Proportional Representation (PR)
For decades there have been arguments for and against this form of voting system, with supporters suggesting it is far fairer and more representative than the current “First Past The Post” system.
So anyway, I read this news articles this morning, suggesting that PR should replace FPTP purely because it is far more “democratic and thus fairer”
But when you look closer at the article, you realise who wants this to happen: some LibDumb cunt, backed by a Labour cunt. Well what a fucking surprise!
The fact both parties got well and truly shit on in the last 3 elections suggests that no one cares about you or your half-baked undemocratic woke policies, even if it was through FPTP.
Some cunt called “Emma Knaggs” (yes, really!) said in the article, ““The Government has a landslide majority of seats, but this is despite the Conservatives receiving less than 44 per cent of the votes.”
In other words it’s not fair, according to her, and typically the rules must be changed.
Whether PR would have made any difference in the last election is moot, but the whinging from these losers is pathetic beyond belief.
Nominated by Technocunt
Be careful what you wish for.
If Boris doesn’t deliver the goods at the end of the year and if Priti Useless doesn’t stop the illegals crossing the channel, the next election under PR will be won by a coalition of the Brexit party, UKIP and the BNP.
Before we change our voting system, everyone should remember back to 2019 when the LibDems, some poofy Labourites like Mary-Ann Hilary Benn, a few senile Tories like Grieve and Boles gerrymandered to try to stop the democratic vote of 17 million people on Brexit overturned. They tried every trick in the books. The BBC made “stars” or arseholes like Grieve, Soubry and Benn – we had to hear their fucking shit every day.
If we went down this route every sodding rebel in Parliament would win – not the people they are supposed to represent. There would never be stable government.
Yes back in 2017 every man and his dog (or in my case my Dad) voted Tory out of fear due to the looming threat of a commie Labour government.
My Dad and I were former UKIP members but we still voted Tory because we had no other choice…… due to the two party system guaranteed by the FPTP system.
“A vote for UKIP is a vote for the tories”…….. said Labour.
“A vote for UKIP is a vote for Labour”………. said the Tories.
Get my point? People don’t vote on policy, they vote on fear. Fear of the other guy getting in. In a FPTP system there really is only the other guy…… unlike PR. You can actually vote based on your own moral/political basis.
Sorry but I have to disagree with this nomination as it seem thoroughly ill-conceived.
Some say that the threat from UKIP/Brexit Party is what kept the tories on their toes because it threatened their majority. That’s fucking bullshit. It’s the fixed, rigged, two-party system which guarantees the status quo which will rarely, if ever, change.
Granted the Tories hijacked Brexit (I hate that fucking word) and tried to make it their own but in the mean time they also alienated a lot of possible life long members like myself due to that fucking cunt Dominic Cummings and the way he (and by extension the Tory government) treated Sir Nigel. I’ll never forgive the under-nourished, five-headed, speccy cunt for that.
Ooooh, I thin Dominic Cummings might be my next nomination coming to think about it. 🙂
If proportional representation was the system in use, Farage and UKIP would have had a large number of bodies in Westminster, several elections back.
Wasn’t it Churchill who, when asked if the current system is fair, replied along the lines:
“It’s not a good system but it’s the best one we have?”.
The Lib Dem’s will try anything to get a few seats-see the recent comments about giving 12 year olds the vote.
Too true. The LibDems are an entire irrelevance. They might as well join Starmers gang – a load of right-on SJW poofs and students who never grew up. Just like most of the Labour party in fact.
I believe that Churchill was referring to democracy in general being better than fascism, communism, socialism, absolute monarchy etc.
I don’t think he distinguished between Direct Democracy and Parliamentary Democracy. Although I may be wrong.
You’re correct TITS.
Churchill said:
“Democracy is the worst form of government, except for all the others.”
Who cares?
They are all ultra cunts.
