No, I’m not talking about Fleet Streets finest printed shite, but ‘The Papers’ review, that takes place nightly on the Beeb & Sky.
It doesn’t matter which one you watch – they are essentially the same ;
A brainwashed robotic newsreader (clearly following an autocue) and two good for nothing braindead, woke, remainer, BLM appeasers – who can’t wait to give chapter & verse on how badly the cabinet are balsing things up, and how insane this riddiculous brexit business is.
Usual suspect guests include :-
Kevin Maguire (Daily Mirror left wing cunt)
Andrew Pierce (shifty Daily Mail ponce)
Yasmin Alibhaba Brown (Venemous white hating hag)
Polly (Fat arse) Mackenzie “I was Nick Cleggs advisor”- nothing to proud of, Cunt
Rachel (know it all) Shabi (I’m ashamed to live here – FUCK OFF THEN CUNT)
Isabel (Pony Club) Oakeshott (You are so so cleatly beneath me, peasant)
Ella (Tits but no brains) Whelan
Ash Sarkar (Racist, clearly Racist, the man on the tube racially abused me)
Christina Patterson (I’m here simply to riddicule the PM & look smug)
Matthew Syed (We need the power of Divsity in our society, bla, bla)
Don’t worry if you miss anyone’s ‘view’ on Sky – you’ll undoubtedly find them on BBC news the following night.
I’m no longer allowed beer & nuts after 9pm, incase I pebble-dash the TV when venting my fury at these Cunts….
Nominated by: Lord of the Rings
Bring on a couple of vapid, babbling no-marks to give their lightweight opinion on somebody else’s work. It’s Gogglebox for Lefties. I’d rather read Old Moore’s Almanac than entrust the programmed lip-curling of the above list of sneery cunts.
Send those prats to your oven please Unkle Terry.Clowns.All of them
Can’t watch these type of programmes anymore or shite like Newsnight or Question Time. Just a load of libtard cunts in an echo chamber spouting the same smug bullshit over and over again. Just reading those names makes me angry especially that Ali Baba bitch. Fuck the lot of them to hell.
Agree with all the above, but not the lovely Isabel.
She is a rare beacon of sense and measured thinking in that otherwise PG Tips cast gathering known as Question Time.
No telly, but the Pony Club reference caught my attention so I had a google of her. If she does sense as well as looking like that and subduing a spirited Arab stallion with the merest compression of her elegant thighs, she’s one in several million. I note that Richard Tice is currently shagging her, the lucky lucky cunt and the wicked little minx.
Agreed. Isabel was a hero during Brexit, a lone voice of reason on QT etc. And a top piece of posh totty.
Andrew Pierce is also a right-of-centre Brexiteer. Similarly minded to the lovely Isabel, who naturally gives me the horn.
Julia Hartley-Brewer was a regular at the time I gave up watching about 3 years ago. Does she still appear?
I haven’t seen her on the box for ages, she is the new far right so probably not welcome on the BBcunt machine or sky.
She could ‘review’ me any time.
Oakshotts middle name is Euphemia. What were her parents thinking ?
I would be happy to be beneath Isabel Oakeshott.
I’ve never actually seen it but I don’t have to…it’ll be the same Talking Heads banging on about how their side can do no wrong and the other side no right. Brexit,the economy,America etc…the Talking Head will have his/her/it’s entrenched position and will listen to and consider no viewpoint that isn’t exactly the same as theirs.
I’d like to hear (without some other guest talking over the top of them) the more “middle-of-the-road” view occasionally….people who can accept that Brexit may be neither a total shitshow or the dawning of a brave new UK…perhaps someone who can point out that Trump may not actually be The Devil Incarnate but neither is he The Saviour of Civilisation. etc.
Most people are prepared to accept that very few things are totally black or white….not the professional Talking Head. Let’s hear from a few people who can explain coherently the good points plus the bad points of a subject without resorting to hysterical hyperbole and blind refusal to even consider that the other side may,occasionally,have a point.
Absolutely. We need “Talking-and-Listening” Heads.
Seconded and thirded. ?
Spot on.
– two ears; one mouth.
For good reason.
Smug cunts sat round a table?
