Conservative,Labour,Liberal….they’re all the fucking same. All bandying about the same “buzz-words”….”fairer,equality,caring” etc….load of idealistic crap being spouted as the Country goes down the Shitter.
I suspect that they all share a common aim too…a full-bore reset and I have my suspicions that “Gammons” aren’t going to fit too well into their Brave New World. We are being “sold down the river”(apparently now a racist phrase) by a bunch of crooks and idealists.
Fuck them all.
Nominated by: Dick Foxchaser-Fiddler
…and another from Cuntstable Cuntbubble
Sir Kweer Charmer.
The cunt.
What is he thinking. Ejecting comrade Steptoe risks the whole loony left detaching from the Labour party. Frothing at the mouth. Where will they be without their woke, anti-semitic nutters? No London seats. Peaceful postal multi votes dropping off.
Aided by Boris the cunts might end up electable.
The cunt.
Every one of these overpaid thieves knows exactly how to combat the pandemic.
Which probably explains why it’s getting worse.
Wholeheartedly agree, Dick.
These clowns will say and emote whatever they’re required to. Bought and paid for. They couldn’t give a shit about what comes out of their mouths, undoubtedly many of thrm don’t even understand their gobshite either let alone the consequences of it.
Politics was compromised, like the judiciary, a very long time ago. Can’t actually have the plebs deciding things. No, politicians are little more than a buffer between us and the ruling class. And the ruling class is now whispering in their ears of these clowns.. “reset”.
A worthy nomination gents and as if to emphasize the point I saw the ongoing piss boiling inquiry over peaceful grooming gangs has been ignoring victims statements and selectively misrepresenting and supressing evidence.
Meanwhile in Cuntminster politicians of all hues who claim to care about all vulnerable children are shitting themselves en masse over the evil Tories and their refusal to fund school dinners during the holidays. Talk about warped priorities but then again a jacket potato and beans won’t call you an Islamophobe.
All politicians are dodgy types, no matter the party.
All profiteers and all liberal in attitude.
I think we are reaching the point where thats no secret,
Theres a culture war
And we arent winning.
“There’s class warfare, all right, but it’s my class, the rich class, that’s making war, and we’re winning.” – Warren Buffett
“In poor countries it’s called a bribe, in Westmonster it’s called lobbying” – Black Pidgeon
The wankers are leaving us all hanging on a string tonight. Absolute bastards.
This country is going to explode.
Unless the pigs put up roadblocks to stop people going about their lawful business, hopefully people will simply ignore the latest fake lockdown as much as possible.
The goat fuckers in London are anyway, protesting about Macaroon’s grandstanding on getting tough with these subhuman inbred savages.
Good evening, Thomas.I shall be loading up the Land Rover as usual, on Monday morning, and going about my business. Like I have been doing all through this shit.
If they want to stop me, they’ll have to throw me in a cell.
Get To Fuck.
I think that’s very irresponsible Jack. So if I see a Land Rover on Monday morning loaded up with bog rolls, I’ll know who it is. ?
Stool pigeon.
You’re despicable.
Following your horrid threat, I immediately went to Screwfix and purchased a tin of camouflage paint. Just finished applying it to the Land Rover.
You’ll never see me now.
Ha ! ?
Hiya Jack, fucking right. Hopefully the roads’ll be nice and quiet again. Last time, there were so few cunts about, I used to pretend I was the only survivor of a biological holocaust when I was driving to work.
And then riding to work was sweet too…I attained some amazing speeds on a very fast bike on deserted roads.
Ho ho ho !
A high-risk strategy that, TTCU. By the time you’d reached the end of a particularly precarious dual carriageway at 183.6mph, the Government might have changed their “lockdown strategy” resulting in a head-on collision with a load of cunts popping out to get a haircut.
Good luck
Thomas-it was lovely-on the road at 5.45am and being the only cunt!
Like going back in time 30 years.
Every cloud has a silver lining, eh?
I was sent home last time, but this time where I work is staying open. I shall be enjoying the commute immensely!
Not only that but the bike passed her MOT with no quibbles today!
Timely nomination from DFF, with the latest criminal cunt show due kick off at 6.30 pm.
Usual shit trashing coming down the line for working people, young people, old people. Anyone with a shred of self-respect and common decency will be fucked in the arse by these cunts. Winners will be all lazy and lying politicians; public sector work from home tossers; bone idle teachers; negligent GPs; illegal immigrants and sundry scroungers.
