Jessica “Am not really Black” Krug

(Apparently, she has “self-cancelled” in shame! – DA)

I cannot tell a lie, as we are dealing with the George Washington University, so oi vey, have I got some chutzpah for you in the shape of Ms. Krug, a white academic

Jewish woman who has spent her life, and had a very well paid job as a professor already, posing as a black woman:

It seems the dear lady decided to “come out” yesterday as it seems she would otherwise be outed, as another white/black female academic was 5 years ago.

Surely this is cultural appropriation with knobs on.

As that woman on Russell Howard’s Good News used to say “liquid ass”.

If there is any justice the old fraud will lose her job and find employment at KFC. Fries with that please Jess.

Nominated by: W.C. Boggs

…and seconded by Cuntstable Cuntbubble

How’s about a belly laugh of a cunting for this woke, victim, identity cunt.:-

A prominent activist and professor of African American history at George Washington University has admitted that she has been pretending to be a black woman.
Jessica Krug, 38, wrote on the blog website Medium that her various identities have been built on a “toxic soil of lies” and she is in fact a white Jewish woman from Kansas City.
In a now-deleted online biography, Ms Krug referred to herself as “an unrepentant and unreformed child of the hood”.

Oy Vey, a child of the ‘hood. Fuck me drunk what is it with these needy fuckers.
Anyway, it cheered me up on a grey morning.


93 thoughts on “Jessica “Am not really Black” Krug

  1. This one and that Dolziel woman should be snapped up by the CIA.

    Seriously, they were clearly whiter than milk and nobody noticed that they weren’t black for decades.

    A bit like Dan Ackroyd’s rasta impersonation in Trading places. But successful.

  2. A child of the hood? Which hood? Tel Aviv? Haifa? – we need the flying Rabbi to sort this mess out!

    • This is my favourite story of the month!
      The left conning the left.
      She had grant money, all sorts of financial aid and took the piss massively.
      She called a neighbour ‘white trash’!?
      And loved to play the oppressed minority.
      Shame, middle class jewess!?
      So pissed off and angry faces both black and white at her university,
      She should of brazened it out I think,
      When harassed by journalists said
      “Goddamn sucker! Git your fool asses out of the way, cant choo see a sista is walking here?”..
      An sucked her teeth.

      • I cant do links but check out Rachel Dolezal a former civil rights activist and BLM agitator, Shaun ‘Talcum X’ King. Both piss taking frauds.

      • Seen em LL.
        They just had a perm and were set for life!
        Till those pesky relatives grassed!
        Like Gene Wilder in ‘Silver Streak’
        “IM BAD!!
        Anyone put a link on of this?

      • Lol?

        I often wondered why Tracey Ulman has disappeared from our idiot box again-now we now.
        Will they exhume St George of the blessed chiggun and Lenny Henry will whip of the false beard and scream:
        “Suprise-Katanga my friends, ha, ha,ha!”

        Who next, Jimmy Cricket as Boris?

  3. Not very gravy that.
    How thick are the cunts?
    Anyhow I’m glad she’s fucked off.
    Got the receipt for your grant money?

  4. Maybe they should change the name of the university from George Washington to Ray Charles Univeristy as you’d have to be fucking blind to think she was black, utter cunt!

  5. the world continues to go absolutely mad – why?
    it’s bad enough going to bed these days without having to get up each new morning and find something else has gone fucking bonkers – what is this fuckwittery all about – do they all want to be on the telly and be famous?? – fuckin’ hell i’ve had enough allready?????

    • You’ve had enough? Well, sorry to disappoint you but there is a long line of similar loons just waiting to fuck up your sanity.

  6. A jëw making money by pretending to be jîg?

    The birds are singin’, it is springtime
    The banjo’s strummin’ soft and low
    I know that you, yearn for me too
    Swanee, you’re calling me.

  7. So the question is; why would a bagel snapper from the midwest pretend to be a schvartze from the east coast?

    It does makes one wonder about the whole white privilege thing.

      • I’m glad you’re one of his fans LL, like me.
        In order to make sense of this fucked up world, I often turn to him for reassurance!
        Love the way he delivers knowledge on paper reviews in such a deadpan way!

      • Actually, Bertie my question was rhetorical in nature but you are dead bang, right on, with the identity politics thing.

        The politics of racial grievance in the US is a multi-billion $$$ industry. Jesse Jackson (arguably) invented it…Al Sharpton (arguably) perfected it…thousands of lawyers have exploited it…and hundreds of big corporations pay for it…all in the name of social justice.

        In addition no one ever talks about “black privilege”. I define that as:

        The perversion of civil rights laws that gives Blacks preference in hiring/housing and other social matters while making them immune from disciplinary action and entitling them to a myriad of government entitlements. It also grants them free leave to commit crimes and atrocities while insulating them from them criticism and or legal repercussions.

