Andy Burnham [6]

Emergency cunting for this immensely irritating cunt who acts as if he’s the one elected Prime Minister. And for the BBC for giving this cunt the oxygen of publicity.

Barely been off our screens since that appearance on Question Time last week. Oh wait a minute , guess where the Regional BBC HQ is…. Manchester!!

It is of course entirely coincidental that the Manchester Mayoral Election is in May 2021.

Nominated by: Isaac Hunt

31 thoughts on “Andy Burnham [6]

  1. Wannabe Suckdick Khunt in a city he hopes will be a wannabe Londonstabistan. Sick and tired of him and that Liverpool cunt spouting their commie bullshit.
    All very reminiscent of big American cities run by Democrats where the coppers are demonised and undermined while rioters and looters are turned out the next morning with no charges.
    Cunts like Burnham and that Scouse bastard have read the commie playbook and are being ably assisted by the BBC and the MSM. We live in dangerous times my friends.

  2. So this man is a cunt for standing up against an even bigger cunt?

    As a good rule of measure; all MP’s are cunts. However, being bias from Manchester, its getting tedious watching the fuckarobic shit show from No. 10 rolling the dice with people’s lives. (conveniently, Bojo never shits in his own back garden)

    I’m not even talking about COVID, but self employed and service industry, fuck it, let’s just say the UK economy.

    Bojo thinks he can give me a tenner off a curry back in August and expect me to take it up the arse later. Nah, it would take much more than £10 from that fuck-knuckle to let him bum me as a favour for a cheap Indian.

    I don’t know what the answers are, but the enemy of my enemy is my friend. And on that basis I have to disagree. (I am pretty sure this same logic dictates why the BBC gave him air time)

    This entire shit show is just that. Even without my 3 years of medical research I could piece together the main vectors for a communicable virus… Children and drunk people.

    Children under 11 exempt from a mask… Well what’s the point in all the rest of this bollocks? Sorry, off tangent. Maybe kids should get a nominated cunting. (throw the parents in with it as well, and the kitchen sink)

    • The pubs and restaurants had been open since July, but cases only started to rise dramatically in mid September, after the schools went back. It was unlikely that children could catch or transmit the virus they said. That would be a first, the sickliest cunts I know are parents, as their germ bag kids bring home every case of coughs and cold and shits. They are also saying that the virus can last for ten days on items such as money and mobile phones, yet not on children? Does anyone believe the wank they come out with anymore? Get back to fucking work.

  3. I seriously wonder if Bambi Burnham is making a covert bid for the Labour leadership when Starmer falls on his flabby arse?

    If so, all power to him. I can’t wait to see the smug smirk of the Dame wiped off his greasy flabby face.

  4. Born in Liverpool and running Manchester ? In a way I suppose he has bettered himself. Ex ‘Culture Secretary’ has probably stood him in good stead for his current job.

  5. Good Morning

    Why are we giving this makeup wearing cunt aittime? 5 minutes ago I heard him on Wireless 4 being interviewed yet again about BatFlu precautions. Do we really have to listen to this bloody man , the man who as Secretary of State for Health, gave us the horrors mid-Staffs General Hospital, pontificating about health matters? A period of silence from him would be welcomed.

  6. In the nom photo, he has exactly the same facial expression as the blow up dolls, that Del Boy was selling.
    Maybe a blow up doll for gays, based on Kevin Spacey?

  7. He is typical of the ‘little tin gods’ and thinks he has more power than he has in reality.
    A made up fucking job of Metro Mayor covering greater Manchester, so each town with have a mayor and he sits on top, who actually asked for a metro mayor. Just another layer of bullshit.
    The stupid Manc cunts are infected and this silly cunt needs to look around and see what is going on around Europe, it’s not a lockdown they just want to close pubs.
    There was a umbongo Labour MP on the box the other day Belle something and said we should do what NZ are doing, so Jo Co asked her you mean close the borders, ‘errr well no’ …. well you cunt that’s what they have done.
    I had a look at some Covid data on ethnicity and between June and the end of August on positive tests and just looking at Asian v White it was 19000 : 37000, so you can bet the numbers in northern towns are being driven by the Stanleys, maybe a cull of the stinking cunts would work ?

    Breaking news!!! Lancashire is going into Tier 3!!!

  8. Another Little Labour maggot making out he’s the saviour of Manchester.

    Let’s not forget the role this cock sucker played in the Tony Blair government. This cunt was complicite with all of Tony Blair’s policies including mass EU & Non EU immigration and the illegal wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and not to mention his own disastrous tenure as health secretary.

    Burnham has done more than his fair share to fuck this country and for that reason I hope one day he is put on trial alongside Brown and Blair to answer for his crimes against the British people.
    Scouse CUNT!

  9. Beaten by Jeremy Corbyn in the labour leadership election.

    Mancunians elected a man to be mayor who couldn’t convince Labour Party members he was a better prospect than Corbyn.

  10. I agree with cunt executive officer. I’m not from Manchester but all I see in that speech is a mayor standing up for the people of the city he governs. And quite frankly, I think he’s right.

  11. I always thought a mayor was some pointless fat cunt with a biscuit selection necklace that just cut ribbons to open another lidls. He’s opposing the lockdown, but doesn’t quite have to balls or conviction to oppose the general clusterfuck action.
    Could have been a shining light, but he’s too shit.

  12. Back to Tracy Island commie Burnham.
    If I thought he was doing this for any reason except bolstering his re-election I would support this failed MP.
    But he isn’t.

  13. When working in the shop I have noticed children are wearing masks. Not all children but better than none at all.
    I saw a young fella dressed as spiderman. All we need now batman and superman and wonder woman. I think we’ll be alright.

    • children do not have to wear masks in england – why are they and their parents insisting on this – are they mad? or are they cunts?

  14. Andy Burnham is a cunt. He is Britain’s representative in Metropolis – an organisation setting up the Smart Cities nonsense – again, another dictatorial establishment were people will have no say in the lives unless they ‘obey’ their masters. Burnham has never been bright or intelligent and even his current stand against the cabal is nonsense – he wants more money to establish his goals – he is not interested in us being FREE. A cunt of the highest order

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