On the telly?
Telling me what to think?
Fuck that.
Kevin McGuire!!
Hes one of my favourite people to cunt on here!
Not seen him for a bit.
Hoped after Steptoes defeat to Boris hed had enough and packed it in, moved to a place where ageing commies with nervous tics are accepted.
Noted, Lord of the Rings. Another good reason I don’t own a TV. I have R4 to grind my gears instead. This week’s needy group is fucking students. Boo hoo! After an Army career let me search my conscience for a crumb of sympathy. No none found….
In the papers today Vernon Foxs less violent younger actor brother Laurence Fox has announced hes launching a political party called Reclaim.
Says its based on reclaiming British values,
I like Laurence, know a few on here do,
Hes got courage, says the truth, and stands up to woke bullying when itd be easier for him to be quiet pay lip service and keep cashing the cheques.
Good luck to him.
A politician who isnt greedy, a thief, fond of rent boys, corrupt,?
About time.
I might now have someone I can vote for.
I doubt it Mis. He doesn’t want it to represent either the left or right wing. What sort of fuckin’ political party is that?
R4 News really are going to town on the student issue. I’m not sorry for the cunts either
Mind you, letting them out of their plaguespots to infect the rest of the country was an act of pure genius, and sending the newly-infected cunts who do not live in plaguespots back home would simply complete the cycle. As everyone the government doesn’t listen to was telling the government.
Half or more of university staff, including many lecturers, are still working from home. For the majority of courses the students could do so too and probably get a better education. In many subjects I could do a complete degree course online. The material’s there. All that’s missing is a physical cunt in a funny hat to hand me a bit of plastic tube masquerading as a scroll. Which shouldn’t be beyond Microsucks these days.
It was a proper scroll back in my day, I still have the fucking useless thing.
The reason students wanted to go back had nothing to do with education, it’s about the social life and the alcohol…..don’t blame them, being a student stuck at home is like having a sponge cake with no flavour.
I didn’t even go to Graduation Day and they sent it to me in the post. I’m pretty sure I haven’t seen it since and certainly haven’t bothered mentioning to any employer that I have one.
A tad off the point but the Guardian has on its front page ‘ Diane Abbott, her remarkable life in politics ‘. A picture of the hippo is included. Just the thing to help you ensure your post breakfast crap is delivered swiftly.
A picture of the hippo is included. Just the thing to help you ensure your post breakfast crap is delivered…orally.
Another one of the BBC’s favourite talking head on R4 now. Andy fucking Burnham of Manchester Parish Council.
Hopefully, the days when political parties helcoptered this useless cunt into empty seats etc will be gone when the people of Manchester realise what a turd he is.
I don’t know what you mean……….. BBC biased? Seems perfectly fair and balanced to me. Only a bigotted, far right conspiracy nut would ever think that the BBC has ever broken their charter and that the license fee should be abolished.
The BBC is right wing anyway, it must be true – Owen Jones and Lord Adonis said so.
That must be the parallel universe, how did you find it TITS ?
Any information from a reliable source, for the “actual” viewing figures for these shows? Less than a million? Less?
It’s a televised version of a circle jerk for Marxist cunts.
Into the oven.
An absolutely spot on cunting.
Can’t watch this stuff any more for fear of the effect on my blood pressure, esp. that disgusting Alibaba cunt.
Is little Owen the bedwetter still one of the regulars?
Bring back the luscious Julia H-B, who can show me her position on anything whenever she likes.
Oh yes please…
I’m afraid Julia H-B’s coomon sense views & questioning the insanity of todays hissy fit, woke, libtard media has ensured that she is no longer allowed any airtime on the mainstream channels.
She does a talk radio show, which is sometimes broadcast on youtube, and some of her interviews are also available to view online.
She could interview or ‘hard’ question me anytime, particularly if she sits on my face. I’ve long admired her womanly curves & pendulous fun bags, the saucy cow 🙂
It was that pipsqueak all knowing cunt Owen Jones on Sly last night. I couldn’t reach the off switch quick enough.
And don’t forget that Grauniad cunt, Sachin ‘Charlie’ Nakrani. The Phantom Flasher.