The Leftwaffe get hammered here with FTTP so they want it changed to PR. Meanwhile in the US the Leftwaffe lose under the Electoral College (which is a form of PR) but scream about how they got the “popular vote” (which basically means FTTP). They may as well just come out and say “Fix it so we win!”
As Cathy Newman would say “so what you’re saying is…………..”
If at first you don’t succeed and try again and still don’t succeed, pack it in you cunts.
Or as Gaius Julius Caesar used to say (and I am paraphrasing in English)
“Go away and have sex with someone you fucking sad twat”
Thats the trouble – they don’t. Government by any means available for these cunts.
Do you mean sequinned mucus, Quid es cunnus me?
Sequinned mucus is the name of the glam rock band I was in.
Castable votes should be awarded depending on how many acres of land you own…say 100 votes per acre down to minus I0 per Barratt-box artificial-lawn. This would mean that vast landowners were better able to have their views represented…and common types ignored.
There was none of this BLM/trannyism/save the planet nonsense when The Landowners were the real power in the Land.
But they were Normans Dick!
French types!!
Not having that unless you give me land,
Then by jingo!!
All for it*!
*id rear goats on it, and yes I would bum them.
As it is often said, it doesn’t matter who you vote for, the Government alwats get in.
It’s a losers charter. If the cunts were winning, it wouldn’t even be an issue, independence referendums being a classic example, neither the Scots Nazis or the remmoaners would listen to the same argument if they had been successful, they would be harping on about the people have spoken. Cunts, the lot of them.
The Scottish Nazi Party got 80% of the Westminster seats on 45% of the vote in December.
Where I live in the UNITED KINGDOM we have a one party system now it’s run by the Scottish Nazi Party with a mini me krankie hitler type
Fuck thum
New Model Army.
Military coup.
Sack all politicians.
Bring back death penalty. Treason included.
Fuck off all Pikeys and seize all their ill gotten possessions.
Scrounging illegal immigrants ? Repatriate.
Hard working, integrated legal immigrants ? Carry on ?
Been here for years and still can’t speak English ? Fuck off.
Suspend foreign aid.
Get Britain working again, plenty to do,
no one need be idle.
Outlaw unemployment.
Aim for self sufficiency / reliance.
Protect and defend all our territories, airspace and waters, in the most robust manner.
Take no shit, especially from France, Germany, Spain and Argentina.
Erect many more statues, of people like Oliver Cromwell, Elizabeth 1st, Robin Hood, Bomber Harris, etc. etc.
Make the use of full stops mandatory.
Feel free to make your own additions.
Rule Brittania.
Good morning.
One vote from the Fox for JTC!
Why don’t they get dead people to vote like in the Belarus election – loyalty like that you can’t buy!
PR? The person who does not win gets elected? Just get rid of political parties, 500 people actually in the same team.
Cunts, one and all.
Who knew the dead in Belarus were so political?
Yeah Jack would get my vote too!
From tiny acorns….
I suspect Sir Nigel, UKIP and the Brexit Party would strongly take issue with this cunting. As do I.
A few statistics may help elucidate:
Under the first Past The Post system, at the 2015 General Election, with 4 million votes to their name, UKIP were awarded a grand total of ONE seat in the House of Common Cunts to represent said 4 MILLION voters.
Compare and contrast that with the LIBERAL DEMOCRATS who, with 2.4 million votes, were awarded 8 seats…
It gets worse: with a paltry 1.4 million votes, the SCOTTISH NATIONAL PARTY were awarded… drum roll… 56 fucking seats!
UKIP received more votes than the SNP & LibDumbs COMBINED! Yet still ended up with only 1 seat compared to SNP & LD’s 64!
And my party of choice, the MONSTER RAVING LOONY PARTY, with 400,000 votes, received precisely ZERO seats. For the same number of votes the SNP were awarded 15 seats!
Beginning to get the picture?
Meanwhile the Tories with 11.3 million votes ended up with 331 seats, whilst Labour with 9.3 million votes got 232 seats. Between the two of them, that works out at approximately 400,000 votes per seat…
That’s the FPTP system for you. So much for democracy.
