Japanese Yodeling

If you thought karaoke was bad then check this out and discover even worse horrors in cyberspace.

And Takeo, thanks for the offer to come to Scotland and give us your version of “Granny´s Heilan Hame” but don´t call us. We´ll call you!

I suggest you head further south and try “Knees Up Mother Brown”, “My Old Man´s a Dustman” or some other traditional English folk songs. ISACers can´t wait. I guarantee they will give you a warm welcome.


Nominated by: Mr Polly

(Sounds like cultural appropriation to me. – DA)

70 thoughts on “Japanese Yodeling

    • Dunno what this is all about, japs cant yodel!
      I love yodelling
      Both alpine and cowboy.
      Its a artform that improves music.
      But only whitey can do it.
      Japs cant sing or see without bifocals never yodel in a million years!!
      ODELllllllllley he oh!…

      • Picture the scene:

        A family out for a picnic in the Peak District, a tartan rug laid out with, ham sandwiches, hard boiled eggs, tomatoes, heaps of lettuce and lashings of ginger beer. (©️Enid Blyton).
        Ruddy cheeked toddlers playing a game of “tic” with Dad, as Mum watches on, bursting with pride.
        A beautiful scene to warm the heart of every honest Englishman.

        Then from over the hill, comes a shrill sound, an eiree banshee wail. A large dog scampers over the brow, followed by a bearded giant, resplendent in lederhosen, an alpine hat, knapsack on his back and his cock hanging out.

        House hunting “my arse”!!
        Now we know why you visit the Peak District every weekend.

        Afternoon Miserable😀

      • Hehee!!😀😀😀

        Evening CG,
        Uncannily accurate!
        Been in peaks today on the pennine way then the pub for sunday dinner.
        Beautiful day!!
        Sun out but cold as a traffic wardens heart.
        The beer was a thing of beauty as was the roast.
        What a life eh?
        Charmed by the gods!
        Its Great to be White!!👍👍👍🇬🇧

      • Proud white Anglo Saxon here👍
        It’s even better to be white, English and have a good sense of humour😀👍

      • Welsh:

        Free prescriptions
        Stunning coastline
        Clean air
        Celtic beauties (breasty 👍)

        Cheer up CC😀

  1. Mr Polly-you send that bastard down here, we’ll send Abbott, Lammy and Femi up to “yous”😄

  2. What do you call a very careless japanese with a father who has chronic diaorrehea? A slap happy jappy with a crap happy pappy. I thang yaw.

  3. That was fucking painful. I’d heard of Takashi Ishii but not this cunt. Please don’t let anyone nominate him again.

    • Her talent was much under appreciated. Tone deaf. Couldnt draw. Couldnt write or compose poems. She will be sadly missed when I get the fucker in the Dead Pool.

    • I first cottoned on to this in Switzerland when I saw Japanese couples who had flown around the world to get married in Alpine villages. The Swiss, as usual, made a fortune out of the Nips´ idiocy.

  4. Tim Booth yodelled a bit occasionally in James
    And Hank Williams did,
    Bet Hitler did on his days off?
    Few beers in the beirkeller, lunch of sausages, the oompah starts up..
    Slapping his thighs to the music, a grin breaks out under his funny little tash,
    His kindly face flushed with alcohol and joy,
    Some bloke who runs the pawnshop sn1ggers at the attempt.
    Hell soon regret that…

  5. The wicked little Sod’ll probably take up the fucking bagpipes next…just to round out the Japanese love of torturing innocent people.

      • And also a filthy rich deceiver. Thanks in no shortage to his wax on wax off pantomime, he opened the largest hand car wash centre in California, exploiting ineffectual teenagers who graduated to getting hospitalised in MMA for attempting the Crane kick.
        “Ahh sooo.”

    • I love bagpipes Dick!
      Do you like the Northumbrian pipes?
      I do.
      Although not if by some squinting little kamakhazi jap.

      • Are you fishing for a ‘Classic Bagpipe’ CD for your IsAC secret Santa present Miserable. I pity poor Mrs M on those long drives to the Peaks.

      • We’re not doing Secret Santa again this year are we .? I’m still trying to work out who got me the pushbike-pump and a ticket to the Dignitas.

      • LL, dont feel Sorry for her she has the life of reilly.
        She won the lotto of life pulling me.
        Im like willy wonkas golden ticket,
        I could of had my pick of women in styal prison.

      • I can’t fucking stand them,Miserable.. a few years ago Kathryn Tickell (quite well known as a piper) and her band of family and assorted folk music weirdos occasionally inflicted their dreadful caterwauling on to the customers of a Pub that I sometimes visited…it was fucking excruciating…..the worst wasn’t actually the noise but the reverential way that her fans went on about it… “atmospheric”..indeed…however what really boiled my piss was when they insisted one night that the jukebox should be turned off while they played….I’d just put on 2 pounds worth of selections in the hope of drowning the buggers out.

