Sophie Duker and Frankie Boyle’s ‘New World Order’

A cunting please for Sophie Duker and Frankie Boyle’s ‘New World Order’.

Apparently it is perfectly okay for a blick “comic” to go on prime time BBC Television and make violently racist jokes about “killing whitey”.

In a segment where the panelists discussed whether the BLM movement “glosses over the complexities of a world where we all need to come together and kill whitey”, Frankie Boyle played a clip of black author James Baldwin talking about black power during an interview on the Dick Cavett Show in the 1970s.

Responding to said clip, comedian Sophie Duker (me neither) – who has also appeared on something called Eight Out Of Ten Cunts – asserted that “white power” and “black power” are “capitalist myths” that need to be dispelled, before calling “whiteness” a “capitalist structure”.

She then claimed that “white power is Trump Tower” – a nod to Left-wing allegations that the US President is a racist – and joked about “killing whitey”.

“When we say we want to kill whitey, we don’t really mean we want to kill whitey,” said Duker, then quipped to fellow panelists “we do” – to roars of laughter in the studio.

Anyway, fuck off you sub-primate CUNT.

Nominated by: Ruff Tuff Creampuff

102 thoughts on “Sophie Duker and Frankie Boyle’s ‘New World Order’

  1. Imagine the rabid reaction if the statement was altered just a tad!

    Hypocrisy is the New Woke Order.

    • Precisely. Blacks making jokes about killing whitey wouldn’t particularly bother me as long as whites (and other ethnic persuasions) were equally free to make jokes about killing dârkiès.

  2. Ruff-your nomination confirms my comments on the mask thread re: bame.

    Celebrating diversity is like turkeys celebrating Christmas.

    Sophie you chippy black bitch, Heathrow is close to you and there are some great deals on flights to Afrika-I imagine liberia would be a perfect destination for someone like you ?

    Point of order for everyone so we don’t get the rozzers kicking down the front door of Admin Mansions. Saying “chippy bitch” is fine. Qualifying it with it’s skin colour isn’t. Carry on.

    • Just to clarify, I don’t celebrate diversity General, and certainly not multiculturalism.

      My wife of Indian descent is at least as British as I am, by birth and culturally – the colour of our respective skin has never been an issue and never will be.

      It’s not skin colour that’s the problem in our society, it’s culture.

      • “It’s not skin colour that’s the problem in our society, it’s culture.”
        Nicely summed up RTC. If it’s not too late already, this is where the emphasis needs to be if we are to retrieve anything from the situation.

      • Bettie? How very dare you!
        It is not for them to retrieve but us.To me, it will become a numbers game and to change anything we need to get as many people onside as possible.

      • Apologies Bertie:

        The wrap on the knuckles from admin has made my appalling typing worse than usual.

        Ask Percy if he could get a group of his “illegal immigrants” Parakeet chums to nest in this “Chippy …..Bitch’s” hair.
        Then see if green lives matter.
        At least if they cover her in birdshit, it will improve her “looks”?

      • ? CG. I thought you were just referring to someone who worked in a fish and chip shop!

      • Afternoon Betty,
        You well?
        Antibiotics doing the trick?
        Soon be fighting fit and back on the trampoline with your granddaughter!!?

      • Unlikely to see her in a traditional “immigrants invented fish n’ chips” English chippy-she wouldn’t be able to suppress her race memory and would attack white patrons with plastic forks.
        No-KFC for this “person of colour”.

        Tell Percy that there is a gold plated cage with en-suite bird bath, hot and cold Norwegian Blue prozzies and a shiny new bowling ball in it, for him?

        Ps: I can call you Betty and Betty when you call me, you can call me Al?

      • Afternoon Mis. I had my last antibiotic today and they’ve worked well thanks.
        We mind the little granddaughter on Fridays but I’ll only be letting her in if she passes a medical. I’ve got my thermometer ready.

      • Things like grime, blm, stabby twats and general disorder. These things give good folk and bad name. Unfortunately the media love it and endorse it.
        Its a shame because we have hard working interegrated people who must look at some of this so called culture and grimmice at it. A bit like pride; lots of people are gay ect without having to mince about and act like twats. I think it mostly comes down to victimhood and narcissism.
        Unfortunately all it really dose it alienate people.

