Sophie Duker and Frankie Boyle’s ‘New World Order’

A cunting please for Sophie Duker and Frankie Boyle’s ‘New World Order’.

Apparently it is perfectly okay for a blick “comic” to go on prime time BBC Television and make violently racist jokes about “killing whitey”.

In a segment where the panelists discussed whether the BLM movement “glosses over the complexities of a world where we all need to come together and kill whitey”, Frankie Boyle played a clip of black author James Baldwin talking about black power during an interview on the Dick Cavett Show in the 1970s.

Responding to said clip, comedian Sophie Duker (me neither) – who has also appeared on something called Eight Out Of Ten Cunts – asserted that “white power” and “black power” are “capitalist myths” that need to be dispelled, before calling “whiteness” a “capitalist structure”.

She then claimed that “white power is Trump Tower” – a nod to Left-wing allegations that the US President is a racist – and joked about “killing whitey”.

“When we say we want to kill whitey, we don’t really mean we want to kill whitey,” said Duker, then quipped to fellow panelists “we do” – to roars of laughter in the studio.

Anyway, fuck off you sub-primate CUNT.

Nominated by: Ruff Tuff Creampuff

102 thoughts on “Sophie Duker and Frankie Boyle’s ‘New World Order’

  1. Will round off my feelings with a few words from the late, great, Bernard Manning, that fit Sophie Dark-Key beautifully:

    “A dog born in a stable, is still a fuckin’ dog. Fuck off!”

  2. I hope this ups the ante for Defund The BBC and those smug cunts Duker and Boyle are the final nails in the ‘Beeb’s’ coffin. The national state broadcaster supposedly serving the British Public and operating on behalf of Her Majesty actually endorsing people to ‘kill whitey’, which is almost everyone who pays the license? Surely this is the last slap in the face? That tree swinging slag might as well have said ‘murder the bastards who actually pay for this programme’. A joke is a joke and enough is enough.

  3. I bet her cunt stinks like the dustbins behind Billingsgate market on a hot day and that her arsehole looks like a prune that’s been trodden on.

  4. Great comedian, but his show is as insipid as dishwater. Really boring too, with no cutting edge to it. Frankie’s faux middle-class tv speaking voice is both annoying and cringeworthy — this warrants a cunting all on its own!

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