…for this…
’65 days to save the Earth …
… we’re all in. Are you?
On November 4, a day after the presidential election, the US will formally withdraw from the Paris agreement on constraining global heating. It’s urgent that we tell the world what this means, and the Guardian is pulling out all the stops to do so. Will you help us by supporting our journalism?’
Fuck off, you cunts.
Nominated by: Dark key cunt
The Guardian – the poofs version of The Boys Own Paper.
A sanctimonious rag = but an idealreplacement for Andrex in these “challenging times”
Soft, strong and thoroughly absorbent
How do you wipe your arse on something that’s already full of shit?
You are god sir.
I do wish the toilet rag would hurry and cease trading!
For years now its been asking its 12 readers to cough up a few quid in order to keep it, and its precious journalists, ticking over with its “quality journalism and profound opinions!”
It would be ironic if some horrid capitalist media corporation they so despise came in as a white knight (can I still say that?) and bailed the company out!
Other than that remote dream they can fuck right off!
I know – it’s like Nigella Lawson’s first husband (I forget his name – Diamond?) who kept on telling us he had days to live but carried on boring us all for months. Selfish cunt.
As soon as you said Ms Lawson I had a vivid mental picture of whipped cream oozing out of one of those icing tube things and splattering all over her bare knockers!
She’s probably the only celeb-chef I would take the time to eat out!
I had the same feeling LC. They followed his decline in a programme. His joke was if someone asked him how he was ‘Well, I’m dying’. Leaving the person nonplussed. Exhausted your sympathy for his plight.
Billy Connolly’s pulling the same stroke. Just STFU and we’ll read all about it in the Obits when it’s (finally) happened.
It’s a pity The Guardian don’t take China and India ( amongst others ) to task, where co2 emissions are concerned. They will joyfully keep pumping out pollution in order to grow their economies, regardless of what anyone else says.
Oh no, just another excuse for a bit of Trump bashing.
Meanwhile, the elephant in the room that is population growth is conveniently ignored, as it would be awfully raaaycist to mention, seeing that it is driven by Johnny Foreigner, particularly in The Dark Continent.
What is needed is a massive de – knackering programme, in order to get the population down.
Good morning .
I think mass neutering was what was happening until the libtards said it was against the Afircunts ooman rights to stop them breeding like fucking r@bbits with kids they can’t support. That’s what whitey is for.
sorry about the use of @, but another day of playing “hunt the trigger words”. Can someone please cunt WordPress?
A neutering service was well established in India a few years back. Think you got a small radio if you had the snip. In some cases to fill quotas some were not volunteers. Should be implemented in London using blacksmiths hammers as the instrument of choice. After two years enough money from benefits, schooling etc would be saved to build a high speed train link to Mars.
I’d love to know how many noms this wank-paper has earned during the lifetime of ISaC? Surely it must be at least 10 or 11, and thus qualify for the Wall of Cunts!
Come voting time, it will no doubt be a toss-up between the BBC and this rag for Cuntiest Media Reporting for 2020.
(Could be 11, could be 12, or even 13 depending on naming conventions – Guardian, Grauniad etc. Certainly a worthy candidate for the WoC though – DA)
I think that the BBC will win that contest because there is no £157 pa Guardian Tax- not yet anyway.
Some wanker was buying it in front of me at the newsagent last Saturday and it was £3 something, so probably costs more than the BBC if you take it every day and the fucking Observer on Sunday.
The cryptic crossword is free if you are interested. The downside is that it is bloody difficult and has a forum of show-offs who say things like: “I finished it before my second cup of Kenya blue mountain at breakfast” or “The lower right-hand corner was a little tricky today. I think the compiler was being just a little bit naughty with 4 across.” Being the Guardian, there are also, of course, PC types who object to some of the clues as being racist and outdated. No doubt the whites squares will be replaced by black ones when some reader goes onto Twitter to complain that crosswords are racist.
