Marcus Rashford said he felt “honoured” to be given an MBE
England and Manchester United forward Marcus Rashford has become an MBE in the Queen’s Birthday Honours list.
The footballer, 22, campaigned for the government to allow about 1.3 million children to claim free school meal vouchers in England’s summer holidays during the coronavirus pandemic.
This cunt being paid more per week than most of us get in a year has been honoured. Great.. He contributed fuck all other than virtue. For the kids of course, whose parent, mostly singular, were struggling to feed their kids, what with the on-line bingo, fags, weed and booze to pay for.
Each overpaid footballer will of course donate a few grand a week to this worthy cause. Sorry, each overpaid footballer will contribute fuckall to this worthy cause.
Words fucking fail me.
Nominated by: Cuntstable Cuntbubble
(This cunt supports BLM, and yet accepts a “Member of the Most Excellent Order of the BRITISH EMPIRE“. Oh, the irony! – DA)
This cunt is actually on 200k per week. I make that 10 million odd a year. It’s fucking obscene.
You forgot bonuses, image rights and commercial endorsements Cupid, which add up to around another hundred grand.
And while Rashford seems like a decent (if somewhat ignorant of history) guy it would have a bit more credibility if he used some of his huge money and profile to do some practical things – fund a couple of food banks and somewhere children can get a breakfast before school, an educational facility after school so children have somewhere quiet to study, campaign for more business and investment so parents have job opportunities – longer term solutions because as we all know if you give a chav a McDonalds you feed him for a day, if you get him a job at McDonalds you feed him for life!
And I have to wonder about a “Government” so weak and desperate it changes policy and hands out awards based on social media trends.
He could set up a charitable foundation as players like Neymar, Messi, Rivaldo, Maradona – from countries with real inequality and no social safety net – have done.
Too right.
I used to think Cristiano Ronaldo was a cunt but he does fucking loads to help out. He doesn’t do it as a ‘do a lot of work for charidee but don’t like to talk about it’ Smashy and Nicey exercise either.
He doesn’t mention it but those on the receiving end usually do. He’s built coranvirus ICU centres and paid for kids’ life saving surgeries, to name just a couple of things he’s done recently. It runs into millions (yes millions, Mark) of his own cash every year.
And not once has he told the public to cough up.
You are certainly right about Ronaldo. In Funchal and around the island of Madeira, there is evidence of his generosity.
As if playing for the bloated Manc Bin-dippers and earning a gazillion quid for his part-time job isn’t enough, telling others to put their hand in their pockets is reminiscent of the Comic Relief millionaire cunts urging people to donate. Fuck off you hypocrite and change your name to either Lewis Stormzy Hamilton Rashford or simply just Shit-gibbon.
And in other news.
Mary Berry for services to cake, being alive and possibly servicing Paul Hollywood.
Some Scottish boiler off daytime telly for services to avoiding tax and NI.
She gives me the creeps.
Rightly so /how old os she a 110 yr?coffin dodger /shes after a bit part in the new evil dead remake!
She gives me the horn.
I know that you only posted that statement to forestall some of the real degenerates on this site who would actually mean it.
I think MNC is one of the real degenerates.
Thats true GG.
Sites riddled with kinky types!
Nothings been proved in a court of law.
No matter what the local media say.
Itd be a very interesting day to see who fucks mary berry(apart from wayne rooney who famously slept with an old bag)
If your throwing your hat in the ring I’ll hold your pants till your done!
Thats my line you cunt.
Yet another reason among many other to abolish the honours system completely.
Not only does it still have connections to our colonial past – something the Wokes want to abolish (unless it affects them with such an honour of course), but they seem to be handed out with reckless abandon
This cunt gets an MBE for a few months work (probably didn’t do anything hard other than put his name and face to the cause as a kind of endorsement). And yet you get some ordinary cunts who have spent 30 or 40 years of their average lives helping some worthy cause, often as volunteers to finally be awarded with same.
And don’t get me started on the civil service, politicians and fat cat bosses who get knighthoods for doing next to fuck all.
