Hotter Shoes, for d’Wimminz

I’d like to nominate the Hotter Shoes for women advert.

I saw this for the first time yesterday, and it’s essentially a series of images of various wimminz of all shapes, sizes and colours with some stupid voiceover. It’s only at the end of the advert that you actually realise what the advert is for.

I switched to another channel, where naturally, I landed on a commercial break, right at the beginning of another wimminz advert. It was a close up of a woman’s face, telling us that they are not going to take it anymore, they are re-writing the rules and doing it their way blah blah blah.

She was joined by a bunch of more wimminz, again of all shapes etc…all nodding sagely with the bullshit narrative. I think this one was for wimminz supportive pants, or some such cack.

Sick of it.

Nominated by: mystic maven 

(This might be the ad in question – DA


.. and also by mystic maven covering the same area


I’m not sure if it’s been previously cunted, but if not, then I want to nominate the utter cuntery, known as ‘This girl can’

There used to be some stupid advert on tv a while ago featuring loads of wimminz showing how tough and confident they are etc etc… Now it’s on the radio too.

We all know that women do sports and have good jobs and can be managers and are ‘doing it their way’ and ‘re-writing the rules’ and all that bollocks. Just fuck off!
Not my most erudite posting, but getting pissed off with it now.

82 thoughts on “Hotter Shoes, for d’Wimminz

  1. We’ve all seen that wimminz can do it. I mean look at Theresa May and, more recently, Priti Patel, both fucking excellent at their jobs. The wimminz in the Liebour Party are not worthy of comment. In fact, some of them are not worthy of the description of wimminz.

    • TBH, the blokes are no fucking better.
      Wankers and wankettes.
      Good afternoon.

      • Afternoon Jack. When I look at the cunts who are supposedly in charge it makes me wonder how they let them leave school. They’re not even fit for Unkle’s oven.

      • A bold statement. I don’t think the oven is fussy.
        Cromwell, with a flamethrower, would be fun.

  2. ‘Sisters are doin it for themselves”
    Confident,strong, independent, modern,
    Can you open this jar for me?
    Help theres a spider in the bathroom!
    Women like to pretend they can do without men but theyd be like Evel Kneivel without a motorbike,
    A headcase with a big mouth who cant do a fuckin thing.

    • The good old jar of pickles. Nary a woman alive who can open one – Owen Jones can’t either.

      • Martial arts black belt Owen Jones?
        He fought off 15 far right thugs!!
        That pickle jars just homophobic.

      • Women collect shoes dont they?
        My missus has loads.
        Long as theyre happy I suppose?
        I got my boots stick on my feet yesterday.
        Couldnt get them off!
        Panicked a bit!
        Had to cut the bleeding things down the side too get them off!
        She thought it was funny, me not so much.
        Because they were piss wet through and theyd used cardboard in the heels which had collapsed due to being wet.
        So dont treat your ladies to Grafters© rigger boots theyre fuckin rubbish.

      • It’s handbags with mine (she only has about 30 pairs of shoes, some of which I’ve never seen her wearing).

        One wardrobe in the spare bedroom is literally filled with them.

        Might need to buy a bigger house soon at this rate.

      • It was only 11 not 15 MNC – but they were all armed with Nicky Clarke assault rifles and trained by Vladimir “Ducky” Putin himself – they know how to fist a Man and make his eyes water!
        And Putin is a dirty fighter – I had a go with him recently and the fker gave me a love bite then tried to stick his thumbs up my arse! (Didn’t even buy me a drink first or owt, the cnt!). Then, when he was losing he shouted “Lookski outside – a bear wearing fez is riding unicycle” and when I went outside to look they locked the doors!
        Cheats and rotters! ?

      • I warned you about Vlad the donut puncher Foxy!
        If he asks you to go to his “stud farm’ to drink shots dont go!!
        No amount of Listerine mouthwash will get rid of the taste!?

      • Owen Jones doesn’t need open pickle containers…he just stuffs the whole unopened jar straight up his hoop.

    • Afternoon MNC. Ethel screamed the house down a couple of days ago, massive spider on the lampshade in the bedroom.
      I rescued it and told it to come back on a regular basis. Hopefully, she’ll have a coronary, and I can move Debbie in.
      I enjoyed last night, Sheena was on top form, Norman and Olivia had a good time too.
      I was impressed with the buffet you put on.
      Very nice.
      Nothing like pork pies and trifle, when entertaining the ladies.
      Toodle pip.

      • Evening Jack
        Yes known for putting on a good spread I am!
        Kate likes my monster munch salad,
        My signature dish.
        Was a good night wasnt it?
        Jack between us mate,
        Was Norman wearing a syrup?
        Was wasnt he?
        Looked like Mick McManus hair, dead black and polyester, and it was a bit big on him!
        Jane giggled when it slid to one side!!

