Emergency Cunting!
Do you want your children playing a gender-bending, deviant-acceptance dice game in school? Literally ‘tossing the dice’ between anal and oral sex?? Especially now that you’re more restricted than ever from interacting with your kid’s school and what they’re being indoctrinated there??
WAKE UP. If you are parent, STORM the schools and remove your children and keep them well, well away from these state-sponsored fulcrums of fascism.
Nominated by: WokeUpTodayAndRealisedWhatACuntIAm
(This really is the thinnest of thin ends of a very sick fucking wedge! – DA)
What the fucking Hell has happened to my country?
This brainwashing has to be against some law. The dissemination of literature designed to sexually exploit children. I’d say that mind control is exploitation.
Proud trust needs closing down because of this shit. Other organisations are prohibited because of their incongruous beliefs. How can this bunch of sickos get away with it?
Don’t forget, this shit only works if the parents let school teach them everything, and have no input themself. If I had a child that came home from school talking about this crap, I would give them a more balanced opinion of it. Then complain to the school. Sick fucks.
I’m feeling quite queasy now, we were all warned!!!
“What is considered repulsive today will become the normal” said in 1969 and is coming to fruition now!, dirty cunts!!!!
The only comment I can think of is “burn them, and all like them”.
Fucking deviant sickos should be on some sort of register, but not a school one.
The time will come for these creampuff would-be predators and thier enablers. Will be a lot of these types decorating the lamposts when the gloves come off. The only thing you will be teaching children in this country at that point is how to use your dangling corpse as a piñata to play swingball you repulsive subhuman vermin.
This being taught to muslim kids then ?
Like fuck it is only white British children to be sexualised by pedo perverts
No, their kids are getting their heads filled with other shit.
You can bet it’s also not being taught at private schools, this shit is for the masses.
I also doubt rich celebs and politicians are too bothered because their respective kids probably go to private schools, well away from the radical woke shit-storms going on in our public ones.
Very good points. Honestly words really fail me over this sort of deviation. No doubt Dame Kweer strongly approves of these indecencies. All I will say is that in the photo accompanying the nom, it looks as if Peter Mandelson is wearing too much lipstick and eye shadow.
These cunts want to play “educational ” games that teach our children lessons. Fine! Let’s play an educational game. Let’s call it the Julius Caesar game.
Spin the fucking wheel. When it lands on “the ides of March” we, the citizens of Britain will be the Senate and you, the Tranny can be Caesar.
History, literature, culture and justice all rolled into one lesson; And that children is how you deal with tyrants.
Fucking degenerate cunts!
“Infamy daaahling children”
“They’ve all got it infamy”.
A length of hemp. 13 loops and Alfred Pierrepoint. Done.
Just to say: it’s not Fascism- it’s Marxist/Stalinist/Maoism- this is true Socialism
at work: destroy the family, put the children under state control. Cunts.
I’m a (small F ) fascist, and happy to be called one.
Im more a big F fascist and a father of two.
Now adults but remember the white hot heat of anger if any danger to my kids.
Children are innocents.
These fuckin freaks came near my kids id personally execute the cunt, no messing, no mercy, fuck the law, fuck the ducky judge, id put a axe through the cunts skull.
Life sentence?
Head held high.
These cunts are pure evil.
Put them to the torch.
My first grandchild will be born in November; I shall take up the cudgels against this abomination.
I cannot write more as I am raging and in the depths of despair.
A vast quantity of Chilean Merlot beckons.
Further reading:
You couldn’t make up, RTC. Christ almighty….
Just read all of that. Jesus wept.
This is just another short step towards legitimizing child-sex!
This fucking government is quick to jump on right-wingers like Robinson, and hate crime and all that wank. But it seems to sit idly by and let these liberal nutjobs to screw around the innocent naive minds of children.
This latest development scares the hell out of me (and I don’t even have kids!) as to how far these degenerates are willing to push the boundaries of the ultimate immorality.
Meanwhile kids in the Middle-East are halfway through their Jihadi training. This isn’t going to end well…..
I reckon the dice is weighted, it always comes up on Anal Sex ?
To any sane person this is child abuse, where are fucking social services, the Police, it’s perverted!
Nothing against trangender people per se. It’s their choice, their life. However those who see it as their mission in life to ‘educate’ the rest of us, and esp. to brainwash kids, need to be fucking sorted out.