      • ‘It’s not skin colour that’s the problem in our society, it’s culture’

        Beautifully put, Ruff. I work with all sorts of people, gays, Muslims, blacks, all different creeds and cultures. Not an issue with any of them. They hust want to get on and do the job. No ‘Blame’ culture amongst them.

    • @admin

      Qualifying a negative with skin colour is fine if aimed at someone afflicted with “white” skin.
      Or have I been dreaming for the last few years?

      Quite so, General. We all know only white people are racist. But shh…don’t tell anyone. Carry on. – admin

    • Yes for next to nothing i highly reccomend to mrs racist bastard umbongo bongo to try the nigerian chocolate drop dont go on the plane /you go underneath loosely fastened to the undercarriage and disposed of at 30’000 ft with the rest of the turds

  3. I heard a pretty funny statement by a St. Louis police officer.

    “If we wanted to see black folk dead, we would simply stop patrolling their neighbourhoods”.

    He was also being funny / serious.

  4. Thankfully I’ve never seen this programme or heard of the snarky, racist bitch with the giant microphone-hair but she can fuck off. She’s probably never done a day’s work in her short, uncomedic life. I’ve enjoyed a bit of black minge in my time but I wouldn’t let this mook near my Magnanimous pole although I would shit in her cakehole and wipe my arse on her comedy Golly wig afterwards.

      • Il try one lets see if ot moderates here we go
        G*lly w*g

        Yes, it got moderated. We have enough to do without dealing with cunts deliberately trying to get modded. Behave or fuck off. – admin

      • Gösh. You can say “kill whitey” but you can’t say “Gㅇlly”? What a time to be alive, Ruffmeister.

  5. Fuck off you unfunny diseased disgusting deformed ape.
    My young nephew googled the word “cunt“ and this piece of shit was the top result.

  6. Boyle has come out as a full on cunt. Looking at who he has on his show, Sarah Pascoe comes to mind, it is not funny unless you are a wokey, lefty fucking hypocrite. Like Boyle. The man who thought it was funny to take the piss out of Rebecca Adlington’s looks. Well, why not. She is an athlete and medalist so deserves ridicule.
    Fuck off back to Scotland and take your tame kaffirs and unfunny wimmin with you.

    • He’s just another smug and arrogant champagne socialist, comfortable in his material wealth and secure in the knowledge he won’t have to live in the same kind of shitholes us mere plebs have to tolerate at ground level.

      I would laugh and laugh if he was ever carjacked or burgled. And it turned out his assailants were not white but………bl…

    • If he likes the kaffir so much he has two other choices to fuck off to.
      It seems the bitch’s parents are from Cameroon and Ghana.

      Pack your bags, collect Boyle and your parents, fuck off and don’t come back.

  7. Sophie Darker, you couldnt kill time never mind anything else you fuzzy Robertsons boring commie cunt.
    Kill whitey? Start with the 4eyed ginger cunt facing you!
    Double standards fucker, be first to turn on the water works when I said a joke about George ‘dont lean on me’ Floyd wouldnt you?
    Your the problem
    Not the solution.

    • Put a bone through this ugly cunts nose and she can have a starring role in The next King Kong Skull island blackfest

    • You want fries with that motherfucker^i cant breath sez floyd ^good sez the cop
      (Not actual events might not have happened)

    • First time I saw Frankie Boyle I thought he was funny!
      I like my humour black an dark.
      But hes turned into the worst little sneering marxist you could imagine.
      Playing to his masters at the BBC and woke audiences in London.
      Hes like his sister Nicola Sturgeon, a clammy skinned freckled little leftover foreskin.
      Eat shit Frankie.

  8. Apparently, when Bill Cosby was asked if being woke was a good thing, he said, “If you’ve put her knickers back on correctly I dont see a problem”….

  9. The likes of leftie Boyle (on the arse) are the cunts in all this. The translucent-skinned, ginger bearded Scots cunt. Bet he thinks he is edgy. No, you are not, Boyle, you are just a spiteful, Buckfast drinking shitehawk who is about as funny as a visit to Auschwitz on a rainy day.

    Give Duker a fucking tyre swing and some umbongo and the uppity cunt might calm down a little.

    • I’m urgently investigating if both will fit sideways into the oven after they’ve been run over by a Churchill tank.
      Dear me I really must say CUNTS.

  10. The first rule of making jokes is that they should be funny. If a joke is funny I don’t give a fuck about the subject matter.

