Tim Davie – New Boss of the BBC

(Am surprised the BBC chose a white bloke as the new boss. So much for diversity they keep banging on about! – DA)

The BBC Yet Again

The new boss seems to me to be a slippery sod.

Having started the job less than a week ago Mr Davie has nailed his colours to the keep the licence fee. A supreme irony occurred to me namely the cunts want people to pay £157 per year to the organisation regardless of whether they use the services of the BBC.

Many people including myself do not wish to watched lesbians dancing with one another, BLM propaganda etc. Yet Mr Davie and his gang think it is reasonable for all TV set owners to pay this tax. However, at the same time the BBC is promoting the idea that any person can illegally enter this country and be entitled to free housing, healthcare,education and spending money even though they have not contributed in any way to the finances of this country.

I defy anyone to produce a reasoned argument supporting this lunacy.

Nominated by: Guzziguy


…and seconded by: Norman 

Tim Davie is a cunt.

The new Director General of the BBC stated that he wanted more impartiality and less opinionated employees. Then he says that Gary Lineker is ‘exempt’ from these new rules (which actually happen to be the BBC’s old and traditional rules). So the human oil slick Linekunt can still gob off and talk shit all he likes. I dare say this ‘exemption’ will also apply to that Jimmy Hill in drag cunt, Emily Maitlis too. So, in other words, fuck all will change.

Same old Beeb. Same old cunts.


61 thoughts on “Tim Davie – New Boss of the BBC

  1. ISIS got a new top man recently, I’m sure all those living in proximity of IS felt the same as license payers.

    The ideology remains the same, you don’t become top man of IS if you’re a Christian and you don’t get to be head of the BBC if you believe the BBC should be self funded.

  2. Question of Sport has just sacked Barker, Dawson and Tuffers for a more ‘diverse’ crew. Meet the new Cunt .. same as the old Cunt.

    • Haven’t watched that arsewipe for literally decades. I think it was Beaumont v Botham last time I saw it.

      • Won’t watch Al-Boob on principle and because of me mental ‘elf (?) and blood boiling etc. Talented Timbo is just another cunt who hates you and me.

      • Some wimmns football cunt and some lezza black wimmins boxer will probably complete the new QOS line up. That and some token poof (Tom Diver?) and that utter cunt, Gabbing Logan as host.

        Utter fucking shite.

  3. Meet the new boss, same as the old boss ?

    Ok so Linekunt isn’t an employee, he’s a freelancer. Dead easy to dispense with this services then isn’t it….?

    • Linekunt is not a free lancer. That was the old excuse but he is now an employee, which is why they were forced to publish the ridiculous amount of dosh they pay the cunt. Their new excuse is that he is not directly involved in news and current affairs.
      Well that bitch Maitlis, and many others, make it quite clear they love the Labour Party and the EU so how do they get away with it? Fuck off you libtard bastards.

      • Not to mention that baked bean headed cunt, Andrew Marr.
        The cunt Marr thinks he is in the same league as Andrew Neill, Sir Robin Day or the great Brian Walden. He is actually closer to Alan Partridge than any of those greats. Marr is another BBC disgrace and a biased remainer cunt.

        And Maitlis, I fucking despise. She is a labour licking gobshite and she has a chin that would put old Brucie to shame. One can hear her Femstapo tones now, berating Davie.’Give us a twirl, Timmy! I’m in charge!’

      • Problem is he thinks he is above any and everyone. I remember Jonathan Agnew calling him out over his political tweets and reminded the cunt that as the face of BBC Sport he should stay away from politics as it breaks BBC guidelines. Linekunt replies that he will “tweet what he likes and will continue to do so”. All the while collecting his ridiculous salary. Jug eared twat

  4. The more these out-of-touch, middle class, elitist snobs keep showing their contempt for we the people, the more likely they will be kissing that gravy train goodbye.

  5. Save some immediate money by sacking Linekunt and Mary Shearer, get rid of every dumb woman commenting about football and stop pretending that any cunt is interested in wimminz football. There are more people interested in Chess and ping pong than that pile of cack.
    I noticed that the BBC are now listing the results of the Wimminz Super League before League one and two and the FA Cup qualifying rounds. Ironically there was only one result yesterday…….which ended 9-1!!
    Fucking Mickey Mouse league.

    • The US wimmens team (supposedly the best) lost to an under 15s boys team. That tells you all you need to know about the standard of it.

      • 9-1 FFS

        I don’t mind women’s football, but this drumming into us that it is important is so grating. A step 7 (10 leagues below the premier league) would smash the women’s World Cup winners by ten goals at a minimum.

        I get so fucked listening to women commentators and the BBC are pure cunts as they keep banging away at pretending that women’s football is worth watching.

