The BBC, yet again worthy of another nomination. Before I begin I should point my fellow cunters to this article on the BBC’s very own website stating it’s responsibilities to impartiality:
All I can say is that the snowflakes at the BBC must follow the lefty cancel culture so very prevalent in our educational establishments and simply gloss over anything not in line with their own woke agenda as not worthy of comment.
Watching (I know huge mistake) this evenings news to witness the most biased fest of arse felching, endorsing that piss reeking senile old puppet Biden as the future president of the good ol’ U S of A. Using the Democrats assertion that the upcoming election is a fight of good versus bad, pitching themselves as the rebel alliance versus the empire. Usual array of backers of course, trawling out Obama, who virtually managed to bankrupt the country (but we won’t Mention that). Solid Joe, man of the people, blah fucking blah. No mention of a counter viewpoint, just section upon section, belittling, characterising and demonising Trump who pre Covid was doing a decent job of revitalising an economy that had been destroyed by the previous democrat government.
When will the woke left realise that the reason Trump was elected is that the majority still reject the left and their overly woke, safe space, cancel culture, micro aggression, Antifa, soy boy bollocks that is being rammed down people’s throats day in day out by the ‘unbiased’ media. Everybody can see Biden is just a puppet. Choose the most senile candidate, get him elected, declare him unfit to govern and let the real face of the democrats come to the fore and fuck America right in the asshole.
I for one would pay good money to see the Donald win again just to see the woke meltdown all over again.
Nominated by:Bellendiousmaximus
49 nominations for the BBC!
I’m not sure ‘Woke’ is left-wing in the traditional sense. Neoliberal economics is certainly not left-wing. Support for conservative religionists is not left-wing. The hyper individualism and narcissism of identity politics is not left-wing but a rejection of collective rights in favour of a single person’s right to define his/her own reality.
Some musings on words…
Wrong link…
Not that anyone noticed….
? This site rocks.
MNC, loved the wee McGregor slur “porridge *og”.
Biden is the Trojan Horse, the name every American knows because he was Saint O’Bummer’s VP. The BBC’s coverage of American politics is a fucking disgrace with no attempt to hide their Orangeman Bad invective. They assume all we know about America is Friends, Hollywoke and that slag Beyonce. Their undisguised contempt for the intelligence of the average British viewer or listener I actually find quite amusing. They are digging their own graves the fucking stupid posh cunts.
Having just read the BBCs statement on impartiality via the link, I can now state that the spin doctor that wrote it is the only person employed there who actually earns his wages.
Unfortunately, his talents are wasted as it would take a magician to convince anyone capable of rational thought that the BBC are not biased.
Notice in the statement that they claim to target the likely audience expectation.
What a load of bollocks. This is a thinly veiled excuse to keep pushing their left wing propaganda.
My left wing friends, who I constantly argue with, agree that the BBC are biased. The impartiality of the BBC is the only subject so far in which we share common ground.
Is it any wonder the BBC endorse a kiddie sniffer like potato Joe?
“””” the reason Trump was elected is that the majority still reject the left and their overly woke, safe space, cancel culture, micro aggression, Antifa. Etc……” It says.
Forgive me, but.
When Trump was elected 4 years ago, almost none of that ‘woke’ stuff/ bullshit existed in 2016. He was elected because H.R. Clinton is a shitehouse.
The rationale above is the reason that he will be re-elected….
Yes, indeed. I guess I needed to clarify that point. In my ham fisted way I was suggesting the current ‘wokeness’ is just a progression following on from Obama’s and then Clinton’s total abandonment of the old blue collar white working man. Certainly the fact that Clinton was a bare faced liar also helped Trump, but that was only part of the story. What we’re seeing now is the usual further lurch to the left in response to Trump’s conservatism. Can you imagine the paddy if Trump is re-elected?
What is there to say that hasn’t already been said?
It’s a rats nest of commies,ethnic muck and degenerates.
Goebbels would be proud of their victory of unaccountable propaganda.
Filthy fucking traitors.
Fuck Off.
