You Boomers had it so easy!

I am just recovering from an onslaught of snowflake / millennial envy.

We had some young relatives over and the talk got around to getting a job and buying a house. Apparently,  in my youth you could walk into any job and houses were dirt cheap.

Well, I don’t remember it that way at all. In the mid 70s I tramped in and out of employment agencies in central London looking for work. I recall plain as day that when I said I wasn’t interested in one particular job the consultant gave me a lecture about 3 million being unemployed.  Then when I did secure a modest post no way could I afford even a flat share in the city. Instead I commuted at a cost of £1K a year on a salary of less than £3K. Mortgage? In Herts? You are joking.

They were bloody hard to get then, there were the high street banks who were as tight as a drum or a few building societies who wanted you to save with them for years first.  When eventually I did buy a flat at 26 we had to move miles away where property was cheaper. Will they listen? Will they hell.

Now I am not saying that today’s youngsters have it easy.  And George Osborne made it harder by placing the burden of debt on Joe Public rather than the greedy, grasping fecking banks and doing away with 100% or even 95% deals and introducing “affordability” criteria. Most youngsters who pay rent could afford to buy if they didn’t need to find £20-30K deposit.

Even so this generation has no interest in saving at all. Get it spend it. I say to them put away £200 a month and in a year you have £2.5K. Don’t go abroad for holidays (dumping £1.5K in Ibiza) don’t order takeaways or eat out, buy a few less designer clothes and you can double that. They look at me with disgust. What?  Go without all my luxuries for a few years? To buy a house? Never. OK,  interest rates are crap now but what good was 15% pa when inflation was raging?

They laugh at property prices in the 80s but I try to tell them £30K was a LOT of money when you only earned a fraction of it. I don’t think maths is their strong point.

Nope, they are convinced. We had it easy. They’ve got it tough. All our fault. We ruined it for them.

What a bunch of entitled whingers!

Nominated by: Lord Helpuss

(Hmm. Take away their phones, tablets and computers for a week, and see how they cope the way we had to! – DA)

65 thoughts on “You Boomers had it so easy!

  1. Of course they are encouraged to think like that by the stinking, lying politicians. Much easier to blame old cunts than take the blame themselves and be expected to do something about it.
    High house prices are down to cheap labour immos occupying public housing and rich foreigners parking their dirty money. Both the responsibility of politicians making fortunes for themselves and their rich mates.

  2. I was unaware everything in the World was my fault.
    Luckily Owen Jones and the BBC showed me where I was going wrong.

    • Beyond that Vern I was unaware that the mere fact that I exist perpetuates all that is wrong in the world.

      BLM taught me that.

      • Every day is an education GC!
        I didn’t know how awful I was until BLM started rioting, looting and burning to take the moral high ground and make me feel so ashamed of my blatant whiteness!

  3. These people have been convinced they are victims in the ongoing and insidious conversion of everyone to victimhood, each subset of victims convinced the other subsets are their enemies.

    The young set on their parents, black set on white and then of course white people react because it gives us all the hump to be accused of heinous crimes when we have done no such thing. LBGT convinced they are oppressed when in fact they can march down the street dressed in BDSM gear with the whole country meant to wave rainbow flags and try and at leas feel a bit gay for the day.

    Young people today have options I sure as hell never had when starting out. The only way I was ever going to get into university was after midnight with a jemmy. The youth of today has access to information we never even dreamed of and they can access it in the comfort of their own beds using devices that cost more than my parents earned in a year.

    Black people in western countries live better than their brothers and sisters in Africa can dream of and yet they have been convinced they are oppressed.

    We had it hard for sure but then my stepfather and his father before him fought in the world wars, being on a YTS dead end scheme is not comparable to being in a trench with bullets and shells flying at you or in my grandfathers case being a victim of mustard gas and losing both legs for your trouble.

    Youth are easily convinced of their victimhood, convinced by lying politicians who want them to believe their only chance of salvation is to vote for them, the very same people who created the illusion to begin with. The plan was always division through diversity, the most damaging division of all is the attack on the family. Family is the most valuable thing we have and the one buffer against the overpowering state. Destroy the family as the basis of our civilisation and you have destroyed the very thing people will actually fight for above all else.

    This is evil incarnate.