Abolish the honours once and for all
There was some bleck man who got an MBE or something going on the other day of how generous he is to accept the honour, despite it being from a racist ex-colonial power. Why are they pandering to these people? I didn’t read it all. Too fucking racist for me.
It’s not enough should have been Knighted. Get fucked seriously the woke celebrity obsessed cunts awarding it should be cunted
I’d like to knight him. With a cricket bat.
There were many people who were calling for the school dinners to be continued throughout the summer but for some reason his letter to Boris seemed to be the thing that convinced the government to spaff a load of money (our taxes) on the inconsiderate cunts who have kids but can’t afford to feed them.
Boris of course gave him the credit because of BLM and he thought it would give him some brownie points with the great unwashed.
Rashford writes one letter and does an interview with silly cunt Sally Nudger and picks up a MBE, it’s cos he is black init!
What a load of shite!
Brownie points. That saying has a whole new connotation now.
This is simply jaw dropping. But given the current social climate, should we really be surprised? I’d imagine if crowds were in grounds right now, they’d be booing the shit out of this virtue signalling cunt. Embarrassing. Just embarrassing.
Chuck the cunt into a wood chipper.
Saves mither and yet more free money for the feckless.
If old nick had written in he would have got a gong. Total bollocks, fuck their corrupt cuntish ways. Fuck them painfully every day.
Marcus Rashford MBE?
More Black Empowerment
Modest Black Eulogist
Means Before Expectations
Modern British Egalitarian
May Burn Everything
Mocks British Empire
MBE = Massive Black Ego
If young Rashford could concentrate his efforts on being a footballerist and scoring the occasional goal, thus justifying his obscene wages, leaving the spunking of tax payers contributions to our masters in Westminster…..
Do you remember how Jimmy Saville used to have O.B.E. after his name on the BBC credits? What’s the betting that young Marcus will have M.B.E. After his name in football programmes?
Marcus and Jimmy have a lot in common.
A MBE they dont deserve
Fondness for bling
Mummys boys
Likes a track suit
Not someone id have at the dining table
And both would get pushed into the lime pit at bayonet point if I had my way.
I thought saville had many letters after his name not a complete list but/paedo/nonce/fucks the dead/oddball etc
Now then now then then now.what someone farted in the morgue jimmy^no was taking my cock out this dead corpes arse
No way I’d want any honour, not when you see the bunch of cunts that also get them. I wouldn’t like to be lumped in with that sort of company.
First off this cunt wants a slap for taking the knee and bringing his BLM bullshit politics into footy.
Secondly I don’t take too kindly to a half baked mechanical digger gob-shite telling us how we’ve got to change and be more tolerant to a bunch of 3rd world neg-roids who want to vandalise this countries monuments and run down and erase its magnificent history.
May I remind Rashford that this country gave his wind-rush forefathers safe haven, democracy, free schooling, free health care, free speech and maximum economic opportunity that they never would NOT have gotten any where else.
He wants to remember that before taking the fucking knee. Fucking CUNT!
I have no objection to him taking the knee but he needn’t complain if some far right thug (anybody white) kicks him in the face several times while he’s down there.
If you can’t feed them, don’t breed them!
Cunt. Not just Rashford but the idiot that nominated him.. Bog cleaners deserve it more.. I’m being serious totally and absolutely.
Cheers il just ask her fucking majesty if theres a cash prize with that en all
I want to knight him with a baseball bat.What is the world coming to?
Governments have been doing this for years……awarding honours to cunts who are popular in the media in the hope that some of that popularity might rub off on them. I believe Harold Wilson started it, giving MBEs, or whatever the fuck, to the Beatles. Of course successive cunts had to up the ante so now we’ve got Sir Paul and Sir Ringo.
Naturally Wilson himself became Sir Harold despite his dodgy financial dealings, connections to the KGB and fucking his horse faced secretary over the desk in Downing Street. Equally naturally the old slag eventually became Lady Forkbender.