The BBC remind you of an elderly relative in failing health – you know there is no cure and you see them getting more senile every day. When they are not changing Biden’s wet nappies, they still agitate over Brexit – yesterdays excuse was that food prices might rise after Brexit – well they rise all the time EU or no EU.
Two many pansies and ex New Labour arselickers employed there to ever be impartial when you consdier that arsewipe Jim Pur-nell is “head of news and education”. The motherfucker needs to educate himself first.
The BBC has positioned itself as a “force for change” and seems to believe that it has the right to try and impose the views of it’s “right-on” liberal metropolitan elite onto the rest of the Country..while expecting the “uneducated Plebs” to pay for the privilege.
Get away from their incestuous little bubble of “wokeness” and you’ll find that most of the Country just don’t particularly care about sexual deviants,the wickedness of colonialism,black rights,pollution etc…..perhaps they should,but they don’t and it is not the BBC’s job to try and indoctrinate them. Most people ,particularly at the moment,don’t want to be educated by the BBC,they want to hear and watch an unbiased reporting of events but most of all they want to be entertained. I just want to put the box on,hear an unblemished account of The News and then settle down to something that isn’t trying to make me feel guilty at my “inherent wickedness”.
To Fuck with “education”…bring back “entertainment.”.
I have not read the charter of the BBC but I would be surprised if it included ‘force for Change’ . Education is mentioned but the BBC is not educating it is indoctrinating.
I fear that the entire structure is rotten to the core and there will be no pressure to change until the organisation is defunded , subjected to market forces and has to produce programmes that consumers wish to buy.
The current situation is unacceptable but the BBC has managed to cultivate the status of a sacred cow and any person who points this out is seen as a heretic.
Media bias isnt confined to the BBC, channel4. Sky, ITV, channel5, Discovery, now the History Channel.
Plus all advertising companies.
All views are from the left and youll never hear any other views to strike a balance.
It stifles debate, and rather than acheive its agenda makes people question it or depending on their experiences see it as lies.
When did we turn into North Korea?
Keep this shit up BBC youve gone from national institution with respect for your broadcasting to being seen as the enemy of ordinary people.
Yes, the advertising companies who make us think the population is about 97% black and all families are mixed race. My daughter was watching some shite film on Netlix the other day (Enola Holmes) and, apparently, Victorian London had loads of black people.
They did.
Called chimney sweeps.
Chim chim chimney…?
Black chimney sweeps?
Dick Van Dyke stole their jobs!
Another example of waaycism highlighted by the BBC.
Back to your normal joking self!
Even the black chimbley sweeps do black-face
I love it when you get all serious Mis!
Doesn’t happen often Bertie!??
Good Morning,
The continued bias of the BBCunts news output means that I, and I guess many others, have stopped listening to it. A source of news information, for which we have paid for, is denied to me.
I apologise if I have posted this link before (I have had 48 opportunities before) but it is worth a read
RT news for me.
I get most of my news from here, anything else can fuck off.
I hope Andrew Neil gets his new GB News channel up and running pretty sharpish as it’s desperately needed.
I have to ration my BBC/Sly news intake to few minutes a day as i nearly always end up shouting ‘oh just fuck off you cunts’ at the idiot box which can’t be good for my mental ‘elf and blood pressure.
I was hoping Andrew Neill would get the Chairman’s job.
But my paper this morning suggests it’ll be Dacre. Charles Moore, the bloke from the Telegraph who always gets outvoted by the other lefty cunts on QT will do too.
Whoever is in charge ot will not change until it is defunded and has to broadcast the truth.
Which means removing 95% of current employees.
BBC news last night, a report about wimminz football followed by wimminz cricket. Fuck knows who was playing because NOBODY GIVES A FUCK!
They can shove this shit down our throats all they like nobody wants to watch it, nobody fucking cares.
Totally agree Freddie and it’s getting more insidious by the day. On their website they often “forget” to flag up any gender at all which REALLY pisses me off!
Popped back to the station for break, yesterday, rugby on Channel 4. Fucking bird commentating. Telly went straight off, remote control lobbed at it. Is fuck-all sacred, anymore? Don’t they realise their target audience doesn’t want to hear some screeching harpee banging on anout something she has no fucking experience or idea of?