  4. Walk to school or get the bus, no central heating, no double glazing, outside bog, no telephone ☎️ (Well this one down the street), no bathroom! Yep it was easy.
    Starting work was a pain, the only job I could get was 3 bus journeys and it cost me half my wage just to get there and back, before I got work after leaving school I signed on because while I was at school I worked weekends at a bakery (from memory £6 on the dole) My first job paid me just under £14 so after travelling I was only about £1 better off than the dole.


  5. The thing is, house and flat prices are rediculous and unaffordable in most cases.
    When I bought my first place in the early ’80’s, it cost a small fortune was a khazie and I had to spend a great deal if time and money putting it right, but that was normal back then and wages weren’t great in my line of business.
    We had to save and I did full time a job and freelanced just to get a two grand deposit plus legal fees. May seem peanuts now but wasn’t back then
    Nowdays people expect to walk into a show home and not do anything all.
    By the way, not sure what the timeline for “Boomers” is supposed to be. I always thought it was the generation born at the end of WW2 but now seems to encompass decades up to even the 70’s

    • I didn’t use the word boomers in my nom it was added by admin.

      I too thought boomers were the post-war generation.

      But, no matter, if you are 45+ you are regarded as the gilded generation who had it so easy.

      Bullshit we know but it is always easier to blame someone else for your own ineptitude or indolence. You deal with the hand you are given and don’t bleat on about it like a flock of fecking sheep. Baaaaa

    • Just as a reference point:

      The Depression Era. Born: 1912-1921. …
      World War II. Born: 1922 to 1927. …
      Post-War Cohort. Born: 1928-1945. …
      Boomers I or The Baby Boomers. Born: 1946-1954. …
      Boomers II or Generation Jones. Born: 1955-1965. …
      Generation X. Born: 1966-1976. …
      Generation Y, Echo Boomers or Millenniums. Born: 1977-1994. …
      Generation Z. Born: 1995-2012.

      Myself being a millennicunt (1985), I am right bloody sick of being blamed as “fucking lazy millennials”. Every generation has its lazy useless percentage, as well with the proper functionality fucksticks. It’s called the “baby boomer” generation as there was the greatest prosperity, on average, since the wars. More people had means to have more crotch droppings than the decades prior, that was possible with the vast majority having one parent (usually dad) working and one (usually mom) as homemaker, que The Stones ‘mother’s little helper’ as a fairly accurate summation for that time frame. Those crotch droppings then created the cluster fuck of the 70’s and the wonton excesses of the 80’s and their mindset of gimme everything and trash what I can’t/don’t use like greedy coked out fucking toddlers destroying the environment and shit. Just look at the evolution of cars, petrol hogging standards quickly giving way to extremely efficient Japanese models, holes in the ozone, clear-cut old growth forests, pollution thick as gravy, mass produced shite quality everything, stagnation of laborers monetary compensations, untenable inflation, predatory banking loans, financial institutions and governmental agents never being held accountable or punished for misdeeds and/or illegal activities, rampant moral ambiguity, and toxic products flooded the world’s markets.
      So, no it’s not any one individual’s doing, but the cumulative lot of trash fucking people. It is the responsibility of all generations to leave the world better off than they were born into. These are basic fundamental tenets children are taught in the first years of their schooling, taking responsibility for wrongdoings. Simply because one did not participate in the action does not negate one’s inaction in response to the action and definitely doesn’t exempt or excuse one’s noninterventions. Likely one would stop some cunt beating a child/animal/spouse/pentioner if one was witness. Just because one was the cockface driving the getaway vehicle still makes the twat waffle guilty of the robbery.
      One bad apple spoils the whole bushel, and the properly fucked bushel is resultant of the largest cunty population increase in history. Stop crying like little bitches that “it’s not MY fault, I had it so much harder than you lot of spoiled snowflake cunts!!” and realize it’s a generalized populous of megalomaniac cunts at fault.

      • As someone born in 1969 and a bit more experience of the decades of life than you I do not recognise any of the comments you made. Yes property prices v wages are worse now than in the past. However when I was 20 I did not have a car, foreign holidays or fancy clothes etc as I was like most of my generation savings everything I could to be able to get on the housing ladder, and I do not remember having as much waste as now, no take-aways nothing chucked just because something else has come along, you could not live that way full stop. The difference between today and the 1980/90s is the there is no patience or ability to defer gratification in the 20 somethings of today. This has to be the most right on but pain in the arse hypocritical generation every born, University education doesnt seem to inoculate stupidity indeed it seems to make matters worse in what I have seen.