        And it instantly conveys victim status to all who qualify simply because they were born into and exist in a self perpetuating racist society.

        The ungrateful cunts should be thanking Jesus, Allah and their pagan gods that my ancestors bought their ancestors and brought them to the New World.

        Otherwise they’d be back on the Dark Continent and that fucking mud puddle they all drink out of would have dried up a long time ago.

        Fucking ungrateful, entitled, savage cunts.

    • I was really sad to hear that. Years ago, long before Mrs Boggs had grown to her current size, I used to look at Mrs. Peel and realise that I had the wrong woman. I will always remember coming from behind the chaise longe blowing the smoke off her gun, in figure hugging leather . My hand used to get quite clammy – and then was Mrs. B (pre soap-operas) munching her Maltesers, a bit of a porker even then. The end of an era.

  8. She had a deprived childhood. She thought she lived in the state of Kansas, but Kansas City’s in Missouri*. Deception became the norm for her.

    *Little-known FACT, for non-students of the US

    • To add to the confusion, across the Missouri River from Kansas City, Missouri is…Kansas City, Kansas.

      That might help explain her dual identity. ?

  9. See, here we go again – African American history. What fucking history other than picking cotton and inventing the blues (ok – that’s quite an achievement).

  10. What the fuck is wrong with people. Her for pretending, and everyone else for not noticing the fucking obvious!

    • Everyones confused!
      Racially, sexually, whatever.
      Went to see a ‘the wall’ live in concert by a chinese tribute band..Chink Floyd.


      • The Moody Jews? ???.

        Top effort there Miserable. Plus, the MJ may not have subjected us to that fucking dirge “Nights in White Satin”. A pile of wank if ever there was

      • Why dont you throw one in kiwicunt?
        Puns are great arent they?
        Obviously a English invention.
        Did you want to start?

      • Heres one,
        Did you hear about the kiwi guitar instructor?
        He was arrested for fingering a minor..

      • Ummm…band name puns. This isn’t my creation but one I heard that made me laugh and always stuck was The Strolling Bones (Rolling Stones)

      • Remember a 1960s pop group called The Lovin’ Spoonful?

        Well I give you Dianne Abbott, Dawn Butler and Emily Thornberry as – The Lovin’ Shovelful.

      • WC- both The Lovin Spoonfull and our own 10cc were named after the average amount of jitler produced during jiggy-jiggy.

        If I had been a member, they would have been called The drownin cupfull and Nurse I need a bigger syringe, respectively ???

  11. Bit like Ali G. Is it cos i is black? Seems you don’t have to have even lightly tanned skin to fool people that you’re black.
    Is the reason that she’s desperate to be a victim? If so, why?

  12. Can’t say as I’ve heard of the woman in the nom, but as I understand it, she’s a whitey who pretended to be black so she could bang on about white privilege? Or something like that.

    A weird cunt and no mistake, it would seem.

  13. I don’t think she’s a cunt she’s a genius, she’s took the University money and laughed at them and preventer it going to some BLM cunt we should celebrate her.

  14. Krug really is piece of shit. A couple of years back, a 15 year old boy was hacked to death at grocery store in New York by a machete wielding gang of Hispanic descent in a case of mistaken identity. Apparently, the boy had been a member of the NYPD’s Explorer program, and wanted to be a police officer. When Krug heard about it, she publicly called the boy a collaborator and said the murder was justified. And that is just one of the many reasons that I despise the far left. To make statements like that about any innocent person is disgusting. To make them in relation to the horrific murder of a 15 boy, that makes you an especially disgusting piece of shit.

    At the end of the day though, no matter what Krug thinks about that boy, at least his family can take comfort in knowing that, unlike Krug, he was a decent, community minded, HONEST person. Unlike Krug aka Rachel Dolezal MkII.

  15. This cock holster justifies her bent actions with some half arsed story then expects to be rewarded. Seems about the normal state of affairs.

  16. This is the “Emperor has No Clothes” story where a little boy has to point out the obvious, i.e. that the king is bare arse naked . Did no-one ever say to Mz Krug, “You don´t look very or even remotely black to me”?

  17. I give up.
    I’m not sure if I’m even white anymore.
    I blame Nike trainers, everything was fine until they got popular.

    • Nike? Great British company – Made by Nige and Mike in a shed in Wakefield!
      Everyone knows that! ?

  18. I kind of like it! Somebody stealing a living from American wokeademia by pretending to be black. Serves the cunts right.

  19. I am tempted to try it to see how far I get. I have da darky skin and dark hair with a wider than average nose. But I would need to grow my hair and have it tightly permed.

    Ma’am my, where bees dat waddymelon n sheet.

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