    But there was nothing remotely rib tickling about Sophie’s so called jokes, they seemed purely designed to jump on the BLM woke bandwagon by taking cheap shots at a different ethnic group she knew was unable to shoot back.

    Diversity my arse. Division is what these cunts are all about.

    • Precisely RTC. Well said.

      I think most of us would agree that racism and discrimination based upon race isn’t a good thing for anyone. Neither is hitching your wagon to BLM to further your cause/message. It shows epic levels of ignorance to believe otherwise. Therein lies the problem. I’m sure the rioters and looters aren’t all professors, PhDs and heads of industry just out for a laugh on their day off.

      • Here here i bet my life theym in the bottom lowest few percent of the population /they would have to be to believe their own bullshit

      • Well as the phrase go s in name only with his playshool degree /still im sure what with his world views he will go far.straight to the front of a large crowd of protesters with all their other bullshit.
        Thank god there are infinetly more intellegent people out there in various vocations which i adhere to talk about a world gone daft

      • I would prefer her to “set the controls for the heart of the Sun”.
        Livestream it-job done?

  11. I bet this bag of soot is as funny as fuck to the two recent US cops who were shot in an ambush recently. I bet they are laughing all the way to the cemetery.

    • The Police officers didn’t die Little Lord, they’re expected to recover although the perpetrator hasn’t been caught.

      • Having watched the video of the incident, Capt. Mag, I suggest they check out the local zoo-in particular the Orangutan house?

      • ?…or the Yank equivalent of a Nando’s-style chiggin shack, C-G.

        Orango’s? Mangoes? Negrㅇes?

  12. The words they use really piss me off ‘whiteness’ what the fuck is that, a soap powder advert!

    Should never have allowed the cunts to take the g0lly of the jam jar, it’s been downhill ever since.

  13. I have made a formal complaint to the BBC about this. I expect the usual answer – utter fkin shite.
    And I collared “The fat ginger proclaimer” Boyle on twatter about this. To my surprise – no response.
    And if I was on television advocating the m*rder of a black person the Police would be kicking my door down within ten minutes.
    This evil racist bitch needs arresting just as I would have been.

    • The only funny thing about this “comedienne” is her comedy wig. When you’re elected Vern, could you table a Bill to hasten the BBC into a subscription service.

      • Al-Beeb are are as dickless as ITV and Ofcom. Some bitch called Alesha Dixon has been wearing a Mr T style gold BLM necklace while sat next to that mincing tool David Walliams on the BGT judges panel. The same Walliams who blacked up for laughs multiple times on ‘Little Britain’ with the fat albino Matt Lucas.

      • Almost wrote a nomination for Matt Lucas. People fall over themselves raining down plaudits on his ‘comic genius’ but all I see are a few poor accents loudly spoken and wearing a dress.

      • Captain!!! Your comment reminded me of something. Recall Lucas and Walliams were all apologetic and teary eyed for blacking up in a ‘comedy’ show? Well now…the other night Mrs Yank wanted to watch something light, funny and short so I slapped in a Harry and Paul DVD. Fuck me if I didn’t see one of them blacked up and impersonating Nelson Mandela. It was very funny mind. I wonder if either Whitehouse or Enfield have woken (see what I did there) up to their comedic sins? Hope not.

      • Cheers for that, Immy. Some of Enfield’s stuff is rather funny. Look out for The Story of The Twos’, a piss-take of BBC2 stuff. It might even be on yoochoob.

      • Doing my best to achieve that on twatter CM!
        And the amount of people who agree with me is mind blowing.

  14. Never heard of this tar brushed cunt before this nom and I wish it had stayed that way. Apparently both the BBCunts and Ofcom received a ‘number’ of complaints but as usual they were swept under the carpet. This is what the Beeb said: “The BBC commented that the programme was after 10pm and its content “was within audience expectations for a post-watershed, topical, satirical programme from a comedian whose style and tone are well-established”. So there you go. Making racist comments about murdering people because of their skin colour is apparently satirical comedy. I wonder if Bernard Manning would have received the same treatment?

    • Dear saint bernard would have answered back!
      Fuck me its dark in here i didnt see you till you smiled dear /i thought someone had moved a fucking piano in
      Cue raucous laughing from audience if they are not all woke /watch her expression!and you will laugh your outnumbered 1,000 -1 !