On average it took 25,000 votes to win each SNP seat, yet UKIP had 160 times that amount of votes and only ended up with one seat. Is that fair?
But, I hear you cry, the SNP are Remoaners and committed to breaking up the UK, so they deserve to be overrepresented, unlike those far-right extremists UKIP and the Brexit Party.
Had the election been fought under Proportional Representation, UKIP would likely have won 83 seats. Instead, under FPTP, they get 1. How is that fair or democratic?
FPTP is fair and democratic only when there are a maximum of two parties standing. Or when a single issue needs to be decided, as in the Remain /Leave EU referendum
Below is what Sir Nigel had to say about PR vs. FPTP, in an a report published after the 2015 election:
Mr Farage led calls for radical changes to the electoral system after nearly four million people voted for Ukip at the 2015 general election but saw only one MP elected.
The former party leader said the first past the post system was now “bust” and insisted there was a growing demand for it to be scrapped.
Under proportional representation UKIP could have won 83 seats, it emerged.
Mr Farage said: “I do think the system is bust and I do think there’ll be great demand for it to change. One party can get 50 percent of the vote in Scotland and nearly 100 percent of the seats, and our party can get four million votes and just one seat. For those reasons there are a lot of angry UKIP people out there. They’re not giving up on UKIP, but absolutely determined that we get a fairer, more reflective system.”
He added: “But there’s something deeper about this first past the post system. What it’s led to is a General Election in which, because the system that was designed to produce majority government couldn’t do it, there was a totally negative campaign. Everybody says ‘Don’t vote for these guys, they’re slightly worse than us’.”
Despite the surge in the UKIP vote nationally, the only MP returned to the Commons was Douglas Carswell in Clacton, Essex.
In contrast the SNP, which got less than half UKIP’s vote with 1.5million, ended up with 56 MPs out of a total of 59 in Scotland.
Former deputy UKIP leader Paul Nuttall said the current system was an “affront to democracy”.
He said: “The first past the post system was designed for the 19th century and has no place in a 21st century functioning democracy. The fact a political party can poll nearly four million votes and have one seat is an affront to democracy. Electoral reform has to be put back to the front of the agenda.”
In another, later report, Sir Nigel opened his central London speech by stating his party would scrap the first-past-the-post electoral system, instead replacing it with a system of Proportional Representation:
I believe that with a system of Proportional Representation people would feel motivated to vote positively, for who they actually want, instead of being obliged to choose between the lesser of two evils, voting to stop the party they least want to get in.
Unfortunately the Con /Lab /Civil Service axis of evil isn’t interested in PR cos that would work against the cosy little arrangement they have going between them. As far as they are concerned the 60% odd who didn’t vote either Labour or Conservative can go fuck themselves.
Nigel Farage (link fixed – DA)
PS: Just because a LibDumb is in favour of something it doesn’t necessarily mean it’s a bad idea.
If a LibDumb was pro Brexit you wouldn’t think Brexit was a bad idea, would you?
Because, believe it or not, there are a few pro Brexit LibDumbs:
Weird, your last 2 posts weren’t there when I posted the link.
I probably posted my 2 replies while you were checking out the faulty link and busy composing your post. Or something like that. Thanks for the correction anyway.
Can’t disagree with with your arguments RTC, but on the plus side that smug bitch Swinson was booted out so not all bad.
I’ll buy that, with the distinct reservation that after the reform, our politicians would not have changed for the better. Sorry to bang on about it, but the fact that a large proportion of senior pols, their contacts, promoters and influencers, are the products of an Oxford PPE degree, consequently understanding each other very well but the world outside not at all, makes a mockery of any kind of representative democracy. In fact, democracy was healthier when aristocrats from the shires were pitted against working-class union men.
Anyone worried about democratic representation should in any case raze the House of Lords and criminalise the lobbying industry. If MP’s had the status, pay and restricted pension of a binman (no offence to these, much more valuable to society on a daily basis) fewer of them might go for the job’s status and financial opportunities.
