What a load of sanctimonious cunt.
Of all the years you’d have thought this bunch of killjoys would have given it a fucking break this year round. It is a shit year and a beer or five makes it a lot more enjoyable.
Apparently they have “fun” activities to do instead; today (the 1st) is baking. I can’t help but baking makes you a fat cunt with a messy kitchen.
What an increasing number of people seem to be thinking these days is that exceeding 12 units a week makes you like Keith Moon or Oli Reed, usually on the BBC news this opinion is spoken.
Well, I have this to say: Fuck off and leave us alone, if we want a few beers and aren’t harming anyone and it makes us feel good then go and fuck yourself if you think I’m listening to your Puritan bollocks.
Nominated by: Fortress Cuntimus
(They’ll be banning wanking next – “Ignore Your Member for December” – DA)
(That’s the end of your social life then, DA. – NA)
Yes same as ‘go gay in may’.
Fuck that.
Bugger that don’t you mean?!
I’m skipping ‘Get stabbed to a côôn June.’
(Just waiting for “Support BLMber in December – DA)
*Get stabbed to a loon, côôn tune, June.’
It could be the new Glastonbury tag.
No fuck that but not literally
I just can’t bring myself to be happy in May!
Women’s issues will be discussed in depth during Fannyuary.
Go bent for Lent? ?
Fucking thought exactly the same thing.
‘Gay in May’.
Has a ring about it!
‘Fuck a guy in July’!
12 units a week? 12 units isn’t even a decent toast. When I’m having ‘a drink’ I usually have up to 30. It’s why I do it so rarely.
It used to be 25. I exceed that daily and have done for 20+ years. That combined Haemochromatosis and my Liver is quite fucked. You are wise to do it rarely Sir.
I used to have between 20 and 30 every day, for many years when not working. I now have that once every 2 to 3 months. I appear to have stopped the habit in time to avoid any real damage. Stopping smoking 11 years ago was also a massive bonus to my health. Shame I’m a fat cunt.
Good to hear Mog and I salute you. I quit the tabs for 15 years then when life served me series of knuckleballs I started again along with the grog uptake 5 years ago. A touch of portliness adds distinction and character to a gentleman so my drunken brain whispers to me. ?
I’m guessing these cunts have picked October for no other reason than it rhymes with sober.
The pubs are having a hard enough time as it is at the moment without these twats making it worse for them. Well I for one shall be drinking double what I normally do this month just to support my local boozers.
Cheers! ??
Go Sober and Black History in the same month!!!
Talk about kicker the hard working whitey in the teeth, not only do we have to suffer celebrating umbongo shite but we have to do it sober ?
Who thinks up all this crap! Maybe there will be something worth doing, celebrate Britain being white and getting pissed.
Kicking not kicker, cooking a curry and the fumes are getting to me
Sir Sickie, if they sneaked in ‘Visit a mosque in October ‘ they’d be almost there, wouldn’t they?
Full Set for sure Captain. ?
If I tested positive for chinky flu I would be there like a shot for Friday prayers.
I heard Lammy on the radio today saying it was only fair that one month of the year should be put aside for Black History because the other eleven months are all dedicated to White History.
How fucking racist and crooked thinking can you get?
Besides, blacks make up only 3% of the UK population, so if anything they’d only be entitled to 11 days max.
Hmmm one month ok someone tell lammy shut the fuck up about racist whitey for the other 11
That’s Mastermind Lammy ?
That sounds so much like a “top tip” yet it’s completely accurate and fair. You’re Mrs “B” from Essex and I claim my 5 quid
Two goldfish walk into a bar.
Barman says, “Why the long faeces..?”
How about TOP YOURSELF THIS CHRISTMAS. Can’t leave the house unless it’s to buy bogroll, can’t drink, work drying up, and worse to come.
Think of the benefits! No more queuing, no more face rags, no more playing ‘what the fuck are the stasi rules today?’ game, no more being blamed for everything, from environmental issues to gender and racial inequality. 54 sleeps till bye bye.
Strange that everyone in that photo looks as if he was as pissed as a fart!
