Is it just me or does Tangos COVID test require a cunting?
At the prime he can come out gloves off and belt any cunt that he has access to are his reigns not pulled for him to take a Jerry Bruckheimer style exit from the Whitehouse after promoting the nurse with the Double D rack for saving his life and getting a few pics off a resuscitator he borrowed from Boris?
The deafening chant of We Beat this, Highway to the Danger zone Flames and smoke in the background as he walks down the Whitehouse steps well blanketing his forgetful tax returns or the bad press from giving Skeleton a hiding at the debate.
On a positive note, should it be genuine and he gets a view of heavens door and returns, he could sign the order to evaporate Wuhan, on a combined Top Gun, Armageddon ending.
Nominated by: King Cunt
..and seconded by Lord of the Rings
Trumps ‘Positive’ Covid test announcement ( & timing therof )
I have little time for ‘the Left’ – nor do I wish Donald Duck harm from Covid – mainly because, I think that is… utter horse shit !
Stick with me here…..
I know Trump has quite a few supporters on here, but forget politics, agendas & all that. I speak as I find. Now Trumps one redeeming feature may be that he attacks the left – but that aside, the twat has nothing else going for him. (his best feature is that he doesn’t run the UK).
A self-obsessed egomaniac, convinced the world revolves around him.
He has no time, interest, empathy, for anyone other than himself. He surrounds himself with sychophants, lackeys & yes men. Anyone who says anything ‘nice’ or positive about him is doing a great job & is a great guy. Anyone who disagrees or criticises him in any way is useless, a phony & terrible. A habitual liar, who can’t even keep track of the truth. Any policy or viewpoint that serves his interest is all he cares about. (forget he’s President for a minute. If he worked in your factory or office, how long would it be before you wanted to throw him out of a fucking window?)
Now, at the recent debate, neither him or Biden covered himself in glory. (I personally think Biden one of the least deserving candidates to seek office of the President) It is generally thought that Trump came off worse, with his rantings & threats that any election that doesn’t declare him winner must be fixed & therefore, invalid.
What is certain, is that many US voters don’t think he has handled managing the virus well, that too many Americans are dying, and that this is a good issue for the Democrats.
Imagine my surprise, when it gets announced by social media, that Trump has Covid. Cue 2 days non-stop headlines & news coverage about Trump (he craves attention). Democrats cannot be seen to be attacking him on Covid, as he is a ‘victim’ of the virus, his life may hang in the balance…. Bullshit !
Trump will emerge from this unaffected, full of vigour, with a ‘only had very mild symptoms & kept working the whole time’ narrative.
Cue, a non-ending vindication of his Covid stance & policies. Covid is no concern – all schools should be open – all businesses working – 2021 will be a great year for the USA – provided you leave me in charge, because I’m the best President ever, I’m so smart & so sucessful, I’m wonderful.
Half of America could drop dead, & it won’t affect Trump one bit. In fact, he would take credit for lower government spending & lower unemployment & crime rates – he’s that much of a Cunt.
Sure millions think he’s a cunt but he don’t give a shit. I love the whole show, he’s playing the woke like a huge sheet of bubble wrap, thousands of heads popping per second!
I LOVE TRUMP so I must say with regret, I do not support this CUNTING. The only thing I can think of that warrants a CUNTING is that he is the US President and not our PM (who is looking more and more useless each day). Sure Trump is obnoxious and boy does he love himself but I say FUCK IT! It’s not a personality contest and fuck me is he doing a GREAT JOB and even COVID can’t slow him down!
The God Emperor is going to walk out of Walter Reed and Kick Biden’s arse. Fuck I with we had a Trump rather than our chumps.
It has to be said politics and that aside he is a character /you ave to accept people for who they are in trumps case he might be lying or exaggerating or telling half truths with an unknown nobody knows
What will be will be(yes i rather did suspect albeit it was somewhat staged his covid condition it seems like its made up as they go along)
The only thing I wonder about Trump is if hes the messiah returned….
Go Donald!!????????
The Teflon don has many faults but his ability to send the Republican woke cunts Into apoplectic rage makes him a fucking star in my book .
Although undoubtedly a cunt I would take him Every time over BIden , Harris , soros, Blm , antifa and all those Hollywood fucktards!! Go tango man …..
Anyone who upsets the BBC to the point of head exploding madness is fine by me i’m afraid.
Mr President has set an excellent example. Everyone Covid positive and in quarantine should now go out sightseeing with a few employees – be a real morale boost for the poor cunts!