      • I wasn’t going to mention it, he’s such a solid bloke.
        I knew a chap once, who had a syrup specifically for going to clubs.
        Comics always picked on hairless chaps.
        You wouldn’t want to go to the Embassy Club without a full head of hair.
        Bernard Manning.
        Jokes about bald cunts etc.

      • When I started going bald Jack I was in denial.
        Mate at work said tenderly “fuckin ell thats some bald patch!
        Like a fuckin barmcake!
        Get yer head shaved!”
        I said
        “What bald patch?
        Your pissed pal, ive not got a bald patch!
        Get t fuck!!”
        When at home I got the missus bedroom mirror and held it up in the bathroom mirror,
        Sure enough the pitch was threadbare!!
        After the missus talked me down from the roof
        I shaved my nut to the bone, and ive more or less stopped having panic attacks and bursting into tears in large gatherings.
        Took it well I thought?
        Any family photos I draw thick black hair on with a marker pen.

      • Oh no LL,
        The way Ive dealt with it is to surround myself with other bald people!
        Only employ slapheads,
        Ive made the missus & kids shave their heads,
        Anyone visiting has to wear a skin tone swimming cap.

      • Odd how Dame Elton celebrate being a turd burglar but cant stop wearing that stupid fucking wig and just accept being bald.

  3. Excellent brainwashing – endlessly promote beauty products, make Women who don’t fit the mould feel like shit and inadequate then punt out some empowering wimminz adverts telling them size shape and colour don’t matter so the Women you have deliberately excluded and made to feel worthless buy stuff – whilst simultaneously forgetting that advertisers have treated these same Women like shit for fifty years by appealing to narcissistic vanity and not reality.
    Now, if someone could make a container for Womens potions, perfumes and warpaint that DOESN’T spread all over the bathroom and take all the space I would buy that!
    (My Hai Karate aftershave is looking very lonely in it’s little corner surrounded by “ladies stuff” ?).

  4. Well that ad is certainly a challenging wank…think I’ll just stick with Jenny Eclair’s dry fanny.

    • Dick@
      Yesterday on the news was a yank politician (one was nearly kidnapped)
      Behind her was one of those sign language people for deaf n dumbers.
      She was signing dead aggressive and contorting her face, a blonde bird,
      I got a hard on like a 15yr old!!!
      It really flipped my trigger for some reason?
      Turns out ive got a thing for aggressive signers and didnt realise!

      Anyway, thought youd like to know.?

      • Are you sure this blond with the contorted,aggressive face making signs wasn’t just Donald Trump ?

      • Wasn’t St Greta with a wig was it?

        She’s gone a bit quiet since the dink virus; perhaps she’s got a new job as a signer?

      • No she isn’t the dish faced retard is extolling the virtues of Sleepy Joe Biden. Maybe she wants her fanny sniffed?

      • Miserable- the open university do online courses in sign language. (Probably).

        Sign Mrs Mis up for a course & “et voila!”
        To make her aggressive, leave brochures for breast augmentation, liposuction etc lying around.?

      • Evening CG,
        Yeah could do??
        I can actually sign a bit,
        No shit!
        A deaf and dumb football referee taught me!
        But this bird aggressively signing, it was her face,
        Like she was being fucked hard,
        More suited to porn than communication with those without hearing!
        She was great!!???

      • Imagine if someone had to sign for Diane Abbott, they would have to break their silence and shout “For fucks sake you fat cunt, start making some fucking sense, your making me look like a special needs moron too!”,

      • I believe there is a market for ‘mong porn’. I remember a documentary I saw about some blokes who could only get it up if the bird had one arm or one leg.

        Imagine trying to find a bird that like? Their droughts must be fucking dreadful.

    • You may be a specialist in unappealing images, Fiddler, but Jenny Eclair’s fanny is extreme, even for you. Ugh.

  5. Every year around Christmas time I meet up with my cousin, get absolutely fucking legless and then we have a ‘who can piss highest up the wall’ contest.

    And, on boxing day 2019, and for the first time in twenty seven years, I managed to beat her….

  6. All these fucking women doing it for themselves, throw in a fucking spider and they scream little little girls.

    • Had that this week, CuntyMort get in here!!! The poor cunt was so small, I pissed myself laughing. Not so strong are you now? That was my bit done for equal rights.

      Dopey tarts only two locations, kitchen or bedroom.

      • Recently had a few come running to me at work screaming about a ‘huge cockroach’. It was a little beetle not much bigger than a ladybird.

        You’d have thought it was the size of Harvey Price the way these ‘strong wimnins’ were screeching.

  7. Yeah, doing it all by themselves, until some unexpected shit happens; or they don’t like the idea of having to work a few extra years to get their state pension – as those WASPI cunts found out when their “discrimination” case was thrown out by the Court of Appeal.

    • Wasps ?
      Can of insecticide when they’re asleep.
      Goodnight Vienna.
      Pesky varmints.
      Afternoon Techno.