      • Good old Bernard-people call him a fat-racist-cunt.
        At least he wAs an extremely-funny-fat-racist-cunt???

      • Fuck yeah he was funny /cos he said what people thought who d worked all their life he was very welcome in working mans clubs no woke twats about then was there

  15. We’ve suddenly got Sky Arts from somewhere. Beaming black lady in African dress lapping up the soy boy commentator next to her who was saying we had to go through all of recorded history to find where we have denigrated African culture and expunge it. Or words go that effect.
    Reminded me of thd famous speech in Macbeth. Yes to get Africa on culture on top we will have to expunge all of ‘recorded time’, ‘to the last syllable.’

    • Channel 11 used to be ‘Pick’. Now it’s ‘Sky Arts’

      Most disconcerting. I wonder where Pick has gone? I used to like watching ‘Nothing To Declare’ etc while having my elevenses.

  16. Well cunted Ruff.

    I googled this cuntpanzie and to my surprise the very subject of this cunting was detailed on Wikipedia.

    Just another cunt of African descent who doesn’t realize how fortunate she is to be born in London rather that Timbuktu.

    And she doesn’t realize how lucky she is to live in a civilized country with Anglo Saxon heritage and jurisprudence rather than some third world shithole of Jungle Bunny Sharia law.

    I read that this cunt also went to Oxford and studied French.

    Ah? Eh ben, va te faire foutre, poutain de salope!

    • So an even bigger cunt than I first imagined!

      I hear the Markle slag and the pussywhipped prince have been poking their noses into the presidential election. I thought Don’s retort was spot on.

      • Trump’s response was indeed right on the mark.

        As for the Markle-Hewitt-Mountbatten-Windsors, at least 2 cuntings on the subject you mentioned were on the nominations page so I would expect them at some point in the future.

        Providing of course that the collective wisdom of the Admins deems them worthy. ?

  17. I saw that biiitch.

    Why hasn’t she been arrested yet?

    Imagine if a white make said the same shit about blacks? She was taking out of her fucking arse as well. What a load of bollocks she was spouting.

    Simply my dear, if you’ve got a problem with the native population (yes, that means white!) then feel free to fuck off to some African shithole to be among your own glorious people.

    Stop being so jealous of the honky. Stop blaming honky for your inadequacies.

    And Frankie Boyle is a fucking massive cucked cunt. He sat there stroking his beard as some anti-white filth called for genocide. It included you too, you thick ginger cunt. 30 pieces of silver sprang to mind.

    The BBC should be fucking shut down after that shit show.

    What a fucking country.

  18. Why is some non-entity called Sophie Duker allowed to come out with a load of garbage about white power & black power before declaring that she wants to kill whitey?
    This is unfunny, disgusting, racist & incitement to violence
    In what world, where they ‘joke’ about killing an entire race of people, is this acceptable?
    Of course Al-Beeb will find no fault in this & continue to think they can ignore the people who fund them, reward themselves lavishly, abuse their position of power and push their left wing agenda. All I can say is please carry on thinking that way because their toes are now dangling well and truly over the precipice of being defunded. There must be a deliberate plan by someone high up in the organisation to press that self-destruct button because no one wishing to save this organisation would, for another instant, allow the nonsense by some of its presenters/performers to continue. If there is such a person, well done – it really is overdue for the BBC to just become part of history.

  19. I don’t understand what these idiots think they’ll achieve with this anti white hate.

    All they’re doing us making me more racist with each passing day.

    A few more months of this and I’ll be invading Poland.

    • Too true Cuntybollocks, especially when you are told that you are in denial if you claim you are not racist.
      These ‘progressive’ woke cunts don’t see how short sighted and regressive their actions are.

  20. I was never a racist until I was told I am racist by a racist ideology that states there is nothing I can do about it, so now I am racist. So fuck em. If you cant beat em join em. Cunts. Its all going to get worse. Well done fuckos.

  21. Considering the shit Jo Brand got for promoting an acid attack on Nigel Farage last year, I’m at a loss with this bunch of cunts. Frankie Boyle has not long come in from the cold of a BBC exile and I used to like him but he can fuck off now and I’ll be cancelling my licence fee. CUNTS!

  22. Sub Primate cunt pissed myself ..Dangerous show peddling hate hate and more hate… Where the fuck are the hate police when you need them … Cunts

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