
Sociology is a cunt.

There are so many ‘experts’ around these days, usually from some third rate university, telling us how awful white people are and reeling off one dreadful study after another of tosh, bullshit and utter cuntery. White privilege?’ What a load of cunt. From which giant arse-mountain is this unquestioned shit-fountain spurting?

Well I think it’s probably sociology (‘social-science’), an invention of the left, whose insidious pseudo-science took a firm hold in our academic institutions back in the 60’s and whose malignant ideas have since metastasised inside every institution in the land, even central government, rendering them all paralysed when facing down sociology’s obvious idiocy.

Sociology, like a virus, apes genuine science in explaining how the world works and it’s so-called ‘evidence’ has spawned a billion bullshit claims which seem to be held more dearly now than genuine scientific data. Sociology has its own dodgy methods and more often than it should bases its findings on what people feel. So if something is felt by someone to a sociologist it becomes real, no matter how spurious or however motivated. Not only that, if someone feels something and it’s reported by a sociologist it also has to be true for everyone, just like a proper science would expect of its findings. But sociology’s findings are spurious like the emperor’s new clothes. They serve someone’s self-interest. Like white privilege. Or racism.

Very worryingly the increasing acceptance of sociological bullshit has brought in an era of moral-relativism where self-evident and obvious facts have been routinely denied a defence by those authorities who are responsible for them to the point where the firm bedrock of a once civilised and decent society has been eroded into a cloud of doubts. Truth is now nothing more than shouting the loudest while everyone else has to just suck up the nonsense.

Try telling the truth and see what happens. James Watson, DNA pioneer and Nobel Prize winner did just that and lost his job and reputation. Now he was a real scientist.
So to today. Only sociology could back up any of the following and it does with reams of papers to support:

I have a cock and balls and I am a woman.
I have a uterus and a cervix and I am a man.
I am biologically a man, I like to wear dresses and I demand to go to a women’s prison when I am convicted of a crime.
I am a black multi-millionaire, I am free to do as I like, but I am oppressed by white people.
I have lived my life as a free person all my life as have my family back to the time of my great-great-great-great grandparents and I am a direct victim of slavery which was first abolished by the nation in which I was born 200 years later.
I deny free speech to others and seek to persecute others for holding different opinions and they are the Nazis.
I say I believe in democracy but I refuse to allow an open debate on any subject when someone holds a contrary viewpoint and I act to stop others from hearing that viewpoint by seeking to ban them.
I practise a religion which is openly homophobic, misogynistic and racist and if you criticise me for that I will use equality laws against you to get you arrested for a hate-crime.
I am a victim of…..

The list could go on. Sociology is a cunt, sociologists are snake-oil selling cunts and the politicians who are supposed to represent us are cunts for lacking the backbone to confront this shit.

Nominated by: Zippy

35 thoughts on “Sociology

  1. Sociology is just “scientific” socialism. Socialism is lies converted into policy. “The goal of socialism is communism” – Lenin. Cultural marxism and critical race theory is Communism repackaged for the 21st century. All Cuntish bollocks from the biggest cunts on earth with well over a hundred million dead as a result. They are teaching your kids.

  2. There needs to be a ‘Science of Common Sense’, I am sure this would be welcomed by our great institutions, like a wet fart.

    Common sense is sadly lacking in the new order woke landscape and it will get worse unless things like Gender recognition are slapped down as being fucking bullshit. The nom mentions slavery and the constant victim status of anyone who happens to be black, where is the common sense, the only answer to these people Is fuck off because common sense doesn’t exist in their minds.


  3. I made the mistake of studying this crap for my A Levels as I thought it would be fun to try something different. Was it fuck! I wasn’t aware of the political bias at the time but it was quite possibly the most boring thing I’ve ever sat through. Wish I’d chosen geography instead.

  4. I choose Sociology as part of my teaching PE degree, mainly because I couldn’t spell any other of the ology’s and because I was the only fella in a room full of female PE students.

    Course was led by a lezzy lefty Dr flaps licker and I’m extremely proud of the male chauvinist award I received from Ms Dr Lezzy licker after the course.

    I managed to scrape through with a 2.2 by scribbling down women are downtrodden by nasty men folk just enough times in the exam..

    Pile of shite piss easy to pass without any real fucking effort.
    Sociologists are thick up their own arse cunt licking twats..

  5. Doesn’t it just boil down to every group in the country,women/black/mudslime//gay /tranny etc is a victim of nasty middle aged white men?
    But if you’re clever like Lineker and other assorted liberals, you just pretend to be a holier than thou caring sort so you can keep your ridiculously high paid jobs.

  6. I’m thinking it would be of no great consequence if these Sociologists were all rounded up and shot.
    Plot that on a graph you cunts.

  7. Sociology wasn’t an invention of the left, nor has it only been around since the 1960s.

    The term Sociology (the study of society) was first used by Auguste Comte in the 1830s when he became interested in the social changes that took place as a result of the French Revolution and the Industrial Revolution.

    Since then there have been various branches of sociology, some taking a left wing view, e.g. Marxism, others right wing, e.g. Functionalism.

    Functionalist sociologists, people like Talcott Parsons, are largely out of favour now because they argued, for example, that gender inequality is not a bad thing as it exists as an efficient way to create a division of labour.