Agreed Ruff!?
Donnie Tango has set the bar!
Got covid? Dont just mope laying around feeling sorry for yourself!
Get out an about, go sightseeing, fresh air will help clear your lungs.
Just glad hes ok!?
It’s fine, his security team are hard as nails, a little bit of Covid isn’t going to stop the SS being the SS.
(Just in case you haven’t seen the add, it’s the one with the piss proof knickers)
Gotta love Donald, the Covid drive by was genius.
Love him or hate him he doesn’t take any shit and that’s what it’s all abaaaaht.
I don’t believe he is racist at all, he is so into himself that he doesn’t have time to be racist, sexist or anything else.
I’m like Trump in that I am so into myself and how good looking, successful I am and the fact I’m such a ladies man I hardly have time to think abaaaaaht anything else.
Go fuck yourselves.
This Government really is a pile of cunt.
Fancy letting all them daft cunts who downloaded the App go aaaht and abaaaaaht and infect others.
This really is a Corona ‘farce are us’ virus mess up.
Although sad people have died and are dying, you have to take your hat off to the cunt(s) who invented this virus… geniuses.
How to fuck the whole world up eh?
We’re both confident and hardly shy, Donald is a million miles infront of us!
When you think hes looking down at notes on the podium?..mirror!!?
He is indeed ahead of us MNC, I bet he’s tongued a few women’s arseholes. I actually reckon Vladimir has a video of Donald tonguing a slappers bumhole and that’s why they are ‘friends’ and Donald behaves himself when Vladimir is abaaaaaht.
It always comes back to being abaaaaht tongues in arseholes B&WC. You’re consistent if nothing else.
You never had an accident while being down there?
Ever got “more” than you bargained for? ?
Have they ever wanted to ahem “return the favour” ??
Evening HS, never had an accident down there mate, I only go for the ladies who know how to look after themselves. Had one dirty ex who loved tonguing my arsehole…the dirty slaaag.
I believe I read Paul Maskinback saying he had an ex who loved tonguing his bumhole as well.
I hope it wasn’t the same woman. ???
Yes he’s like a self-absorbed flower reflected in a limpid pool
Look at the 2 choices right now. Although he lies about everything Donald Trump still has the drive, stamina and wit of a man half his age. Joe Biden on the other hand looks like he’s already dead and forgotten to drop.
Lemme see…let’s say the guy is a fraud and a psychopath, but the drive, stamina and…excuse me, wit?…let him off any criticism?* Comforting, as you see the last remnants of healthcare for Joe Public disappear down the toilet.
You believe his self-congratulatory shit because it’s what he and his PR team are telling you incessantly. If your eight year old kid spun you the Trump line, you’d slap him round the ear** and tell him to grow up.
Mind you, the guy has the insane good luck denied to the original Messiah. He can blame everything that’s fucked about the US on Covid and take the credit for anything that isn’t. However briefly.
* Intentional upspeak.
** Still legal in most states, I believe. Make the most of it.
It appears the tickie fairy has been out again K. At 2:45am your comment had 3 tickies, but by 2:50am it had gained a further 16.
You are not the tickie fairy. Neither am I. But I know who is….
I find Biden equally unappealing as Trump.
What I find hard to understand, is people’s self congratulatory glee in choosing Trump.
If you’re offered a choice between a bowl of turds or a bowl of diarrhea to eat, I don’t understand why you would be happy about choosing either ?
Not-proud Trump voter here. It’s hard to tell them apart—never seen such useless candidates in my life. I guess I’ll vote Trump again over what led to him, but both candidates are utter piles. We fought you lot for less than this!
“ already dead but forgot to drop” lol
Biden looks like he needs a defibrillator not the autocue , how could anybody believe this senile fossil is physically or mentally fit enough to be POTUS Is beyond comprehension, the Ironically named Democrats are selling Biden as a safe pair of hands “ guide the ship to calmer waters” unfortunately this captains only able to stand at the wheel because some cunt tied him to it ….
Biden wins all the soros sponsored rioting will instantly stop as he will recall his BLM and Antifa stormtroopers,
It will be hailed a great success for democracy, instead of the biggest con job in American political history.
Fuck soros Fuck the democrats
If Trump has got Covid then as an overweight Man in his seventies it is a cause for concern – not just for health reasons but it might give the democranks a surprise victory.
They hate Trump with such insane zeal they would rather ruin the Country and destroy the worlds largest economy, dangerous fanatics who would be an utter disaster in charge – they are crazy enough in opposition.