These bad losers just want a way to ensure they don’t lose! The Liberal Demoprats will always need to form a coalition as it has been proven that there aren’t enough Liberals voting or even existing here. What a world we are starting to live in, where people can’t accept losing and move on and try to fight to get a result changed. Call me old fashioned but first past the post is the winner isn’t it ?
They should forget all this pretense about ‘democracy’ and all this other bum drizzle. They obviously only respect democracy when it gives them the desired result.
They should just hold a televised parliamentary death battle where all the political parties have to fight until they are the only group standing. I might actually turn on the telly to watch Ed Davey coming to terms with an oxygen free environment as he’s throttled to death in the ensuing melee. Repugnant specimens like Jess Philips would survive as the eye watering aroma of cheese and the kind of BO produced by showering only twice annually , would keep away chancers. Starmer would be as dead as disco in 2 minutes as my sister likely has more testosterone.
Now if only we could lock that cherub faced pole smoker Owen Jones in there somehow, then that would be some telly worth recording! I can imagine the cunt crying “Bu-But…what about uniting to resist the far right!?” as he’s pulled apart by a mob.
I will have some of that! Vote Fox! – Starmer! Get the fuck here, stop hiding behind fatty Abbott!
12 rounds later, all the Politicians leathered, Owen Jones suffocated by having his head shoved up Kweers fragrant arse (its what they both would have wanted), red Jez swinging from Traitors Gate like a Vatican banker – and President Fox in charge.
A top day out, bring the kids!
Democracy in action!
Just watch out for Dirty Diane wobbling up behind you as you’re giving Starmer a pasting Vernon. Don’t want that bloated horror Flabbot sitting on you. The air from your lungs would eject fast enough to cause explosive decompression and i can only imagine the stench of her down stairs after Diane’s many nights of indulgent portions of fried chicken and the resulting nuclear diarrhea.
Take Abbott down first with a good hard leg sweep – might even break a bone or two!
Dominic Raab is a black belt so he would have some fingers in his eyes early doors, takes him out the game then get to work on the others – making sure a cup of tea is available to all combatants after 10 minutes of slaughter of course, no coffee – we aren’t bleeding French, who would probably be snoozing somewhere drunk if it was after 11AM.
Shifty fish thieving snail snafflers – make yourselves useful and get some migrants shot!
Didnt the limp dumbs force a vote on this? When they were at the heady heights of the coalition, they failed and blocked the boundary changes. This still hasn’t occurred. Fuck em, first day of unemployment due to redundancy.
PS: Just because a LibDumb suggests something it doesn’t necessarily mean it’s a bad idea.
If a LibDumb was pro Brexit you wouldn’t think Brexit was a bad idea, would you?
Because, believe it or not, there are a few pro Brexit LibDumbs:
I quite like the French system where you have a runoff between the two top candidates if no-one gets 50%. I also like the German proportional system where parties with under 5% get no seats.
All electoral systems are imperfect. Labour did fuck all about FPTP when they were in power for 13 years. Ditto the Conservatives. You don’t kick over a ladder when you’re standing on top of it.
I live under the gloom of a proportional system.
Firstly it’s compulsory to vote, which gets on my tits.
Then you may want to vote for anyone who’s not one if the big two parties, but because he’ll not get enough votes you have to pick another, and if he doesn’t another and so on.
If there’s 10 candidates on the ticket you number them all and even if you put labour last and conservative second last, the person at place nine gets your votes.
Some may think that’s good, but if you viscerally loathe both of them they are still forcing you to pick from the status quo.
If PR is the solution Liverpoooool FC should hand back the Prem Title as all the other teams collectively got more points
In politics we simply have too many MPs. Just have 2 or 3 per county.
PR ends on fractured government that never does fuck all.
