Tony Hall (5)

Could I have a “ get your wallet out, you’re saying, regardless “ cunting for Lord Hall, BBC director general.
Not happy with the downward spiral of telly tax payments, this cunt has suggested ( in his last week of his tenure at the BBC) that every household should pay for it, regardless of whether you have eyes or ears.
So, everyone, whether you watch any of the shit they produce, or any other shit programs, or radio, you have to pay for a Marxist organisation that hates you, and the country you live in. Utter cunt.

Nominated by Cuntington Smythe.

Captain Magnanimous also chimed in:

I would like to second Cuntington Smythes valid attack on Lord Hall. This week various people I know in their late 70s and 80s have been getting rather thick envelopes with the relevant forms that legally demand cash for an organisation that openly wants to destroy the way of life that the majority of this age group are used to, in favour of what a very small minority are determined to decimate. Cash extracted by using older peoples law abiding fear to fund arseholes like Linekunt, and to give airtime to any oxygen breather that will attack the British way of life or that of the very demographic they are now picking on to keep this farce going. Now I know there are plenty out there that can afford it, but there are plenty that cant. An Aunt in her 80s has been bedbound since being paralysed by a stroke last year. She misses out on pension credit by just £2.16 a month. The telly tax is around 7x that a month. The TV is her only constant companion and is now forced into funding this vile corporation despite only watching channels like Talking Pictures. Well fuck them and Hall and heres to a grade A cunting for all who orchestrated this pre-meditated robbery from Osbourne to Capita and to any cunt that benefits from it. Cunts.

49 thoughts on “Tony Hall (5)

  1. The lowest sort of cunts.
    Fucking awful traitorous vermin.
    A tax to fund anti British propaganda?
    A national disgrace.
    Fuck Right Off.

    • Admin:

      In the nomination, it says that I “chimed in” but it wasn’t me. Until now I’d only known this chap when he did his Lily Savage turn.

  2. There are rumours that non payment of the Tax will be decriminalised. In other words you won’t get sent to prison for non-payment, but maybe fined instead (which is a complete fucking nonsense if you can’t afford the Tax in the first place)

    This doesn’t go far enough though. What people want is a freedom of choice! If you want the BBC pay for it; if you don’t you shouldn’t be hounded by these cunts and cunts from Crapita knocking on your door.

    If I want to watch Sky, Virgin Media, Netflix or BT et al, I have to pay a subscription to “unscramble” the appropriate channels. The BBC could quite easily do the same, but they choose not too, preferring instead to rely on the Tax to fund its every-growing Left-leaning woke tentacles throughout this monolithic and anachronistic corporation.

    This new guy is trying to stir some shit within the corporation, but has already relented in some of his bogus sabre-rattling.

    Oh and they bang on about diversity and more opportunities for minorities, but last time I checked there was just one black person on their various boards; everyone else is white.

    And yet no one is holding them to account; instead they get another free ride on the “Do as I say, not as I do” dinghy of woke bullshit. (Behind a paywall)

  3. I hope your aunt refuses to pay. I would like to see what would happen, and she will have the support of many thousands. Bless her.

  4. This cunt should realise that I want paying to suffer the programs on TV.
    The majority of them get in the way of the few I want to watch. I cannot stand any soap opera or reality TV program.
    Most quiz programs are produced with thickos participating, including the D list celebrity specials.
    I don’t like watching most of the sport that’s televised, and anything worthwhile like boxing you have to pay for again.
    Talk shows are just a bunch of sycophantic arse lickers, and a lot of documentaries now are being dumbed down and seem to be aimed at primary school kids.
    So fuck additional payment, You thieving smug cunt.

  5. Oates was always the nicer one.
    The pensioners pressure group has called on Sleepy Boris Johnson to do something as he promised he would, I think hinting at decriminalization.
    Nothing yet, although in reply Boris stood with his dick in his hand and slack jawed mumbled something in latin.
    So, on top of the situation as always.

    • Get yer fucking finger out Bojo, and fuck these cunts off.
      The Beeb can promote any shite it likes but people shouldn’t be taxed to give them the cash to promote ‘woke’ tripe, and pay obscene salaries to gobshites like Linekunt. Anyone who actually wants to watch shite should just subscribe.
      Defund the cunts now!!

  6. We are forced to pay £150 a year for what? In my case I listen to a bit of Wireless 4 and watch hardly anything on BBC TV now. BBC1 is main stream shite, BBC2 has gone downhill and even BBC4 is showing snooker these days. The charter is no longer relevant and the licence fee can not be justified. If it went to subscription I would not pay. I can get all the “entertainment” and “education” on digital TV.