  6. Takeaway food or eating out the norm rather than the exception, £3.50 for a coffee several times a day, foreign holidays twice a year, and must have a new car. The cunts have mo concept of saving, as it doesn’t make great Instagram posts, and they want my sympathy? Suck my crusty wank sock.

  7. The posts are getting dangerously close to the ‘four Yorkshiremen’ sketch.

    Aye we suffered but we were ‘appy.

    • I agree with suffered but we weren’t bloody happy ?

      My comparison between now and when I was a lad is that today we are in full technicolor, back then we were in black and white, but that was ‘up north’ maybe there was a tinge of colour further south.

  8. There really is a lot to say on this subject. I will concede that each generation faces it’s own set of challenges. But these whiney millennial cunts really do frost my ass (as my Dad used to say).

    Speaking of my Dad, when I was younger (in my teens), if I started whining about how bad I had it, he would “full stop” my ass with a backhand to the mouth.

    As a consequence, when I grew out of my teenage years I didn’t do a lot of whining.

  9. We all know millennials and Gen Zs would be well and truly fucked if they were without internet access to their precious social media sites for more than a couple of minutes!

    I have seen it many times when Facebook went offline for some odd reason, there would be a sudden surge of Twatter traffic with “I can’t logon to Facebook. My life is so over!” posts from these cunts.

    Moreover, hide their TV remote controls, making them walk to the TV; or remove the microwave,…in fact just disable any labour-saving device for 24 hours and see how they cope!

    As for house prices – they should be lucky interest rates weren’t at 1980s levels of 13-17% on average, compared to single digit interest rates since the turn of the millennium.

    But of course none of that is important to these entitled cunts. Always someone else to blame, is their motto.

    Fuck them!

    • How about this Smug,

      In the US we had a compulsory military draft when I was kid. It ended, along with the Vietnam War a few months before I graduated from High School.

      Up until that time being drafted and sent to fight in Vietnam was a very real possibility for every teen aged boy. And there weren’t no safe spaces in the Nam.

      • Just out of interest, General, I take it teenaged girls weren’t drafted back then?

        If not then that’s clearly blatant sexism. I wonder if the entitled bints today would like the draft returned for both sexes in the name of equality?

      • No Techno, women were not drafted. They could enlist. But they were nurses and office clerks and were prohibited by law from combat duty.

        All males had to go down to the Post Office and register. Then there was a lottery drawing by birthdate.

        If you got a low number in the draft, rather than be drafted, the best thing to do was to enlist in the Air Force or the Navy…if they had an opening. Back then they easily met their recruiting quotas (because no one wanted to be a Grunt) and were quite selective about who they took.

        Of course the best gig was the National Guard. That was stateside duty guarding gold courses or planting flowers in a National Park. That option was usually available only to professional athletes, politicians sons or someone who had clout.

      • Democratic Presidential candidate Joe Biden dodged the draft three times claiming to have asthma. Despite being a semi pro sportsman at the time. No rich white kids drafted here Sir!
        I refer you to the words of Jon Fogerty in the track “Fortunate Son” – it absolutely nails it.

      • My parents were living in the US at the time. I used to go home for holidays from my traditional (ie Victorian) English boarding school. The last time I did this I had just been expelled from my traditional etc, and it transpired that as we were resident aliens or something, I’d be liable for the draft if I didn’t fuck off back to Blighty sharpish. So I did. Phew.

        Joined our own Forces a year later. What a cunt? No. The making of me, such as I am.

  10. When I was young I enjoyed being in my grandfather’s company and listening to him talk about the old days. Sometimes quite stirring stuff, particularly liked it when he’d recite the old, “We’ll fight them on the beaches” type stuff.
    Lovely man, terrible deckchair attendant….

    • Young people know everything.
      Sorry, young people know nothing.
      No gratitude, no pride in their country, no sense of history, youths wasted on the little bastards.
      Theyll inherite the world,
      But dont deserve too,
      Its a shame we cant leave it to someone else,
      The little pansies will fuck it up worse than it already is, glad I’ll be dead and dont have to witness the bullshit they come up with!
      They like shit music, shit politics, are mardarses,
      And not fit to wipe our forefathers arses.
      Little bastards.

