The (Un)Democratic Party

As with our own good old Labour party, America has the same problem but 10 times worse with the Democratic Party.

I remember when they were a reasonable alternative to the Republicans. Happy days for the Yanks. But no more.

They have put themselves in a position where they cant control their cities and are all but encouraging the death and destruction in the wake of the manufactured BLM riots.
Riots, wokeness, discrimination against whites in general and against Asians and whites in the colleges. The destruction of a proud heritage. Denial of biology. Hollywood support for all this bollocks.

America. Vote Democrat. You know it makes sense.

Nominated by: Cuntstable Cuntbubble 

45 thoughts on “The (Un)Democratic Party

  1. I am following closely what is going on in the States – and they are in a state!
    The democ rats are BLM, Antifa and marxism encapsulated – as a result of the fifth amendment the President is not legally allowed to intervene without the written request of the relevant State Governor, and none of the democ rats have requested this help.
    America burns, Kyle Rittenhouse is in prison for defending himself against a savage Antifa mob who had cornered him, got him on the floor and were just about to execute him. Good shooting Kyle!
    The democ rats hate Trump so much they would see America destroyed by violence and creepy sleepy Joe (little boys and ice cream” Biden in nominal charge – but he would not be able to do it for a number of health reasons so the Presidency would go to hate baiting commie racist Kamala Harris.
    This is more than a Country electing a leader – this is light against darkness and if America falls we are next.
    Which has been their former SS member and funder in chief George Soros’ intention all along.

    • Some way’s in which America can sort itself out…..
      1/ Shoot and sort out the far left that’s weirdly takin over.
      2/ Kill the Clintons, Soros, …..
      3/ Wake the fuck up!
      4/ Civil war and just slaughter each other to see who comes out on top

  2. I read the coffin dodger Biden will stall UK-US trade talks in an attempt to make us stay in the clutches of Brussels.

    I can’t imagine he would want to be in a Union with and Mexico and all the other shithole Latin America countries, taking orders from Guadalajara now would he. So Biden fuck off and mind your own business!!

      • Same thing with Obama too when he stuck his oar into Brexit by threatening to the UK if we left.

        I look forward to the day we see the commies, who’ve taken over the media, dragged out into the streets and you can fill in the rest yourselves.

    • Some drugged up criminal dies while being arrested and its the end of the world, I wonder if there will be a Cop Lives Matter after the two police officers were shot just sitting in their squad car, probably not.
      And the cunt who beat up the 70 year old, Unkles oven awaits.

  3. 400 000 Africans slaves were landed in North America. 600 000 men died in their civil war to end it .The Dems are the party of slavery, segregation and welfare . 80 % of slaves were landed in Alexandria Ocasio Cortez ( of the Conquistadors Cortezes) South America. Olive skin privilege as it were.

  4. The democ rats were originally the southern slave owners, and engaged in a bloody and costly civil war to keep them.
    Evil personified.

      • It will if the democ rats get in – they can’t win fair so they are trying to rig a postal vote.
        And if it did happen the US is finished.

      • While stands the White House, so stands the USA, if falls the White House, so falls the USA and if the USA falls? The World.

        Slight plagarism of Lord Byron/The Venerable Bede there but you get my point.

  5. Ive faith the yanks will vote Donnie Tango in for another term, the alternative isnt worth thinking about.
    Donald doesnt do himself any favours, and gives his enemies ammunition.
    But he isnt afraid to upset people, say what he thinks, do stuff that will cause outrage.
    For that alone id vote for him.
    Hes my favourite comedian and never fails to raise a smile with me.
    Hope he wins and hope he fucks up some enemies in his second term.
    Go Donald! Build that wall!
    Lock her up!!??????

    • Trump winds up the leftards like no other Man – nothing sticks to Teflon Don, and they hate it. ??
      How the hell has America come to this?

  6. Poisonous little weasels.
    The election will be highly entertaining.
    2021 might yet be a fun year.
    Choc full o’cunts.

    • Hopefully the same day that Tangoman is reinaugurated, he invokes the insurrection act and sends in the national guard to crush the rioting commies.

      • Without a State Governor request that seems to be pretty much his only option – and I would find scenes of Antifa and BLM fkrs having their heads cracked so upsetting! ??☠

      • I don’t believe that invoking the Insurrection Act requires the consent of the state in question regarding the 10th Amendment.

        It’s a federal law based on the power of the executive branch to fulfill it’s obligations to “ensure domestic tranquility” and “promote the general welfare” as stated in the pre-amble to the US Constitution.

        It is a law which has been ratified by Congress, signed by a President and also passed through the Judicial Branch in order to test it for constitutionality. Granted, it is in violation of the constitution but it is considered lawful if it is signed off by all 3 branches of government.

        Then again so is the Patriot Act which violates elements of the 4th, 5th, 6th and 8th amendments and yet it is still not only on the statute books but is still being used and abused to this day.

        Don’t worry, Trump will be able to, and will invoke the Insurrection Act.

      • Oh I just realised you were referring to Article 4, Section 4, Paragraph 1 of the Constitution. My comment regarding the 10th Amendment still applies there too.