    Honestly, if they have alienated the likes of me I can’t see where their future audience will come from. Not the young for sure. And a lot of older people are sick of their left wing anti Brexit stance.

    • Lord Helpuss, it is my understanding that you don’t need a licence to listen to radio.

      I don’t watch television but I do listen to radio.

      • You are correct spoons but if you have a set capable of receiving BBC tv you have to pay.
        There should be a legal way of tuning out the BBC channels so that we don’t have to pay. I might pay a small sum for R4. That’s all. I can do without watching oafs and tarts dance, bake or sew.

      • I see the telly licensing website says its an offence
        for anyone to have any TV receiving equipment in their possession/control who intends to use or install live tv, watch or download any bbc programme whether live or from I player.

        The best solution to this I’ve found is for a smart tv owner is to factory reset it and then not tune in the channels and also put a flat plate over your aerial cable outlet/remove the aerial.

        If you have a modern tv built after 2007 then I think the digital tuner can be removed as well. This I need to find out how to do on my Sony Bravia because literally when Crapita come round I can show them that I have taken steps to disable my capability of watching it.

        Its a lot of bloody trouble to go to and they would probably still say that I have a laptop, Ipad, phone which is capable. Oh ffs! Easier to change the bloody law. Hurry up Boris.

        p.s. Tony Hall is a mean bastard and should be on the wall.

  7. The TV licence is an outdated concept and should be scrapped, media has changed beyond recognition over the last decade and to have a ‘no choice’ fee to watch live broadcasts belongs in the dark ages.
    If the country wants to have a publicly funded public service broadcaster then that’s fine but it doesn’t need to be the current model, a slimmed down version for the news and current affairs would cost peanuts and if the BBC wanted to continue with other content then they can fund themselves like ItV and Co.

    Hall is a cunt, the BBC are cunts.

  8. Pay for the privilege of being called a thick as pig shit gammon cunt?, no fanks, on another note they’ve apprehended the darker hued fellow obviously with “mental elf ishoos” that decided to go full halal on some residents of Birminglamabad! Tony Hall is a greasy cunt anyhow, utter cunt!!!!

    • Aye maybe some of the poor old bastards who don’t pay this vile tax will be in the same prison as our special new stabby friend.

      • It would be most jolly to share a cell with this ruffian UT – after the first horrific night and a good clean I will have a single cell! ??

  9. This is the man who has turned an institution into a disgrace. Katie Hopkins was right when she said that absolutely everything on the BBC now – from Doctor Who to Question Time right through to EastEnders and The Great British Bake Off – has to be a politically correct lecture. They even have a Woke Gestapo cunt presenting the football for fuck’s sake (Linkekunt, of course) and another Woke Remainer Stasi twat doing Newsnight (that Maitlis slag). And even the last Alan Partridge series had ‘issues’ shoehorned into it (mind you, Coogan is another libfuck cunt). Even the recent VJ 75th anniversary tributes had to be all about ‘them’ and those BLM scum. I dare say the Last Night Of The Proms will also be suitably ‘blacked up’.

    The ‘Beeb’ under that cunthole Hall in a nutshell:

    • Hilarious, but too close to the truth

      On Politics Live today, slagging off the Aussie guy who has been appointed (among others) as an unpaid trade advisor, Ed Davey having a go because his views aren’t PC, Madeline Grant pointed out that that’s not very liberal, just because his views aren’t in line with Ed Davey he shouldn’t be considered, ‘Not very Liberal is it’
      The slimy cunt then backtracked, ‘Oh it’s his views on climate change’

  10. What about BritBox – the marriage made in hell between BBC & ITV. You have to subscribe to it, having already paid (preumably) for the BBC bit. Eh?. AND, our friends in the US get a cheaper rate for subscribing. Come again? And all for a load of repeats. What a load of bollocks.

    • And all the classics will be sanitised and edited to bits. Steptoe & Son, Rising Damp, Minder, Porridge, Fawlty Towers. With all the ‘racist’ and ‘homophobic’ parts cut out.

      And Till Death Us Do Part and the mighty It Ain’t Half Hot Mum will never be shown on Britbollox.

    • … US get a cheaper rate…

      Indeed so U. Cunt. I fancy I’ve already said this on here & if so, I apologise.

      Back in 1989 I was spending a year living with a family while working in the Netherlands as part of my university degree. Everyone had cable TV (and this was a small town in Groningen province), which provided subscribers with access to around 50 stations. As well as the continental European broadcasters, this also included BBC TV 1&2.