      • Morning Miserable, your lad isn’t going to carry on the ‘Miserable Removals’ dynasty then? Are you still in Dick’s good books to inherit Fiddler Towers and the vast land holdings and turn it into Britain’s finest nudist camp?

      • Aye LL, Dick said im the only one worthy of Fiddler Towers.
        Said it needs a firm hand, and a black heart, he’d be crestfallen if he knew I was planning a cycle track in ‘top field’.
        My lad?
        No, he’s been that ‘university’!
        Ruined him!?
        He works testing blood and hair samples in a lab (forensics) but I tell everyone “he does something with hair”
        Like hes a hairdresser!!??

  11. Well I for one couldn’t give a fuck if they spend their entire lives with their heads up their arses.
    The mobile social media generation largely appear to have no backbone at all.
    Tough shit.
    Life is hard.
    Now Fuck Off.

  12. I was in a pub in the garden recently getting slowly smashed on wife beater (Stella Artois which isn’t as strong as it used to be) and on the table nearby were a bunch of snowflakey cunts all talking about how bad their summer was and holidays cancelled, blah blah blah.

    Having to listen to their bitch whining about how they didn’t have to sit their exams but got better grades than they expected and every single university they applied to gave them unconditional offers.

    Then two of the group started complaining that they didn’t have enough money to buy the latest iMac and apple phone they wanted and daddy has already said they will need to find a PT job. One of the bints in the group then piped up and started ranting about how hard it is (innit) and how the government should just be handing out money to the stupid cunts to buy all the fucking make up superdrug sells and clothes then can carry from primark cos it’s like – derrrr I need a new wardrobe for Uni but like also what’s the point cos we can’t have proper parties and derrr I feel so neglected and derrrr it’s like so not fair.

    So you can picture the scene – I am getting slowly more drunk, drowning my sorrows with some friends having to listen to this drizzle from afar – nearly threw my empty glass at the group while telling them to fucking grow up, get a pair and a few facts of life!

    I ain’t that old but fuck me did I have to work hard for what I’ve got!

    • Am amazed those entitled cunts were actually talking to each other!!

      I thought they’d lost the art of proper conversation with the advent of the smartphone. Go to a pub or restaurant these days and they’re all gawping at their phones, probably texting each other rather than speaking.

      • Actually what was amusing was watching the females (mainly cheap bints – mutton dressed as lamb) holding up their phones pouting into them – no doubt pathtic instacrap, facecunt or TikTokSuckCock shite…

  13. The cost of domestic capital has gone to zero (or below) due to globalisation/neoliberlism/neoclassical economics; all lies – all of it. Deregulated banks have the ability and will to furnish the credit/debt into a property market that demands it (80% of book and counting) regardless of the consequences, since there are none, apparently. And there you have it, debt saturation on Planet Ponzi, no market mechanisms just a Flabbot to tilt every scale. As a bonus, if you are one of the 0.00000001% you get to buy everything and set the rubes against each other. Fun times.

  14. Give me a fucking break. You all talk like you were hard done by having to use an outdoor toilet and walking to school every day, as if it were comparable to being a child Victorian chimney sweeper or modern day sulphur miner.

    “Whiny, narcissistic, with a simple philosophy.. Give me that, it’s mine!” – Carlin

    The boomers are the most spoilt and indulgent generation in the history of mankind, whilst simultaneously allowing the country to go to shit on their watch. Our politics, our economy, our education system, our culture, our religion, our demographics, our housing.. all fucked up on their watch whilst they spunked all the built up economic, moral and cultural capital on cheap Chinese crap and alcohol (trash materialism).

    Sorry, but the whinging and narcissism we see in younger folk today is a direct result of the boomers indulgent behaviour. Whether the younger folk were born like this or nurtured like this, it still all falls squarely at the boomers feet.

    Don’t get me started on housing and mortgages.

    • And I was thinking “what a great nom this is” until I read this garbage. This is a rehash of a comment fairly recently but unfortunately I don’t recall where.

      • Sums up the boomers perfectly. Happy to cunt everyone except yourself. No one is untouchable from being cunted, get some humility.

      • Growing up as a baby boomer was boomtastic!
        Not enough food on your plate, waking up on a Winter’s morning with an inch of frost on your bedroom window and fuckin’ useless schools to attend.
        Many baby boomers grew up in difficult conditions. The answer only lay with one person – yourself. And this is why so many have gone on to make comfortable lives for themselves. The answer does not and never will be to blame parents or generations before you.