‘… if you take it everyday …’ Something some Gruan writers do.
I’m fucking pissed.
Death to this arsewipe rag, and its sanctimonious little brother The Independent.
It really is time to get this comic up on the wall!
Morning all.
I don’t really mind The Guardian…it is what it is,an unashamedly “woke” paper. If they occasionally print some “uncomfortable truth” article..well,so be it..at least it’s not Piers Fucking-Morgan’s bullshit…the Cunt.
Fucking hell dick, what a revelation.
Stone him and burn him with fire.
The only redeemable thing of note with that rag is its sports section – certainly pisses all over most media reporting in terms of in-depth coverage.
That said the moderators are over-zealous, as well as becoming more and more woke in what they see fit should be allowed through.
In fact am surprised they haven’t had a hissy fit over the naming of the “All Blacks” (Which I’m sure will materialise sooner or later, if it hasn’t already)
Piers Morgan drinks in my local.
Had to restrain my 70 year old Dad from knocking him out.
You should have held his coat.
Written by cunts, for cunts.
Anything the Tangoman says the Guardian and the rest of the media cunts are against. Well i’m the same. If the cunting Guardian says it Friday I say it’s Thursday so that’s an extra day for me.
That makes as much sense as anything that mincing little Nancy, Owen fucking Jones has ever written. He’s a prize cunt by the way.
And let’s not forget that pissflap Polly Toynbee while we’re at it. Another fucking head case.
And who was Comrade Corbyn’s puppeteer? That ex-Graun, son of the BBC DG, Ex Oxbridge thick as shit, entitled cunt Seamus Milne
To avoid any spillage of tabloid cunts appearing on my home network, I’ve blocked access to all tabloid sites through my router, so can’t load the link besides I get the gist of the matter so their cunt excuse for journalism can fuck off sideways.
Guardian January 29th 1974 “Space satellites show new ice age coming fast”
Guardian 21st feb 2004 “Britain will be Siberian in less than 20 years”
Guardian 24th July 2013 “Ice free arctic in two years heralds methane catastrophe”
The Guardian is full of shit. Guardian “journalists” and their readers are all dumb cunts who think they are morally and intellectually superior, when in actual fact they are the exact opposite. Cunts.
By the way there’s been a lot of celebrity deaths lately ( ok 2 that I’ve heard of ) can’t believe none of you lot didn’t have Rigg. I can forgive missing that bloke from Kool and the Gang.
RIP Alan Minter. His misfortune to be in the ring with Marvellous Marvin even if he did end up avoiding Hearns, Leonard and Duran
The Guardian – from Soviet stooges to Muslim stooges. Wrong about absolutely everything all the time.
Soy mither and crying about nasty men.
Very upsetting.
Degenerates with keyboards.
Shameless beggars.
Chernobyl grade CUNTS.
Fuck Right Off.
Bunch.Of.Arseholes.Never read their shite paper and never will.Burn in hell.
Every Sunday I go on their website to print the Azed crossword. (I know. Cunt)
I get sexual pleasure from rejecting their yellow begging bowl. Makes my Sunday.
From the website link in the nom;
“Our independence enables us to always inform readers about threats, consequences and solutions based on scientific fact, not political prejudice or business interests”.
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.
‘not political prejudice’…
What a fucking joke. The Groaniad is probably the most politically biased rag in Britain. It positively revels in its left-wing right-on wokeness.
With Fiddler on the whole. If it bangs on for ever about the issues that concern it, let him/her/it/other among you that is without sin cast the etc.
If it doesn’t like Trump, I sympathise with it. I agree with it on climate change, and it’s a fucking shame that not many other outlets keep that in the spotlight. When it, along with other media, reported an early opinion on this in 1974 – anyone care to stand up now and say that was right? – and, responding to infinitely better data collected since, retreated from that position thirty years later, it was not unique. These were generally held opinions then and now.