I’m not sure the puppet masters really give a flying fuck what system we use to elect officials, I’m guessing FPTP is the cheaper option but money was never a problem. Will we ever get Brexit done? Look at the utter fucking carnage to get us even this far. What sort of a country is it when you, by default, find yourself opposing everything said by every single one of these quisling cuntpuppets? FFS
The lib dums would soon be crying foul if a rightish wing party started get higher numbers of votes under PR and there was a a lot of racist, fuck LGBT types in the commons.
The Lib dums want a Parliament made up of wet fucking soy boys.
Fuck them, I know what we have is shit but it’s better than a lot of other shit around the world.
When Scotland fuck off it will be a whole lot better.
Party politics will never serve the Country or represent the people. Three competing business rivals forced to share the same office space and work together on a difficult project whilst simultaneously stabbing each other in the back and constantly manoeuvring for power and control.
How the hell could that ever work?
No parties, 500 normal people on fixed five Year contracts, 200 members of the HOL on the same basis.
This will save a shed load of cash which funds the political machine direct from the treasury and save politicians getting the begging bowl out and giving tax breaks to corporations as an inducement to bribery.
The system we have is lousy, PR would just make it more unaccountable and we need to try something different – that works.
Don’t forget to nuke Whitehall. You need to have five years of work to vote, MPs need ten. Nah, MPs chosen via random involuntary induction from industry, a bit like the jury system. Mandates determined by national preferences garnered using secure IT. Like the education system it seems you need pure genius to find a way to make things actually worse than they are, and yet. Fuck this for a game of soldiers.
Make sure that every year 100 are replaced, that way you get some, perhaps, fresh minds but with continuity.
The cunts in the HOP only care about you on election day, as soon as they have you vote you can fuck off as an irrelevance till next time. I would not piss on any of these vermin if they were on fire. They make out as if they hate each other but make sure back scratching goes on, nothing said when a cunt gets another job for mega money in the city whilst still being a M P. All politicians are cunts imo. £10000 they got for lockdown and vast swathes of the self employed recieved nothing.
Me being one of the self employed who have received nothing while Rishi Sunaks Father in law has grabbed a fortune, Dick Branson the gypsy spaceman and professional tax dodger has had a fortune, HMRC have accidentally overpaid hundreds of millions of Pounds which they are not bothering to get back and 3+ million sole traders and self employed have had the precise sum of fuck all.
Sunak is an arrogant little rat bastard, and I am part of a campaign group called ExcludedUK which is getting more and more public, media and political support.
Sunak has to go.
To my shame had 2 grants off Rishi Suntan.
The first I spent on a perm (because im worth it)
And the second on a Banksy.
But think its a pisstake that people like you were fiddled out of receiving any help.
So Rishi can get fucked.
Even though im happy with my perm.
Wasn’t there a vote on some form of PR in 2011 (AV) it was soundly rejected by a minority who could be bothered to vote ?
This always irritates. Those who call for proportional representation are total fuckwits.
The purpose of a government IS TO GOVERN (are you listening, Boris)
It is NOT not to be representative – the idea is so fucking stupid it is beyond belief that anyone could possibly think this.
The system, as is, gives geographic representation and MPs should represent the viewpoints all of their constituents, whatever the demographic (David Lammy, please take a note). Representation is built in to sufficient levels.
They were all very quiet when His Toniness won in 1997 despite getting fewer votes than the Tories. The electoral boundaries gave him seats with about 10k votes but Tories needed some 25k to get the same. No mention of having constituencies the same size and all the “Rotten Boroughs” benefited them. Naturally the Blair Brown Broadcasting Company remain entirely in favour of anything to benefit the “Kings over the Water”.
Apparently we had a referendum in 2011 on PR and we said no by 68% to 32% yes. Oh yes, that’s right, Liberal Dumbocunts don’t respect referendums.
The referendum concerned the Alternative Vote system, which is not the same as Proportional Represention.
oops, got that wrong then! I stand corrected.
Speaking of Democracy, voting and and respecting the notion of majority rule , How’d that Brexit thing work out for you guys?