  8. Women are hopeless at a rather lot of things. Innovation, risk taking and fighting. In other words we would still be in trees eating leaves if it was up to them. They are really good at lots of things, Making babies (How the fuck do they do that!!!) wearing stilettos, making up nonsense with no evidence and calling it a study to gain money and power, mostly from other women. In other words immoral bitches that have been doing the same thing for a million years. Thats about it. Some of them are exempt from this and some of those ( my wife) have a great rack.

  9. Hotter shoes are really comfy.
    They go well with Werthers Originals and other beige confectionery.
    Get To Fuck.

  10. Even if you had a world populated only by females, they still wouldn’t be happy!

    There’d be plenty of bitch-fighting among the woke and diversity groups, demanding that their particular wimminz should be at the top of the food chain making all the decision; while lesser wimminz (white working class types) should be grateful to be alive!

  11. I bet that Kamala Harris woman has plenty of shoes. You have to look attractive if you’re going to sleep your way to the top.

    Joe Biden has apparently publicly commented on the vice-President debate the other night. He has said, “Ah wanna congratulate my running mate on her evening. Good job Michelle Obama, you did good.”

      • I see her more of a boots, whip, and crotchless knickers-type woman. If they win she’ll have Slow Joe in a chastity nappy until he kicks the bucket.

      • “Bomber Harris? Mmm, its Chopper Harris ain’t it? No, no, I got it, Rolf Harris”.

      • Well rolf harris would upstage biden hes got form you know^unless creepy joes been a nonce all his life
        Kiddly fiddling bastards just what america dont need

  12. Hotter also do men’s shoes, but not shown in that cunty advert. Only wimminz feet matter.

  13. Attractive fit women smile wryly as they watch their less attractive sisters lower their game.

    For the women that want to say slob a hairy top lip and an arse thr size of a bus is the way to go.

  14. Nowhere near as bad as fucking Cotton Traders cunts, eating shit grins and midlife crisis, utter cunts!!!

    • Cotton Traders?
      They still use slaves!
      Sly about it too!
      “Pick your own cotton!”
      Advert in EBONY magazine.

  15. I’ve now reached a high level in Karate and have earned the much coveted black belt.
    It means I can maim or kill a man with my bare feet….

    Sadly, it didn’t work out so well for me when I got jumped by some thugs last night……

    They beat me up before I could get my shoes and socks off…..

  16. Women are great ,full of random insanity.
    Keeps things lively and vibrant.
    Now put the fucking tea on.

    • She’d probably sort you out with a microwave meal Unkle Terry, as any wise woman would steer well clear of the oven at your place.

  17. Yet to see a wimminz who is able to reverse a trailer into a tight parking spot.

    Thinking about it, I’m yet to see a wimminz able to parallel park a Fiat 500 into a 40 foot space in less that half a dozen goes and without severely damaging at least three other nearby cars and assorted street furniture.

    • It’s what they do at roundabouts and junctions that bewilder me. It doesn’t matter if the road is empty, or you can plainly see that there is no traffic coming, the will still stop and check before slowly pulling off. Fucking infuriating.

    • You can hear their parking hundreds of yards away. With all the manic over-revving it’s like the start of a Lewis Hamiltoncunt race.

  18. If we’re ever called on a back-up to get a a fat cunt down the stairs you can bet your bottom dollar there’s a bird on the crew that’s asking for assistance…. ‘Strong Wimmin’? Until it involves using strength. Just go and keep the seat warm in my ambulance, luv, we’ll manage between the three of us.

    • Mint that Jack.??
      Roxette I always put on the jukebox when in the pub with the lads.
      They were a great band.
      Lee Brilleaux

      • I once asked the Big Figure how he kept his hair in place whilst drumming.
        The answer was short and to the point.
        ” Evo Stick ”

      • Apologies for going off nom but there is something going on in Vancouver – there appear to be tens of thousands of Chinese military massing there.

  19. Let the wimminz watchword once more become ‘Kinder, Küche, Kirche’…. Schuhe only as a reward for adequate performance in bed.

  20. How about a boot in the bollocks for useless, spineless cunts? First up, Boris Johnson.

  21. Giving them the vote has been a fucking disaster.

    Do you think we’d be living in Wokesville if only men could vote? Do you think all those diversity filled dinghies would be landing on our beaches every day? During a fucking pandemic too.

    Yes, there are woke men, but on the whole, men are more conservative than wimminz. It’s human nature.

    Man provide. Woman like. Go to man. Sexy time. Family come. Man protect. Woman see people need help. She go to help. Man stop her because she invite danger by help too much. Family stay safe.

    Imagine if they went woke in the Stone Age? CIs gendered cavehuman see woman. He like. She say he need diversity training and to admit white caveman guilt by getting on knees to different tribe. Tribe come to cave area. They make rules.

    The rest is too gruesome so I’ll leave it there.

    Take the vote off the buggers before we’re all rounded up and sent away on trains.

  22. I always ignore wimminz adverts on TV – I always expect them to be talking about their incontinence bloomers, or, in the case of the elderly woman “comic” her dry fanny. Both put me off my meals.

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