Turkey & Greece

You may not have noticed in the media, but it’s all about to kick off between Turkey & Greece. (And no, I’m not talking about football either!)

Over the past few weeks there has been rising tensions and lots of sabre-rattling twixt the two countries, primarily over ownership of the much-disputed territorial waters in the eastern Mediterranean; along with disagreements over the true ownership of Cyprus (currently the northern half is populated by Turkish-Cypriots; and the southern half Greek-Cypriots).

To add more fuel to the fire, both countries are members of NATO, and Greece & Cyprus are members of the EU (Turkey is attempting to join, but the EU don’t seem all that keen).

Add to that Greece has the backing of France & Italy, both of whom will be carrying out military exercises along with Greece & Cyprus in those very same disputed waters, which has pissed off the Turks even more!

Neither the UN or NATO seem at all interested; the EU is unofficially siding with Greece. But historically both countries are belligerent in the extreme, and won’t take any shit from anyone.

So while the rest of the world is saturated in BLM and Dink Virus media coverage, the Eastern Med is slowly simmering to boiling point. And if it all kicks off good and proper with a good old fashioned war then not only will the useless organisations listed above have to pull their cocks out of their arseholes and do something, but expect a few hundred thousand Greek/Turkish/Cypriot “migrants” ending up on our shores any time soon!

Nominated by: Technocunt

65 thoughts on “Turkey & Greece

  1. Come on greaseballs!
    what are You waiting for?
    As Edwin Starr sang it solves everything.
    Not arsed who wins just as long as they buy British when it comes to weaponry.
    Erdogan is spoiling forca fight, and the plate smashers are in his sights due to Cyprus.
    The Greeks have invented many things over the years, the discus, plinths, columns, classical architecture, sodomy, and Olive oil.
    The turkeys invented kebabs, complicated heroin smuggling routes, and turkish delight.
    And dispute the claim the greeks invented sodomy citing that turks had been bumming each other since 350BC.
    Get to it you lot I want to see a good body count can rename it the Dediterranean.

    • Admin@
      By jingo youve had some smashing noms lately!
      Really indulged my xenophobia.
      In a week ive got to insult jews, chinamen, africans now turks and greeks!
      Any change of a “around the world in hatey days”?
      Where we give a kicking to all other countries, people and cultures?

    • Your like a quickfire history lesson Professor Miserable, when are you going to get your own TV show? Casual racism, homophobia and lazy stereotypes are what our children need in schools.

      • Hehe, be a bit ‘Roger Melly’ wouldnt it?
        Id like a cooking show LL!
        See below.?

    • …who needs the widely renowned and respected historian & TV broadcaster, Simon Schama, when we have you!

    • Did you hear about the Greek boy who left home? He didn’t lime the way he was being reared.

    • Me?
      Do I fuckers like!!
      Don’t like anything spicy or foreign.
      Pickled onion monster munch about as exotic as im willing to go.

  2. Any fucking war anywhere will end up with thousands of cunts turning up here, that’s a fact of life. It’s a good job we’re so raaaay-sist and controlled by the “extreme right” or we’d have even more of the fuckers.

    • Think of all that extra fat and grease Bertie, we are already a ticking timebomb of obesity as the experts keep telling us. Next thing there will be a shortage of organ doners.

    • And their cunting barber shops. They are fucking everywhere near me. Not being a member of the EU hasn’t stopped any Turkish from settling here. Swarthy gits.

    • They already unleash the dogs when they serve them up from their kebab shops. Any dog (or cat) that goes missing in a neighbourhood is soon being put back into society via drunken cunts’ mouths.

      Botulism in a bun.

      • Cap your fairly well travelled, take it youve visited Greece?
        Ive been, broaden my mind, see other cultures,
        See ancient ruins etc.

        It was rubbish.

      • I’ve never visited Greece, Sir Les. I wouldn’t voluntarily go anywhere that’s that hot. Also the birds are a bit chubby.

        Were you largin’ it on the Island of Lesbos? Moussaka and Ouzo then a dirty shag with tattooed Shirley Valentine up a backalley?

      • Didn’t they mistake you for a Greek god Miserable, 6’8, bronzed and luscious beard. That was until you scratched your balls and said “Fookin hell its hot, I’m hungry, do these Zorba cunts do chips ‘n gravy?

      • I went on holiday by mistake.
        Crete with missus and kids.
        Lost about 3pints of blood from mosquitoes.
        Kids enjoyed it and missus, I missed England?
        Ate fish an chips for tea every night.
        Told her Cap, I prefer Llandudno.