      • And this doesn’t make you special mate. Half the fucking world lives in poverty, well beyond anything we experience on these isles post-Victorian era.

        All you lot, including my own boomer parents, ever bring it back to is comparing technology and comforts. Born out of nothing but jealousy, it’s pathetic.

        Trying to hold that against young people is ridiculous, especially when you’ve made it exponentially more difficult for your own children to get ahead.

        We have more choice, yes, we’re spoilt with that. But options? No, not when all the factors I mentioned have been fudged, in particular housing and jobs.

      • Please tell me your poor parents don’t have to spend time with you if there’s a Christmas lockdown! Make an effort. You might even get back as a beneficiary on the will. What’s that you say?” Inherited wealth is evil?
        Not quite as bad as the State giving you everything.

      • Hahaha, Big Chunky Cunt@
        You seem to think Bertie is a ‘Boomer’?
        Hes a victorian! Completely different.
        I havent seen any evidence of your generations greatness?
        Seem thin skinned, bit hysterical if anything,
        Cant blame us if the controller on your nintendo broke!

      • All I can see of the boomers greatness was some music and counterculture art, at the cost of their parents morals and culture. Greatness.

        I’m happy to cunt myself and my cohort, but you lot are just regurgitating media talking points that are bonded with silent self-aggrandizement.

        All I did was draw attention to the hypocrisy and lack of self-awareness that boomers seem to embody.

      • I actually agree, to a point, with Chunky…. it’s all very well saying “You’ve got to make your own opportunities” but it’s difficult to make a silk purse out of a sow’s ear.
        I really do think that the younger generation have been handed a crock of shit…and we,the older generation,have allowed that crock of shit to come about on our watch.

    • Thanks for the compliment says this 60 year old cunt.

      Boy, this is a forum for cunting, not whining. Ah well, no “boomer” taught you the difference I suppose.

    • You surely just sir.

      If you want to call us “boomers” that’s fine.

      But we never said we had it HARDER than our parents. We knew we had it easier than them.

      The point is THIS current Gen Z say they have it HARDER than we did.

      They are WHINGERS!!!

  15. Babyboomers are cunts. I know I am.

    We need a generation that:-
    Is scared of full stops.
    Gets PTSD from Facefuck or whatever social meejah bollocks.
    Needs safe spaces and Trigger warnings.
    Can no- platform any opposing view, especially when it can be interpreted as racism,trannyphobia or mis-gendering. On the flimsiest of pretexts, such as biology. Or facts of any kind.
    Has an infinite choice of half baked uni courses.
    Has exam standards that are fucking meaningless with university guaranteed however dim.
    Has no work ethic whatsoever.
    Is totally Ignorant of music, history and politics.
    Are entitled.

    What an inspiring generation.

  16. I grew up in the era when teachers beat the kids up, not the other way round. And you had to walk down the road to make a phone call in all weathers. Fucking soft cunts

    • I’m an old cunt and was never given anything, These entitled cunts saying ‘I want this, and I should get that’. If I thought I’d done anything to make their lives harder I’d be a happy man.

  17. I remember when the price of a 1 bed flat was £28 – 30k where I grew up and you needed a minimum of 10% deposit before the banks would even talk to you about a mortgage.

    On a weekly wage of £125, which was reasonable for the time and allowing for rent, bills and food, I was usually left with between £15- 25 per week in my pocket.

    Assuming I didn’t go out or do anything, it would still have taken 3-5 years to save the deposit. By which time the same flat had shot up to between £38-40k. I had no chance in this country.

    I bought my first flat at the age of 26 in a run down area of Copenhagen, having saved like mad with my first missus for three years on the tightest budget imaginable for the £5k deposit. When I say tight budget, the last two or three days of the month would be rice pudding for dinner, made in one big batch.

    Occasionally, we would get some charity from friends, like freshly caught Skate from a keen fisherman we knew, or a one fifth share of a pig that everyone chipped in on for £60. That meat had to come out of the foward budget and would have to last us three months.

    Otherwise, it was cycling to work in – 20 tempertures on a knackered second hand bike, no new clothes (make do and mend), no nights out. Eating in a cafe or restaurant was a far off dream, coffee was an unnecessary luxury. Dinner at a friend’s place was something to truly enjoy every minute of.

