
Nomination for Cayde-6

Long time lurker and reader but I have never been incensed enough to put the proverbial pen to paper but this is just a sign of how bad things have got.

Apparently now, and I quote.

If you are white and own a dog, you are openly participating and advocating for cultural appropriation and colonialism. Reinforcing this culture is NOT acceptable and will come with its repercussions.

The mind boggles, is there anything white people can do that isn’t racist?

Well, I’m off to take my beloved eight year old dog to the pound so he can be culturally enriched.


ps. If you want to know more about Cayde-6 then here is its bio. Explains a lot.

Cayde is a father to two and a lifelong conservationist. When not committing time to the local zoo, Cayde spends his time creating and disseminating educational materials for local schools that help kids understand why protecting animals and LGBTQIA+ rights is so important.

Nominated by: Phat Cunt 

61 thoughts on “Cayde-6

  1. So One Man and His Dog was about racist imperialism and suppression of the true glory of the dreadfully downtrodden minorities was it?
    Fuck Off.
    Feed the cunt to a pack of Dobermans.

    • Rottweilers would be more be fitting a much harder bite force they can really chomp thru all his bones

  2. Father of two?. I bet they had to put his dick in a sling for that and put a Tom Daley mask on the “wife’s” face.

    If the posing pansies and pussy whipped feminists have their way white men will soon have to be chained up in a house of correction to prevent them doing anything, but they should be warned – one day they need engineers, plumbers, builders and all those other nasty men who say things they disapprove of. That cunt in the picture looks as if he spends most days playing the guitar (badly) and flower arranging.

  3. I’ve never heard of this cunt before now and I never want to again. For even more outrage when you click the link and have finished reading his New Age drivel about whitey and his dogs, click the “home” link and read the article about how male sea horses are challenging gender assumptions.

    The next time you encounter someone who opposes abortion, introduce them to this miscreant.

    This cunt should not be allowed to breed.

  4. Forgot to say Phat Cunt – a good nomination and welcome. I was forgetting my manners looking at that blokes perm or whatever it is.

  5. There’s also an article there about how Trump is trying to destroy all the wildlife, which I didn’t bother to read. This bloke is a fucking lunatic. This BLM shit has come along to replace his obsession with flying saucers or spiritualism or whatever other mental bollocks. Conservationist my fucking arse.
    Sounds like a queer who the social services have allowed to adopt some poor brats because he is woke. Cunt should be beaten to a pulp.

  6. Seconded. welcome Phat Cunt and what a great maiden cunting.

    This drongo writes that he commits time to the local zoo. Clearly he should be locked in with the chimps as he insufficiently civilised to socialise amongst his fellow (white) man.

    It would be amusing to read that the cunt was found dead, underpants ripped from his soy boy body and his ringpiece mashed to compote by a dozen sex-starved savage chimps.

    Piss off.

    • “It would be amusing to read that the cunt was found dead, underpants ripped from his soy boy body and his ringpiece mashed to compote by a dozen sex-starved savage chimps.”

      What beautiful prose Paul, fairly brought to tears I was, akin to…

      “I’ve seen things you people wouldn’t believe. Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion. I watched C-beams glitter in the dark near the Tannhäuser Gate. All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain. Time to die.”

  7. Good nom Phat cunt, that has truly boiled my piss early on a Saturday morning.

    For starters, the thick cunt needs to get his facts right. Whitey has been domesticating wolves for closer to 40,000 years. Our melanine enriched and cranially challenged cousins did what they always do and followed Whitey’s lead. All be it tens of thousands of years later.

    Dogs are quite intelligent and instantly recognise fear, weakness or ill intentions. Thats why they hate and will go for POC (his term, not mine) without any provocation or input from their master.

    If you think I’m giving up my housewolf to a bunch of backward savages to use for dog fighting you can fuck off. They treat their animals atrociously, don’t (can’t) train them and only want fighting or guarding breeds to look hard. Its also way too much responsibilty for them to correctly look after Canis Lupus Familiaris in any case. Considering they can’t even look after themselves without Whitey’s magic welfare money tree.

    Cayde-6 can go and fuck himself with a pineapple, the stupid, Nwerd appeasing cunt.