    The division of labour, Functionalists argue, works to maximise resources and efficiency. Thus women take care of the home while men provide for the family. This contributes to the stability of society as a whole.

    The sociology of common sense.

    Nowadays sociology, like every other educational subject and discipline under the sun, is wholly dominated by lefty woke-ist cunts. But it wasn’t always that way. I took Sociology at A level and have to say I found it an eye-opening and thoroughly enjoyable experience.

    But that was a long time ago….

    I’ll get my coat.

  8. Caveat: I know a sociologist wimminz who despite being a stereotype woke vegan pushbiker is an extremely nice person and very good company. Not in a rumpy way, you understand. I wish.

    Ok, sociology is a pile of crap, and the reason people do it is very largely because quangoes and councils have to employ people with some insight into how people behave because the quangocrats and councillors themselves haven’t a clue. Half of you esteemed cunters might shed a tear if they looked at the wages someone with a sociology degree can pull down…and suddenly realise they should have swallowed their political pride and gone for the big bananas. All the best ads used to be in the back pages of the Grauniad. Surprised? LOL.

    As noted above sociology is the natural preserve of Marxists, just as PPE is the natural preserve of pushy cunts. What did you expect? The offspring of hedge fund managers to take an interest in the poor huddled masses?
    LOL again.

  9. A fucking load of nonsense that will be out of date by the time that you’ve read this.
    When I was younger, homosexuality was a crime. Now it’s a crime to oppose it.
    The only religion protected by law was Christianity. Look at the shit we’re in now.
    Best of the lot, A delinquent, who should have been sent to borstal, was instead sent to Centre Parcs for a holiday by these know-all twats. He spent the entire holiday burgling other people’s holiday lets. What a fantastic punishment. What a cunt’s trick to go on holiday to get away from this sort of shit, only to find out some muesli eating twat has shipped the criminals to the same place at the tax payers’ expense.

  10. I have never heard as much nonsense as that which the “educated” preach at me.
    Glad I was born thick – it helps me to know my place.

    • I cant remember anything at all about it from school?
      Probably busy drawing new logos for the Spiders from Mars or the American werewolf in London.
      Anyway if itd been remotely more interesting than David Bowie or werewolves no doubt id of excelled in it.
      Could be a qualified sociopath by now.

  11. (some of) The people who enjoyed free education and could choose any subject regardless of how many qualified professionals in that field were required now hold positions of authority. Great if you’re building hydroelectric plants or brain scanning devices to cure strokes or developing vaccines to eradicate smallpox. But an awful lot studied crackpottery. (most of whom wound up on the dole) They had to do something. This is what they’re doing.

    • My ex-husband was studying Sociology when we met. I was treated to several years of being analysed “so you have put salad cream on your meal instead of mayonnaise,this means you are social class C3” and so on. I decided eventually that I would retaliate by putting all his pants in the wash,so he had to wear wet ones to work. No laughing matter on a January morning. I don’t know who he thought he was anyway,his family bought him a caravan to live in in their garden when he was about 15 because he was so anti-social,the cunt.

      • Mary-if he was such a cunt, why marry him?
        Obviously ex means you came to your senses
        If you had beaten him to death with a steam iron, I doubt ant court in the land would have convicted you?

      • My first wife died of fungi poisoning, and my second wife died from a blow to the head.
        I hit her because she wouldn’t eat her mushrooms.

      • I never put either on my food, lettuce is lettuce, tomato is tomato, ham is ham, rocket & chicory are rocket & chicory, smoked trout is smoked trout and asparagus and grated carrot and onions and that cheese stuff (Cheddar, Stilton, Gloucester) maybe a pork pie with a pickled onion

        Each with its own place on the plate and eaten in my manner of choosing with no drizzled muck or space-wasting fillers such as mayonnaise or salad cream get fucked – I paid for food not chef’s jizz all over it. If I want that I can do it myself for free. Cunts.

  12. At my university, there was graffiti on the wall, next to the toilet paper dispenser.
    “Sociology degree; please take one.”

  13. Some clever cunt described sociology as “the study of those who don’t need it by those that do”
    ‘Bout right.

  14. Remember Maureen Lipman in the old BT ads. “It’s an ology” A degree for those to thick to gain a worthwhile one, and too pretentious to get a real job.

    • Maureen Lipman ? An offspring of Zyklon-B dodgers that brought us exactly what ? Due to her genetics she was probably paid very handsomely for her work.

  15. I remember back in the 90’s when my Brother was doing A-Level Sociology and saying that the class was filled with angry lesbians/feminists (he couldn’t tell the difference).

    I didn’t take him that seriously at the time as I was a young teenager and was too busy pulling the head off it to pay attention to fads in education but on reflection, he should probably have been taken seriously.

    These Feminist types have no doubt considered themselve’s “progressive” throughout the decades but they are the ones who have stagnated culturally, thus ignored cultural progression (trust me I know).

    During the naughties when every bird and her Mum (literally) had fannies that squeeked like worn fan belts due to lack of minge-mo-hair………… the hippy (progressive) chicks were rocking the pussy perm.

    Slight digression but you get my point. Nothing progressive about a hippy chick who doesn’t shave, doesn’t wash and still thinks that astrology or homeopathy mean anything.

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