    We decorated our flat with leftover paint (green) donated by family and owned one kitchen knife, which was actually the missus’ girl scout camping knife, sharpened so many times there was almost nothing of it left.
    Our duvet was a second hand sleeping bag which my sister sent me.

    The flat only had a toilet and a hand basin. The shower was in the communal basement.

    Even though this does sound a bit 4 Yorkshiremen, it was the happiest time of my life. We were grateful for every small mercy.

    Imagine generation snowflake getting up before dawn to cycle to work in sub zero temperatures and returning home in the dark to a small bowl of rice pudding for dinner. Nothing but the love and shared body heat of a woman to keep you warm at night.

    They would fold within the first five minutes thinking it was some kind of SAS challenge.

    It wasn’t. It was just life.

  18. These are the results of a Marxist education system:
    Immature groupthink
    Puerile temper-tantrums
    A pathogical sense of entitlement.
    This is the “participation trophy” generation all grown-up now.

  19. I’m Generation X and millennial snow flakes hate us.. Bunch of cunts ruining gigs by hold fucking phones to record the show…. Cunts..

  20. A quick example of the current generation’s distance from reality. A couple of years ago myself and Mrs C received a dinner invite. Delighted, I agreed to supply a haunch of venison. To which the host did ample justice. Now one of our fellow dinners a chap in his late twenties, a bit pissed, getting louder by the minute and really starting to wind me up, turns to me and says “where did you get the venison”?
    “Usual place says me, a dead deer”!
    No says he “Where did you get it”?
    Oh! Sorry, “through the chest”!
    Thought the fucker was going to faint!

  21. I grew up with nothing. I preferred it that way, never wanted anything and worked for anything I needed – it gives a Man a bit of steel when things are tough.
    Now we have a generation of sulky little cwy babies who have been taught that everything is someone else’s fault and cannot exist without their mini idiot lanterns in their hands.
    Life is hard, crack on.

  22. As much as I cunt this nom, I do feel pity for the snowflakes.

    I am glad that I got to my wenching in the 80’s and 90’s-girls today are just so damn unnatural-false tan, tattoos, fake tits, piercings like a fucking red indian attack party, potty mouthed, badly dressed, mostly overweight, diseases ridden, boring, under-educated cattle.

    No wonder the younger contributors on this nom are so fucking miserable. I look at the state of these young ladies today and in all honesty, would rather knock one out!
    As Sir Dick would espouse-it’s a disgrace, fuck off!!!

  23. I grew up knowing I had to work to get things. We didnt have much when my dad left the army. But I never went without. I detest what I see on the news so much I don’t watch it. I never can get why so many younger people feel that others should work for them, so they can have things? I think its time people stoped blaming others, or those who came before them. All generations have had shit to deal with, young old doesn’t matter. Im in my 30s but grew up with a traditional mind set. It pains me to see what so many people are like. Its not just the young, look at the extinction rebellion twats! Individuals need to take responsibility for what they do. Don’t expect others to do it for you. Iv met my fair share of cunts. Not all young, and not all old.
    Thats why we come here to vent!

  24. I hear all this shit from woke wankers at work.
    Tell them all the same shit as you have all told them.
    One young bloke I talked to last week has seen the light as now he’s working from home for the last 6 months, not driving anywhere and not spending £10 a day on lunch in M&S he can now afford to move out of his parents. Amazing innit!

    • The problem iv found is the smug twats who most of us work with. They often lap up the bbc ect. I left a job and became self employed again, had enough of the wokenes! I’m feeling much better for it, also more money on my pocket. The zoom meetings where cringe worthy; oh look at what my kids have done this week, coronnnnna ect. I don’t give a fuck about your kids or how scared you are about the scamdemic. The smug who have been at home on social media bragging for months, are about to get a masive shock soon. If people don’t stop lapping up the constant fear mongering we will have no ecconemy left. No ecconemy, no NHS. Its really that simple. All that’s happening at the moment, is polarisation on a masive scale and it won’t end well for the woke when others have had enough. I feel the majority have had it with, blm, corona, trans shit, lgbtqlmnop or whatever, gender pronouns, lies from our government, woke hippi workshy cunts, rubber dingy rapids( boat invaders) we have a responsibility to stand up to this.

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