      • Agreed-I caught the second half of the ladies Champions league final: piss poor, lots of sloppy positioning, loose passing and weak tackling. Stick to beach volleyball please girls?

      • I don’t think I’ve seen a female goalkeeper ever catch a ball, or even get near a shot unless it hits them by blind luck.

  6. Did anyone bother to tune into that heap of steaming cuntage The Last Night Of The Proms last night? I didn’t even know it was on, wouldn’t have watched anyway.

    Saw a few clips on the News this morning. As expected, total bollocks.

    The BBC would have been better off showing last year’s performance… it’s always the same… bunch of hooray Henrys waving EU flags with the occasional token Union Jack. Faux plastic patriotism, get fucked.

    • “Faux plastic patriotism” vs woke cringing wetness? I know which side I’m on if there has to be a choice.

    • Yep, the “Come on Tim” crowd of middle class twatroits.

      Have to say though, even they are preferable to the other lot.

    • What a load of bollocks/just after new year this year was the best on telly )momentarily of course a german orchestra playing real classical music/yes i watch every year/strauss /the blue danube etc to name a few (ringing in the new year i believe /our own country pales by comparison

  7. Early days yet. Currently, if you turn on R4 for anything but the news, you will only hear black wimminz chattering about black wimminz, or wimminz ‘comediennes’ shrieking, or immos of all genders and none telling you how unfair life is to them in very bad English. If Davie can clear this nonsense up, it will show his bona fides, and who knows, in 20 years or so the BBC will be worth the licence fee. Not holding my breath, but I am a fair minded cunt really.

    • Agree. Davie must be aware that the BBC is drinking in the Last Chance Saloon, I calculate he has about a year to prove himself and effect significant change. In the meantime he’ll get the benefit of the Ruff Tuff doubt.

  8. This cunting reminded me that ol’ Jimmy passed a few years back. At least he still appears in the pages of Viz now and again.

  9. Whoever is in charge the Biased Bolshevik Corporation will still be a mouthpiece and propaganda vehicle for nutcases and marxists.
    Defund, subscription only see – how much they pay Linecunt then.

    • This footage is going to look pretty farcical in decades to come. A repeat will show this shit and some kid will say, ‘Dad, why were they doing that on such a wide scale and for such a long time? Did somebody really important die, like President Kennedy or The Queen? It went on for months on end.’

      Dad will reply ‘Oh no, son. They were saluting a dead armed criminal and druggie. He pointed a loaded gun at a woman’s stomach and threatened her as his ‘bruthas’ ransacked her house. Yet people adored him, and even Her Majesty herself or JFK weren’t as eulogised and celebrated as this Floyd cunt was’.

      Fuck the BLM-BBC.

  10. Last night at the West Ham v Newcastle game, Newcastle kicked off and suddenly found the West Ham cunts down on one knee. The referee stopped the game, they all went down on one knee, and they then started the game again. What a fucking farce.
    Of course none of this was shown on MOTD , they just showed the kneeling as they did for every other game. Fuck off with this fucking hypocrisy.
    And fuck You Linekunt.

  11. And what is Davie doing writing grovelling letters to Jonathan King, telling him that his ‘music’ (is that what you call it?) will still be played on the BBC?!

    Savile, Rolf, Stuart Hall and DLT are all now wiped from BBC history. But King isn’t? Isn’t he as bad as the rest of them (or worse than Dave Lee Travis?) Didn’t King do time for messing with young boys? Why does King and his ‘music’ matter so much to the new Director General of the BBC? The corporation is in an absolute mess. Yet he views the feelings of Jonathan King as a priority?!

    This alone has Davie weighed up for me in a second. As bad as Tony Hall,if not worse. Davie will get no support from me in any way, now or ever.

    Defund! Now!

      • True enough, Harry. DLT was taken off BBC4 TOTP repeats because of all that Me Too bollocks and whining wimmin. Absolutely laughable that the BBC actually view a bird getting her arse pinched as a worse offence than young boys being abused. Travis was a ladies man and Tony Blackburn was similar. Tony admitted that he used his Radio 1 status to pull birds. No different to Mick Jagger or Rod Stewart pulling because they were/are rock stars or George Best because he was a footballer.. Doesn’t make any of them evil though. After Savile and how they were left looking like cunts who covered for him (which they did) the ‘Beeb’ wanted as many scalps as possible so the heat would be taken off them over Sir Jim’ll. So they got a few wimmin who wanted both tabloid money and compensation to point the finger at blokes like DLT, Jim Davidson and Freddie Starr. Anyone from the 70s who was on TV or radio was fair game for this witch hunt. But none of these men did real damage like Saville, Glitter or Rolf. Yet DLT is still banned from the BBC and King isn’t. It’s all about virtue signalling and self serving. According to these cunts only women suffer sexual abuse, just like only white people are racist. Fuck the BBC.

