one ever goes to the game to find out for themselves

  12. It’s all due to cultural Marxists Norm. Thanks to Blair they have infiltrated every position of power and authority and have now been activated from their sleeper cell to wreak havoc. Fucking cunts need ending.

  13. Quick Draw McGraw, you have hit the nail on the head. My thoughts on the subject exactly. I exercise my right to be a mysoginist on a daily basis. The soup dragon exercises her right to call me a cunt. We are happy.

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