The United Wildlife Union

The United Wildlife Union are definitely deserving of a nomination. I have to admit, I couldn’t find their website when I googled them. I found about them from a YouTube channel called HeelvsBabyface. I nominating them, because one of their demented ‘journalists’ known as Cade 6, has recently published an article entitled “Why White People Owning Dogs is Racist”. It started with a brief history of our relationship with canines, except instead of simply putting it as human’s relationship with dogs, he chose to put it as “the relationship between dog and woman”. So, straight away, you just know that this ‘journalist’ is a complete and utter cunt. Basically, white people stole dogs from the Eurasian people who put in all the time and effort to domesticate them. He even uses the term “filthy white savages”. In actual fact, they were traded. Apparently, it’s appropriating “black culture”. Except, Eurasian people are NOT black, you smug, thick twat. Your ignorance of that fact is itself racist.

To be honest, from what I heard in the video, it wasn’t really anything to do with dogs, it was just some white skinned pussy trying to assuage their guilt at being born with white skin, by slagging off our ancestors. And he comes across as being more narcissistic than Lewis Hamilton. And frankly, I find assholes like this to be patronising and condescending to black people. THEY are the racists. And going off the TWO photo’s of him, one of which is huge. The prick even tells people that if they’re white and own a dog, they should consider “donating” it to no kill animal charity or people of colour. No thought to the psychological effect it would have the dog, suddenly finding itself being dumped into a place that it’s unfamiliar with, surrounded by other dogs and people it doesn’t know. And it’s pretty obvious that this preaching failed experiment knows exactly fuck all about dogs. I’m pretty sure the history lesson at the start was either made up, or copied from Wikipedia.

In a truly just world, this waste of genetic material would either have ended up in a condom or shot down his mother’s throat. Unfortunately, it isn’t a truly just world, so he was born. Cade 6, I reject your request to donate my dog. I would instead request that you do the world a huge favour, by jumping off a cliff, onto a nuclear armed sea mine, located in water populated by sharks. And piranha’s. Failing that, you cunt. Go kick a starving tiger in the balls.

Nominated by Quick Draw McGraw

And seconded by Chimp Licker:


This gaggle of stratospheric cunts published an article on their website on August 1st claiming that white people owning dogs is racist!

The article can be read here:
…but if you wish to avoid your piss attaining temperatures unwitnessed in this universe since the Big Bang itself, I shall sum it up for you.

Basically, since archaeological evidence points to the dog first being domesticated somewhere in Asia, white people owning them is naughty cultural appropriation, and if you are a white person that owns a dog or dogs you must immediately donate them to ‘Persons of Colour’ where said dog or dogs will find their ‘perfect home’.

Just when you think the world can’t possibly sink to a still deeper level of sheer mouth-frothing berserk insanity…

I couldn’t find a picture for this lot, so here’s a cute image of baby penguins instead – DA

47 thoughts on “The United Wildlife Union

    • No one race domesticated the dog.
      It happened all over.
      Dogs are notorious scavengers, attracted to the camp smells of hunter gatherer camps.
      Symbiotic relationship developed where the dog gets food without hunting and a extended pack and the humans get a sharp nose and ears to act as a early warning system to any threats approaching.
      Race doesnt factor in.
      Dogs and humans buddied up all over the world.
      Theyre our best mates, used for loads of different things, hunting, guard duties, guide dogs etc
      Theyre fuckin ace.
      United wildlife union?
      Get your fuckin facts right.

      • Oh and anyone who thinks they can take MY dog?
        Try it, id enjoy that!
        Whatever race, youll lose your fingers and possibly few pints of blood.
        My dog doesnt want to be rehomed for bullshit reasons.

      • Exactly. I’ve been in rescue for almost 20 years now. I’d love to point out to “Cade” (god it makes sick that he’s using a Destiny reference) that I am of Eurasian decent on the maternal side but am, what they call, “white passing” and see his head explode. Yeah, sorry bub, even if I was whiter than birdshit in a snow drift, you’re not taking my dogs. And frankly, if POC were the original handlers, kindly ask where the FUCK they are when we need foster homes and why the FUCK I’m having to go to THEIR neighborhoods so often on fight calls and “animals at large”? Jesus…

    • I honestly think the lockdown has accerbated the mental health problems of large sections of the population. They would probably have got to the talking to themselves in the library stage, and pissing themselves sooner or later, but it has become sooner. Adding the rent-a-gob politicians, student snowflakes and all the other unstable wankers in society has bought the problem forward a few years. My cure would be a trip to the caning room in Singapore, which would solve an awful lot of problems. Better still get one installed in Britain, and perhaps the orst cunts could be caned live on BBC television every Saturday evening – would beat Dyke Dancing Strictly,

    • What colour was it Fred? Brown perhaps? That’s you showing your unconscious racial bias, symbolically flushing a ‘person of colour’ down the pan.
      Racist! Racist!

      • I didn’t want to draw that conclusion but I know you are right.
        Have I passed the “white fragility” test? I’m giving myself top grade anyway. ( Covid adjusted obviously)

  1. Everything white people do is racist.

    It will be theft of oxygen through inhaling next.

    Someone needs to drown this cunt in dog shit.

  2. Remember those racist white dog turds from the 80’s. They got rid of them. Beware

  3. You’ve been had.

    This United Wildlife Union site is clearly (to me) a very clever spoof, taking the piss out of SJWs, while at the same time suckering them into parting with cash that would otherwise find its way into the coffers of XR, BLM etc.