    • Norman-J King ran Hersham boys club-purely to groom and abuse star struck children. Just as ducking sick as Saville.

      Fuck the BBC and all the cunts who sail in her???

  12. I’ve pretty much given up on R4 after 30-odd years of devoted listening. I listen to the morning and evening news programs through gritted teeth so I know what’s going on in the world. Everyday recently, the PM programme featured a ten minute slot about some chav slag and her 5 kids being mentored by a battalion of social workers. Utter utter shite.

  13. And I’ll bet my bollocks on the following:

    Emily Maitlis still won’t shut the fuck up and will still be biased.

    The next Doctor Who will be both female and black.

    The cricket still won’t be on the BBC.

    The only music programme will still be that Jools Holland shite.

    There will be little to no September 11th 20th anniversary tributes.

    And if there are, the BBC will make 9/11 all about BLM.

    New regime, my arse.

  14. Not many people know this…but I have never had a television licence. I refuse to pay the Devil for his intrusions.

  15. Linked housed that refugee yet or are they still scouring them for a doctor or a dentist?

    • Saint Gary is being owned on twatter after I innocently asked him if he would support my planning application for a 400 bed migrant centre outside his house. ??

      • Don’ think he he likes it when people tell him he was never as good as Jimmy Greaves either.

        Actually at the time I thought Kerry Dixon was better than the smarmy goalhanging Lineker.

  16. I refuse to pay the “TV tax” as I’ve said this before the BBC has slowly turned itself it to something not far removed from the ZBC, you very rarely saw a dar quay on the RBC, but as soon as they got they’re dictatorship they so craved, old “whitey” had to go, replaced by a barely literate k*ffer who would probably struggle to get a job elsewhere, but in Blighty the powers believe in minority rule, where old “whitey” is removed to do the same as Rhodesia, this Tim Davie better be careful, he’s doing far too little after not only the horse has bolted but also been lovingly put in the Pritt stick, fuck him and the wreck that is the BBC, an utter cunt he be, and make no mistake about it!!!

  17. I would say that, other than politicians, Linekunt is probably the most hated cunt in the country. Hamilcunt is getting close but at least he doesn’t steal nearly 2 million quid from the taxpayer every year.

    • On the basis of his reported annual earnings (c. £50m), he actually ‘steals’ around £25m per annum from the UK taxpayer, as he hasn’t lived here for years and apparently doesn’t pay any tax to HMRC.

      In which case he shouldn’t be allowed to represent the UK in the farce that is F1.

  18. The Prom bollox was the BBCs attack on pearl Harbour. The British are in the Enola Gay heading for W1.

    • That was the Finnish BLM-supporting deputy conductress filling the Obligatory Foreign Wimminz slot, I believe. The fragment I heard of it sounded like shite, expectedly.

  19. It’s a fucking disgrace to have to pay a tax for traitors,degenerates and other assorted vermin.
    It’s not going to change however.
    And Mrs.Terry is too scared in case a horrible man comes round mithering if I cancel the direct debit…
    I think she thinks I’ll put him in the oven.
    Which I fucking well will.

  20. Time for Tim to fuck off and collect his money from advertising and subscription service.
    If he is so confident in his precious BBC then let the cunts who want to watch pay for it and the rest aren’t saddled with paying for something that is SHIT!


  21. What a load of bollocks/just after new year this year was the best on telly )momentarily of course a german orchestra playing real classical music/yes i watch every year/strauss /the blue danube etc to name a few (ringing in the new year i believe /our own country pales by comparison

    • As stated i very rarely watch it! The odd dads army /millionaire thats it!it is literally shit and i expand my mind in other ways due to the utter shite they put on

  22. He should give his job to a dark key and stop being so racist by having a job.

    Personally, j won’t be happy until the news is read by a bloke with a plate lip and a bone through his nose.

  23. It’s been devoid of quality content for decades now. Occasional dramas (Jimmy McGovern), occasional investigative journalism (like Theroux), occasional comedy (This Country) but not enough to justify the fee. I don’t mind it being a cunt magnet as long as it’s a meritocracy and they aren’t mislead into thinking we give a flying fuck about their personal opinions. Do your job and do it well Paxman must be a right cunt but by eck he frightened em and did a good job. Linekar is a shining example of what’s wrong shut the fuck up if want your say become a politician and watch your relevance and credibility disappear……..a contender for No 1 Millenial Cunt award ceremony with Tony Blair handing over the trophy make it an ego loving ceremony and I’m sure the irony would be lost on those two deluded cunts

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