That’s wholly cancelled by its terminal wokeness and being written by, for and about young urban wimmin, of course. Always used to be a Liberal rag, but since the LimpDumbs died on their arses, it’s just comfort-reading for New Labour cunts, and an echo-chamber for the well-off but vaguely guilty. Reading it is optional, and I’m no longer its target audience.
Re its begging for money…all print news is pretty well out of date and no longer a commercial proposition unless run by hedge funds and backed by ruthless monetisation of its readership. As I don’t have an incontinent parrot or a cat, there is little or no justification for paying £2+ a day for someone else’s opinions, inadequately detailed news and a pound weight of lifestyle supplement at the weekend. Which is equally true of most papers.
Plus side: unlike all the other broadsheets, the web edition is still free.
Hate the Guardian fucking useless for wiping your arse on. Many years ago I used to occasionally look at it and it instantly became apparent that if you did, said, or thought anything slightly differently to it’s editorial or any report within; then you were indeed a Hitler worshipping Neo Nazi..
When I was teaching I use to love to get to the staff room early and chuck it in the bin and replace it with my own copy of the Sun, Star or even better Daily Sport.. Use to piss the lefty teachers off no end
The only paper worth buying is Viz-although that is going full fucking woke…..
Never missed a Viz from 1988 til about three years ago, when it started morphing into The Grauniad with Tourettes…
That’s because Simon Donald has turned into a fucking Geordie Luvvie.
I have the original hand printed issues somewhere in my files-fucking brilliant.
The Guardian?
A toilet, made of paper.
Indeed. The days of ‘The thieving robbing gypsy bastards’ is well and truly over.
I wonder if they have Student Grant being mocked for being a far lefty/pro BLM/tranny advocate nowadays? I bet they fucking don’t!
Found a link to a copy of it lol.
Viz had to print an apology after being threatened with violent retribution by the “King of the gypsies” as he called himself, gypsies are just misunderstood honest travellers etc.
The same gypsy who was promptly arrested and charged with receiving stolen goods.
Random off nom one but Melania Trump is now following me on Parler – clearly Tangomans viagra isn’t working and she wants a piece of the Fox!
Fox for British Ambassador to the US?
Well done in “cementing” Anglo-American relations???
Cuntybollocks-be even funnier if it wasn’t so fucking true to life?
I might be the lone cunt here at ISAC who believes that on the whole “man made climate change” is a hoax, but you can cunt me for it on another day.
On to the matter at hand:
I agree with both Fiddler and Komodo. If the aptly named “Guardian” (as in a kind of Orwellian, Ministry of Truth sense) wants to be the Pravda of their time…so be it.
From a military intelligence point of view it makes sense to read their prattle because I want to know what the enemy is thinking.
But it’s my considered opinion that they influence no one. It’s like singing The Internationale in the Politburo. The members all know the words, and they sing it because they have to, but nobody really believes it anymore.
Excellent post, I agree with every sentiment, including climate change.
I’m with you there General on the ‘man made’ part of climate change.
Recently I’ve noticed that one of the common retorts when discussing so called ‘man made climate change’ from those that promote it is ‘well you can’t deny that the climate isn’t changing’.
Really, that’s me fucking stumped then.
My intellect doesn’t allow me to discuss this further, you got me there.
Just fuck off.
What is it with these climate extremists, leftists and generally angry types who like to ride shotgun to the latest protest in town, facts mean fuck all but strap lines, well, they are gospel.
Here’s another one, 98% of all ‘Climate Scientists’ are of the consensus that climate change is man made.
No shit. Apply for a government grant to research man made climate change, conclude its bollocks and see how quickly your next grant (wage) gets turned down.
You can’t tame nature just as in the same way you can’t heard cats.
Climates change, that’s what they do. Geology proves that.
When you actually think about it, you’ve got to be deluded to believe that eating less meat or driving an electric car or whatever the latest fad is is going to make the rain fall In Umbongo land you really are with the fairies.
I wouldn’t even insult my backside by using it as arsewipe paper.