What a bunch of corrupt fucking cunts!
Getting a gong for spending other peoples money? Nothing new here.
I wouldn’t mind if this virtue signaling black panther licking little cunt got gongs for doing what he is actually paid for, which is scoring goals.
But of course the little right on fuck couldn’t score in Hamburg with a thousand pounds stuffed up his power to the people arse. Useless fucking cunt.
And if the uppity little shit does that knee and black power fist salute once more…
And Jesse Lingard can fuck off and all.
…..mostly though Norm-Pogba: fucking lazy, poisonous cunt☹️
Nothing new here. The most infamous honours being Harold Wilson’s 1976 (resignation) ‘Lavender List’.
A funny tale re the earlier New Year’s honours in 1976 – the Steptoe actor Harry H Corbett was a rank leftie and a Labour luvvie, so naturally he made the list being a Harold Wilson chum. However, due to a bureaucratic fuck up, the ‘H’ was omitted on the listing, so the OBE went to Harry Corbett instead – Sooty’s puppetmaster! Harry H Corbett did get his OBE as well when the cock up was realised.
Rashford should have been christened Dick; Dick Rash-ford.
And he is a gold bullion cunt.
Upstaged by a puppetmaster….it was disgaasting!
Just look at the way the absolute fucking cunt has his socks pulled up over his knees. He’s an utter, utter, utter CUNT for doing that without any other Cunt Crime. They should be soaked in 4 Star and set fire to. Whilst he’s still wearing them. The cunt. And the rest of the cunts that wear their fucking socks like that should suffer the same treatment.
I have an irrational loathing of the cunts that do this. Unkle Terry, you’re needed. Good fucking night.
We could all say that couldn’t we, feed the poor. But then most of us aren’t on £200k a week are we. Fuck off you big nosed Manc cunt.
The idiots who kneel are perfect examples of a brainwashed cunts. And in their utter ignorance, they would accept this as a compliment.
* of brainwashed cunts
Great name, Crocacunt. I would hazard a wild guess that you have more balls than the original Crocodile Dundee, Paul Hogan, who wants to “Run Away” if Trump gets in again. Feel free Paul, feel free.
I agree, Bob. Hoges is a twat. What has the President of the United States or who the Americans vote for got to do with this Foster’s swilling kangaroo eating cunt?
All the honor system is a fucking joke .
If it’s not back slapping for some dodgy civil servant then they appear to be handing them out like sweets to the macaroons this year.
Fucking MBE for suggesting free school dinners! Fuck Off! I have tons of worthy suggestions like sink dinghies in the channel, free flights to Africa for Brown people, ban BLM as terrorist organisation. Where is my MBE?
How can he feel honoured and support BLM with the black panther salute before games?
BLM are an openly Marxist and black supremacist group, who want to have only blacks as MPs, want white people subjugated and would like all black prisoners released from jail. The police force would be abolished and we’d have black ‘community policing’, which means gang leaders would run areas.
The lovely black panther salute this absolute bellend (and others) enjoys giving before every fucking game (try it when the fans come back you cunts) was first championed by the leaders of the movement back in the 60s.
It included a guy who went to jail for multiple rapes on white women. He wrote in a book that he did it because he wanted to do the ultimate thing to dominate whites, and he saw raping their women as the most ‘worthy’ thing he could do.
If we end up with an Adolf in charge now I couldn’t give a fuck, as long as it stops all this shite.
These cunts have pretty much asked for it.
In summary:
Marcus Rash-thoughts has a “footballers” brain.
For kneetakers: kneecapping. The bhoys would never have let this shit happen.
Virtue signalling, thick as two short planks footballing cunt. I can only assume that whatever he has actually done to help the cause makes him feel a little better about his £200 grand a week salary. How on earth anyone could justify those kind of earnings for kicking a ball around is quite literally beyonf my comprehension. if he really gave a fuck he would donate at the very least 50% of said salary to help out. Rashford, you are a complete cunt. Fuck off and go and spend some of that hard earned money on a new lambo. Cunt