(Apparently, she has “self-cancelled” in shame! – DA)
I cannot tell a lie, as we are dealing with the George Washington University, so oi vey, have I got some chutzpah for you in the shape of Ms. Krug, a white academic
Jewish woman who has spent her life, and had a very well paid job as a professor already, posing as a black woman:
It seems the dear lady decided to “come out” yesterday as it seems she would otherwise be outed, as another white/black female academic was 5 years ago.
Surely this is cultural appropriation with knobs on.
As that woman on Russell Howard’s Good News used to say “liquid ass”.
If there is any justice the old fraud will lose her job and find employment at KFC. Fries with that please Jess.
Nominated by: W.C. Boggs
…and seconded by Cuntstable Cuntbubble
How’s about a belly laugh of a cunting for this woke, victim, identity cunt.:-
A prominent activist and professor of African American history at George Washington University has admitted that she has been pretending to be a black woman.
Jessica Krug, 38, wrote on the blog website Medium that her various identities have been built on a “toxic soil of lies” and she is in fact a white Jewish woman from Kansas City.
In a now-deleted online biography, Ms Krug referred to herself as “an unrepentant and unreformed child of the hood”.
Oy Vey, a child of the ‘hood. Fuck me drunk what is it with these needy fuckers.
Anyway, it cheered me up on a grey morning.
I am tempted to try it to see how far I get. I have da dar-key skin and dark hair with a wider than average nose. But I would need to grow my hair and have it tightly permed.
Ma’am my, where bees dat waddymelon n sheet.
Yo fam, best we can do is a shadow cabinet position, Stormzy’s Glastonbury support act, and the lead in the next Star Wars film.
Hasn’t some cunt denounced the term ‘shadow cabinet’ racist yet?
Diane Flabbot’s got a five o’clock shadow but it arrives at half 3.
Whenever libtards get tripped up like this they are soon forgiven by their fellow libtards and their media friends sweep it under the carpet.
Take Elizabeth Warren, libtard bitch, who pretended to be directly descended from Native Americans until exposed as a fake and a liar. The old slag is still in The Senate mouthing Tangoman bad every five minutes. Fuck the libtards.
The left is tearing its self apart and I am really enjoying the show????
Just another DEMONRAT, with a RAT’S NEST atop her head.
Or, is it a ‘her’, thinking about it.
Silly bitch, next.
That summed it up rather well Bb! ??