Burn in hell.
Fuckin’ hell. At this point in time we’re waiting for politicians to make up their minds over the final details of a new lockdown after weeks of saying tiered groups would do the job. Can there have been a government like this one who react to events and have to date, not made one proactive decision since being in government. What a fuckin’ bumbler Boris is and he leads a shower of spineless ditherers.
All of them are bought and paid for, I reckon BB. There’s no way that this load of utter horse shit isn’t designed to sink the econimies of all western countries.
In this country, more people died of sepsis last year than chínk flu this year.
Fucking worrying times.
One things for certain,
Theyve not got our best interests at heart.
Economy wrecked
Virus run rampant
Hes going to struggle to top those,
whats next?
By the end of Boris’s term in office we’ll be lucky to emerge from caves into the wasteland
“emerge from caves into the wasteland”?
Are you describing everyday life for anyone north of Worcester at the moment?!
Still better than living in Wales though. It might be grim oop north, but at least you have generator-powered electricity strung up in your caves…?
That Boris has a funny way of showing gratitude!!
By the end of his term as PM
We’ll be turning up in Somalia on dinghies looking for a better life.☹️
Mr Cunt Engine, highly recommend listening to Lord Sumptions lecture he gave the other day. It is a sign of the times such a stark warning of his is relegated to a zoom call on the far corners of youtube.
Served as a senior judge in our highest court. OBE, PC, FSA, FRHistS.. i mean shit, how much cred do you need before you listen to someone? And I quote,
“The British public has not even begun to understand the seriousness of what is happening to our country. Many, perhaps most of them don’t care, and won’t care until it is too late. They instinctively feel that the end justifies the means, the motto of every totalitarian government which has ever been.”
We are in dangerous times.
Worthy nom from Foxchaser Dick, but what we are really talking about here is career politicians. These unscrupulous windbags don’t particularly have any set of values or beliefs that they’re prepared to put their neck on the line for and just enjoy the old school tie club that is the house of commons and worse still, the Lords. What do they do when they’ve finished ‘Ya-boooing’ in the chamber at their adversaries? They enjoy a fucking good drink in the HOC bar and swapping banter and back patting with their opposition mates. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not suggesting they should beat seven shades of shit out of one another over what they believe, but what they’re doing is taking the stinking yellow frothy dawn piss out of the gullible British public. And its been going on for centuries.
The majority of these ‘actor’s’ have been privately educated whether they’re Con, Lib Lab etc and then attended a top varsities where they form friendships and build a network of peers and connections that will serve them well in their subsequent political career. Throw in the one rolled up trouser leg brigade in their cosy lodges where they exchange favours and it all adds up to a closed shop of back scratching, piss taking because the newly elected member for Snod Town used to have acne and couldn’t hold his drink at Oxford and downright contempt for the people that elect them to their seats.
I’m fucking sick to death of this status quo that permits an endless cycle of inefficiency and unaccountability with just a brand change every few years. Their time is UP. We all know what a cesspit of corruption and self serving that oak panelled pantomime theatre they call parliament is and something is going to change. They’ve used up their fucking credit where the public are concerned.
Am I possibly the only one that can see the whole crock of festering shit being replaced by a black box with a USB connection and flashing lights? Nope, didn’t think so. Cunts they are.
Totally agree,F.F…’s just a never-ending rebranding of the same discredited serial- failures.
Nice post, FF.
They all need to go the way of the Whigs and then we can get Laurence or Vernon Fox in.
An endless cycle of lockdowns while we wait for some magical vaccination that may well prove to be obsolete before it can be deployed due to the virus mutating. Businesses spending money to make themselves “Covid-safe” ordered to close while schools full of children are kept open. Billions of Pounds wasted or fraudulently claimed. Care homes ordered to take covid- infected patients while Nightingale hospitals stand empty..all to “protect the NHS”. Idiots being allowed to pound off on foreign holidays in packed aeroplanes. Masks aren’t needed and then suddenly they are vital…..and still our politicians…all of them…attempt to cover their arses and score cheap political points.
They disgust me.
Evening Reverend Fiddler.
In the event of filth roadblocks, I’ve got my commuting vehicle sorted. Won’t do that many gallons to the mile, alas:
Evening,Mr. Cunt-Engine.
