Politicians (4)

Conservative,Labour,Liberal….they’re all the fucking same. All bandying about the same “buzz-words”….”fairer,equality,caring” etc….load of idealistic crap being spouted as the Country goes down the Shitter.

I suspect that they all share a common aim too…a full-bore reset and I have my suspicions that “Gammons” aren’t going to fit too well into their Brave New World. We are being “sold down the river”(apparently now a racist phrase) by a bunch of crooks and idealists.

Fuck them all.

Nominated by: Dick Foxchaser-Fiddler

…and another from Cuntstable Cuntbubble 

Sir Kweer Charmer.
The cunt.

What is he thinking. Ejecting comrade Steptoe risks the whole loony left detaching from the Labour party. Frothing at the mouth. Where will they be without their woke, anti-semitic nutters? No London seats. Peaceful postal multi votes dropping off.
Aided by Boris the cunts might end up electable.
The cunt.


101 thoughts on “Politicians (4)

  1. Here we go again, same shit, slightly different wrapper….. it’s happening all over Europe don’t you know, well yippee.

    To be honest, I care less about lockdown than about the indoctrination of the population on Fucking Diversity. Thank fuck we don’t have to see anymore Black History Month!

    I heard the fucking cunt Bonnie Greer the other night answering a question about the Anti Jew Labour fiasco, her he first sentence was slavery, and then she starts with Trauma, well yes there are still a few Jews around who were actually in the fucking Nazi death camps but there ain’t no fucking bliks who were ever on a plantation in the Deep South.
    I started to think about why we are being constantly bombarded with a guilt trip from the mouths of the Bonnie Greer type.
    My parents were born in Britain, my grandparents were born in Britain, my Great grandparents were born in Britain….. it’s in my Fucking DNA and I have no time for some fucking resident alien telling me about how I should feel about slavery, perceived trauma or anything else, the fucking stinking piece of shit.

    Fuck the bliks, fuck the peacfuls and any other cunt who can’t go back at least three generations in this country!

    Rant over, will listen to Mazzy Star to calm down. ?

  2. Breaking news: medical miracle as man is discovered able to stand without a spine

    • My ancestors were Irish labourers who did a terrible job on Stonehenge – they never even put the fkin roof on!

    • My ancestors were the ones standing around muttering ‘…fucking immigrant bastard cunting beaker people, coming over here wi’ their forn ways, building their big ugly fucking stone temples….

  3. Any wishing to ignore the latest lockdown nonsense simply self identify (as we are legally allowed to do) as I am doing as an LGBT Muslim member of BLM with mental health issues.
    The police have no powers of arrest as this would be discrimination due to them doing nothing when the aforementioned groups broke the rules.
    And a class action of around a million cases of wrongful arrest and false imprisonment against HM Government would be interesting.

  4. ***BREAKING NEWS***
    From tomorrow EVERYONE will be tested for covid 19. All you need to do is send a stool sample to;
    Covid Testing Unit, 10 Downing Street, London SW1s ac

  5. The first Lockdown didn’t work . Why the fuck should this one ? Why oh why are they fucking peoples lives and the economy to save people who are mostly dying anyway?
    It’s all based on predictions to. The Hospitals were not over run in March and I will bet that they won’t be now, just be extra busy with the seasonal flu victims which happens every year anyway. I like most people just don’t buy this fucking bullshit anymore.

    • Once this lockdown ends it will be the run up Christmas FF and people will go out and socialise regardless just like they went to the beaches in the summer. We will be repeating this shit in Jan/Feb again if Boris doesn’t ditch the eggheads and their fucking ‘models of doom’.

  6. This is just Johnson ass covering in preparation for the public inquiry next year. I predict this lockdown is to prove he did all he could, listening to the science; he knows it won’t work and will be lifted early December with the cunt vaunted as the man who facilitated Xmas. Sometime early new year he will ‘let it rip as a last resort. Let’s see, the fucking useless cunt!

  7. So-called government employees and bureaucrats love the lockdowns. Their cushy pensions and guaranteed jobs make them enjoy it even more. Because then they can pretend to work from home. Like any of them care about small businesses if they go under. After all it isn’t them who suffer.

  8. Fuck the lockdown. We should forget our differences with our froggie foes and the UK and France should declare war and bomb the shit out of the camelshaggers in Johnny Arab Land.

    • Think the cunt Johnson’s clock must have gone back two hours last week. Fucking ignorant, late cunt.

      • I do despair. The whole world is officially cunted.
        Boris turns out to be the biggest cunt in the history of big cunts. Shit me.?

  9. What a CUNT of an evening , firstly to all those trick and treat chancers knocking at my door FUCK OFF and buy your own sweets , did I have a fucking pumpkin cut into a face in my window? NO , where there ghosts and goblins adorning my front door? NO
    Had I sprayed my windows to look like a spiders web? NO ! Then I’m obviously not interested in Halloween Am I ? Get to fuck!
    If that wasn’t bad enough I turn the TV expecting to see Johnson blithering and no sign of the cunt , I knew I wasn’t going to like anything he said but I’d rather get it out the way , the minute I saw he was flanked by the chuckle brothers I knew we were in big trouble, compared to the ironically named prof Whitty sir Patrick Vallance is a fucking hoot! , endless graphs most of which may as well been upside down (maybe they were) and constant drum of bad news , apparently we’re be locked up now to save Xmas? If there was ever a reason to ignore all restrictions that was it …
    politicians are cunts ……..

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