Exactly. If I wanted aural torture from a mouthy opinionated harridan I’d just phone the wife at home
They have women’s football and women’s cricket because they can’t afford to pay for the men’s versions. They have given all the money to Linneker and Zoe Ball.
It’s inevitable that the BBC will hit the half century ?
I hope it’s hit for six.
Well the wimminz “cricketers” certainly won’t!
Further ranting to follow, just checking out some freedom of information info and getting some figures together.
defund the bbc
dont pay the licence tax
fuck the cunts
Heil to that! Go marxist, go broke!
The BBC biased, or black or Bolshevik or bastard or blood useless insert your own adjective here broadcasting Corp needs to be closed down. It is a cancer spreading libtard, trans, woke, false prejudice against minorities, muzzy ideologies…
Cancel your licence now. Encourage everyone you know to do likewise. Honestly there is fuck all on ” so called live tv ” worth a wank. I don’t watch it and cancelled my licence .. Go on Cancel yours you’ll feel great and get a refund.
Fuck the bbc cunts right off the Air..
They had another bunch of dark keys on bbc3 this week telling us all about our white privilege. Telling us at will how the honky man and woman behaves.
Funny how the dark keys can comment on white people at will and with complete impunity. But the honky man must shut up about the dark key as, ‘How would you dirty racist honkies know anything about being black?’
Works both ways, idiots. And I use stats and facts to back up my arguments instead of made up horse shit like ‘white privilege’.
Fact 1: Lower IQ = more prone to criminality.
Fact 2: On average, Those with Africans genes have lower IQs than other races.
Fact 3. Per capita, African gened blacks the world over commit more violent crime than other races.
Fact 4: Black on white rape and other violent crime, including murder, is much higher per capita than the other way around. Everywhere.
Fact 5: The BBC recently allowed an anti white, black ‘comedian’ to call for the genocide of ‘whitey’. It was just a joke of course. I’m sure a white person would’ve got away with a similar ‘joke’ if it was the other way around?
Fact 6: I will crack open the champers outside BBC HQ when they finally defund the cunts.
In 2018 – 2020 900,000+ people cancelled their TV licences. ( Freedom of Information request). The BBC refused to provide this information when repeatedly asked despite the fact that as a publicly funded broadcaster they had a legal obligation to do so. (The BBC also blatantly lied and said it was much less).
This works out at around £135 million in lost revenue – but these rodents still have 100 million of licence payers money to spunk away on “diversity and inclusivity awareness” (AKA – get rid of straight white male whitey).
Their smirking KuenSSberg.Maitlis marxist lefty arrogance is beginning to disappear, the people are voting with their cash and telling the BBC exactly what they think of their evil agenda – and I can’t say I’m happier.
These little fkers should read their job title – “REPORTER” – not manipulator, distorter, fabricator of fake news, apologist and propaganda vehicle for the m*rderous t*rrorist organisations of BLM and Antifa and the BBC does not represent a Country where approximately 10% of the population are mixed race but the BBC does not have a white face on unless it is taking a knee or apologising for racism they do not engage in and slavery they have never engaged in.
The BBC are trying to spread their hateful poison across America and report violent disorder and m*rder as “largely peaceful anti racism protests” but call peaceful law abiding citizens protesting about the dictatorship we are increasingly being bullied into living under as “far right anarchists”.
But the word is that Orange Don is becomingly increasingly frustrated with the fake news organisations and I think words are being had with sleepy Boris – the BBC are doing everything they can to rig the US election and are refusing to report the widespread postal vote fraud in America by the crazy democ rats and their monstrous supporters – as well as the rioting and mayhem the democ rats (surely a most ironic title) support, organise, fund and encourage with the ever open wallet of former SS member George Sauron Soros.
The BBC have gone too far, have got a bit too big for their jackboots and have a fucking big shock coming.
Good rant Vernon
It’s getting to the point where every time I turn on the tv something boils my piss so I’ve started blocking programmes. Another couple of weeks of this and I’ll have nothing left to watch.
It’s not just me, then.
I’m fine, Sony Christmas started on Thursday.
If anyone typifies the left wing bias at the BBC it’s……………….. all of the cunts.