If he doesn’t have Covid then it’s the perfect setting to appear in a few days like the risen christ and shout “we got an election to win”.
Either bad timing or genius tactics, but either way America, and the world, needs a Trump win.
Won’t have a word said against the Don. The Trumpmeister is everything our useless PM isnt, strong, straightforward and he does what he says. ALL HAIL THE TRUMP!
He’s over it now and doing better in ‘recovery’ that PedJoe Biden does when his Adrenochrome and amphetamine valves are tilting at their fullest to burst.
America has two choices. A shrewd businessman of dogged determination against being told no, who turned his country into the greatest ever economic success, and shut half the squabbling factions round the world up; or a senile liver-spotted near-octogenerian 47-year do-nothing career corruptionist, who farts and dribbles on stage and doesn’t care if the cameras are on when he’s feeling up young girls’ tits.
I’m interested in what the read (other than his own opinion) that Trump is a ‘shrewd businessman’ ?
During his life, he inherited $413 Million from his Fathers business empire. He has debts of over $421 Million that he is due to pay in the next 4 years.
It may also be thought ‘Shrewd’ to pay $500 income tax in a year, while sitting on a supposed $Billion empire, but I doubt most working Americans think so (& if they do, then they clearly aren’t too sharp!)
Average US Firefighter = $5,000/yr income tax
Average US Teacher = $7,400/yr income tax
Average US Nuse = $10,000/yr income tax
President Trump = $500/yr income tax ???
Lord of the Rings, you’re correct in just about everything you say. With his cavalier approach to the pandemc, Trump has turned the White House into the epicente of coronavirus in the States. Aides are catching it left right and centre. I don’t think his condition will affect the way people vote in the election, they will already have their own entrenched reasons for supporting him or opposing him.
I hope he beats bat flu and that Bidet cunt.
Anyone who causes such alarm with the chattering woke shitterati of Londistan and Twatter gets a gold medal from me.
Tip politics on his rotten head Donald.
It’s head FFS..
He went out to thank the people who showed up to wish him well. Meanwhile Joe is locked in his cellar to stop him speaking in public.
Side note: Destroyed my iphone and had to get old windows phone out of the drawer. It’s like breaking up with a hot bird and marrying some old slapper you met pissed in the local crack den.
Is that allegory or autobiography? ?
I don’t think the democrats want to win this election. Like labour, they love the constant whinging, finger wagging and criticisms, where they don’t have to even put up a coherent counter argument. Just bash away, leading the chorus of disapproval, safe from making any real contribution. Who the fuck would want to be in power now? Whatever happens, you are going to carry the can for any decisions, even if they are based on the best available data. Too harsh and you enrage civil libertarians, too soft and you’re the cunts that murdered a hundred thousand people.
Effective opposition would support sensible measures, or offer credible alternatives, instead of blaming everything on the government, like today, Hancock ( who is a cunt, notwithstanding) was getting the blame for the fuck up in the figures, like he was the one who stuffed the names down the back of his sofa. Politicians are all cunts.
According to the press he has had an experimental antibody drug, an antiviral and just for good measure dexamethasone, no wonder he is on cloud 9
Next step an injection of Jeyes fluid.
Draino® would be the more patriotic option. ?
I want him to win so I can watch the very fuckable Kayleigh McEnany tell Pelosi to go fuck herself.
4 more years ?
I agree with that comment such a lovely accent she s got!
Faaaccckkkiiiinnnn Ada!
Tangoman has Covid! So what? Why the fuck does that justify blanket wall to wall coverage on every single British, and probably world media outlet?
With the medical attention he’s getting he will almost certainly survive. It’d be unbelievable incompetence if he didn’t.
And if he doesn’t, pity, but some other cunt will take over. Either way it’s of fuck all significance to me.
Agreed but I still hope he wins as it’ll be the best for Britain.
Love the Don, any negative feelings anyone has for him, apart from actual socialists and commies is purely down to the shit stick he gets at the hand of the world’s media.
Sure he’s not perfect but I reckon he’s loads better than most of the cretins there and here that have carved a full time career out of politics
Hes beat covid.
He beat Hillary.
And he’ll beat creepy Joe.
He shrugs it off like its nothing.
Hes got it all, wit, cool hair, nice tan, the will to win, hes funny, charming, and a mans man.
The American people dont know how lucky they are to have him.
They need to build a statue of him or add him too mount Rushmore.
Mrs M is in for a wild night when big Don wins then Miserable? Have you got her a MAGA hat?