I’ve never seen so many Police floating about up here as there were when that original lockdown was in force. I shall continue to go about my business just as I did last time.
@ Mis: a Defender on an 08 plate and later will sell for £20k-so this, by build quality and comparison, is a fucking bargain. ( a 2 years old Vauxhall Cunta is £10k)
Ah, the Police…
There’s a cunt locally who zooms around the streets on a series of shonky (probably nicked) trial bikes, he’s a fucking danger, nearly knocked down one young lass crossing the road a couple of weeks back, he’s been reported, but this has now been going on for months…with no Police action.
Last night, fuck me, what did we see but the brave boys in blue out prowling the self same streets in their cars (notable in itself, as we see more of the Police helicopter round here than their cars or vans), making sure none of the weans were breaking ‘the rules’ by going out guising..
Thomas-I might be looking at one of these next week (seriously)-plan to convert it to an overland camper, for the epic journey to ISaC’s Christmas beano at Fiddler Towers.
B&W Cunt can borrow it to ensure he manages to service his harem.
wrong link-that one is for Gemma Collins!
Perhaps the vehicle modifications could include some sort of combine harvester attachment supplied by Reverend Fiddler, CG?
Then you could drive it up the pavement outside the local m0sque after evening prayers are completed?
Thats cool as fuck CG,
Whats one of those cost?
Wouldn’t take much to convert it.
Note the massive bull-bars Thomas.
Perfect for “off roading”.
Mis: are you sitting down?
£45 000 plus fucking vat!!!!
Would sell a few vehicles to part fund.
The dealer tells me it has only covered 600 miles from new and would have cost Hm forces £200k plus, new.
Price of a new Defender? £55k-fuck ‘dat.
It would be very nice if they all died.
I’d replace the useless vermin with a politician.
Rodrigo Duterte.
Evil leeching filth.
Fuck Off.
Now there’s a man who doesn’t fuck about.
All fucking liars work shy lazy bastard sons and daughters of whores and retards degenerate foul wicked devil worshipping nationalism hating foreign loving war starting yellow custard loving Cunts
Fucking parasites.
Politicians are lying shithouses. We expect them to lie. They’re paid to lie. Surely everyone knows this.
What an absolute shower indeed – but I couldn’t give two fucks. UK was finished in ’57 for the purpose of most discussion on here.
This had reached “public consciousness” by the late Seventies, so why some are still banging on about it is, i suppose, a backhanded tribute to Our NHS©®™.
“The NHS – keeping old duffers alive well past their BBE date”.
One from Prof. Antony Davies
So there was supposed to be a press conference at 4pm. Then 5pm. It’s now gone half six and we’ve still heard nowt. What the fuck is Boris playing at?
Useless fat cunt.
The problem is that there are so many balloon heads who will love another lockdown, and even bigger cunts who will say that it’s not the politicians fault, it’s all the people who didn’t listen and obey all the rules and diktats that have been issued since March. Useful idiots, or in this case, useless cunts.
Are we clapping for the NHS again?Boris the snake on his doorstep clapping like a demented seal?I don’t care what they say as I have common sense.I am doing my shopping regardless and popping off to work.Where is Guy Fawkes when you need him?
Nah! The NHS slipped down the virtue signal charts when BLM crashed into the Top 10 with Saint Chicken Floyd George, who is still at Number One after eight months.
Talking of cunt politicunts, the only one that has shown a hint of spine lately is the grannyfucker himself Macron, by telling the religion of peace to go fuck itself. Now, there will be a new hole in the ozone layer from all the flag burning going on around the globe by these religious maniacs. Three days of solid protests, not for the violence caused by proponents of their backward faith, but because of a fucking cartoon of an ancient conman pee dough. Macron hasn’t defended the cartoon, but the free speech that is allowed in a secular country that meant it was legally possible to draw a satirical cartoon without fear of persecution or prison.
I’m waiting for the Church of England and the Vatican to condemn Macron as they did with the cartoons that enraged the morons the last time. Cunts.
Anyone else watching Boris announce the national lockdown?
Jesus, scraped stuff off my boots with more backbone.
Yep, Covid couldn’t kill him, but I reckon a bag of salt would sort him out.
Heard it already, Boris. Fuck off, Johnson. You chinless Etonian cunt.