Perhaps we could all dress as women, pretend we’re pre-op and, under the banner of ‘you can’t fucking touch us’ go and crack some heads?
As regular viewers know, I fucking hate kids. And with good reasons.
That said, this is beyond mental. I can’t even begin to imagine what it must be like to be a parent of a young brat in these times. Fined for keeping YOUR child at home for whatever reason rather than sending it to school. YOUR child forced to participate in activities and indoctrination which YOU as their PARENT do not approve of. YOUR child having to compete for school resources with non-English speaking scum, weirdo religious scum and filthy leeching gimmegrant offspring.
How does it not do your head in sending YOUR child to school everyday?
FFS, 20 years ago saying such things would have seen you in jail fo 12 months;the chances of you being alive at the end of the sentence- nil.
Apart from the trans stuff there’s nothing in there that I wasn’t well aware of by the age of 13. But no way would I have wanted to discuss it in a formal school setting with adults.
To paraphrase Pink Floyd: Teacher! Leave those kid’s sexual fantasies alone!
This depraved ‘game’ is sponsored by the ‘Proud Trust’
Proud?? Fuckin’ shame on you. This an alarm call to parents everywhere to rise up and reject all this shit. My despair has reached the point where I’m thinking of turning to religion. (That’s me in the spotlight.)
Miles – could you please send me Father O’Toole’s address – oh, maybe not. They don’t have a great record in this area do they?
Cheap shot there Bertie but I forgive you.
In Shakespeare’s time (The Reformation in full swing) Shakespeare wrote of -‘the whining school-boy, with his satchel andd shining-morning face, creeping like a snail unwillingly to school” but when he got there what did he learn ? Logic, the Classics, History.
“Then the whining school-boy, with his satchel
And shining-morning face, creeping like a snail
Unwillingly to school” still today. But what does he learn when he gets there? Which orifice he should stick his fingers into.
400 years march from Rome.
So, is transgender different to transsexual? Both appear to be manifestations of mental illness. I’m all for humouring them, and trying not to laugh in their faces, as all the ones I’ve seen look like widow twankey at best, but I will not accept it as being normal. There’s far too many of these ‘drag race’ programmes on tv lately, and I wonder who the fuck watches them? The viewing figures for them must be so low, but they have to cram that nonsense in at any opportunity. It’s like the burn loot murder mob, before I was generally uninterested, sympathetic even, but now it’s pushing me towards the opposition. The kickback is going to be a bitch.
The Proud Trust looks like a particularly dodgy outfit, trading on the apparently vast amounts of taxpayers’ money allocated to today’s woke issues. Manchester Council would seem to have a lot to answer for. The Proud Trust has other outlets for your money, including:-
Fusion for black and Asian LGBT people
KICout for LGBT people with experience of being in care
The Young Women’s Health Project for lesbian, bi and pansexual women.
Turtles for 11-15 y-old trans or non-binary or questioning
AfternoonT.E.A. for 16-25 y-old trans people
Highly critical report here:
This is nothing less than lightly sanitised Savile country.
Lock ’em up.
Wok the fuck is happening when pan sexuals attract all the headlines?
Evening K. I posted the same link earlier. Excellent, comprehensive analysis.
Sorry, sometimes skip the proffered links when trying to dig into a nom. No harm in duplicating that one, anyway.
My mate has just landed a job which involves going to house parties and entertaining the children of white supremacists….he’s a Ku Klux clown…
I grew up with the great British tradition of drag. No one does it better than us.. Camp Comedy Are you being served etc . Amazing Channel Four of the 1980s lesbians galore, many a night with my wank sock… School should be about education not indoctrination. Once you leave school your choice is your choice.
The fact that the BBC are complicit in this depraved shit makes it all the more sickening.
They spend taxpayer’s money on deviant dog dirt like Ru Paul’s Drag Race and market it as prime time entertainment. Which – for my money – is a million times worse and more dangerous than The Black and White MinstreL Show ever was. Only recently were some fucks at the ‘Beeb’ slyly hinting that being a p@edo was simply a ‘sexual preference’. Tim Davie must stop all this shit, but I don’t think that is even likely. More on him soon. Very soon.