    Can you all not see that? It’s fucking genius!

    • Very Interesting RTC, I did see a message on the site from a ‘donor’ $5.00 and the message, basically ‘go fuck yourself’

      Could be a double bluff, get sympathy and anger, but cash in the pocket either way.
      BLM, Kerching!

  4. The scumbags should be put down like the rabid dogs they are. And for fucks sake racism against whitey comes up again. It is probably a white cunt who wrote that outstanding piece of shite. I have had enough, I’ll volunteer for the shooting squad members, suck that you cunt.

  5. I don’t know who this lot are or Cade 6 but it looks like he has made a website in his bedroom during lockdown.

    Office hours are Monday to Thursday 9am to 3am

    All I can say is ‘YOU Cannot be SERIOUS’ ?

  6. We had a racist dog. Rocky, our Seffrican staffie hated the locals. One of the cunts put his hand through the gate once and Rocky tried to pull him through.
    Good lad. I miss him.

    • All our dogs have been racist.
      Didnt have to teach them they picked it up for themselves.
      Its big issue sellers my akita hates, ive tried to punish her by giving her treats and saying good girl! See em off”
      So done my bit.

      • We had our house painted in double quick time. The blecks would go up the ladders and Rocky would patrol so as the fuckers darent come down. Superb efficiency from the fuckers for once.

      • CC as you know dogs are quite fast running on 4 legs, but I was astounded at the turn of speed a fat Romanian big issue seller could hit carring her magazines and wearing a long skirt!
        Almost beat the dog..

      • Fuck me-our local big issue seller is a fat Romanian cunt in a long skirt too. I hope vivid has done a job ? on these scrounging cunts?

      • Me too! Been in the town for years – never tried to do anything else as far as I can see. Quite happy to sit outside M&S saying “Beeg Eesue Pleez”. Surely Romania cant be that bad?

  7. Very interesting development the media are ignoring.

    Trump retweeted somebody saying the time for anti white racism being acceptable is now over. Big moment that in my opinion.

    It is very real and needs sorting out. Those pushing such shit are evil and need sorting out. They have no place in our institutions and need firing for racism. Pushing white guilt onto kids is a fucking disgrace too.

    Would be nice to see Boris follow suit but he’s fucking useless.

  8. Perhaps the time has come for honky to cry cultural appropriation. Clothes? Hmmm, nasty white man, cars? Oh it’s the pale devil again. Straight hair? Leave it out. It’s going to be a fucking long list.

    • Starting with language.

      The only things these Bame cunts and their simps have NOT appropriated from da white mon is TOLERANCE.


    • it’s not just dogs you know. My cat’s black and she’s a racist. She only tolerates me because I feed her. If there was a black family living in my area I’m sure she’d move in with them. Ungrateful little bugger.

  9. It’s a pisstake. Surprised Titania McGrath isnt a columnist. Transgender rights for seahorses was a bit of a clue.

  10. Read their article about how whitey stole the dogs from eurasians or something and how we should redhome our dogs to people of colour. This article is total cunt and when I stop laughing I will toddle of to the local corner shop to see if Mr Khan would like my crossbreed Staffy. As a devout Muslim he fucking hates dogs but he is a poc,
    If I could obtain printed copies of this bollocks I would refrain from purchasing toilet tissue for a while. Why do so many whiteys hate themselves and their ancestors. Be proud I am likewise all of my family. No knee and no fucking surrender.

  11. Just read the link. Well ive seen some leftie bullshit in my time but this takes the fucking biscuit.
    I’d like to donate some dogs to them. A couple of rabid pitbulls that had been starved for a week springs to mind.
    Absolute cunts.

  12. My old Westie used to bark at non whites. I didn’t train him, he was born that way.

  13. Dogs fucking hate blacks. I heard a story about a pet shop owner in the east of London. He had suffered several break ins and one night, decided to leave his black Akita in the shop overnight. Sure enough, an attempted break in and obvious signs of a melee in the shop. Owner gets a visit from a rozzer later in the day who says they had an anonymous tip-off that a bear was being kept in the shop. Apparently, the person calling in the tip-off sounded like Lenny Henry doing Katanga. Needless to say, there were no more break ins.

    • Ha ha!
      It’s true that certain demographics don’t like dogs.
      My next purchase will be two Malinois bitches-will name then Nig and Nog in honour of Eurasian’s everywhere.
      Can’t wait to use there names loudly outside the local mosque/kfc etc in recall.
      My pet skunk “Nig.ger” has resulted in lots of hilarity-particularly at the local village fete last year, whereupon he tried to snaffle the cakes at the bake-off stand.
      I only shouted: “Oi! Nig.ger-put
      them back you smelly black bastard, always taking things that don’t belong to you!”
      The local custody sergeant was quite sympathetic, really.
      Luckily the covid means this years fete was cancelled as I was told I would not be welcome.
      Roll on next summer???

  14. I’m with Ruff, Cunstable and Komodo on this one…it’s Pythonesque parody. Very well done though and exactly the kind of stuff the unhinged left espouses.

    • That it’s even believable speaks volumes about how insane our society has become.

    • Just had a look at the ‘United Wildlife Union’ website. Still can’t make out whether this is the work of a bunch of total loonies or one of the best wind-ups for years.
      Either way it’s a good laugh.

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