They look like the kind of Cunts who describe themselves as “wacky”….I’d like to bottle each and every one of them.
Good Afternoon,Mr.Boggs.
Stop Drinking, Stop Smoking, Stay Indoors, Speak to no one!!! (Unless you’re grassing a friend, neighbour or family member up for breaking the ever changing lockdown rules in the lockdown fine lottery)
Yay 21st century Britain.
21st century nazi germany more fucking like
What a set of weak as piss cunts.
Usual trendy charity Puffs Charter.
Lager scrumpy and scotch in October.
Maybe some red wine with the chilli tonight.
Fuck those happy clappy Gays.
That’s the spirit Unkle T?
It’s only strong alcohol, fucking and copious amounts of ISAC that are keeping me sane in “these-testing-times”.
Well I shall be doing my bit:
2x 15 year old single malt
2x 45%proof single barrel JD
That was Oct1~10?
Sounds like you’re almost teetotal to me! ?
I’ve heard it said that you e only got a problem if you drink more than your doctor.
Aside from that, what the fuck do these cunts think they’re achieving. Frankly, if they’ve got. I thing better to do than whine on about how much they think I’m drinking… sorry… lost my thread there… forgot what I was goi giro say. Mind you, I’ve been in the Leffe since 4pm and I’ll be moving in to the rum later.
What about “No Poon in June”? Not for me though as my birthday is then.
The Sturgeon version , north of the border is……
‘Ben Doon in June’.
Go Sober for October?
And become a slack jawed, limp wristed puddle jumping, shirt lifting vegan faGGot cunt?
Get Fucked.
Sober for October is just a massive appeasement exercise to all the millions of Peaceful Alan Snack bar devotees in lieu of them taking over and banning Alcohol in this country.
Another way of socially conditioning the brainwashed millennial cunts and getting them slowly prepared for a world without booze for when Abdul takes the crown.
They’re a lying bunch of bastards. I’ve seen any number of pissed Muslims over the years when they thought they could get away with it.
Absolutely moggie, down the bayswater road, boozing, gambling, whoreing, two faced hypocritical cunts that they are!
they’re always off it on something
never go in their barber shops
Last night I consumed two pints of Abbot Ale, two bottles of Tribute and finished it off with 3 bottles of stout being 7.5%, 8% and a 750ml bottle of 12%. My head was sore this morning.
But go sober for October. Fuck off. Getting fed up of being told what to do. There has to be some escape especially in a year full of China Flu and lets kneel to the Blacks.
Go on a bender ’til November.
What a gaggle of foetid killjoy prodnose cunts.
I shall now toast their inevitable demise from soya milk poisoning, in the Tamnavulin I have been saving for occult purposes. Here’s tae us…
During Black History Month far be it from me to suggest that it is best spent by making some blacks history.
Will they have a weed free November or would that upset the communi’y too much by putting de bluds out of business, innit?
Fuck satans daugher you know you ought ta well it rhymes want more you want a sensible normal goverment well ud av to be pissed to beleive that
The only ones in up for are
Show your knob ender in December
Bend her over in October
Clean yer japs eye in July
Bet you all wish you were as perverted as myself
I’m also a cunt and proud
Cunts lives matter
Every OTHER July shurely ?
Well, inspired by this thread, just in from wankbury’s, essential supplies obtained:
6x Chardonnay
6x Merlot
2x single malt
1l Bells
1x Ginger Wine
Oh, food as well ?????
Ginger wine? Are you driving?
Is the ginger wine for the Mrs?!
Whisky Mac for pre-dinner aperitif ?
Drink to forget. But don’t forget to drink.
That’s the spirit!
Didn’t know Owen Jones was a Christian but he’s just come up with……” let’s go bent for Lent.”
Dirty cunt.
B&WC has one for July.
July-ike it when he sticks his tongue up your arsehole.
Work is the scourge of the drinking classes my father used to say, dog bless him .
Fuck That! I’m doing my best to support the beer and pub industry single handedly.
Any of this sort of bollocks just encourages me to do the opposite. I’ve been drinking most pleasantly so far this month.
They’re all cunts.