Evening LL, shes not as keen on Donald as me!
She doesnt see how great he is, blinkered to genius she is!
Been saying that for years…?
Baseball caps?
No, alright for the yanks but for a Englishman?
Common arent they?
Hang abaaaaaht…
This is the Donald’s 7th cunting for having Covid?
The Donald has survived Covid 7 times…what a man.
What the fuck is everyone worrying abaaaaaht then. ?
Go fuck yourselves
Just Trump in general I think B&W, apparently he is quite thin skinned which is probably why he is so mean to the snowflake pussies.
He never accepts a slur or criticism without responding LL.
I like that!?
Some one has a dig he comes back at them like a lovable Northumbria farmer we know!??
Black people are very thin-skinned it seems Miserable. Been reading about these ‘Safe Spaces’ for them. They are to avoid ‘the white gaze’. Do you gaze at black people? A furtive glance is enough for me
Evening Miles,
I dont meet many black people to be honest.
I treat them like anyone else, don’t stare,
Not that interested in them or anyone who isnt either family or paying me money really.
I live a very white life.??
Unlike America, I don’t think it’s blacks in this country who are clamouring for ‘safe spaces’. Instead it’s the white Sainsbury’s management in full virtue signalling mode who are the culprits in this instance. A cynical marketing ploy doomed to failure imo.
Lawrence Fox tweeted:
‘Dear @sainsburys I won’t be shopping in your supermarket ever again whilst you promote racial segregation and discrimination. I sincerely hope others join me.’
Sainsbury’s have gone well overboard appeasing BLM, an organisation who want to destroy capitalism and would like nothing better than to see Sainsbury’s go under.
Roll on apartheid if that’s what BLM and their useful white corporate idiots want. Call me old fashioned but I’ll stick with Martin Luther King and his dream.
Fox is right RT it will.mean segregation if we carry on like this. I mean in the statement from Sainsbury’s it said they had already created ‘safe spaces’ for ‘our black colleagues’. Presumably outside the door it said ‘No whites’ or ‘Blacks Only’. That is racial discrimination. Like in Birmingham Alabama in the 50s. Only the reverse.
Evening Miles.
The whole thing is mad though isn’t it? It would be like that Brillo headed old ballbag, Alan Sugar becoming PM, putting out fires over Russian election interference, paying off porn stars and waging war on the BBC. Only in America Mis.
Go Go Go The Donald. Love him. Tells it like it is, sticks two fingers up to the pc and left wanking cunts. Let’s have another 4 years of The Donald. That zombie, enemy of the state Biden should do the honourable thing and crawl back into his grave, the putrid old cunt.
Love The Donald. Created a great economy, and will do so again. Actually bringing back manufacturing jobs from Mexico. Can anyone imagine commie Obama or Hillary dong that? Giving the working man a decent job with a decent pay check at the end of it. Imagine the cunts we have in charge giving a shit about the working man? As one of the now expected 3 and half million unemployed, I would have 100% confidence in The Donald getting me a decent job and 0% on the useless cunts we have in charge. This country is fucked for the next 30 years, The Donald will have it better than ever in a years time. God help us all if Ghost Biden cheats his way to victory.
Trump says he’s created a great economy. Bigly greater than evil Obama…
Trump says ‘fake news’. Believe. Believe. Faith can move mountains (but…)
Trump says he’s brought back manufacturing jobs from Mexico.
https ://
Mexico recently passed China to become the largest, due in part to trade issues with China which have reduced the volume of US-China trade. To impose a tariff on all goods from our largest trading partner will cause significant cost increases and other harms to the economy.
Fake news! Fake Nooos! Hail the Dear Leader.
Good evening to my fellow cunters. A special “shout out” as the millennials (full stop) say to; Three Strokes…Smug Cunt…Miserable …Quislings…Steaming…B&WC…Vernon…Everyone…Cuntakinty…Woke…and Unkle Terry (and sincere apologies to anyone I may have missed).
Hope this post finds you all well. When we beat this Covid shit and they relax the travel restrictions…if any of you ever come to America I’d like to extend an invitation to you to come and visit the General at “the Villa” (as we call it.)
The Villa is located at the borders of Florida, Georgia, Alabama near the Gulf Coast or what we call the Redneck Riviera. It’s out in the country so we can go shooting at our leisure. We can barbeque and cook out. We can even just relax on the porch with a cigar and discuss the world’s cunts while enjoying a “wee dram.”
Providing of course that Trump wins.