  7. These cunts have blood on their hands. BBC reporting on a ‘figure’ (dark key) who was filmed ambushing and shooting two cops sitting in their car. One male officer and one female officer, both young.

    No knee taking or protests for these two poor souls. It stinks.

    • Things like that are happening all over the US Cunty – my Man in the States TR keeps me well informed!
      Fox for President – that would sort it!

  8. Some really astute observations on here so far today.

    The upcoming election is deadly serious. The Demoncrats have become completely unhinged. Those that control it have a lust for power like you wouldn’t believe and their hatred of all things Trump is off the charts. Notice that during Trump’s first 4 years, they have been obsessed with damaging him, his administration and the presidency itself, hoping to unseat him and reverse an election result they still cannot accept. What you may not have noticed is they haven’t done ANYTHING for the American people. It’s all about them, their hatred of Trump and their lust for power. They are so anti-American it’s not even funny. I don’t understand how anyone could vote for them and want to continue to be an American in America.

    Trump has his faults – plenty for sure – but he’s all about America. If he loses (I honestly don’t think he will) and the extreme left gain control, don’t think it won’t have a ripple effect across the world, including the UK.

    I don’t know or understand how or why the left became so extreme, but they have to be defeated for the good of everyone. Including those fools who believe they will make their lives better.

    • Hi IY, I have seen some reports saying serious unrest is very likely if Trump wins, even more so than the ongoing riots. I would normally say this is just hyperbole but the American Left is unhinged and armed despite their supposed aversion to guns.

      • Hi LL –

        I’ve also seen those predictions. It could happen, but I think it’s an intimidation tactic. You need to factor in many people in the US who can vote are as thick as pig shit. Many of them being of a minority persuasion. The democrats have been telling them for decades how a vote for them is a vote to end poverty, discrimination and being poor. What do we still have a ton of? Yep, poverty, discrimination and poor people. It’s a lie. It’s always been a lie, but evil politicians know that with the right kind of pressure they can convince people to vote their way, mostly by dangling a carrot.

        The demoncrats will make as much as they can out of the violence and riots and say it’ll get worse if Trump wins. You’d expect nothing less. Cunts.

      • National service.
        Hard to summon the enthusiasm to riot when worried youll get shipped to the latest trouble in the middle east.

    • Leftists? Utter nutters from the gutter – but what about that sexy Nancy Pelosi – best looking gal in Mordor! (The same Nancy Pelosi demanding everyone wear masks and goose step who went to a salon to have her hair done with no mask, exposed for it and said she was set up! – you could not make it up! ?‍♂️?).
      Unhinged fifth columnists who hate America, Like a Corbyn Labour but on steroids and with firearms.
      But every burning US building is another 100,000 votes for Trump.
      This is light against darkness.

  9. The Demonrats are still trying to win the last election, the thick cunts.

    Their only policy over the last four years has been ‘impeach Trump’.

    A policy which has failed miserably every time.

    Change the record fucktards.

  10. There is such bias in the States for the Democrats now it’s astounding that any Republican can squeeze into power. I follow the election carefully and think Biden will win, unfortunately. Biden won;t last a year and Harris will be propelled. I’m not a fan but don’t think she’s as Left as made out. She might be a breath of fresh air.

    • Biden has no platform. He’s a doddering old twit who’s being manipulated for political gain. He knows it. Everyone knows it.

      It’s very difficult to unseat an incumbent president. It doesn’t happen very often, but we live in strange times. Based purely on what the parties stand for and the candidates’ track records, it’s a slam dunk for Trump.

      But as I said, we live in strange times. This will get very ugly and I expect law suit after law suit as results go against the Demons. If they start to stack up against Trump, it’ll be interesting to see how they react to it. There might not even be a clear result by the time the inauguration comes around.

      Trump wasn’t given a prayer last time around. America doesn’t want communism. That’s why I think Trump’s got this. Question is, what happens next time? Eric Trump or Don Jr would make brilliant presidents IMO.

      • I’ve been saying this for weeks – Antifa brown shirts will be “volunteering” as armed security at polling stations across district currently held by the democunts. You know, just to ensure the integrity of the ballot box.

  11. If you vote Republican, you’ll get a rich cunt with a bunch of his shady friends and relatives in charge.

    If you vote Democrat, you’ll get a rich cunt with a bunch of his shady friends and relatives in charge.


    • ?
      Who was it that set up a system
      Supposedly democratic system
      Where you end up always voting for the lesser of two evils?
      I mean, Was George Washington the lesser of two evils?
      Sometimes I wonder …
      You got some guy that says:
      “For God sake, we’ve got to stop having violence in this country.”
      While at the same time he’s spending 16,000 dollars a second snuffin’ gooks. ?

      (From the song: Wide Wide River “of shit” by The Fugs, 1968)

  12. Demoncrats!

    That Nancy Pellosi is unhinged and deranged. Wasted years on trying to get Trump impeached, now they advocate violence accepting Antifa money.

    I hope Tango gets in again, I really do.

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