      • LL, only thing that appealled to me was scuba diving in the med,
        All that Jaques Cousteau as a nipper I suppose.
        Family stayed in the pool at the hotel.
        I was enjoying it till a wave pushed me to the bottom and scraped me on the fuckin sea bed!!
        Swallowed sea water,
        I came ashore spewing up, tattooed, sunburnt covered in mozzy bites,
        Looked up at a horrified greek family ?
        Confirmed every anecdote about the English abroad.

      • Leonard Cohen lived on a Greek island and apparently Laughing Len thoroughly loved it but then he probably liked anywhere warm being a Miserable Canadian Cunt.

      • Hate that cunt Leonard Cohen.
        Fuck me hes a weary cunt.
        Dont get why he had fans?
        Shit music, a boring cunt,
        Gets acclaim!!
        When I go to book burnings I always throw some of his records on
        My idea of making the world a better place…

      • “Nobody listens to me. I may as well be a Leonard Cohen record.”

        Neil, ‘The Young Ones’.

  3. Surely the EU will throw the might of its political and military power behind Greece? The sub story here is the very democratic president of Turkey is overloading Greece with Muslim refugees from Syria, amazing how many of these people resemble sub Saharan Africans, never mind, they are all Muslims.

    Hmmm thousands of potentially hostile young men in Greece and something kicks off with Turkey.

    Call me a cynical cunt or a conspiracy theorist if you like.

    • The greeks ought to threaten any muzzīe immös or prisoners of war that they’ll be immediately bummed upon capture.
      The same might work in this country if the dinghy pilots alight on Brighton beach.

  4. Here’s how to solve this issue real fucking quick:

    1. Cut off all western aid to the island.

    2. Place duties and/or tariffs on anything going into the island and embargo anything coming out.

    In very short order both sides will come to an agreement. No shooting. No refugees. No diplomatic bullshit. Just peace.

  5. Lot of sabre-rattling going on, it’s all about the oil as usual. I have been wrong on occasion, but I don’t think it will turn into anything major.

    Due to EU and US mishandling of the situation, cue Turkey drifting inexorably into the Russian sphere of influence, even if it involves rowing back on Syria. Cue Trump making the wrong noises, then denials, then approximately right noises, while having a drink with old chum Putin. Then a very quiet resolution of the problem in no-one’s favour, or possibly Israel’s…bizarrely also a player in Cyp waters.

    Hopefully this means the Turkish inshore islands can go back to Turkey. Imagine the Isle of Wight belonging to France.

    • Perhaps the proper analogy might be to imagine the Channel Islands (i.e. the Bailiwicks Jersey and Guernsey) reverting back to “dependencies” of France.

      And perhaps had the British handled the matter differently when the island was a British Protectorate (from 1878 to 1915) and a Crown Colony from (1925 to 1969) with a period of military annexation in between there would be a more stable environment today. Then there would be no need for Trump and his (alleged) BFF Vlad to solve the problems created by the British Imperial Objectives of the past.

    • I’ll stick with the IOW, thanks. Maybe the Scillies, Skye, Arran and Mull as well. The Channel Islands are much closer to France than the UK and would be a bad analogy. Though we have nothing to match the Dodecanese, which had been held by the Italians before WW1 and were afterwards handed to Greece, on the other side of the Aegean, but in any reasonable geopolitical setting would be unequivocally Turkish by virtue of their close proximity

  6. It makes you wonder what they will actually fight with when both nation’s economies have less monetary value than the 500 pound notes in a game of Monopoly. Will they just talk shit and burn each others flags like always? Usually id back the Greek sodomites against the Turk goat fondlers since all the Turks invented is genocide denial and Turkish delight. Both delicious but very naughty.

    However, after Brexit i noted a lot of these petty vindictive cunts from places like Greece hoping that the economic downfall of the UK was imminent. People from these corrupt southern European dumps where the 85 year old president marries a barely legal teenage girl and skims off thier public service money to bung into an offshore account while 80% of the nation’s lunchtime takes place in a soup kitchen. These are ouzo guzzling mountebanks having a pop at us? I hope the Turks give them a right hammering or failing that….burn a lot of Greek flags.

    • Most from that area are barbaric cunts: Albanians, Greeks, Turks, Bulgarians, etc. Greeks wear gold necklaces so they know where to stop shaving. The definition of a Turkish virgin is somebody that can run faster than their brother. Let’s hope for a long war with neither Souvlaki Stavros nor KebabDog Marmaris winning.

      • That would be the best outcome CM with both sides more fucked than they are now. I just had a little bit of venom for the Greeks over the sad revenge fantasies many of them are holding towards the UK.

        So sorry Alexandrios that we wont be paying your welfare anymore. We’ll send you some DVD’s of 300 and Troy so you can remember the good old days. Just try to ignore the fact that most of the actors are from the British isles or have heritage from here since they couldn’t find Greeks with the required masculine appearance you sad inept little man!