If Trump loses…I’d like to send you the rest of you cunts…British members of the Democrat party, Guardian readers, BBC watchers and closet Corbynistas, masquerading as cunters…a one way ticket to Chicago…or Portland…or any other liberal utopia you so desire.
There you can see first hand the terrors the Demonrats have brought to our once great cities. But not to worry…the subhuman scum in those urban shitholes hate Trump too so you’ll feel right at home.
Warmest regards to some and piss off to the rest,
General Cuntster (Deceased)
PS Sorry to my old friend Ruff, but I hope that nurse gives you a Draino enema.
PPS As I don’t want to get banned…much love and hugs and kisses to Dio…Admin…DA…NA…Shaun and all the members of the ISAC team.
If they have pies and large chested ladies in America I am firing up The Black Pig for a visit – a Trump celebration party!
(Sir Fiddler has already claimed the First Class cabin and demanded six barrels of gin as apparently it keeps both the malaria and the working classes away! ?).
Pies and women in all varieties we have here in America as well as some boutique varieties of gin. So load up the Pig with cunters and come on over!
Evening General.
Sadly no Draino® enemas for me… unless our glorious leader Boris suggests it might be an idea worth considering… ?
Evening General C,
A kind offer and while id certainly enjoy whisky, american BBQ, shooting guns etc
Id find the temperature too hot for me,
And id get homesick for the glorious peak District and my beloved England within a day or two.
I wish the american people the best of luck at the forthcoming election and hope for a Trump win for alls sake.
Best of British from MNC
No worries MSN. I understanding being homesick. And it truth, during the summer it is…as the old saying goes…”hotter than a half fucked whore.”
Am I a cunt? Did I type MSN? Of course it should be MNC.
I don’t think I can blame this one on auto correct. Sorry. Must be Gremlins.
I didn’t really mean it anyway. You know you are always welcome here at the Villa. You and that nurse with the rack.
? ?
Thank you General, your kind invitation is reciprocated.
Creampuff Manor is usually a very unwelcoming place, but for you we would make an exception.
Btw, please don’t think that because I have certain reservations about Trump that I’m a Biden supporter. I assure you nothing could be further from the truth.
Nurse Rack sends her love. ❤️
Nighty night all.
Much like Creampuff Manor are very select about who we welcome at the Villa. We have signs posted that say:
Trespassers will be shot. Survivors will be shot again.
That should have read; Much like Creampuff Manor WE are very select about who we welcome at the Villa.
I’ll look up “the villa” I presume you left sufficient key words for a google.
Will check in under my nom de cunt so as to be appropriately catalogued. I’m keen on some water sports, snapping turtle tickling, alligator gar garrotting, catfish noodling, and bowfin bowfishing, any of that in them that parts?
Hey Three,
In your google search check out Lake Eufaula in Alabama. Fish and gators! Really big gators! And here by the Villa, local authorities pay bounties for gators.
I hope the big fellow recovers, gets a second term, and a hundred million fuckflake fannies explode all at once.
Viva Big Don!
Fuck Uncle Joe’s Mintballs Biden!
Invitation extended. ?
I was half expecting him to come out dressed like Apollo Creed in Rocky 4 in the hat and stars and stripes get up, to some fucking song like St Elmo’s fire or SNAP’s I’ve got the power.
The whole election and build up is a complete fucking circus.
Back in Britain and I feel like things are edging ever closer to V for Vendetta.?
I’m not sure if Tangoman winning is just delaying the inevitable. The libtards have such a hold on the media and education system that it’s only a matter of time before the globalists take over. Of course it won’t be the socialist utopia the useful idiots have been brainwashed into believing is going to happen……which is going to cause even more trouble. We are a number of years, not sure how many, behind them.
God Bless The Don
The disease that is the loony left cuntbubble can’t put the great man down
So this chinky bat sniffle has no fucking chance
link :
I see that Demonrat propaganda is a available in the U.K. too. Gee! If only we had someone like…oh….say…Boris…to guide us through the Evil of Flu Manchu.
We are not to worry about Covid, says Trump. Well, not if we can rely on getting the absolute maximum quality healthcare in the Presidential Suite at Walter Reed….and our worry quotient is further reduced by being high on the steroids we of course didn’t need because *gasp*…’scuse me…
Meanwhile poor people will be glad to know that their President has a bigly great plan for killing off the ACA, which sort of worked but was brought in by evil Obama, and bringing in an unspecified great bigly health insurance scheme which makes the longterm sick pay more than people who don’t get ill. IOW the status quo ante…
PS. Pay attention, now…