      On return home I used to enjoy pointing out to obdurate bellends who forcefully defended the licence fee (and in those days the BBC was nigh-universally loved as a true “National Treasure”) that they were “being had”. At that time, the monthly cost of cable TV in Delfzijl was marginally more than the licence fee.

      It seemed an unimpeachable argument for scrapping or greatly reducing the fee to me, but back then literally nobody agreed. I’ve obviously never paid for a TV licence, and I’ve lived in UK for around 40 of the last 54 years.

      • the monthly cost… was marginally more than the licence fee

        For clarity, and to obviate any doubt: in the unwelcome event of a rebarbative (albeit entertaining) rejoinder by a fellow-Orcadian¹, that similitude was a pro rata comparison. Even worse, therefore, as the licence fee was then payable as a lump sum, whereas the Dutch CATV levy was monthly.

        ¹ with reference to:
        K Knowles
        KW17 2Jx

  11. And it looks like Hall’s successor, Tim Davie will be no better. He preaches ‘impartiality’ yet he has said that Lineker for one can still say whatever the fuck he likes, no matter who he pisses off, insults or patronises.

    Davie has also wrote a grovelling letter to Jonathan King of all people. Davie has told the known joe ronce cunt that his ‘music’ (for want of a better word) will still be played on the BBC. Probably members of the same gentlemen’s club or went to the same school. Cunts.

    • So, Jimmy Savile, Stuart Hall, Rolf Harris and even Dave Lee Travis are now no longer allowed to be shown or heard on the BBC. But Jonathan King is?!!
      Hall hasn’t even officially left yet, but there’s something that stinks from the new regime already. Same old Beeb. Same old cunts.

    • I believe Lineker is an independent so not subject to BBC rules as such. Which makes him an even bigger cunt.

  12. I have not paid for a TV licence for Years, and never will.
    Tony Hall is a grade A cunt, the BBC is nest of rats and I am looking forward to the day when this organisation of BLM Antifa and marxist promoters and sympathisers is subscription only so the seven remaining viewers can pay for this poisonous folly..
    Fuck them, fuck them to hell.

  13. In days gone by, Tony Hall would have been executed and gibbeted.
    That’s what used to happen to Highwaymen and Footpads.
    Demanding money, even off folk without a telly ? The man is fucking deranged.
    Will the government do anything about the absurd and outdated Marxist monstrosity that is the BBC ?
    Will they fuck.
    This government is useless. Living high on the hog, at our expense.
    They and Hall, can fuck off.

  14. I cancelled mine and requested a refund for the last two years, just to stick the boot in.

    You should see the excuses and thinly veiled threats you get back.

    I’m going to enjoy annihilating this bunch of cunts.

    • Whether I do or don’t I am still not having one.
      I am unable to adequately express my hatred for the BBC, and if I did I would be banned from this site ???☠☠☠

      • I pay extra out of goodwill for my license.
        Worth every penny!
        Quality programming
        Impartial news,
        Long live the Beeb and all who sail in her!

      • MNC, stop trying to get yourself free tickets to be in the audience of the next series of RuPauls Drag Race. Your desperation is embarrassing.

      • Hehe worth a shot Mr Dribbler!?
        When I first come on ISAC id post stuff like that, they’d all go mad!?
        Know im a pisstaker now so they just ignore me.?

  15. BBC 4 should be renamed BBC Africa……programme after programme about Africa being the cradle of art, architecture, culture and civilisation.
    That was before Whitey went there and fucked it all up.

  16. We seriously need to defund them.They are outdated and London centric only.Blah blah blah Black Lies Matter we hate Trump etc etc boring blitish clowns.Same old shite.Repeat after repeat.Why is he a “Lord”?Bumming Mangled Bum I reckon.

  17. Isn’t it strange how this multitude of left wing cunts that now control virtually all of our daily lives are so fucking proud to be anti all things British.
    30 years ago all public sector jobs were advertised in the Guardian. Why not the Telegraph? How did it come to this with traitors telling us what is right and wrong?

  18. we all know boris is a cunt – so he won’t do anything about anything – a greater moron has no man knoweth that he who hides in a fridge – fuck the beeb and fuck boris – its really hard concentrating on rolling one while reading this ……… hohum

  19. Christopher Eccleston’s story about BBC ‘politics’ backstabbing and how the cunts blacklisted him being the reasons he left Doctor Who show what bastards they were and still are.

    A shame, as he was easily the best Doc of the modern era.

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