  8. I’d like one of the inmates of a secure unit to “tickle” this cunt’s arsehole with a wire brush drill bit.
    Where tf do these thoughts come from?

  9. Who?Never heard of it.Shove it in your oven please Unkle Terry gas mark 6 for a few hours.Twat.

    • Good nom Phat Cunt.
      I agree with Cayde-6.
      Im a terrible racist.
      And believe me Ive tried to hand over my huge akita to not just black people but asian, chinky,even gyppo!
      With a “go on” and flick off the lead this heavily muscled, large of fang, bearlike dog goes towards them,
      But they either run or shift out of the way!!
      Maybe its like the sword in the stone?
      Maybe they arent worthy?
      But ill keep trying.

      • Well it didnt get any ideas off me Cuntymort!
        Im known as a figurehead of diversity!!

        One love!✊

      • Used to have a west Highland terror that barked like fuck at the TV every time a c0on came on telly….miss that dog, *sniff*

    • Just had a quick look at the twatter account and there is no doubt that this bloke is barking mad.

      • Very aptly phrased that he should be called after a small town in dagenham.yes completely fucking barking says it all

    • That’s interesting because after I read the cunting I googled him. I first got some wiki page about some character of the same name in an on line game called Destiny. I also found something about a voice over actor named Nolan Smith who apparently voices said character.

      I never looked at the Twatter page only the link provided so I assumed the subject of the cunting was writing under some “alias” or nom de guerre like the Sir Maejor Pate cunt I wrote about on the BLM page.

      While I don’t like being duped…I’m quite content to know that this cunt doesn’t actually exist.

  10. I see he’s managed to attract the attention of 3 people, who clearly think he’s a cunt, with around 10,000 people supporting them. I wonder how he managed to have kids, I dread to think what his ‘wife’ looks like.

    • I dont think hes serious.
      I think this is tongue in cheek, hes sending up the snowflakes and race warriors.

      • I was initially inclined to agree with you but looking at his twatter account reveals multiple bizarre entries over a sustained period. Ten years ago any posts such as his would be seen as jokes but nowadays there is so much weirdness that it is difficult to distinguish between the jokers and the deranged l

      • @Quizz,

        I didn’t look at Twitter but I did look at the website and noticed some similar things. There are multiple articles, a donation page and even a “tour” you can participate in for a price.

        Still, I’m now strongly in favor of parody….but I could be wrong.

      • You’re right General. The United Wildlife Union site is clearly a very clever spoof, taking the piss out of SJWs while at the same time suckering Woke cunts into parting with cash that would otherwise find its way into the coffers of XR, BLM etc. Fucking genius!

        As Cuntstable Cuntbubble wrote in the previous nom:

        “It’s a pisstake. Surprised Titania McGrath isnt a columnist. Transgender rights for seahorses was a bit of a clue.”

        Check out some of the other hilarious articles:


      • Agreed Ruff.

        You know the old saying:

        Make a fool out of me once…shame on you. Make a fool out of me twice…and I’m a dumb fucking cunt.

  11. My Seffrican staffie was a racist fucker. Never gave a kaffir an even break. I was so proud of him.

    • All our dogs CC.
      Didnt try to influence them or train them,
      Picked it up for themselves!!
      Gotta love em!
      The furry, panting 4legged nazis!

  12. By the way. I think Cayde is married to Titania McGrath. This is a pretty good wind up since twatter has suspended her for disrespecting cunts.

  13. The military should honour this cultural hero by naming the discovery of the next most powerful nerve agent after him.

    • Once you read the UWU articles with that thought in mind it can’t be anything other than a piss take. But Woke cunts would never twig cos they have zero sense of humour.

    Is it April 1st already?
    I am so far beyond bewildered by this. The end of days is truly nigh.
    What a massive CUNT!

  15. Send the cunt to Africa or the Middle East to peddle his gay shite to the locals.

    I’m sure his cries of ‘I’m on your side’ will help him as he’s called a dirty white devil and sodomite, as he’s beaten and then thrown off a ten storey building.

    Fucking traitors like this piss me off. There will be a reckoning for cunts like this one day.