It’s their last desperate push to get P into the rainbow. The yanks are somehow clinging to the hope that Biden gets elected (if they outright cheat enough); then the quisling likes of Omar and Pressley will lobby congress for Moo-Slime ‘equality’… which of course will involve lowering the age of consent to 9, which will be right up Biden and his chums’ street.
I think Pansexual covers it.
Im not homophobic.
Im many things, but not got a problem with gay people unless they make it a problem, start with the militant shite.
Gay people will be against child predators as Much as straight people and if they arent?
Then they should feed the fuckin flames!
Any adult, black , white, gay straight should abhor n0nc3y types.
Sick dogs need to be put down.
Cheers MNC. I don’t go singing it from the rooftops, but when shit like this comes along I have to speak out, because these cunting fuckers certainly don’t speak for me.
The most sinister thing for me here is their play on words of ‘agenda’ as ‘aGENDER’. Stet with the small a then capitals. This is what this is really all about. Erase the concept of male/female gender from an entire generation, and let this ‘pansexual unicorn’ bollocks take hold amongst the general population.
If this load of cuntwad wasn’t dreamt up by a rainbow-haired, NHS-bespectacled fat lezzo honey monster, I’ll eat my left arm.
The bumbandits did a great job of normalising themselves and selling their disgusting, unnatural practices to the public. It didn’t happen overnight but they are untouchable now. The same process is now happening with n*ncery. It will creep up on you before you know it.
Ask yourselves why our brave fearless conservative government has not got rid of the 1998 unman rights act and Harriet harpersons deviants equality act. Unman rights replaced with Bill of rights, equality act struck from the legislation, not that difficult. If these two pieces of deviant, crime, terrorist enabling shite were confined to the arsehole of history many of the problems affecting our society to day would be one hell of a lot easier to deal with. Just like to point out to my fellow cunters that according to the Harvard university political assessment quiz (think that’s what it was) I was categorised as “Authoritive left” somewhat surprised as I was expecting a more right leaning outcome. In my opinion this crock of shite is child abuse nothing else.
A friend of mine is on a protest in London today! s sent me a video and some still shots. You most likely won’t see this in the press or on the news but the protest is called #SAVEOURCHILDREN- Defund the BBC!!!!!!!!!! It is a protest against this dirty pedo supporting media outlet that exists in plain sight called the BBC!!!!!!!! Thank fuck I will not pay extortion money (tv licence) to fund this filth!
*She sent me
Cool, that reminded me, the petition to revoke the television licence, has well over 100,000 signatures.
Waiting for it to go to parliament.
I assume this is the march to which you refer.
Can’t say I’ve heard of this group before although if it’s origins are the same as the anti LGBT group referred to in the WikiP link below it comes as no surprise that the media provide little coverage. Can’t be seen to upset the alphabets.
Yep, that’s the one she was at.
So a #Saveourchildren protest march with 2000-3000 people in London goes directly to the BBC headquarters, protests outside and doesn’t get one mention on BBC news or as far as I’ve seen so far no other MSM. Imagine the MSM coverage if that march was BLM or another Marxist far left terrorist group like antifa, ER etc.
Do not fund the BBC with your hard earned! Do not bow to the extortion which is called a tv licence, seriously just don’t pay it. If you knew the pleasure I get when I see Gary Lineker’s smug grin knowing I am not chipping in for his wages you would all stop paying the extortion too I can assure you.
Defund the BBC, the perverts they have protected and still protect, their hard left agenda and all their Brexit bias!
Fuck off!
Fuck it, i’ll turn that rant into a Nom!
Just look at that fucking photo!
Two parents sitting there ( I presume they are parents as they have children on their laps but who knows?) watching that filthy pervert brainwashing little kids.
As woke as fuck and, no doubt, congratulating themselves on their woke enlightenment. They know they are better than you so shut the fuck up.
I work with Polish Czech and Slovakian blokes, all reliable fucking hard workers.
People who object to them being here wont have to worry for much longer. Most of them are going back because they won’t tolerate their kids being indoctrinated by this Leftist snowflake perverted cocks in frocks agenda.
They think we are finished morally as a nation and do you know what ? I couldn’t agree more with them.
Take another look at the picture in the nom. The little girl in the blue top looks like she’s thinking “what the fuck is this, I’m scared”. Genetic aberration cunts.