I’m hearing the peacefuls are starting to protest here too about Macron telling the savages to go fuck themselves.
During the lockdown, I wonder what Boris will do about 20,000 goat humpers burning flags outside the Frog Embassy?
The square root of fuck all is my guess. He’ll be too busy sending the rozzas to arrest some honky cunt for sitting on a park bench for two minutes.
Boris on the telly right now.
“I have to tell you now my friends that the first lockdown did not quite manage to kill off the economy. So now is the time for us all to summon the discipline, and the resolve, and the spirit of togetherness that will carry us through. One more push will finish the job. Thank you and go fuck yourselves*.”
* © Black and White Cunt
‘Give me the tools, and I’ll finish the job’ – Winston Churchill
‘Give me some fools, and I’ll finish the job. Flubber’ – Boris meat puppet Johnson.
The palace stays the same.
Only the guards, ever change.
Aye. Bunch of self serving cunts.
You’ve got the likes of Lammy and Abbott who need to keep on making blacks feel repressed to keep their fucking careers going.
And you’ve got the Tories who say they’ll stop mass immigration but it always goes up to record levels.
I wondered why until I realised that the Tories get massive donations from house building companies.
“Fuck the country, I’ve got a few quid to make.”
“Give me the tools and I’ll finish the job”.
Winston Churchill.
“Give me the cutlery and I’ll finish the eight course dinner”.
Boris Johnson.
A bunch of morally bankrupt privateers filling their pockets and obeying the commands of the new world order they serve.
I am not obeying any lockdown nonsense, not being ordered to take a vaccine made in a pond by a lab assistant whose last job was the development of Thalidomide and I am not being told what to do by a dictatorship of dicks who seem to forget they were elected.
We need a new party at the next election which puts our Country and its people first and has a plan for putting right a year of bollocks and a century of fuckups.
What we have is not fit for purpose, and things MUST change and reform while we still live in a free enough society and world to enable it.
Well I for one welcome our new invertebrate overlords
Coincidentally, I’m currently recording V on Forces TV and their takeover is starting to look appealing.
Watched V when it first came out. Still have a thing for Diana today, you can stick your lizard tongue round my snakes eye anytime. By the way, the way things are going, Elizabeth Fritztl will have gone out more than us. I dream of a day when I can walk past a pub and think ‘I fancy a pint’ without having to book four weeks in advance and plan it like some SAS raid.
Are you Kent Brockman by any chance?
Two questions?If Lockdown worked the first time why do we need to do it again?Second question if lockdown didn`t work the first time why the fuck are we doing it when we know the massive damage it does especially to the poorest members of society and it does not work?
Your guess is as good as mine Shaun. Can you use your connection to the dead to resurrect Churchill so he can knock some sense into this shower of cunts? ?
I would resurrect Maggie, so she could bite Boris’s head clean off.
Seriously though, I’d bring back Clem Atlee to restore Labour to its former glory and banish all the freaks and cunts.
For more control and to further the agenda
The magical set of 3 again.
Do you see it now?
In the U.S. the national politicians are usually mediocre nitwits who couldn’t make it in any other field.
Then there are the ideologues, who are simply power-crazed freaks, whatever their ostensible beliefs.
They are all sociopaths, and the further up the food chain you go, the worse it gets.
Alexander Boris de Pheffel Fuhrer Jellyfish Johnson is a diet Churchill with one hundredth of the ability and charisma.
This “cure” is far worse than the disease. Those who would give up essential liberty, to purchase a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety (as someone once said).
Glad I spent the last few months preparing for the inevitable instead of worrying about shitey holidays, TVs, football subscriptions and other tat people think they need.
If you’ve been merrily wasting your meagre resources, I say hock that 75` TV set and invest in export vodka.
I’m in favour of going to gaol for my earlier comments. Get me those cunts Whitty, Vallance, and Harries for a start, I will kneel them in Parliament Square sucking on my Over and under (loaded with dragons breath no less) and find out how convicted they are in there data modelling.
Whilst I’m at it, how much will you pledge to see Blair and Corbyn get a lead lobotomy? Feed all these kids for 2 meals a day for a year and I will make it like running man….. Pay for Blair and Magic Grandpa, and get Bad Al ‘bullshit’ Campbell for free….
Should I be getting that shotgun and chickens now?