      • I haven’t seen any of that CofC, but I can well believe it. Whenever anybody expresses animosity about England/the English I always put it down to envy. Greece is no exception. Imagine being Greek. The lazy Bubbles have been broke, are now owned by the Hun, yet still seem languidly apathetic about the EU who have humiliated the lethargic cunts.

  7. Both countries are corrupt.You watch a load of Turkish dinghy riders will come over here.Great.Another load of freeloaders

    • Wont be many dinghies in the med when the bombs start falling and the shooting starts!
      All those immigrants that are swanning about will be conscripted for cannon fodder.
      Didnt expect that eh?
      Came to be a luckylucky man ended up a infantryman.

    • WAR!!
      What is it good for?
      Getting rid of foreigners
      Say it again…

      (With absolutely no apologies to Edwin Starr or that bellowing knobend Springsteen)

  8. As westerners and Christians, we should stand by the Greeks and always remember that the Turks massacred and persecuted the Greeks and Armenians along with other Christians in the Balkans during the Ottoman empire. The current Turkish despot, Erdogan, is playing the Islamic card and has converted the Hagia Sophia museum in Istanbul, formerly an Orthodox Christian cathedral, into a mosque. Time for a fresh crusade to retake the holy places from the Islamic invaders.

    • The conversion of Aya Sofia into a mosque was by Mehmet II Fatih in 1453, when he finally wiped out the corrupt Byzantines. Also Turkish was Mustafa Kemal (Atatürk,) who had it repurposed as a museum in 1935, and it remained as such* until the highly contentious reversal this year by Erdoğan. If the EU had not been quite so sniffy about human rights and allowed Turkey a bit nearer the Euro-trough, it’s very likely he wouldn’t have bothered. But he now realises that he has to look elsewhere for support, and even that being a NATO member doesn’t buy you much advantage. History is not black-and white.

      *Open free to the public of any faith or none. Went there once.

  9. I hope they have a nice fierce war.
    There will be something decent on the telly for a change.
    Crack on you hopeless cunts,fuck each other up.
    And sink some Libyan dinghies while you are at it.
    Shitty Dick.

  10. my ole gran used to say “i’m jiggered” – after all this time i am too – fuck all this talk of war – i’m sick of the narrative and sick of these play acting pansies who’s only retort is to fuck the minds of everybody so they can make cash – fuck the lot of them

  11. My Grandfather was captured by the Turks in Arabia. I heard they gave him a Bum full. Perhaps that’s why I have a touch of the Tar.

  12. I phoned my mate in Greece and asked him how he’d coped during lockdown.
    He said, “Been bored shitless, spent most of the time playing a property trading board game.”
    I said, “We’ve got one of those, what’s yours called..?”
    He said, “Monomonomonopoly”….

  13. I worked for a Turkish company years ago – and I still fucking hate the cunts. And why are there so many of them here with there fucking barbers and restaurants. Money laundering perhaps?

  14. I have worked for Greeks. All I know about them is that the eldest son apparently gets first crack at the goat. While the rest of them watch on while eating for Athens.

  15. Souvlaki before elephants leg shavings any day of the week.
    Never trust a Turk, those curly toed slippers and greasy fez (or is that Morocco moles? No matter.) suggest sartorial ineptitude, Tommy Cooper at least had the jokes.
    Selling Syrian oil stolen by ISIS, Erdogans children facilitating, such a shame when Vlad the Poisoner blew up the convoy, that was Erdogans brucie bonus,let me just check my eyes for tears……nope, completely dry.
    Turkey is a large part of the Middle East in my book, sod geography, so further reason to turn the entire region into glass.
    A constant thorn in the side of the worlds wellbeing.

  16. Sincerely hope you are wrong. Northern Cyprus is proper beautiful almost crime free and the people are fucking lovely. Never met one bad cunt in the many many weeks I’ve spent there. All the people I met apart from the odd Russian and one jock cunt, were happy to help genuine smiley cunts.

    • True for me too, for Turks in Turkey. Mostly honourable, helpful, decent people, with an entirely different origin and culture from the Arabs. They’re let down by their corrupt politicians, but who isn’t? Whereas every Greek Southern Cyp I’ve met was either an utter cunt or had emigrated to the UK…or both.

      • You obviously don’t work in a borough that has been overrun by the cunts. Most of the 24hr supermarkets and restaurants are fronts for money laundering and all the pubs that they buy and turn into hand car washes are a front for a knocking shops and people trafficking. All our enforcement officers are ex coppers and this is the shit they deal with on a daily basis.

  17. As someone who used to be married to a Greek Cypriot, I know a lot about this subject. It has British army bases, was once a British colony and is a Christian country. On this basis we should nuke turkey.

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