  16. Oops I should’ve read the fucking article it seems as it’s a wind up.

    Still, not always easy to tell nowadays. Real ones include ‘white babies are evil racists’, ‘diversity is our strength’, ‘blacks commit more crime because of white racists’ and ‘you can identify as anything you want and everyone has to join in in your fantasy’.

    • Rashford did well, after getting his mum to write to Bojo about feeding all the kids because the parents were irresponsible enough to have them without budgeting for the food, OBE kerching ?

      • Sir David Attenbore now becomes Sir Sir David Attenbore.

        His neighbours call him David “two knighthoods” Attenborough.

      • He is involved in some bollocks with Wills to award prizes for eco stuff. Like a Nobel Prize for eco warriors.

        I am working on my submission at the moment, just doing the calculations on eco friendly extermination of Africa, but with animal conservation in mind.

  17. What can you say, I have no counter arguement. I have 2 dogs which makes me a grand wizard in the KKK. Oh well and I didnt realise so i must be a total cunt for reading this bollocks…… have a good Covid free weekend.

  18. Seriously I thing this cretin is actually mentally ill.

    Just seen an article of his entitled

    ‘Why Seahorses are breaking Gender Stereotypes’

    Send in the men with white coats. Oh hang on ‘send in the people with white coats’

  19. Has this freak ever been to Eastern and Western Eurasia? Where exactly does he think white people come from?

  20. Peacefuls are terrified of dogs.
    Big Mo the 9 year old girl slayer was particularly afraid of dogs.
    All the more reason for every white man to own one.

  21. “…. help kids understand why protecting animals and LGBTQIA+ rights is so important”

    does this mean that animals = LGBT ?

  22. I’m extremely sorry and have no wish to question this cunt’s veracity, but…a hoax, surely?

    If it’s serious we have no choice but to classify it as a lying, self-hating caucasian, and to the oven with it.

    Can it be serious? Who are these Eurasians? One definition, from the Raj (colonialism alert!) is ‘Anglo-Indian’, IOW mixed-race. Two Aryan groups mixed, if you are a fan of Mr. Goebbels… Alternatively, inhabitants of the Central Asian ‘Stans…ethnically everything from Turkic Mongols through Slavs and, yes, Caucasians again. Do they regard themselves as Persons of Colour? I rather doubt it. Some are as white as I am.

    Did they uniquely domesticate dogs? Whoops, Cayde. No, according to recent work, and European dogs may well have predated any others:

    …dogs would hunt and fetch firewood for humans.

    Fetch firewood? FETCH FIREWOOD??? Granted, they’re very good at chasing sticks, but I really would like to see Cayde-6* on a cold night in the treeless Central Asian steppe waiting for his faithful pooch to arrive back with the old kiln-dried split logs for his woodburner.

    Hoax. Got to be.

    *Rhymes appropriately with ‘pricks’

    • Not so much a hoax, more a parody spoof – a quality satire in the spirit of the Henry Root letters, or more recently Titania McGrath. I find it hard to believe anyone (apart from an earnest woke idiot) would not appreciate that after close reading.

      • Yes – the seahorses one is a dead giveaway!

        Going back to the ‘dogs’ article, the final line is a classic:

        “If you are white and own a canine, please consider donating them to a local POC family or non kill shelter so it can truly find the perfect home.”


      • Well I agree with him. I’ve got a cat and she’s black, so I’m PC.
        The bloke’s just having a laugh.

      • PS: there are too many LOL moments in this Trump article to count….

        …. but here’s a couple:

        ‘The President lashed out at kangaroos earlier this year with not supporting or aiding with the bushfires in Australia. He only offered his “love”, and if we know one thing about Trump, it’s that he has none.

        ‘When similar fires occurred in California, he was noticeably more concerned and distraught, which is most likely because there are no kangaroos in California.’


        ‘Trump is obviously insecure about his weak relationship with Melania, and will stop at nothing to take out his frustration on penguins.’

        The header photo of Trump with the beagle says it all.

  23. Oh for fucks sakes. He looks like another cunt, so hungry for recognition he’d do anything to get noticed. He needs to get a business class ride back to soyland and fuck off out of it. Fucking woke pricks just need to be extinct. Cunts.

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