I just switched on the TV and it was on BBC 1, something about dating in lockdown, they interviewed a couple who had started dating in lockdown
Black man and White woman ?
Are the researchers instructed to find a mixed race couple, probably
They must be. EVERY programme or advert has a miced race couple in it. Without fail. Halifax, white, black, white, black – the black bloke sounds like Augustus Kwembe from Facejacker. Some travel company, black bloke, white woman. Absolutely every one. I think we’re too far down the road to stop it. Cunts are STILL kneeling before football matches, as shown before EVERY fucking game on Match Of The Day. We get the fucking idea what a bunch of cunts kneeling looks like, you hand-wringing cunts. Only one fucking match, Crystal Palace, held a minutes silence for the copper that was murdered, though. Poor fucking Sgt Ratana obviously wasn’t a big a role model as the Sainted George ‘Hold a gun to your pregnant belly and threaten to rape and murder you while my mates rob your house’ Floyd.
My piss cannot get any warmer and my fucking ulcer’s playing up.
And another thing, have you noticed how the majority of continuity announcers have that pathetic fucking fake ‘Yardie’ accent? Talk properly, you cunts. Jesus, I’m going to have an omeprazole…
Don’t get hooked on those PPI’s DCI!
I’ve been taking lansoprazole for about 5 years. When I’ve tried to come off them, I’ve managed about 3 days before you get a rebound action and reflux comes back worse than ever!
As and when, Bertie! But that’s more frequent nowadays. The Woke Brigade and NHS 111 will be the death of me. I might cunt 111 but that’s a bit niche.
Difficult one for the woke brigade. You would have thought that with Sgt Ratana being an immigrant they would have gone overboard shedding crocodile tears and rioting in the streets….but that would mean condemning the illegal (probably) immigrant terrorist scum who murdered him, and they wouldn’t want to do that, would they? Anyway, Sgt Ratana was a policeman and had the wrong skin colour, so the enemy in woke mentality.
The knee taking bollocks was just supposed to be for a month or so at the back end of last season.
I predicted that it would never end as no fucking player or team would want to be the first to stop kneeling.
It’s fucking ridiculous that some dead yank criminal is getting more tribute than Princess Di, Winston Churchill, 9/11, 7/7 and Remembrance Sunday all put together.
What a fucking joke.
Think you might like Grayson Perry’s Big American Road Trip CH4 Wednesday at 10pm. First one was on last week and talking about race in USA. By 2045 black will be the majority. When this happens the cunts won’t have anyone else to blame but themselves.
I honestly do not know any mixed race couples, I may see the odd mixed race couple in Spasda or walking down the road somewhere but I do not personally know any so why is it rammed down our fucking throats at every opportunity. And another thing, why do the vast majority of these mixed race couples in adverts consist of a black male with a white female, is it to reinforce the social brainwashing that all white men are bad people? Where are the adverts with a black male and a Parking Stanley female or even an Oriental female? There are more fucking rug munchers and batty bois in TV adverts than white couples.
I loved the Tesco Christmas advert a couple of years ago with Muslims eating a turkey Christmas dinner. Nearly pissed myself laughing.
I suggested here before, it’s to tell you “your bloodline is being bred out and your women prefer black cock.”
BBC-a stinking, diseased, Big, Black Cock, shoved up whiteys arse.
@ Vern-lots more are defunding this corrupt organisation, more than last year. The last six months has exposed everything wrong with society, the thin veneers have fallen away and we can now see the extreme left clearly.
TT CG@ – I will continue putting the boot into the BBC until it is gone.
No licence money – no BBC.
The BBC,s future is looking bleak which is as good an excuse to raise your glass and toast to its demise
The party’s over for you bunch of wonky eyed cunts so grab your coats and be gone……
Hopefully Jonson will call a bank holiday in celebration to mark the event..
On social media, but not on MSM a clip of a “spontaneous” protest in Louisville the other day. A truck pulls up and a load of cunts gather around it extracting shields, “homemade” flags and signs and other stuff they were shoving in their pockets. Another largely peaceful protest.
Still waiting for a Parliament debate date.