      • Dick@
        Id of fawned and gushed shamelessly!
        Ive no sense of dignity and would of clapped louder than anyones else for Kathryn sheeptick.
        BRAVO! BRAVO!
        Id be the only one in the boozer not embarrassed by my behaviour.😀😀

      • You’d love some of the “folk” nights they have up here…..poetry recited in the local dialect, fiddle players,singers etc.

        Dreadful stuff,truly dreadful.

      • The pipes are ace!. I went to the worlds in Glasgee a few years ago to hear the Field Marshal Montgomery Band win again. Made me want want to spontaneously bayonet people.

    • Look at the determination on his face, looks like he’s spotted the eastern rotter already.

  6. I like the Japanese, they don’t like too many foreigners in their country, they will happily kick China for fun. They are hard as nails and they don’t arrive on our beaches on inner tubes.

    • Sixdog, I dont really mind them, but im racist to everyone itd be rude to leave them out!

      • I’d be fucking horrified if I opened the door and saw those creepy little bastards…thieving,bobble-headed,bow-legged freaks…greedy little Cunts too…wanted a fucking fortune to come to my Rugby Club Dinner for the d?arf-chucking competition…ended up having to have a Tip-The-Fat-Cunt competition instead.

      • I like the homage to the magnificent seven at the end!
        All walking in a line!😀
        Id love a night in the boozer with them, be a right laugh!!

      • Have you considered getting help for your Achondroplasiaphobia, Dick?

        Would be happy to do mates rates, £50 an hour if you’re interested. 🙂

  7. I rather like the land of the rising sun. They have no truck with Islam or any other fuckers. They are an island race with a long history. They are basically martian English.

      • Hello Nothern. Im not completely sure you understand these words………I …am ….talking …..to you from …… earth. Im off to…button moon………….RIGHT back down to earth and a half bottle ………

  8. Modern Japan and it’s music is baffling at best. Karaoke is still going strong to this day. I think they never recovered from losing the war in such a fashion, that coupled with their high paced tech advancements eroding tradition many have become lost souls. Suicide forest, lock-in people, weird pixelated sex and fetishes (no comment!). They do the best beef in the world however so its not all bad.

    • Lost souls is an interesting point Ernst, they have a condition out there called ‘Hikikomori’, where people, mainly young men become recluses and lock themselves away from society for years at a time.

      • Indeed LL. That’s what I was referring to. Mainly men I believe, who despite being forced to live with parents or grandparents in order to survive, only open the door to receive placed food and scuttle to the toilet etc. History and race aside that’s a dreadful situation to be in, and I feel sorry for any cunt who ends up like that.

    • They dont do the best beef!!
      Sorry Its important im Earnest Ernest.
      You mean that kyobe beef?
      Probably from a squid.
      WE do the best beef.
      British beef reared on british fields by british farmers.
      Not picking a fight but its important to be earnest.

      • We don’t do the best beef alas. I had to spend some time training in Tokyo some years ago and I blew my expenses (bar beer money) on noshing on some Akita and Tajima beef. It’s horrific in its price, but un-exported premium Wagyu is something very very special indeed. That said, the best sausages I’ve ever had are Robinson’s best pork in Crook, Co. Durham. Nothing tops them like.

      • Youve obviously never tried birdseye burgers.
        Handmade by angels.
        Japs dont come close.
        Theyre expensive too.
        Hold on..
        Did you say Akita?!!!

      • Nah man I said I’d had a beef with wor Rita.
        I grew up on Birds Eye mate. I’ve have had farm foods re-formed meat steaks in the past (with added bone splinters), a good stork & puffin cob from the Derby and a fine steak & pigmy pudding in Chichester. Being in the Midlands now, an oily chicken Joe Frasier washes down well with the Murphys. Till the morning like.

  9. The old cunt in the video looks like an oriental Des O’connor; a lush, chestnut leather complexion.

    A face of finest Connolly hide.

    Piss of and go and yodel underwater.

  10. I saved that to cheer me up as I return to full-time work (until our returning students have completely infected the region and it all goes tits up again). It did. Thank you.

    Without the video, though, I don’t think you would know he’s Japanese, and he really makes that terrible noise just as well as a Germanic cunt.

    Suggested improvement: filmed by Kurosawa, in full samurai armour, kneeling in conference with his fellow-generals while his castle (still in the hills) burns around him. Yodelling in guttural Japanese until the ronin storm the place and remove his still-yodelling head.

    I think the Japanese are ace, btw.

  11. Fucking brilliant! I piped that into the back of the truck on my way into ED! I think my crewmate’s going to kill me! Had me tapping my foot, though!!

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